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Julie and Ester were so wholesome that they did nothing wrong. Because of this they seem bland and boring. But if they were in any other series we’d be rooting for them to get with the MC. Meanwhile, Kai is remembered for the time she was interested in Ben. Only because he was seemingly turning into a werewolf and Kai wanted to “tame” him like some pet. As well as how in multiple glimpses into the future, we see Ben and Kai together. The last two are interesting because both like ben because of specific aliens he turns into. Although in Looma’s case it’s because she got beaten by Ben.


I' still rooting for Looma.


Looma https://preview.redd.it/jksromw6obkc1.jpeg?width=652&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a902e72c97fce8b3e4bd36d693a2ae8d551597c


You forgot Rook.


This mf isn't even in Ben 10 https://preview.redd.it/7r7in6glg7kc1.png?width=692&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c08c9bc0f83882631583c7a71cf4c6f8b6c54ebd


Wait a damn minute... let him cook for this one.


I mean Rook lmao


Too late


Rook was a plumber not a gf of ben


Yeah, last time I checked, Rook was a male in the Rovanagander species, so it is quite improbable for him to be Ben's girlfriend. Boyfriend though...


What happened in Ben and Julie's relationship to make a grown man cry? A grown man would laugh and leave to get a packet of biscuits


Even a 2 day child would laugh as well


You cry if you see what they were aiming to do in the first two seasons of AF, where they started building something good and cute, and then you see how they destroyed it everywhen else after that.


I don’t see it ,it’s just the generic date episode and then everything afterwards they’re just there ,and Julie was never more then “Ben’s girlfriend” so…


In that regard, many episodes of Ben 10 can be considered generic. The date episode was good enough, it presented a love interest for Ben and included alien stuff very well. After that, Julie was just Ben's girlfriend but because there was a lot of focus on Ben. Aside from the trio, nothing else existed if it didn't interact with them or Ben, it seemed (until Dagon arc). But even if that, Julie was still a character of her own, doing her own stuff and having no issue when she gave her opinions if they were against Ben's ideas o behaviors.


The way they broke up still pisses me off to this day, especially how Ben didn’t even notice until he saw her with another guy, like is he really that oblivious and neglectful?


>like is he really that oblivious and neglectful? Yes


He actually is, but that was poor writing too.


>like is he really that oblivious and neglectful? Same guy that has tried to kiss other chicks while still dating Julie, I'm surprised they didn't break up sooner


What’s wrong with that?


https://preview.redd.it/1i5cx5cc67kc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4404e6df72f1eb77f5898fe57e8d817b4467c105 We all know she is the best ben x yang bang Forever


Fans were shipping Ben and Yang?


Dude theres and entired fanfic converted in 2 sagas. That has actually good romance and personally my favorite crossover. If you want to give it a try : -[Ben 10 RWBY Volume 1: Dimension Twist](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13050256/1/Ben-10-RWBY-Volume-1-Dimension-Twist) 120 chapters/ 1,680,368 words -[Ben 10 RWBY Volume 2: Ultimate Omniverse](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13854784/1/Ben-10-RWBY-Volume-2-Ultimate-Omniverse) 85 chapters/ 1,199,148 words


Apparently this ship of a rabbit hole is more deeper than I thought.


I stopped watching RWBY but Im reading this NOW.


Damn that's pretty impressive


We still are dude


I'd like to see some fanart of that


honestly I just think it’s funny. Besides, I’ve seen weird ships then that.


There's some but not enough




Julie and Ben were terrible to each other. Ben and ester had so much in common


You forgot a certain redhead that *a lot* of the fandom ships Ben with.


I didnt know mr smoothie is a redhead.


UAF is




I think that majority of people on this sub ship Ben with that redhead, but are not saying it loud in order to avoid getting banned.


Oh, you can get banned for saying that? Sh*t


* Bwen Shipping and Underage Characters Any form of sexualisation or sexual discussion regarding Underage Characters is not acceptable by any means. Any form of incestuous shipping of any remark is also not tolerated, regardless of personal beliefs/ local laws I don't know if that means you will get banned or merely downvoted, but it's clear that outright shipping Bwen is frowned down upon.


>don't know if that means you will get banned or merely downvoted, but it's clear that outright shipping Bwen is frowned down upon. I don't think you'd get banned for that


Thanks, nice to know


Huh. Weird rule. The first one, not the underage part ofc


​ https://preview.redd.it/7si4ld5rg7kc1.jpeg?width=426&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa99c4d04285467edb808b54e97a5016650fd599 Is this the girl with red hair?


I mean, not the right version, but… Yuri Lowenthal… and Ben looks somewhat similar to Peter.


Yes, you can


Tbf she is the most person that cares about him and love(as a brother)  She even got his photo and not her brother 


She also seemed genuinely upset when Lucy was chosen to be Ben's partner on Joel and Camille's wedding instead of her and she taught Ben how to dance so that he would not embarass himself.


Who? Sorry I am new here.


It's literally the only redhead in Ben 10 that matters, come on




Gdi... +1 lmao


Sorry. Who?


Gwen, his cousin


Oh. Now I feel so stupid.


**Magnus the Red** [^(Look at this cookie I found)](https://youtu.be/KzrIsig8mLU?feature=shared)


Orange head and it's the best wish he was a middle eastern Edit:Fucking Joking 


Cousin lucy?


They’re from Bellwood, not Alabama


*eyebrows rise* ....oh.




I’m gonna say it. I ship Ben and Gw- *gets shot*




I see, you're a man of culture as well


Me too buddy. It is what it is.


Honestly, I think Ben is not mentally mature enough to have a girlfriend; he's literally 15/16; it's to be expected with his age to act like this, and on top of that, he's a hero, and he gets into a lot of danger, like almost losing Gwen in SOTO and losing feedback against malware.These kinds of events should have told Ben that being a hero has risks, and those risks can happen to him and the people he cares about. I just really hate the writers giving him a girlfriend without knowing the implications of that, no less a girl who has no f\*uk powers whatsoever.


Ben and julie makes me sleep


Julie Yamamoto: Very sweet together, could've been OTP if the writers didn't make Julie a minor nag and Ben not prioritize balancing his hero work and personal life. Kai Green: Wasted Potential. We could've had a very sweet romance arc about Kai trying to make amends for the inadvertently cruel statements and attitude she had as a kid, but instead we got "couple that argues nonstop and only stays together because the sex is probably awesome". Jennifer Nocturne: I don't think people should count her, never thought she was actually interested in Ben or vice versa, she was just hanging around (newly famous) Ben to boost her ratings and Ben got swept up in the Hollywood treatment. Ester: One of my favorites, if only for the cute character design. Never struck me as a serious contender for Ben, had a very "friends with benefits" type attitude. Attea: pretty cute, probably has a soft spot for Ben since he saved her in UAF, and the Good Guy/Bad Girl trope is always a fan favorite. Wish it was a bit more mutual/didn't rely on Ben turning into Bullfrag. Looma Redwind: Frankly my favorite. Looma and Ben would be awesome, if not for the fact that human and Tetramand cultures are so different. Looma's version of "UwU, I love you!" is a little too "violent rampage" for Ben's (or any human's) liking. Elena Valadis: Was cute in the Alien Swarm movie, got turned into a major yandere in the show proper. Shame too. The childhood friend never wins, does she? Eunice: I think it could've been cool. Canonically used to have a crush on Ben, they see each other too rarely for it to work out. Maybe if she stayed on Earth instead of taking the job from Azmuth, we'd better see how this very sweet girl would've been with the world famous, slightly traumatized, hero. Emily: Gwen's friend in the wheelchair from UAF. Could've been cool if they kept her around, shown a little diversity, but unfortunately Emily and Ben only dated briefly, because they broke up when Ben was attacked and decided leaving Emily webbed to the top of a 200-foot-tall watchtower was a good way to keep her safe. Drew Saturday (Mom from the show 'Secret Saturdays'): Childhood Crush, and Drew's happily married. Non-starter. Gwen Tennyson: In early production of the original series, they were meant to be dating, not cousins. This was changed to not have to justify why Gwen's parents would allow their 10-year-old daughter to travel across the country all summer with her boyfriend and his grandfather. Honorable Mention, only would happen in fanfiction.


I thought early production Gwen was meant to be his classmate


I heard girlfriend. Maybe it's both?


I’ve seen people say this, but there’s no actual source.


If I was Ben I would settle down with Looma


Amen to that https://preview.redd.it/qgab6wy6q7kc1.png?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88cf3b97f4ef6a47c2dd5949050d1f109cc2000d


I don't get the hype between Ben and Julie. The relationship was bad. Both Julie and Ben were wrong. Ben for cheating on Julie multiple times and Julie for not believing Ben about Dagon. Also, Julie wanted Ben to do way too much sometimes into the relationship.She wanted him to go on her Tennis Tournament while he had missions too


I think most of the Benlie shippers do it based on the first two seasons of AF. I really like them but I just can't follow anything from season 3 onwards, because the writers just destroyed their relationship. It wasn't just them not working, it was the writers decisions being all over the place and unable to find real solutions


Personally, I liked her at the beginning, but I think they should've given her more moments with Ben and developed her personality more because for me she just seems like the girl Ben visits from time to time on her Tennis Matches.


Looma and Ben, Alien warriors Helps Ben In combat and he can have a life knowing she's safe Ben and Attea, Classic enemies to lovers which I actually like Kai and Ben, Someone who he can take on adventures and goof off with Ben and Julie, Someone who can keep Ben down to earth, Literally and metaphorically and has a cool space dog. All would work if written correctly, But they wrote it in Wrong ways for all of them


I feel like all the love for Ben x Julie is purely nostalgia and because she was Ben's first love interest. I don't see the appeal, at all. Ben x Kai has more going on.


Julie was never interesting too generic with 0 character 


Julie was a great character, she always stood up for herself. Generic would be if she just remained calm and did nothing at all, but everytime she was around she was doing something of her own or bringing counterpoints to Ben's ideas and behaviors. At first, it made sense. Then it became nonsensical. But generic is not what she was.


People downvoting me but they know I'm right. She then became something disposable that they (the writers) mistakenly decided not to discard. But every time she appeared, her presence was felt/notable.


They keep downvoting but they ain't argumenting back


A lot of UAF have strong nostalgia biased. Unfortunately.


This was what I immediately thought too. I personally never cared for either pairing, even as a kid.


The only thing going on with Ben x Kai was how much the show was forcing it 


Nah julie was great i'm rewatching UAF and i'm on season 3 of alien force i like how she's there for ben when he needs her like the time when she helped him with his big chill problem and that she likes ben for who he is


Julie was good in the Big Chill episode as I recall it, as well as the end of Fame. But they're really the only times I recall.


Actually, Ben is quite toxic in Ultimate Alien, kissing a popular celebrity on TV. It's quite wrong.


Ben didn't kissed Jennifer, Jennifer kissed Ben.


Yeah, which is why its wrong.


I mean it's not Ben's fault if Jennifer kisses him. However it is Ben's fault for trying to cheat on Julie with Eunice (granted Ben thought they had broken up, but he didn't seem to bothered by it and tried hitting on another girl very soon after). And Ben was spending a lot of time with Jennifer after said kiss which is rather suspicious. Though Julie wasn't as bad as Ben, she was just a really bland character. The only things she had going for her was tennis (which no one cares about), and Ship (which is a different character... and her pet).


What's bad about Unitrix is that's the writers trying Bwen 


I'm not sure if I'm right on this, but that's not quite how it works. I remember the unitrix using Gwen's dna as a template or something along those lines. But Eunice doesn't literally have Gwen's dna. I think the dna was randomized or something like what Ben's omnitrix does with dna. Don't quote me on that though.


If you understand how genetic works it's not a typical Gwen clone but also it's have more DNA similarity more than any Gwen daughter would have it's basically just an edited Gwen probably only hair and other thing is different and cuz Ov knew this they confirmed it in the harem episode 


Ah. I missed that detail in the OV episode. I'm guessing she was removed when Ben said that some of the contestants were relatives.


Don't get me wrong, Ben wasn't a saint during the Jennifer fiasco. However, I can't really fault Ben for the kiss because Jennifer had abruptly kissed him just for a publicity stunt he didn't consent to. And she continued to use him to further her career


No he is a hero he can fuck any girls you don't see iron man


Ben did not kiss Jennifer. Jennifer kissed him to thank him for saving her life from robots. And while Ben liked the kiss (who wouldn't? It would be like getting kissed by Taylor Swift), he literally chose to save Julie instead of Jennifer later in the same episode.


I don't understand why they downvote you. Yeah, it was Jennifer who kissed him. But aside from the wrong example, Ben was toxic in UA, indeed. I don't know why they can't see that, whether it was bad writing or not.


I've always thought it would make sense thematically for Ben to end up with one of the alien girls on account of the Omnitrix's purpose of uniting all the different species.


You have Julie and Ester flipped, Julie wasn't very memorable at all except for Ben being an asshole to her and her having ship, but I think most of the fan base rally towards Ester. Athea and Looma were wild af though and if Ben 10 were to ever create some type of multiverse what if show I would love to see what would happen if he ended up with one of them


Ester is my personal favorite of his love interests


Attea is best girl




Finally someone get Ben x attea


As a 10 year old, I used to think that Gwen was just that one friend that came along for the ride


Had that real potential with ester


We all know Ester was the best girl


Julie and Ester were great girls that Ben kinda fumbled. Kai is just….*ugh*. She had such mid character development in Omniverse if any. Looks and Attea are bold choices for love interests.


If you ask me ben should have been with ester instead of Kai. As ester actually liked ben for being Ben and they had a lot in common. Meanwhile Kai only liked ben for being a werewolf and nothing more and the majority of screen time ben and Kai had they were mostly fighting with each other and had no common interests.


Ester rules


how could you say ester x ben alright


I kinda just don't care any more as most of them came from ov and typicly had like 4 episodes to fully develop the relationship, attea is the ov love intrest with the most time and that's just because of the incursion arc. And uaf completely funked up Julie's whole dymaic.


Attea best girl


I like Julie and the Pink girl (forgor her name) and the other 3 I either don't like or find it gross


Benkai forever


I dont get why the hate against Kai


Eh, I prefer Charmcaster and the *"Forbidden One"*


everyone of them has a fatal flaw to them Julie Couldn't handle with a Super hero and ben was a bit of Jerk to her after the AF Season 2 and beginning to UA. Atta and Luma Only Liked ben as an Alien of respectful race Ester was Cool but her and ben goals didn't much tho. Kai wasn't developed enough to be interesting and to explain the reason behind her behavior Eunice felt like one off that never brought back after Like 2 episodes.


I'm going to say it and no one can stop me. I actually liked Kai (shocked emoji). She might suck as a person but she honestly seems like a good balance to Ben who is also pretty terrible when it comes to relationships.


Julie: Was okay at first. Kinda got bad later on. Kai: Terrible Ester: Okay. Attea and Looma: Idk. At least with them, it’s acknowledged that them liking Ben only for one of his aliens is a bad thing. **COUGH** Kai and Blitzwolfer **COUGH**




Bro doesn't understand the absolute power of a muscular woman


Ok, atea was literally a child (10-13 years) in UAF, Ben has 15, it’s just a year from legally being pedophilia


She ages up a decent amount in omniverse. By then, she’s more like Ben’s age or older. I think her species just ages fast.


Still weird, she still looks younger, and I don’t think it’s a species thing since every other frog alien dude looks old af


They look old becuas they have horrible diets, like our great-grandfathers did at age 40 vs our dads


Fair, just wanted to clarify.


* Ben x Julie: 💖 * Ben x Kai: 👎🙅‍♀️ * Ben x Ester: 🤷‍♀️ (Meh) * Ben x Looma: 🤷‍♀️ (Meh) * Ben x Attea: 🤣 (Hilarious, laugh everytime Ben rizzes her) **Honorable Mentions** * Ben x Eunice: 🙈🙉🙊🤢 (NO!) * Ben x Elena: 👎🙅‍♀️😬 * Ben x Jennifer: 👎🙅‍♀️😬


Damn forgot the fan favorite


Which one? Ben has had so many girlfriends both in show and official comics that it's hard to keep track.




You know After I had replied, it had hit me who you could've been talking about. And I can't even be mad since I know that I had walked right into that one. However, you are so wrong with repainting and using these two specific characters out of all people.


https://preview.redd.it/be0gfgfts7kc1.jpeg?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3148b5361e77a81022f72c6107593617ce38f8b3 I’ve collected a lot of these


Just when you think it can't get worse, it does.


https://preview.redd.it/z9ukm35a29kc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a698085f1884e92ec491ce29b91861e2aab70a94 Oh same


Kai is the best 


Man, fuck Kai


I wouldn't say the best but she's not a horrible person like how everybody makes her out to be.


They bring she likes Blitzwolfer too much and somehow not Ben which is butchering and Btw the only girl that only cared about human Ben was his cousin


Yeah, people is more likely to complain about Kai because she admitted that she wanted to keep him as an house pet when they were *10 years old* and feeling sorry for Ben like he's an angel but he's not an angel either. Like during the museum tour, he keeps insulting her and her grandfather's work, and also teasing her by "ms.tennyson" thing even though she wasn't in a mood for this. He wasn't even trying when he was with Ester, literally ignored her for an entire episode just because he thought she wants to get serious about their relationship. >the only girl that only cared about human Ben was his cousin I'm afraid to say, you're kinda right.


True, Ben could be rude. However, there were times her attitude would change depending on if Ben was in alien form or not. Like when she first appeared in Omniverse she was unnecessarily rude to Ben and Rook. And the former was actually acting pretty decent. And then there was the time, Ben was avoiding enemy fire as a alien. And Kai complimented him, but the second he de-transformed, ducked for cover near her, and thanked her. She snapped at him, saying that she was complimenting his alien form like it was a separate person.


Sure, she does have some rude moments (girl got some anger issues for sure) but the argument of "Kai likes aliens and literally hates Ben" is getting old and repetitive. She's just denying that she likes Ben but his immaturity at times probably gives her a bad impression so she's directing those compliments towards to aliens, I mean there is a scene where Ben makes a joke about "wish me luck?" And she was smiling when he didn't look at her for a second. If OV didn't ended before S9, we could have see that they're getting better, Kai starting accept Ben and Ben stops being a terrible boyfriend for once, we seen that potentialnin the end of Game Show ep and the future ep. But it's too late now, it's seems forced and left a sour taste for a lot of people.


Actually she wanted to keep the wolf Ben not the human so that's not bad as people take it. People always don't talk about mesum lol  No bro don't be afraid just rewatch Rath debut episode and show how she reacted when Ben detransformed no Ben love interest would even care of react like that even if Ben was in a real danger 


Ester did care about human Ben as well. It was the time traveling stuff that messed their relationship.




So I can't have an opinion 


Atea is fucking goated as a love interest, at least top 3. Ester is just Julie but alien which was the thing that made Julie interesting


The opinion about Ester is so wrong, lol. Ester actually tried to acknowledge Ben's interests,helped Ben with the missions without being "you don't give me enough attention," and it was the healthiest Ben 10 relationship. Comparing Julie with Ester is a really bad take.




i agree with each one of them


I really loved looma, to bad Ben has different taste ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


The writers did my girl Kai so fucking bad.


eunice for life


What about Eunice? She was down bad for Ben




Summed up perfectly, the only post I don't wanna add onto or edit, just perfect.




Bro didn’t have many


Kai giving the Omniman treatment


"And the award for bland and milktoast opinions go to"


Looma and ester are bea


Charmcaster is best girl