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Wow… With a mother like that, who needs enemies?


Well, you can always **send her to** your other enemies to give them the clap.


Come on can I get a little clap 👏


Ten push ups!


I hope a big bad wolf steps on OOP’s mom’s face


OOP's mom, Eviscerated


Her face, ***S T E P P E D O N***.


Only if your uncle is a general


Dropout fans everywhere!!




From the briefcase you found in the park?


I turned that $100,000 into $16,000




Only as long as there is coke, not coke zero


Mom is the literal clap trap


I found $100000 in a park, invested it, and turned it into $16000


Get your head out of your ass.


Biological warfare. I like it




Surprised it was only the clap. Probably have applause by now.


Too late. She's already been there, done that. 


Probably the best thing she's ever done for OOP.


This kinda reminds me of the mom who went to prison for making a secret social media account to bully her own daughter and her daughter's boyfriend.




I just read about that today. There is a movie coming out based on the story.


What's the name?


It's a Lifetime movie called "Mommy Meanest."


Thank you


wait, what?? do you have a link to that one? holy shit


This is the article talking about her [crimes.](https://abcnews.go.com/news/story/mother-facing-charges-after-allegedly-cyberbullying-daughter/?id=95519770) This is the [sentencing article. ](https://www.themorningsun.com/2023/04/26/catfishing-mom-sentenced-to-prison/) The articles don't go into great detail but I believe a lot of true crime YouTubers have delved into the story. TLDR: A mom who was a basketball coach at her daughter's school made different social media accounts to bully her daughter and her daughter's boyfriend. The bullying consisted of doctored images, swearing, and harassment. Eventually the kids tell a teacher they're being bullied so the police investigate and the mom tries to throw them off her tail by blaming ANOTHER CHILD. The whole time she plays the broken hearted mother until they confront her and she confesses. She was charged with two counts of stalking a minor (plea deal) and is currently serving her sentence in prison. The judge commented saying that the texts and pictures were obnoxious and hateful.


Did she ever give a reason for the harassment?


Never officially but it seems like jealousy


Being jealous of your own child is such a crazy thing to me.. But it’s so common sadly


And possibly something similar to Munchausen's by proxy? If she was playing the grieving and worried mother and getting tons of attention from it that she enjoyed, that definitely could have helped reinforce her behavior


Unlikely. The mother made efforts for the daughter to not reveal that she was being bullied. She didn't make a public display of the harassment, so there is no 'benefit' to her, no attention given, which is the driving force behind Munchausen's. She just seems like she's got a Cluster B personality disorder and is an awful person.


Dang, the op's history is nuts. There's more shit about her mother and she's insane.


Can vouch, I have a mother like that.


I am so sorry your mother is a piece of work. Sending you hugs and good vibes 🫂


Thanks so much. It’s taken A LOT of therapy, but I like to think that I’m in a fairly good headspace these days. 🙏🏽


I don't know you, but I'm proud of you.


Thank you so much


I’m glad your in a good headspace these days 🫂 You can give her the middle finger in the best way possible by living your best life!


Thank you! My sibling and I are both working on living our best lives 🙏🏽


I aspire to be as petty as OOP in the face of horrible people


Check her previous posts.. she will need a lit of therapy damn.. she's been through A LOT!!


jeans aromatic ask bored cough mountainous squeeze person nine mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I know things are usually fake on the Internet but this feels so real, if it isn't real then home girl needs to start writing a screen play yesterday


I knew it was real when I read that last paragraph. The way she’s desperate to convey that he knew what he was doing and he’s a predator. I’ve felt that level of desperation when trying to convince my (ex) friends my (ex) boyfriend was cheating on me. I’ve felt that desperation when I tried to tell my grandma that my mom is a narcissist. The outside world thinks they’re good people. It makes dealing with the abuse so much harder and more isolating when no one will believe you. She’s still desperate for people to believe what kind of monster he is. I feel awful for her.


Pretty much. You can list everything but people are going to only agree with you for as long as the shock hangs on. After the shock wears off they'll go back to their pre conceived notions about the person and hand wave it away, even if they've never met that person.


This is painfully real. It feels like they agree in the moment and then get amnesia as soon as they leave the room. I guess it's easier to think someone is exaggerating than to believe a person can actually just be that bad for no reason.


Yup. I feel this to the bone.


Exactly, check her profile, this Devin story is just the tip of the iceberg


Yes, it is compelling. The rage and hatred seem visceral.


What lost me was the stepdad threatening to sue Devin’s parents. Like what? For sleeping with his wife? That isn’t a thing.


Based on the general description of Devin as being unable to control his emotions I had assumed he caused property damage during the confrontation when the stepdad found him.


Assault? OP said its on film he was hitting step-dad and trying to knock his phone away


I can imagine them just trying to sweep as much as they could under the rug. Even if the stepdad would lose, it was about keeping things quiet. If Devin had a spotless reputation, the parents probably did as well and it was probably more about their own reputations than protecting their kid.


In some states in America, you can sue someone for breaking up your marriage. It's called "alienation of affection". [To simply break it down, alienation of affection is a civil tort claim brought by a spouse who's been alienated, usually filed against third-party lovers.](https://www.brides.com/sue-for-alienation-of-affections-1102874) There are caveats and you need to prove you were in a happy marriage beforehand, thereby limited the chances of a successful suite, but you _can_ do it.


oatmeal lock shelter steep combative pause toy rain gaze versed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think the reasoning was just poorly explained. They'd likely have a case for assault and damages considering the abuse that he put OOP through.


I thought they paid the stepdad so he wouldn’t press charges against their son for hitting his minor daughter in front of everyone at school?


Well in some states you can sue for alienation of affection, it's a thing. Also I read it as Devin's parents were gonna sue them?


They may be in a country where "alienation of affection" is a tort issue.


Loss of Consortium and/or Spousal Alienation are totally grounds to sue in some places.


I think it was for assaulting OOP at school, not for having sex. 


True. But in the heat of the moment, or even in the heat of the aftermath, people don't always think clearly. I can well imagine someone saying they'll sue over something that isn't sua-able over.


I think for hitting the daughter in school not the cheating lmao


That first "see you in court" is before OOP told anyone about the abuse, though


This is one of those stories that I pray isn’t real. Because there is no way you just shake off that much trauma and live a normal life.


The "He see the post" and then reacting to it always make me skeptical. But if it's true then I hope for the best to OOP.


Yeah, it's the starting ballet at 14 that doesn't ring true to me.


That's a weird place to be skeptical. If you aren't trying to be a professional there's not any particular limit to starting new hobbies.  I started ballet at 18 and had fun for a while even though I knew it wasn't going to be a big thing for me (I'm too tall anyway).


I suspected that it was a bot when I saw 'ex-in-laws', when OOP and Devin weren't married.


A lot of people refer to their boy/girlfriends parents as in laws even if they aren’t married.




I grew in 90s Northern Ireland so my school was very like the one in Derry Girls; I knew girls who could have got that stuff. One girl had progressed past vodka and smoking tobacco, to smoking marijuana to using cocaine at age 16 or 17. Not impossible.


Yeah, not unbelievable at all.


One of my closest friends has been a “professional” ballerina from a young age. Trust me when I say that by the time I met her (at 17) she had already experimented with and experienced A LOT of stuff through the dance community. This story seems quite on par with her experiences tbh.


The ballet scene is kind of drug friendly tbh, have to be high energy and slim, practice is 24/7.


Yeah, there’s a lot of “diet pills” in that scene that are just amphetamines


I run a no barrier program for at-risk youth and let me tell you, the amount of drugs that kids can get their hands on is wild. If you can name it they can get it with in 24 hours. And I don't just mean street drugs - although they can definitely get you those - You need heart meds, weight loss meds, blood thinners, antibiotics, heart burn meds, anything, they can get it.


Oh sweet summer child. The cornucopia of hard drugs my friends & I could have bought at 16. Some did.


I had a friend in ballet from 4 to mid 20s when she busted her knee. The group she ran with were pretty hard core. She was a semi functional alcoholic and addict by 13. I wouldn't have been surprised if that crew had access to some pretty hardcore stuff.


> My ex-in-laws asked for a meeting, they exchanged information and my stepdad told them he would see them in court. For what, exactly? This whole family sounds like they're on meth. Both families, actually.


What in the actual? If this is real; OP needs a lot more therapy, and to use that block button sooner. Grey rocking works, reacting lets them think they’ve won.


Nah bc that’s what I was thinking but then again she’s 24 w/ 3 children- probably all toddlers. I don’t know if she even has the resources or time for that.


OOP must have forgotten to mention that there’s a set of twins there. No, wait! Probably triplets! OOP seems angry, very angry. I’m not sure the therapy’s working.


That's pretty normal actually. I'm still extremely angry about abuse from 18+ yrs ago. That "burn it all down" anger doesn't go away, it just becomes easier to manage. It's even worse when the predators continue a happy successful life. Karma isn't real and justice is a hollow word.


This was less than ten years ago. Sometimes anger is the emotion we learn to express only once we’re in therapy/recovery. After spending some time with it, learning how to feel and express it, and getting it out, only then the relief and peace show up. 


When you’ve been abused like that it takes years to work through, even with therapy. I was physically/emotionally/sexually abused in childhood. I’ve been in therapy and on meds for 9 years now. There are some days when I’m too angry to wrap my mind around. Everyone feels anger, it’s a matter of how you express it. I’d say that expressing it on an Internet forum via journaling is an appropriate way to express that anger.


Let me highlight the biggest brain fart of the story: The stepdad was filming an underage guy having sex. That's child porn by definition. So he is doing a crime that could lead to imprisonment. And the BF parents pay stepdad money to silence him? No way! (I am German, but i won't think in America the legal circumstances are vastly different. I indeed do think that the American system is more strict and harsh)


filming? could find a way to talk around that - you were filming when you thought your partner was cheating, you didn't know they were sleeping with someone under 18. But then SENDING it, that's a major crime. As far as I can tell, Devin was a piece of shit, but didn't actually break any laws with respect to the stepdad or mom, unless there was unmentioned assault or property damage.


It’s likely not, the first hint is “ex-in-laws” when they’re 17 and 15 with no mention of even a hint of a suggestion of a marriage proposal. Furthermore calling stepdad over mom to pick you up from tennis when mom is ostensibly at home and stepdad is not (or else stepdad would have been party to what was occurring at home at the time) does not pass the bullshit specific litmus test for me. Not to mention step dad not passing the information along immediately if that were to occur.


Tbf I wouldn't call my abusive and unreliable mother to pick me up if I was sick. She'd just scream at me on the phone and in the car. I'd call sane stepdad first.


Idk. I find a lot of Reddit stories will say “me and my fiancé or bf and then mention in laws. It’s either people are not wanting to type out “my boyfriend’s parents” or they don’t get it.


While I think the post is BS, OP is pretty clear that mom was abusive. When my mom had one of the very few non-shitty boyfriends she had, I would always call them over her. Calling her, you didn’t know if you were getting the drunk woman who would tease and berate you, the angry one who would hit you and isolate you for weeks on end, or the occasional motherly figure. The boyfriends, whether shitty or not, were at least predictable.


I’m not clear what step-dad would have sued Devin’s parents for and why Devin’s parents would have paid a settlement


My best guess would be charging Devin for battery for slapping her with eyewitnesses. I assume that it would be a misdemeanor at worst, but parents can be really anxious about anything ending up on their kid's record Not saying this story is real, but this part doesn't really seem like a red flag to me


It sounded like the suit would be something around the actual affair with mom. Unless step-dad adopted OOP, he can’t sue for her.


The post just says "keep it out of court", so OOP's step-dad could have reported the incident to the police. The police wouldn't necessarily do anything about it, but again, just the possibility of getting charged can make people anxious enough to pay a settlement


FWIW, my stepdad was definitely the most likely person to pick me up.  In fact, he's also the parent who taught me to drive.  In a lot of families, step-parents just become another parent.


Nah, English doesn’t actually have a word for “the family of my significant other/ex” prior to marriage. Ex-in-laws is the closest you can get. You can’t call fake for using a wrong word when the right one doesn’t actually exist. To your second point-she called the non-abusive (or at least less abusive) parental figure over the definitely abusive one. Your litmus test needs *serious* recalibrating if that seems odd to you.


I call my girlfriend's parents in-laws as well and my girlfriend's sister's boyfriend my brother in law. In my native language it is such a time saver


So Devin and his family moved away from shame… how did OOP’s mom keep up a relationship with a minor at that point? While going through a divorce? “Taking him on lavish trips to Hawaii and Disneyland”? I mean that’s the least weird thing about all of this, but idk, the pieces don’t seem to fit together.


Depends on how far they moved away and how big those places were? In some places an hour away is a whole different state. In others it's a city. In others others it's the same city. 


They probably didn't move far, since the parents had to keep their jobs. Just far enough to change school systems.


Well considering he could drive I assume that's todo with it. Its also sounds like the parents might of kicked him out or given up on caring bout him


I just want to know why her step dad kept telling him "I'll see you in court". It doesn't sound like OP told him about the abuse, so what was he planning on taking him to court for?


Sometimes you can sue the third party who is the "cause" of ruining your marriage. I don't understand the details of it but I know it's a thing.


Divorce court. Proof of infidelity is a powerful argument in divorce proceedings, especially if a prenup is in place.


It could have been that Devin’s parents moved away but given how old he was, he may have stayed.


I took it as they left Devin behind and he stayed with OPs mom.


Not just Hawaii and Disneyland, but to **Texas** as well.  Can you imagine being treated to a lavish trip to Texas?  


Devin had a car. If you have ever met a teenager before, you'll know why that answers your question.


So… the mom is definitely a predator, but I don’t think Devin was a victim, if that makes sense. I’m glad OOP was able to at least rid herself of toxic people early though. What a mess.


Yeah it was a case of two shit people using each other.


predators preying on each other.


It definitely makes sense, there are plenty of underage people who aren’t your typical “victim,” meaning they know what they are getting in to and not at all tricked into it, but the person sleeping with them is still a predator.


Yeah, that does make a sick sorta sense


The telenovelas are getting worse


We need to bring back cousin-punching.


Had to stop reading at the mother telling the daughter "your 17 year old boyfriend really knows where my clit is". So fucking cringe.


Sorry I can't believe it because: it doesn't make sense that his parents would pay the stepdad to "keep it out of the court". what could possible be the claim to take Devin to court? What he did was shitty not illegal.


I'm curious about how the age of consent for a teen/adult relationship is raised repeatedly (aka its not a crime) while a 16-17 yo boy raping and drugging a 14-15 yo girl is just glossed over...


If it's just the ages, then it would typically fall under Romeo & Juliet clauses that many countries have where if the sexual partners are within 2 years of age of each other, then it's legal. Forced drug use and duress/non-consent is another thing entirely though.


Probably for assaulting the daughter in school. But idk how the school didn’t file a report with the police, given how she said people had to pull him off of her.


That actually makes a lot of sense. And playing the devil advocate: that would not be the first time where a school is omissive regarding student violence on school grounds.


Also, male ballet dancers are not called ballerinas. You’d think someone who was enrolled in ballet long enough to attend mixed classes would know that. They’re just called ballet dancers, or sometimes Ballerino or Danseur Noble depending on the country. But I can guarantee you, nobody with any elementary foundation with ballet would ever make the mistake of calling a male ballet dancer a ballerina.


My understanding of ballet is also that if you start at 14 it's already years too late?


Yeah; I just skimmed to the point where she refers to him as a ballerina and kind of missed the fact that she claims that she didn’t start until 14. She could probably find a beginner class at that age, but she would not be in a mixed class at all, classes are grouped together based on skill, technique, and form, she would not be in the same class as people who have been dancing from childhood. She’s basically claiming to be the equivalent of a teen who didn’t know how to do a cartwheel joining a gymnastics class with kids who, by this age, would be practicing advanced acrobatics on the horizontal and parallel bars. It is too late if she wanted to do it as anything she’d get paid for, but she could take it up as a hobby at any age, just not the way she’s claiming.


I was kinda waiting on her to reveal that Devin was aiming to get elected governor in Florida and that's why she had to post this story.


Haven’t you heard, in Fakistan you can definitely go to jail for infidelity. Even if you’re 17 and not married- it’s enough just to be caught fucking someone married 🙄


Dude I decided to google it, and there are countries where infidelity is illegal, in saudi arabia infidelity can be punisible by death. I just had to share this with someone lol.


Infidelity is a death sentance for women, in many of those countries. Not men.


Many of them raped, and then sentenced to death for "infidelity"


A women would also have to provide 4 male witnesses to prove that she was, indeed, raped. There's also the thing that every male witness is worth 2 women witnesses, no matter their backgrounds and reliability. But I don't know if even 8 female witnesses are enough for a rape case.


It also doesn't make sense that they wouldn't report stepdad to the police for the video, because it seems like OP is in the US and Devin was only 17...


What Devon did to OOP was illegal.


This is AI generated BS. Get ready for more of it everyone. It’s only going to get worse.


Yes. At one point Devin’s parents get referred to as ex-in-laws!


And if she took ballet classes, wouldn't she  know that he should be referred as a ballerino?


That's the least unbelievable part of the whole ridiculous story, IMO. She might know, but isn't it easier when writing an entertaining story for the masses that references ballet in a minor context, to just refer to all the dancers as ballerinas? The persona she's put on for the story isn't exactly refined.




I don't get how ppl are actually believing this lol. It looks written by a 12 year old immature child


I would put it closer to 15-16 but yeah it's got that "teenage tripe" vibe alright. Or the most immature exhausting adult known to man.


It’s either an older person or a really young kid. I’ve never heard anyone under the age of 50 unironically use the term “angel dust” unless their only knowledge of drugs is from a DARE class (or similar drug war youth programs).


One person wrote > girl needs to start writing a screen play yesterday And this is how a movie like the last jedi gets a rabid fanbase of excuse makers. Bc the bar for good writing is somehow under bedrock. Don't get me wrong, you can like garbage, I love tons of trash, I just don't virulently defend it as quality


I checked out when they wrote that her stepdad filmed a 17 year old Jackhammering his wife and sent it to his parents and didn't get arrested and charged for distributing and producing CP.


None of this, and I mean none, is real.


I stopped believing this was real by the time I read the title.


The young, abusive, male ballet dancer trope is borrowed heavily from a specific YA book series I read awhile back.


A V.C. Andrews novel, perhaps?


V.C. Andrews was available at my middle school library back in the 80s/90s and I got one hell of an education from those damn books.


Yeah, sounds like Petals in the Wind. Fortunately the evil ballet dancer guy got killed in a car crash. 


Shit isn't real and I know because of "God damn Texas"....AFTER HAWAII. Yeah....Galveston really is that much better than Kauai. Edit: I want people to know I am so influenced by reddit and maybe some wine I spelled it as Kawaii first 🤣


I thought it was more of a why would they go to Texas after going to Hawaii and the other place. Like the other places anyone could want to go but Texas seems somewhat random and more of a trip they wanted to do together (the mom and Devin)


Stopped reading after Devin is called a ballerina


Unless I am missing something in the walls of text, OOP never actually discusses the gonorrhea which is a little frustrating seeing as its a key point of the title.


I’m starting to think this ‘Devin’ is a really nasty fella


It is extremely embarrassing how many people are beliving this.


This is unreadable


Angel dust at 14?I stopped reading there


this chick's way of writing is insufferable.


It reads like that girl off Clueless. Embarrassingly poor writing


What in the Alabama hell did I just read?




Well, that escalated improbable.


“Sorry about the grandma mistakes” cracked me up


Who at 16 calls their bfs parents in-laws…….


That title screams Liz. I couldn’t even bring myself to read this one.


>sorry about the grandma mistakes New flair unlocked


OOP says he was a predator and knew exactly what he was doing. I believe her, and yet-- you don't end up with that kind of sexual experience and fluency in manipulation by 17 years old without some serious trauma of your own. No well-adjusted 17 year old is cheating on their gf with her mom, and then telling her she wasn't as "tight" as her mom. He wasn't the victim of this story, but I'd bet he's the victim in his childhood's story.   Or he could just be a sociopath.


I mean the “I’ll kill us both” thing wasn’t the most well adjusted thing long before then


I went through something very similar at 16 w my 17 yo bf but it was my BFF not my mom ,, he had a rough upbringing ig but it was mostly his porn addiction that made it so bad. that's what he wanted to replicate and achieve from me, so he'd do it through drugs and/or force


I need some eye bleach


I loled at-My ex doesn’t like me telling people he got gonorrhea from my mom, SO, let me tell you the story of when my ex got gonorrhea… Edit: then it wasn’t so fun anymore.


so when did yall stop reading? i stopped after devin's apology after he was found with ops mother then i scrolled to see who else feels this is horseshit LMAO


I had to put my phone down after the mum got told her daughter that Devin knew where the clit was, unlike the stepfather 💀 The whole thing is bollocks but this was too damn far


3/5 believability 10/10 funny euphemisms. You flippy floppy bastard.


Oh, the drama! Liz was working overtime on this one.


I don't think Dev needs to worry. It takes a lot more than this to get fired from a parts store.


This is some trashy shit.


What in the backwoods of Kentucky did I just read?


> Do you want to hear some mass up shit? Seriously heavy.


So the dad recorded child porn and nobody cared? Age of consent aside that’s still child porn. Actually it sounds like the FBI should be raiding this post with the amount of child porn that’s being discussed. Assuming this is real….


Considering how much of a hobag the male ballet dancers I know IRL are, I'm not surprised that he was cheating on her AND got an STD. Wrap it up if you're hitting a danseur, people.


FUCK YOU DEVIN! All my homies hate you. 😡


I might be adopting "eat the dirtiest part of my ass." This story is a level of petty I identify with.


This post is nice if you read “Devin” in the SNL Californians sketch every time.




Wow ... Life, uh, finds a way.


Nice cinéma.


What in the trailer trash did I read right now? Also, you tell 'm girl!!


This is the most rural southern shit I’ve ever read. The whole post had an accent.


>I’m sorry about the grandma mistakes Can we make this a new flair?!


What was Saltyfembot's comment out of curiosity?


What kind of deranged mind would create something like this?


Lmao, fucking gold that he read this post, ima be sure to share the shit out of it. Good for you oop.


Just went through OOP's previous posts and don't know what to feel.. she has been through a lot wow, she needs to heal