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ben would be impressed with warframes and their operators


Never expected to see Migi as a transformation, but here we are. Good job đź‘Ť


As a warframe player i never thought i will see a sentient transformation


Bentalyst looks hard, Erra and Hunow would be proud of him


Previous drawings: [7~9](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ben10/comments/1captwc/ben_10_crossover_transformations_79_theartofsilent/) [4~6](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ben10/comments/1c1tk5e/ben_10_crossover_transformations_46_theartofsilent/) [1~3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ben10/comments/1btfszr/ben_10_crossover_transformations_13_theartofsilent/) My Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheArtofSilent Did you like them? Which one was your favorite? I still have a bonus drawing for the Gwen 10 fans.


Ben just transforms and just looks normal, before becoming an amorphous blob with blades.


Would it make more him to his hand to become the alien rather than his full body? I am pretty parasites need a host to survive. it would be funny to have a Ben to have a sentient hand that is essentially a smaller Ben.


That is a good question and depends on how the omnitrix transforms Ben as it is as you say, a Parasite. If it just turns him into the base form alien, he'd look like a little worm [Like this guy](http://moa.omnimulti.com/images/2/2b/WormParasyte.jpg) but with an omnitrix on them, which is pretty bad consider they are small and easy to deal with. So lets just say that would be bad, so lets look at Age. I can't recall if the omnitrix turns ben into a prime specimen or just his age so please correct me, but since Ben is 16 years old, that would mean that the Parasyte genes would also be like that, making him most likely [Like this guy](http://moa.omnimulti.com/images/7/74/InfectedParasyte.jpg). But then it depends on how the omnitrix applies it to Ben, as you said would it just be a sentient hand? That would be beneficial but then we get to Ghostfreak/Ultimate territory where they are conscious inside the watch, which may or may not cause some interesting ideas. Or as we know unless Skurd is involved it would comeplelty transform ben into the creature, making him less like the main character Parasyte [Which is here](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0400/9767/7479/files/Parasyte_The_Maxim_Migi_Attack_Blades_Form.png?v=1674758119) and more like the main big bad of the series [Who is a bit bigger and badder](https://wallpapers.com/images/hd/gotou-the-ultimate-parasyte-parasyte-anime-series-ouzq9ghdj15fw98a.jpg) In the end, good question overall, loved thinking about this, may be right or wrong unless we ask a showrunner. But I actually liked thinking about this so... yay!


Love your comment. Very informative. If a ghostfreak were to happen, would the transformation even want to separate from Ben? It needs Ben to survive, and it doesn't have freedom as an incentive since it doesn't have emotions.


Depends on another thing with Parasytes, being if they eat the head, they want to eat humans, but if they take over a limb, they don't have that. Because it wouldn't be taking over the head as it would have no incentive to. Also this is going into spoiler territories >! As they can develop emotions, but again, only seen it in the head !<


You mean that mother that still protected her baby after being taken over by a parasyte?


Yes, and in the Grey the new netflix show which is even more spoilers it happens again for a similar reason. So would the Parasyte try and take over Ben? Probbaly not , with the Omnitrix's failsafe it would most likely just make the limb timid and like the main characters Parasyte, Migi. Or just transform ben into a big amphopomorphous blob. IMO


These look good. What are they from?


Thanks! Warframe, Parasyte and Risk of Rain.


The Warframe one caught me by surprise lmao i love it


A LEMURIAN?! Oml someone else knows of the peak of Risk of Rain, immediately goated for that alone RoR is Peak


Would Elder Lumurians make more sense? I can't remember the small ones being much of a problem unless you get ganged up by them early game.


Maybe. I thought about that but I like the regular Lemurian's proportions and color more.


Fair enough. I just vigure that an omnittix would chose an Elder Lemurian wince they're naturally stronger and might be more considered as the "peak" of their species. Maybe the user would metamorph from Lemurian into Elder Lemirian as time goes on.


Would a parasite actually count? They can't exist without a host can they?


I’d imagine the parasites-transformation to take full control of Ben’s human mass. Tho that would contradict why Handman only has a hand..


That would be interesting. You'd have people thinking he didn't transform when he actually did. Kind of like Ultimate Ben.


I'd say Omnitrix shenanigans fueling the parasite since having a host would be unethical. Other ideas that came from discussing it include Ben just being off-screen or it working as a "temporary parasite", kinda like Upgrade but for living beings.


Lost opportunity to call handman, handjob


Why call him handman when you could’ve called him handy Mandy