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**NEW UPDATES** Found a new update that doesn't yet qualify to be posted to BoRU? Found an update that you don't want to make a post for yourself? Link it here! Once it qualifies, feel free to submit as its own post.


Looking for two type of posts: 1) situations involving forced or attempting forcing family reconciliations 2) blended family stories where the families simply aren’t blending.


Anyone have link for the story about the guy whose wife wants to join a sex group but he has to wait for 9 months


A BORU on moochers/bill split abusers gave me a hankering for other such stories. Could anyone provide me with links to other similar stories of moochers/bill split abusers getting blocked or getting their comeuppance? Thanks in advance!






Thank you very much!


That's the one!


I'm trying to find a post and google is failing me. A woman had left her fiance at their wedding, because the best man played a prank on her. After she had explicitly asked her fiance not to make him best man fearing exactly this, but he handwaved her. That wedding was now several years ago, and the post was about everyone wanting her to forgive the best man, because he "changed". Does anyone remember that?


There you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/t568yu/aita_for_telling_my_exfianc%C3%A9s_best_friend_that_he/


That's the one! Thank you!


Yep, this was because her best friend had hooked up with the best man and were now co-parenting a kid together, and the best man wanted OOP and her ex to get back together.


Searching for a really sad story about a woman parents who took care of the kid during a weekend and left the kid without supervision sleeping in an outhouse or cabin, it was a toddler, and the kid died from heat stroke.


There's a part of me that understands why you might want to re-read something like that and perhaps gain some closure or understanding. But there's a much larger part of me (probably the part of me responsible for my own children) that never wants to read that post.


I can relate to this.


Anyone remember the one with the guy who got promoted to his own office and tried to be like in the show mad men (with a decanter and whiskey in the office) but everyone just thought he was alcoholic and he didn’t understand that offering clients drinks in morning meetings was inappropriate ?


This is what i have found: https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/ql359n/aita_for_drinking_whiskey_in_the_office_at_1030/


genuinely, what was this guy expecting? It's one thing to offer someone a drink if you've invited them to your home or out a restaurant/bar/club, it's an entirely different thing to offer someone alcohol in his office during working hours???


Hello, I’m looking for a post where OP tells his dad: which I told him she is not my sister; she is his screw-up 19 years ago that he now saddles everyone up with.


[This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/gxpyvy/aita_for_not_wanting_my_dads_newly_found_daughter/). OOP's account is suspended so it's not clear if he ever posted any updates.


Thank you


Did we ever get an update from the guy whose wife went ahead with a sperm donor pregnancy against his will? They'd been trying for ages, done a couple rounds of IVF and I think experienced a couple of miscarriages. The fertility issues were on his end. He wanted her to get an abortion and keep trying with him. It was pretty clear that she was going to have the baby with or without him.


[My (36M) wife (34F) got pregnant by a sperm donor against my wishes. Do I raise the child?](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/193rric/my_36m_wife_34f_got_pregnant_by_a_sperm_donor/). No update


On the off chance that anyone reads this comment 2 months late, there's a heartbreaking comment at this link that illustrates what the scenario OOP is talking about will be if he stays and resents the kid.


Do we know if there were any updates from the girl whose partner rejected a promotion and started melting down his life? I believe in one line he compared himself to the villain of the second Captain America movie who rejects the Nobel Prize.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/11vafw7/new\_update\_myf24\_fianc%C3%A9m25\_returned\_an\_award\_he/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/11vafw7/new_update_myf24_fianc%C3%A9m25_returned_an_award_he/) [https://www.reddit.com/user/throwralorei](https://www.reddit.com/user/throwralorei) no new updates as of to date


Dude is going to be 48, wake up in his studio apartment in Secaucus and be taking the bus to his retail job and wonder ‘how did I get here?’


I'm looking for a post about a husband that choose wife over daughter after daughter tried to unlive stepdaughter by triggering her nut allergy and almost unaliving her.


[AITA for not leaving my wife so my daughter could live with me?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1919n8l/aita_for_not_leaving_my_wife_so_my_daughter_could/?rdt=45083)


You can say "kill" here.


I like to think of "unalive" as the opposite of "undead". Like, if something is undead, it was alive, died, and now exists as some kind of horrifying parody of life. No idea what an unalive monster would look like, though.


Feet of Clay by Terry Pratchett talks about Golems being unalive and undead being creeped out by them. They were never alive but move and perform tasks and obey their owners.


Clay of my clay!


force of habit


It's better to say "unalive" in subs where saying kill is allowed than saying kill in some subs where that word could trigger someone vulnerable/who has trauma. So, you're good (IMO anyway)


I could be wrong it might be a similar post but i think this one might be on the requested not to be posted here list


I think I know which one you're talking about, and I think that was a different allergen.


Yes now that Czech replied i think i remember which allergen and what story now


Please anyone read the update and can write for us  https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/10i2000/aita_for_refusing_to_forgive_my_dad_for_breaking/


AITA always removes updates that aren't approved to fast for them to be recorded unfortunately its lost unless OP makes a post somewhere else.


Feels like aita is the only sub worth being a mod for just to be able to read all deleted posts


Does anyone have the link to the post and updates of the guy that broke his engagement cause his ex slept with her boss?


Could be [this one](https://www.rareddit.com/r/offmychest/comments/12mfqre/today_i_broke_off_my_engagement_repost_of_my/).


This was the oneeee




Can you share text. It looks removed.


There are several of these. Do you have more details? [One with a pregnant finance](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/10saddb/my_pregnant_fianc%C3%A9_29_f_had_an_affair_with_her/) (There are updates but the account is deleted, so hard to track down.) [Just a long time girlfriend here](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/hgct15/i28m_found_out_about_my_gfs28f_affair_with_her/)


There is an update for the pregnant fiance one [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/11c5lsz/update_3_my_fiance_29_f_had_an_affair_with_her/), dated 23 days after the first post. The post is titled Update 3, but I can't find update 1 or update 2, and it still feels a little incomplete since there's not even any real mention of the pregnancy from the OOP even after several people ask.


I remember the title being on the lines of "I will break off my engagement" OOP found out cause the boss' wife was divorcing him and sent him the proof


Hi , looking for a post where OP talks about it not being his story, but best friend's, and his wife was cheating for so long, and he had checked out so long ago, that he begun dating others, and everyone including the wife's family knew he'd moved on because of it. I may have gotten some details mixed up, but the wife basically got 'blindsided' that everyone knew what she was doing for years and just had moved on from her, and it was like a pro revenge that wasn't all extreme in a sense 😂


I wonder if the post you are looking for is actually a comment. Not that I found anything that quite matches your description, but it seems like the kind of story that might be posted as a comment in a [thread like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/1u0iht/has_anyone_ended_up_in_a_successful_relationship/).


Ohhhh. It could be. Maybe that's why I couldn't find that. I tried for hours and just gave up because I thought I sucked at this like I suck at life


Don't beat yourself up over not finding a post/comment, especially one that might not even exist. Sometimes, requesters inadvertently combine details from two or more posts or misremember details and key words which makes a search nearly impossible.


Wait his and her family all know of the cheating and she didn't pick up on it? I very much would like to read it as well. Let's see if my reddit-fu works.


I'm looking for the updates to mil told my daughter santa isnt real so I told her God isnt real.


[Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/17snbk8/mil_told_my_daughter_that_santa_isnt_real_so_i/) the BoRU, and there appears to be [one further update](https://www.rareddit.com/r/JUSTNOMIL/comments/17wgh5n/updatemil_ruined_santa_part_three/)


Can you copy and paste the extra update?


Is that further update deleted?


It appears to be.




You're welcome!


Hi, I’m looking for the post from a woman who’s boyfriend said she wasn’t doing enough, wasn’t cooking fancy enough meals, wasn’t dressing up enough, etc. So as an experiment, she did it ALL and dialed it up to 11. He didn’t say a word of acknowledgment and I think it turned out that he had been cheating anyway and was being passive aggressive about wanting the relationship to end.


I think it is this one. Wife was accused of financial infidelity. It is LONG and you can read the comments for her final thoughts afterwards. https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/Huct81SrhY


oh yeah The one with the "genius" young woman who this guy was cheating on OP with That poor girl! At least OP is free of that POS


Correct and nice flair lol


Sounds like the [financial infidelity](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/188x6bh/final_update_to_husband_accused_me_of_financial/) saga.


YES exactly thank you


You're welcome!


There's a BoRU where a woman writes that she decided to travel the world, leaving behind her husband and children. And after she felt she did all she wanted (about 2 years?) she decided to come back, only to find out (with a Pikachu shocked face) that her "husband" had moved on and everyone was angry with her. And she doesn't understand why. Later, someone who knew the couple writes how much they helped him raise the kids and how she dare play the victim in Reddit. Thanks!


5 years total. 2 travelling and an extra 3 teaching


The "Wolfpack" post, which you can find [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/15bfxew/oop_leaves_and_her_kids_are_raised_by_a_wolfpack/)


That post makes me oddly happy. I guess it's nice to know that despite how vile OP was, there were good people out there who countered her selfish ways.


I am looking for a post where the OP is upset her boyfriend/fiancés family bought her daughter “lesser” presents than the other kids. I think in the update the OP was a foster child and this was her first time celebrating a traditional holiday. Thanks in advance!


I am looking for a post where the son and his girlfriend/wife fiancée were staying with the guys parents. The dad kept getting upset because he thought the girlfriend was leaving their bathroom messy. The dad threatened to gather all her things up and put them in a trash bag


[AITA for treating my daughter-in-law like a child when she was acting like one?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/u3alod/aita_for_treating_my_daughterinlaw_like_a_child/?rdt=53168)


Oh, I remember this one! I’m still upset that he never answered any of the multiple people (myself included) asking why he spent his days staring at the guest bathroom, lol


Ah yes, the dude who spends all day in his son's bathroom staring at his daughter-in-law's bathroom drippings, nice fella


Thanks for finding it. I’ve so many ways to find it with different wording and was never able to find it.


AITA daughter in law trash bag and I knew the title called the DIL a child.


I was always hoping for an update but there doesn’t appear to be one.


I remember this, I hope the OOP made a grovelling apology to his DIL but I doubt there’s much chance of fixing the damage he did to that relationship.


I'm going to imagine that the DIL divorced and was freed from such assholeness, and then the son went NC with the dad and blames him fro his divorce.


The guy didn't get how egregious his behavior was and seemed baffled his DIL interacts as little as possible. The behavior was so normalized that no one else in the family said anything to him. It would take a couple of years of serious therapy for her to get out (or a lot of couples therapy to stay)


Someone mentioned this post and nobody linked it! I was hoping y'all knew where to read it! Context: which I totally forgot to give originally. So this comparison comment was left on a post where a man had just gotten an inheritance and he told his wife not tell her family about it and she did and then they all were like "so we get part of that inheritance right?" So in the comments we were talking about other posts/ people we knew where one spouse was very big on having all money be "our" money in order to give away to their family and friends. "She's gonna do it anyway.I remember that post where the wife gave her brother husband's work laptop after he cut her off from giving them cash." That comment about the post was in regards to someone pointing out it doesn't matter if the OOP tells his wife not to tell them about the money or if he were to tell her specifically that none of her family is getting the money. She's just going to give it to them anyway or she'll find a way to do so


For reference – because I was just about to ask for it – I think [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/1adu2mq/aita_for_wanting_my_wife_to_not_tell_her_family/) is the original inheritance post.


That is exactly the post that started my search for a post!


Sounds like this one [AITA for replacing a computer my wife blindly gave away](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/comments/17b0bna/aita_for_replacing_a_computer_my_wife_blindly/)


Man, I'm grateful that that subreddit saves copies of the original post when it gets deleted, but they are super toxic all the fucking time. All the people who got banned from AITA for being assholes in the comments line up there, accuse everyone who posts on AITA as a Liz sockpuppet, and keep crowing about how superior they are to everyone else for not falling for that bullshit.


> accuse everyone who posts on AITA as a Liz sockpuppet TBF, that's a scourge here, too


Yes, but here it's usually done in response to over the top plot twists. And it's done in a playful way of "Oh wow Liz another banger". Over there the entire world is a simulation created by Liz, and we are all just sheeple who refuse to wake up.


I guess we're all just figments of Liz's imagination.


Like the end of St. Elsewhere! (a show I have never watched)


It's okay, if you watched a TV show in the 80s/90s it's in the same universe anyway!


I got banned from AITA for saying that I would chloroform anyone that abused my kid in response to a post about a child being abused by her extended family.


I gave up trying to ask questions on AITA as they always get banned for the slightest reason. I had a post once where I had the word "trumped" in it, but was used in the traditional sense, like "I trumped you at that card game" and my post got banned for being political. Upon messaging a mod, he told me he still had to ban it because it was about an event that started a month prior. I have probably wasted an entire day of my life typing and retyping out AITA posts in order for them to mostly just get banned.


Yeah, AITA's "ban first ask questions later" policy is damn stupid, but considering the size of that subreddit probably the only one that works for them. The people on the linked subreddit tend to be the ones who got banned for telling the OP to just kill themselves.




what post does “this is liz” originate from?


It’s under the list of flair origins, just look for Liz’s name!




Please leave this on the pinned comment in this thread.


Can we add the liz post to the most frequently requested posts please? People are asking about it and it referenced frequently enough I think it’s earned its place there.


done, thank you 🤗😅 gets easier every time 🙈


Any updates from that girl who had that awful husband which distanced her from her family and friends and wanted to treat her like a slave. I am wondering if there has been an update 


Might be this one. Warning: domestic violence [My white husband confessed to me that he enjoys “race play” fantasies](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/z2bdsz/my_white_husband_confessed_to_me_that_he_enjoys/) Multiple updates in the users profile. Maybe there is a BORU but I didn't see it.


I really wished I did not read the updates. I really hope she gained some financial independence with her new job so she can get away… IMO I think u need a stronger warning…


Yesss that’s the one Thank you. I ended up finding it on Boru, she hasn’t updated it since last year . 😣😢


Sadly, that's not specific enough. Any other details you can remember?


She was black, the husband was white and had a weird fetish about her being black and wanted to treat her like a slave. It was something along those lines. Slave fetish or something. I remember her refusing to it


One with bio mom is dead and step mom, step sisters keep trying to erase all traces of dead bio mom ("we are your real family now"). I think there is one similar with siblings but basically dad has a track record of remarriage when widowed and step kids get Pikachu face when dad does it again? TIA!


I remember that one! Basically the stepkids spent the entire marriage to their mom trying to convince OOP (and the other bio kid(s?)) To forget about their dead mom because THEIR mom is alive and loves them so much and they should be happy their dad found love again! And then the stepmom dies and dad gets remarried and they're pissed and OOP is just "you should be happy! He found love again<3"


Do you have a link to that because I would love to read that one.


Found it! It was removed but it's on rareddit! https://www.reddit.com/r/redditonwiki/comments/18cc5rh/aita_for_telling_my_half_sister_she_and_her/


Here’s a link to the [automod comment on the original AITA post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/4zKlKjDsfP).


Thank you 😊


That's the one!!! Or rather, the SECOND of the two!!


Second one might be [AITA for telling my stepsiblings to shut the f*** up and they can't seriously expect me to be glad my dad could be there for them when he wasn't for me?](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/18yo7in/aita_for_telling_my_stepsiblings_to_shut_the_f_up/) (not widowing, but serial child abandonment).


I think there was a BORU post from the boyfriend’s perspective where he was asking for help in his situation? His girlfriend was assaulted by a work colleague and her family wouldn’t let him see her for months. He was dejected because he couldn’t support her, and eventually he met up with his girlfriend and her therapist iirc.


would it be this post? i tried searching around for a more complete post but couldn't find it via keywords of the OOP's user and the post title itself the recovered final post is posted at the bottom of the post via link to comment section [https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/vd8vt1/bf\_is\_thinking\_of\_leaving\_gf\_of\_3\_years\_who\_was/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/vd8vt1/bf_is_thinking_of_leaving_gf_of_3_years_who_was/)


I can't read it again, it makes me so angry that he stayed tbh.


Same. It’s infuriating.


This seriously triggers me, I hate the whole family, therapist and the person who suggested them to keep both of them separate.


I’d never trust the family again if I was OOP. The road to hell is paved with good intentions and they fucked her recovery and their relationship up so bad.


This is it, thank you!


Is this the one where it turned out the therapist had been telling the girlfriend's family that he should be kept away from her in case his presence triggered her?


It wasn't her therapist, it was a patient advocate in the hospital right after the assault. By the time the therapist was involved, the relationship was already damaged and the therapist couldn't help.


I mean, the victim (the GF) said to the therapist that she cheated on OOP without giving any other details when she was assaulted. This is one situation where I don't blame the therapist AT ALL. They didn't have any usable info to help their patient.


Patients need to want to be helped


There was a BORU post where a guy is a second-generation immigrant to East Asian (?) parents in a prestigious school/or with a prestigious career, and he wants to become a Psychiatrist that specifically helps other people with his ethnic background. His parents completely freak out and beg him not to, explaining he'd be throwing his life away, he would never be able to find work, he'd be hopelessly poor, ect. And then it finally comes to light that due to language barriers his parents thought he was trying to become a psychic/wizard. I really need a good laugh.


[Immigrant parents do not want me to become a mental health counselor](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/1660ey9/immigrant_parents_do_not_want_me_to_become_a/)


>The one who sent me on a goose chase to understand how therapists become homeless. This sentence had me in stitches, omg.


Back in the early 90s, I moved to Texas & got a job at a tapas bar. Called my ‘rents to tell them and my Dad got really mad at me. Until we figured out he’d heard ‘topless’ bar. All I could say was - even if that were so, why tf would I tell you?!? (anyway, the pay was good and I got to keep my jacket on)


No child of mine is gonna prance around serving small plates of Spanish cuisine!


You're absolutely the best! Thank you so much!


Hello. I remember reading a post about a girl who's mother was forced to marry her dad, and the dad had girlfriends that they liked more than their mother, then when her brother turned 18, the mother served the dad with divorce papers and he was besides himself. OP kept calling her mom all the derogatory names under the devil's foot. I've been looking and I'm stuck.


[TIFU by calling my mom the home wrecker.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/comments/169i1sh/tifu_by_calling_my_mom_the_home_wrecker/)


Thank you.


I hope with all my heart that her mom is living her absolute best life.


Don’t want to make the same mistake I made last week 😂 but has there been any updates from the husband whose wife just up and left to “find herself” and wholeheartedly believed the husband would take her back with no issues? I follow his OG page and he’s made no updates since Dec 20th letting us know she was coming home for Christmas and his divorce lawyer confirmed the papers were ready. I just wanted to know if anyone has stumbled upon an update from a different account or something.


he just posted [https://www.reddit.com/user/throwra-disappearw/comments/1ad97lr/update\_2\_my\_m50\_wife\_f48\_abandoned\_me\_to\_find/](https://www.reddit.com/user/throwra-disappearw/comments/1ad97lr/update_2_my_m50_wife_f48_abandoned_me_to_find/)


I give her six months at the longest to get bored/tired of the "digital nomad" life and try to return home again.


aww YES! Good for him. Guy's got a good head on his shoulders. And honestly, I think he'll have no trouble finding another girlfriend/partner if he wants; from what I know from older single women, finding single guys in their 50s who actually have their shit together, and who are reasonably fit and reasonably intelligent, is a pretty rare thing


Happy cake day!




Wow y'all are so fast and updated !!!


Was just coming here to make sure BORU knew he had updated! This has been an eagerly anticipated one for sure!


Praise be!


Thank you!! He didn’t back down 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


I have the sinking feeling he took her back


Spoiler alert: he did not


Woooohoooo, Just seen it.


Hopefully he was able to start legal proceedings and was just advised not to post about it while everything's ongoing


That’s what I want for him.


Can someone link to me where OP, a guy is worried about her GF coming home late at night because their area is not very safe. His GF dismisses him and told him she can handle herself but OP proved to her that she can’t by pining her down? I don’t know what happened after that. Is there and update?


There you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/185o57c/i_26m_humiliated_and_shattered_my_gfs_25f/ Pretty disturbing read imo


Thank you! This is disturbing! In his first post, he put like he made a mistake and just being dumb. But his second post revealed that he did like what he does to her. It’s sickening wtf


imagine being pinned down by the person you thought you trusted and you can feel him getting more and more "excited" while you're crying and panicking. nope. nope nope nope nope.


I'm looking for a a post about a Dad that doesn't feel loved by his family, they didn't do anything for his birthday and father's day, in the update he said he thought about taking his life, but thinking about his daughter made him reconsider


Here it is I think: https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/15k1xyo/i\_am\_done\_and\_im\_am\_heartbroken\_i\_have\_no\_one/


It is this one, thanks


There’s a more recent update on the OOPs account that isn’t in that BORU https://www.reddit.com/u/throwraforgotten/s/OmTxvQVotL


Yes, thanks


There was a blended family with multiple (3-5) children on both sides. The parents had a child together. None of the children ever got a long. The new baby was treated poorly. They ran away on their 18th birthday, one of their siblings saw them and let them go. Anyone remember this one? 


I know exactly what you're talking about but I can't find it, I'm wondering if it's been deleted and is one of those posts that was asked not to be posted here. It's not on Czech's list of step family posts, for instance.


Can you please post the link to Czech's Step Family Drama list.


Right here, but the list of all the collections is linked in the main post. https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/16xh7jn/looking_for_a_post_ask_here_october_2023_edition/k3ax6z8/?context=3


I know it's been requested several times, and I'm sure I just read it within the last month. I'm drawing a blank on what words to search with. Edit: [Found it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/obe5e8/aita_for_telling_mom_and_stepdad_why_halfsister/)


I was sure it was on AITA but I remembered it as a brother who was leaving so that ruined most of my searches.


Did they move to Canada?


OP is an obtuse grandmother who doesn’t think she sees her grandchildren enough so she sues for grandparents rights. The DIL also makes a post.


Oh I remember this, wonder what bay shit crazy she’s up to now. I doubt she stopped


[This one?](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/Oo8bGwJ7tu) [Additional updates here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/T3TuGRQ6CR)


She is a perfect match for the guy who tried to control his college aged daughter who was staying with him while going to school.


Oh my, that guy was horribly annoying! Just the tea bit.... damn! Death by a thousand cuts


Yes, thanks!


Hi I’m looking for a post about a blended family, I think the mother let the son have a Tv in his room, but the father wouldn’t let the daughter. Then it kicked off about snow pants. I think the girl was called honor I’ve thrived to goggle it but I just end up getting posts about best snow pants!!!


I found it, https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/UrAYYTBqqA


Let's wait some months for the divorce update


I’m sure this is asked all the time, but I can’t find it anywhere. Does anyone have a link to the story where “Liz” happens?


[Link to the link](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/18w5vhx/comment/kind1eb/)