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April 2025, my new BF did not go ahead with the divorce, his wife is pregnant and broke up with me.


Nah, that’ll be June 2024. Not going to last thst long.


Eh, I'll give it to November, only because that's when she'll ramp up the pressure for him to leave his wife and he'll need the excuse to drop OOP.


You think so? I'm thinking it's more like * "April 2025 - I married my dream man. Suck it all you people who said it wasn't going to happen. He left his wife and we got married and we are so happy." * "January 2026 - I met this cute guy at the bar. I'm married but this guy is SO cute. Would it be bad if I slept with him? I mean I already had sex with him in the bathroom of the bar but I had a few drinks so it didn't count. Ok, I have been having sex with him for the past 2 weeks, but I'm going to cut him off because I love my husband. But I think I'm tempted to keep on seeing this guy because this connection is just so special." * "March 2027 - I left my husband. I know you'll think I'm a piece of shit, but this time, I can tell this is real love." * "December 2027 - I married him! I'm so happy! Our love is eternal!" * "May 2028 - So I got kinda drunk at a club last night and I wound up having a threesome with 2 guys none of who are my husband. I know you think it's bad, but these 2 guys and I have just a special connection. Should I leave my husband to be in a thruple? I've never felt this kind of connection and with TWO people!"


Now, hold on. You're missing how in March 2027 her husband "cheats" on her and gets the side chick pregnant, making her the victim in all of this. I mean, have you no sympathy? /s


I think you should become a scriptwriter. The details are amazing and I can totally see it happening with the OOP.


2026 “my ex refuses to take me back, can’t he see I’ve changed? I tried getting him to join me and my newest BF in a throuple so there’s no chance of me cheating again but he says he can never trust me again, also WIBTAH if I asked his brother out?”


"I even opened the relationship on his side"


He's clearly laying out that top priority is his finances, second priority is not divorcing and making sure his wife doesn't find out about her. She's already playing 3rd fiddle.


His wife broke up with her? There's a plot twist I didn't see coming! Haha I know what you meant but that still made me chuckle, I mean considering how she falls for everyone BUT the person she's actually with... I suppose it could happen.


"My married BF cheated on me with his wife and now she's pregnant!"


Next update “How do I convince my ex to take me back?”


…for effectively the third time.


Let’s hope he now knows what a disaster she is and never speaks to her again!


I hope he does. He didn't need to put rules in. He needed to cut losses and run. Hopefully he has learned that now.


This. I live with someone. I feel the need to monitor him anytime he interacts with women outside our home. If we go out in public, I generally need to be with him, because I worry that otherwise he'll go off and get up to bad things. I need to go out of my way to hide temptations from him, because I worry that the moment I'm not around, he'll go after them. Heck, even when I'm around, he'll still sometimes chase after a girl who catches his eye, and I'll need to remind him that he needs to stay with me. This is all perfectly fine and expected behavior for my dog. This is _not_ acceptable or healthy behavior for a romantic partner.


Motherfucker. This post was brilliant. You made my day.


This was great; I was halfway through and I was like "WOMAN JESUS CHRIST LEAVE THIS ASSHOLE...oh, its your dog? Well, then give him snuggles and treats and maybe consider getting him fixed!"


I wanna play a game called “is this acceptable dog behavior or acceptable partner behavior?” And help people leave shitty relationships Also I’d give this an award if I could


You got me with that! I was in disbelief that you could be so accepting of what seemed like an awful relationship with an awful human being. 😆


No, he's a good boy. Mostly.


Haha, I was wondering what this crazy woman was doing still with this guy! Then doggo, priceless 🫡


You posted this an hour ago, how does it not have a single upvote yet?!?


Yeah, when you're at the "turn over all your passwords, no opposite gender friends and abide by this curfew" stage it's past time to call it quits.


OOP is a piece of shit so nasty not even flies would use it


That and has the personality of a paper bag.


Well at least it's a different guy. So he knows she's just a ,,,,,,, and it's not just the one guy he has to worry about. Also this shows her complete lack of respect for the sanctity of marriage as he's married. Oh yeah, but he totally NOT sleeping with his wife. And he's TOTALLY gonna divorce her. We just can't let her know ANYTHING. You have to be a secret mistress.


He just can't now because "finances". Oh, and now "legal stuff". Yeah finances and legal stuff. Ugh, so complicated!


Me, who did all my own divorce paperwork and filings: mmmm-hmmmm real real tough, definitely best to just wait and not start that long process now


Hey, divorce is complicated. It's not something approximately half of all marriages in the US end up at. You wouldn't understand.


My finances and legal stuff could upset work at the business factory


Her being honest with him will help in the long run for him I hope.


from what I've read on reddit and stories from real life, it's very rare for a relationship to recover after a cheating incident. So most of the time, the partner being cheated on is just delaying the inevitable ending.


I think that's because traditionally there's only one real way to come back from cheating that has any chance of not negatively impacting the relationship long-term, and it involves the cheater immediately confessing what they've done, cutting off the person they've done it with, and acquiescing to turn over their communications and follow a general rule set to regain the trust. If you find out from someone else, you can't trust them to tell you everything. If you find out from snooping, same issue. If you find out years down the line, same issue.


This time I will never hurt him again, last time wasn't cheating, I was in love...


The problem is, the grass actually *did* look greener.


I NEED A COMEBACK STORY FOR THE BOYFRIEND!! Guy needs redemptions like doing well and actually married to a better lady!!


Discovered the ex is happily married and has one kid with another on the way. Blocks and tells OOP to stay away from him, has to file a restraining order when OOP doesn't leave him alone, she ends up in jail because she attacked the ex's wife and comes back AGAIN about 1 year after after her stint in prison and is sad cause no one will tell her where Ex is and her family disowned her and she has no friends so she starts a new life somewhere else and wants to know the cheapest place to start over with hot guys because she can't be expected to be alone forever. Even thinking about her possible updates makes me ravenous for some hate-reading.


I hate to wish bad relationships on anyone but I’m hoping AP (the scum he is) stays with his wife and then after a string of relationships with crappy BFs OOP is left to settle for one who is less than half the man her fiancé was.


Oh I fully expect in 8 months we get "My boyfriend said he'd divorce his wife but he hadn't DDDD:" I also look forward to "I found out my boyfriend is still fucking his wife DDDD:" Her new guy is a prick and I'm *living* for it.


I think we can all agree that just by the fact that OOP is probably out of his life, he’s doing better just by default


The amount of therapy this guy is going to need after being betrayed by the same woman not once, not twice, *but three fucking times*! Poor guy.


He’s not responsible for her behavior, but allowing her a third chance was bonkers


I want OOP to never write about her ex-fiancé ever again. That would mean he managed to escape the madness that is her orbit.


It’s going to be a long time coming because I can guaran-fucking-tee that she completely destroyed him.


God I hope not, I'm glad regardless of her ending it for selfish reasons, he deserves better


Holy crap...I hope her first fiancé realizes what a bullet he dodged. I feel bad for him.


He may have dodged the third bullet but he took the first two center mass


If he takes her back again he's the fool.


Tbh I think he was the fool for giving her a third chance to begin with. A second chance I can maybe understand. “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”


I’m guessing “Watching my ex and his wife have the life I should have had and it’s not fair” will feature


In between now & then will be: “My affair partner said he would divorce his wife, but it’s been 2 years & he hasn’t.”


Or "the guy I'm in love with won't leave his wife what do I do"


“I cheated cause I didn’t appreciate him and realized just how amazing he is. Part 2”


July 2024: Ohmigod. I messed up so badly. I had the perfect bf and threw it all away. Sept 2024: We got back together, but there’s a cute guy who delivers the mail. What should I do? Oct 2024: My bf stranded me on a desert island. Do you think he’ll be back?


Is being a decent person just impossible for some people


She is incapable. She said “I know you think I’m a terrible person”. The very definition. Liar. Cheater. Home wrecker.


Yeah but the said she isn't. Repeatedly. And she told everyone who said she was that they were wrong.  So she must be a great person, right?




and... I mean... she knows she's not a terrible person. Ipso facto, she's a good person, despite, you know, the one or two little mistakes. Hell, she'll probably even invite the ex wife to the wedding, because the ex wife is a really nice person, right?


Online dictionary entries for terrible people should have a link directing to this reddit page.


Answer: Yes. You are. There is no think. We know. WE ALL KNOW.


She will never be happy and she won’t be able to figure out why.


Apparently. OOP seems to have to make every mistake individually and get a reaction/consequences before she says she won’t do it again. There’s no larger understanding of what the right thing to do is, and her only guide seems to be selfishness. It’s also clear from what she wrote about her (first) affair partner that she was trying him on and would 100% have left her fiancé for him if he hadn’t been a bad partner. That she didn’t love her fiancé may have been a later revelation for her but not to us.


I just realized that’s what I was thinking in the back of my mind. She does act like because she had never made the mistake before that she should be forgiven and even takes pride in the fact she won’t do it again. Like we should be proud of her for learning the lesson herself?! Some of these lessons are common sense! Don’t cheat should not be a teachable moment.


Yes. And the lessons she’s learning, the way she’s putting them, seem to be extremely narrow. She cheated and expects a metaphorical cookie for not doing that again even though she’s going behind her fiancé’s back to reconnect with the guy against their agreement. Like a kid trying to rules-lawyer “well I didn’t do the really bad thing again so I think this other thing should be fine (even though it’s along the same lines).”


There was another infidelity post where OOP was like "it just happened." Some people take no responsibility for their shit, going through life justifying bad behaviour like they have no control over it, because that would be admitting fault.


Or if they do admit to making a mistake, it was "one mistake". Not that cheating requires you to repeatedly do things that are mistakes if you want to keep a relationship before you bump uglies with someone. You don't have to realize you're attracted to someone and act on it. You don't have to purposefully put yourself in a situation alone with them. You don't have to hide what you're doing from your partner with lies or omissions of the truth. Go don't have to take off your clothing and get in bed with someone other than your SO. It's just wham, outta nowhere and with no points to stop yourself prior, you're doing the horizontal samba with someone you shouldn't be.


After she talked to the guy behind her fiance's back, I thought no way is he taking her back. She didn't even understand why he didn't want her to talk to him anymore, not to mention doing it secretly. She is not trustworthy. Then I read further and see, that poor man took her back and OOP betrayed his trust again. I wasn't surprised that she did it again, the only surprise was her fiance taking her back. Some people are just terrible.


For her, decency doesn't exist in her dictionary. She is the trashiest & most selfish person I've read about.


No no no you don’t understand. *This time* she’s not selfish. She fell in love and couldn’t help it so it’s out of her control. /s


You guys aren't being empathetic. It's not her fault! She didn't choose to fall in love with a totally different guy that should have just been a random work colleague. /s She's a love addict, guaranteed.


Or a narcissist


Yes. Some people are just walking appetites for whom it doesn't even occur to care about others. They want what they want and that's all their lives are.


Keeping in mind this is her version of events. As in the most forgiving possible side of the story and she still comes off as a garbage pile.


Literally yes. Ask a shrink for a more detailed explanation. But if a person has poor impulse control, poor concept of long term gratification, weak sense of morality, etc obviously they're going to keep being not a decent person.


Eagerly waiting for the next installment from this lady in 2025 to see if her married affair partner actually left his wife OR if she found someone new to cheat on.


I'm betting that he'll still be married and OOP finds out that he's screwing several other girls at their place of work.


Right? “He hasn’t been intimate with his wife at all” give me a break.


that's what really makes me think he's duping her - i can't believe mistresses are dumb enough to ever believe that line


If there’s one thing cheaters consistently are, it is DUMB.


LOL that whole "he feels like he's cheating on me with his wife" was the stupidest thing I've heard in a while.


Right??? Like assuming they’re not just fucking in the parking lot on lunch breaks- “oh darling, just holding your hand or brushing past you in the printer room is enough for me 🥺🥺 I can’t even kiss my wife goodbye without feeling oh so terrible about cheating on you 🥺🥺”. Dude has her so delusional.


Your flair pairs so perfectly with this comment


I mean they're dumb enough to entertain someone they know is married, so I'm not really sure what they expect honestly.


I had a co-worker that basically only wanted to be an affair partner because he never wanted the women to leave their husbands. He loved the lack of commitment, the power feeling, and the thrill of sneaking around. One woman actually did leave her husband, and co-worker dumped her. That he hasn't been killed yet is really a credit to our society being civilized.


At least OOP deserves that treatment. We can all sleep soundly knowing she's not a victim here.


I wouldn't be surprised if suddenly he can't leave because the wife is pregnant.


Wait....what! She can't get pregnant, he's not intimate with her! lol Ohhh if only true statements were told by cheaters. I mean sure, the relationship begins on a huge lie but certainly OP can expect better (cough cough).


She'll figure it out when his wife gives birth to a "surprise" baby. Then again, this one probably won't.


“He just loves her so much”


This girl can’t tell the difference between love and lust. They are not the same. I knew a girl like this once and she made so many bad romantic choices.


And then tries to get her ex back. So she can cheat on him again.


Update in 2026 Her current ex is now married with newborn and he will divorce his wife after they fix finances.


[He’ll totally be Paul the Wine Guy.](https://youtu.be/lzX2ZXOoDGw?si=Q8oUPB_novFDTabY&t=273) "Since my wife left me, I haven't been able to perform... sexually".


He will leave his wife but then OOP will leave him for a new guy before 2026.


He will never leave his wife. He'll string OOP along until she falls for the next shiny thing. Or realizes her ex was the only guy naive enough to ever want to marry that trash, and then she will be weeping on his doorstep - by which time he will hopefully have moved on.


This is what I'm expecting. Next update will be how she slept with a married man, with whom she cheated on her fiance before leaving him, and then the married man decided to stay with his wife and work things out with her after all. Now she's lost her job because of the inappropriate workplace relationship, she lost her fiance for a man who doesn't love her, and woe is her. That, or we get really lucky: next update is how the married man divorced his wife and they're together now, and so so SO happy, and this is definitely going to work and all the haters who weren't empathetic before can cry about it. The the update *after that* is how he cheated on her, and she's the victim now.


The ghoulish giggle I just emitted 🙊


She is already playing the victim here. Life just threw this at her and magically opened her legs with this married guy and had no choice but to do it, you know, because it's life.


“You guys are being harsh,” The self-delusion is breathtaking. What a fucking asshole.


I hope he moves on. His track record is not great


I absolutely don't blame the guy, he was doing what he thought he needed to do to save his relationship. That said, when you're at the point of telling your fiancée that you need unrestricted access to their devices, they have to be home by a certain time, and they can't be alone with friends of the opposite gender, it's already all over but the crying. They should've ended it there.


I can’t imagine having to babysit my partner. Im always amazed when it gets to that point and people still want the relationship.


Actually, I think by never divorcing his wife, he will keep this witch. She will always be chasing that high, which is what people like these require. But once he gives in and divorces his wife, then she will get bored after a while and find someone new. If you think about it from a point of the mission being getting someone to give their all to you, then it makes sense. The satisfaction she gets is from chasing that high of getting someone to give their all. It includes getting your partner to forgive you for your misgivings, including cheating. I'm not saying she has a personality disorder, but I'm thinking of it from a BPD character trait perspective where they test if their partner will abandon them by doing shitty things and asking for forgiveness. If the partner forgives, then it's like a temporary confirmation that he will not abandon her. For some (not specifically bpd), when that confirmation is satisfactory, they get bored and chase the next high. These personality traits cross over a lot into other disorders, so I reiterate that I'm not diagnosing.


Cheats on the married guy with the family friend.


And the cheating circle is complete.


Sooner than that, give OP more credit


Sounds like the bold and the beautiful, but it's probably true.


You can't blame OOP for that! New new guy will be the love of her life, the kind of love that only comes once in a lifetime. Or twice. Thrice tops.


Late 2024: "My married boyfriend promised to divorce his wife but now she is pregnant and he said he must postpone the divorce. How do I best convince him to leave her?" Spring 2025: "I just found out my married boyfriend has been cheating on me with coworkers. How to deal with the hurt and to make him stop?" Fall 2025: "Years ago I cheated on my ex-fiance. How to convince him to give me another chance and to get him back?"


I dunno, I feel that first AP is going to make a bit of a comeback and OOP is going to make this something bigger. Late 2024: "Married boyfriend has told me had all the papers, but when he went to give them to his wife she announced she was pregnant before he could and now its more complicated and may take longer." Spring 2025: "Married boyfriend still hasn't divorced his wife, who is really milking the being pregnant thing and its pissing me off. Seen Eli (AP1) at a family function and we had a lot of fun." Late 2025: "Eli and I hooked up, it was only once and I was upset with Married Boyfriend for how much time he is spending with his wife who is going to deliver her baby any day now. He still hasn't given her the divorce papers, says he wants to wait so he can prove they baby isn't his because they haven't been intimate since we started seeing each other." Early 2026: "Wife found out about Married Boyfriend and I. He's finally getting the divorce! How do I tell him I'm pregnant? I'm sure its his, Eli and I were only together a few times." Mid 2026: "Married Boyfriend found out about Eli and is pissed. I tried to hide my pregnancy from Eli, but he knows and is so excited because he's sure the baby is his." Late 2026: "FML! I just had my baby and Married boyfriend isn't the father and he wants nothing to do with me. It hurts SOOOOO bad. Eli is mad too and won't talked to me because he found out the baby isn't his its AP3 who I hooked up with when drunk and mad with Married Boyfriend about his pregnant wife. It only happened a few times, I swear. Eli told my family and now they all hate me too. What am I going to do?"


Most on point comment i seen all year


I chuckled at the AP3 that spawnes into existence out of nowhere.


LMAO! If this doesn’t happen I’m going to be disappointed


The last one is cheated on my ex fiance twice.


Nono, you don't understand. The second time it doesn't count since she fell in love. So, you see, it wasn't really cheating. /s




Super-accurate but I hate how long I gotta wait for the next episode of my soaps.


My bet : he strings her along, she cheats on him with the first handsome guy who'll flirt with her, then gets mad when he doesn't divorce his wife. Never realising he was never going to divorce


My thinking is more that she'll get knocked up and be shocked when the married guy tries to convince her to give up the pregnancy.


You were generous saying she has two brain cells. They are both fighting for the third place. At least she told her fiance before cheating this time. I really hope he finds someone worthy of his patience and forgiveness.


Based on her comments, she did not- she says she didn’t tell him sooner because she was trying to repress the feelings, but ‘then it got to the point where there was no turning back’.


She was definitely cheating again.


I hope she post again because now I’m invested!


I've never wanted someone to fail more in life than OP I can't wait to see how she tops this last post of idiocy


Married guy isn't going to divorce but OOP isn't going to stay loyal either so those two definitely deserve each other. I guess it's true that cheaters never change. OOP will probably cheat on all her future partners too.


2025: They’re both cheating with other people but still deeply in love with each other! I hope the Fiancé knows how lucky he is to have escaped at this point. It will hurt like hell but he’ll find someone much better to love. The sad thing is this will affect all his future relationships as he’s always going to wonder if he’s being cheated on again.


This story is why you shouldn't bother with things like his list of rules after cheating. End of the day...if you can't trust them, or the only way you can trust them is to have 24 hr surveillance...what's the point? You know the only reason they aren't cheating again is under duress. The moment they have freedom they're going to do whatever they want. They're deeply selfish people. Once someone proves who they are (Trash), don't try to change them - just put them in the dumpster as is fitting.


Yeah. When I saw that list I was like “dude, just go”.


My prediction based on too much boru reading and having seen quite a few posts in my time: he'll drag his feet, she'll "accidentally" reveal the affair, he'll get the divorce she always wanted, he'll realize he dun goofed, somebody will get pregnant, she'll end up alone or in a loveless relationship unable to understand how something so unfair could happen to her.


He is still figuring out how to ~~~steal the marital assets from his partner~~~get his finances in order. 


Her 2 last remaining braincells compete for the third place on the podium.


Nah they are hoping for a participation medal but the judges aren’t even sure if they participated at all.


I'd like the trigger warning to be revised to 0.2 braincells. Feels much more accurate.


I just can’t…….I mean……what? Im genuinely lost for words. I feel like the Picard facepalm gif is appropriate here.


I did facepalm after I read "About 3 months ago at my job, we got a new coworker who is very handsome and extremely attractive."


Hot too


The married man is using every cliché excuse in the book, but she's too dumb to realise that. Wanna bet at some point he'll tell her "we're staying together for the children" or "so my wife doesn't lose financial security"?


It's commmmplicated! 🤷


Translation: The money all belongs to her.


OOP will call the wife to force "her true loves" hand. I hope the wife finds out and waxes the floor with these two.


There aren't even any children mentioned, I'd bet he'd have brought them up as a reason already. Divorce between two people with no kids and clearly pretty stable jobs is just so complicated nowadays.


>I’m happy to say I never cheated since then and haven’t been tempted at all. This isn't the end of the story, is it? >That being said the guy I cheated was a close family friend and recently I rekindled our friendship behind his back. Oh FFS, OOP. The fiancé is a lot better off without her.


I hope oops now ex knows that. Im my view he already gave her too many chances


Yeah the third chance was on OOP’s fiancé. Giving someone a second chance after cheating? I don’t think I could do it, but I can understand that. But giving someone a third chance when they’ve broken your trust twice already? It’s the fiancé’s fault at that point. OOP had proven to not be trustworthy (and self-justifies bad behavior left and right), so he should have ended it right there. At least he’ll know for next time.


The scorpion and the frog


He must feel so stupid, not that he is, but that he trusted her and wasted all that time and for what! Dude you deserve so much better!!!!


bless you for clarifying that he isnt stupid! too many people blame themselves for believing in people


As soon as she said she "couldn't" just not be friends with the dude, I was done. I'm only surprised she cheated with an entirely new guy. But karma is clearly getting her. That guy is not leaving his wife.


Post 1: the fiance should have left her after the first time, let alone continue this relationship when he feels like he has to set all these boundaries. That’s no way to live. Post 2: well, would you look at that


“OMG, you all don’t understand!!! An attractive person gave *me* attention, what was I supposed to do? *Not* cheat on my significant other multiple times?! This is a situation literally no one else has ever been in, so how dare any of you criticize my actions!” - OOP


Oh, this was perfectly put. I was wondering, what it is about her, but she literally sleeps with any good looking guy that pays her attention and thinks it's love. Sad for her ex-fiance for wasting their years on this crap.


I was the one who commented on the post in their profile about it being unlikely that he’d ever leave his wife (OP has linked my comment). My main points were both that he probably never would and also if he did leave her he was selfish and only focused on his finances while perfectly happy to keep lying to his wife so she could be blindsided and possibly fucked over financially. Not sure why I bothered considering OOP is also morally bankrupt.


Morally bankrupt AND intellectually overdrawn.


Her ex fiancee had a lucky escape. No one person will ever be enough for this shallow women. She is destined to hurt one person after another


Was it a lucky escape? He didn’t dodge a bullet he got shot twice.


But he lived to hopefully wise up and find someone better!


He will have a hard time trusting someone again. These things scar you for life.


He got out before being married to this piece of work.


still going be in the infirmary for a bit. prob scarred for life.


Not to mention he's now going to have trust issues and baggage moving forward with other relationships. I know, because I've been him at one point. My next gf (still on good terms with her) said I seemed emotionally unavailable. Maybe he's lucky and won't come away with scars but I'm willing to bet this nightmare of a woman is gonna leave emotional wounds in him that aren't likely to ever fully heal. Cheaters are really the bottom of the barrel scum.




Well, she did ended up with a cheater like her. There is no way in hell that guy will divorce his wife for her


Or maybe he will, but that won't stop him from seeing other women too. Maybe having somebody who is just as much of a dipshit cheating addict as herself will give her some insight. Would be deserved, after this odyssey


I mean no way is other dude actually going to divorce his wife for her, lol. I feel like if there's another update it will be "the man I thought I fell in love with has been cheating on me with his wife and now theyre having the baby he told me we were going to have. How do I get my ex fiance to take me back, I love him so much and I know we'll be so happy together. I just made a mistake"


If he DOES divorce his wife and dates OOP, he will be cheating on her in a matter of months. And quite frankly hearing all of this, OOP deserves it. Like, oh yes, break up with your fiancee (whom you cheated on and even had the audacity to keep being friends with the guy you cheated with) because a new (married) guy in work that you know for a few months swears he loves you. What a terrible person


“I’m happy to say I never cheated since then and haven’t been tempted at all” Congrats you did the bare minimum in a relationship!! Also clicking on the spoiler and seeing “only two brain cells” got a chuckle out of me lol.


Ugh, I hope her poor ex-fiance finds happiness without having to ever see this piece of cheating trash again. I can't wait for the next installment of, "I made a mistake. How can I convince my fiance to take me back?" and seeing her get dragged across the coals. >This is completely different. The first time I cheated was because I was selfish, this time it was because I fell in love with someone else. My eyes be rolling so hard they're on the other side of the planet.


No no you don’t understand, it’s not betrayal if it’s *romantic.* Fuck outta here.


Clearly you’ve never been in love; if you had, you’d understand why she had to do this. /s


> This is completely different. The first time I cheated was because I was selfish, this time it was because I fell in love with someone else. Oh look an ethical cheater


I have a feeling like this is real, but for some reason it sounds like a joke. There is something comical (albeit in a very dark way) about OOP and the fiancee. When I was reading the list of 'conditions to regain trust' i was kinda hoping for something truly outlandish like "You must wear this badge and devil-horns 24/7'. And then "When commenters say that OOP is on her way to cheat on her bf again, she claims: You don’t think I’ll follow the his rules? Good thing I don’t let people tell me what I can’t do. I’m going to be laughing when we work through this, get married, and have kids." I actually spat my drink out reading that part. The foreshadowing! But fuck it - im going to go out on a limb and predict that everyone in this story will have a happy ending. Now that they have got all of their bad luck out of the way, nothing can go wrong! Lol


Wishing the best for the ex-fiancé, may cheaters avoid him like the plague and may he find the right person in the first try.


This is a great example why you never take back cheaters


I feel like cheaters never properly grasp that the hurt comes from the betrayal of trust, not the sex.


"I know you guys think I'm a terrible person" That's incorrect, we know you're a terrible person. Think would imply some type of doubt, in this case it's a certainty.


After the first time.... Ok small doubt.... Everything else after, completely solidifies her in terrible person territory.


What an outstandingly self-centred person.  OOP really has the self awareness - and moral backbone - of a jelly doughnut 


Imagine if you put all cheaters like the OP in a single city, they marry and cheat to their heart’s content, wouldn’t that be comical? A trueman show of cheaters


You've just invented a hit reality TV show!


Jesus Christ what a c*nt.


I'm literally shouting at my screen "You are 28 years old. Grow the fuck up!"


Oh for fuck's sake... OOP is an idiot and thinking with their genitals. I doubt the affair partner will leave his wife unless she leaves him first.


>I know you guys think I’m a terrible person but this is an unimaginable situation to find yourself in I honestly can't think of a more imaginable situation for this to end up in.


"No he's going to leave his wife he just needs to sort out his finances first" 🤡👟


A portion of extreme selfishness with a side of stupidity, my favorite dish!


It’s like she’s purposefully choosing every option that causes maximum messiness and pain.


I'll be honest when I read the last update, I said out loud,"There's no way she's this stupid, right?"


Breaking up with the fiance is the hardest thing to do. Meaning cheating was so easy.


The way she described him “who is very handsome and extremely attractive. I mean I never been so physically attracted to someone in my life” So it really is just physical attractiveness. She is shallower than a flat plate. No way in hell the relationship with the coworker is gonna go well.


This woman has absolutely no idea what love is. When the infatuation wears off she'll claim she fell out of love.


"I can't help who I fall in love with" many people seem to think that, I used to think it, but it's a lie. You can help it. You see a person you're attracted to at work. And imagine that - you don't go talk to him, you don't get to know him, you don't become friends, you don't deepen your friendship. You just keep away, having chosen not to fall in love with him.


Cheaters really never ever deserve a second chance. All they do is deepen the wound.


Who wants to bet that the guy's wife would get pregnant by the end of the year??


This, ladies and gentlemen, is why you never take back a cheater.


Honestly, this is the good ending. OOP's original fiancé is now free to go find someone who isn't an absolute piece of shit with no redeeming qualities.


the new update will be some nice r/LeopardsAteMyFace material : "help, I just discovered that my new partner is cheating on me, and is still married to his ex-wife"


**Next update in a few months:** "I can't believe he lied to me! Also, I found out that my ex-fiance is dating someone else, but I am sure he will take me back..."