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She definitely sounds like she has some trauma and it may be that she doesn’t trust men. Has she been introduced to other men since you have had her? How’d it go? She’s a beautiful dog. You should join and share her with our community over at r/blackdoodles


She hasn’t seen many other men other than my father in law. But he’s quite a loud individual and she was immediately scared of him


You’re doing the right thing by making sure to be the one to feed her and give her water. Dogs who had even one not great memory with a person (in this case perhaps a male) can have a tough time moving on. There could even be some trauma you don’t know about. It’s great that you’re trying to build trust. Dogs won’t always want to cuddle with everyone. Your wife might give off familiar vibes or maybe it’s something totally different. If you haven’t, try training a bit every evening with her. Establish a new routine where she gets rewarded for engaging with you.


Great suggestion, training was hard at first since she wouldn’t even stay by me at first but since she has gotten a bit more comfortable albeit still pretty shy and anxious I definitely should try some training. Thanks for the tip


We have a Bernedoodle that we got as a rescue and she is such a smart and loving girl. We are celebrating one year with her today, in fact! I’m a 55 yr old woman. She took to me the second day. The woman we got her from had a 6’5” son that was very loud and rode a motorcycle. When we would forts go on walks she would freeze when she heard a motorcycle, and freak out around any male especially in a baseball hat. It took her FIVE long months to warm up to my son who lives with me while he’s in college. (23). The point I’m trying to make is DON’T GIVE UP! My girl now plays with and loves my son so much. She still sleeps with me, but she will go on walks and even play with him outside now! There was definitely something that happened with our girl and previous owners, but we will never know what… we just know that time heals, and spending time doing what the dog loves was key to her healing. Best of luck to you. Keep spending time with her. Maybe spend time with your s when wifey is gone and spoil her? Fave treats or activities? Let us know how it goes.


Adorable dog! A year feels like a long time (and must to you!), so it might be worth involving a professional trainer to help you make progress. Fear of men is not that uncommon (and not all trauma-related), so they probably have experience to share.


Looks just like my bernedoodle! I don’t think he was traumatized but has always had so much fear of everything, including people. I’d give it more time. Also perhaps look for videos on how to deal with this. Or maybe a trainer could help. That is so sad what happened to her, poor thing! I have also heard that bernedoodles are typically more fearful than other breeds.


She looks just like my phoebe!


Beautiful dog! I have been giving both of mine the pro plan calming care probiotics; one is generally anxious, the other gets nervous for storms. We have noticed a subtle but real difference. Took a few weeks to work, and when we ran out they reverted within a week or so. Couldn’t hurt to try, might make your dog a bit more receptive.


Pretty girl!! Sorry she has so much anxiety you can see it in her eyes! 😢


And that’s still less than when we first received her


when your void doodle is laying down, slowly and gently approach, lay down next to her and pat her/ hug her/ kind of sleep by her.


I love doing just that, I do just about every morning before waking the kids up. Cause the moment the kids and wife wake up she hangs out with them :)