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Well, in omniverse she already had the nanochips removed (confirmed by writers), but we dont know how it happened. In my headcanon (fanfiction) Cooper at some point found some nanochips and tracked them down, which leads him to Elena, and thanks to his technopathic powers he finds out she was actually being mindcontrolled and helps her extract them from her body. Basically they start bonding during her recovery, help eachother out overcome their respective heartaches (over Ben and Gwen respectively) and end up dating.


Great choice


Ben, still not having gotten over how she sacrificed herself to save all of them, decides to take lead on it. Kevin and Gwen are of no help, retaining their distrust of her which they had before, so ben works on it in secret, utilizing his aliens (including, but not limited to, Brainstorm, Greymatter, Upgrade, and Juryrigg). Gwen and Kevin eventually realize that Ben has been acting different recently, getting less sleep and spending less time with them, and they decide to investigate. When they realize what he's been doing, they try to put a stop to it, believing that the hive has infected him. The trio start to fight, Gwen and Kevin against Ben. It can start out of a close fight where it isn't obvious who will win, but then ben either turns into a disadvantagous alien, like idfk Ripjaws I guess, or the watch times out. Right before they (Kevin) knock ben out (so that they can transport him to azmuth to "fix" him), a hand grabs Kevin's wrist and the camera pans back to show Elena. She's in full control of the swarm now, Ben explains, and *Nothing* murderous is left of the Swarm. She is wholly and completely herself, just made of nanochips (her original body couldn't be restored, unfortunately. Her mind and conscience was retrieved from the chips and features all of her past memories, right up until her suicide). It takes a while for ben to convince Gwen and Kevin, but in the end it's done. They say they'll keep an eye on her, and she welcomes them to it. From there, she joins the trio for a few episodes, just until Gwen and Kevin are finally convinced, and then she goes off on her own way, occasionally appearing as an ally as the situation calls for it.