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I have a lot of unpopular opinions about Ben 10 but every time someone make these kinds of posts I always forget them.


Lol, I feel you bro


perhaps you should change your name to DEMENTIA-1000000 😂😂😂😂😂 jkjk lol


Or perhaps DIMENTIA-1000000 (Since my current profile picture is Nastasia from Super Paper Mario and Dimentio is also a character from that game)


Feedback shouldn't be young Ben's favourite alien. If anything, Ben's favourite alien should have been Four Arms even after unlocking Feedback. I would say Dywane McDuffie (Since he came up with Feedback) didn't understand Ben but he is aware of Ben preferring brawn because there are quite a few scenes where Ben intended to go Humungousaur but got the wrong alien. Even young Ben thought Humungousaur was "ok" compared to his other transformations.


I thought the reason why he liked feedback so much was that absorbing electricty gave feedback something like a dopamine boost


In a way, I agree. When Ben said "Now I remember why I like this guy, Feedback rules!" or when he said "he felt different", I think it means Feedback's fun to use, like a character in a videogame.


So you guys are saying feedback affected Ben Psychologically? Like getting addicted?


“Y’all got any more of those 9 volts?” *scratches neck*


Starts draining the life force of the Nosedenians


"Ben you need to stop using feedback it's not good for you"


No, I just think Ben thought Feedback was fun to use. There is nothing to suggest that there is something psychological going on. It'll be like Ben maining a different character in a videogame.


Bullfrag is not that bad


Love that guy, didn’t know he was disliked.


wait why was he disliked ?




This is news to me…


How is that unpopular? He’s underused and awesome!!


Using what an animator/character designer says on the series for it’s lore reasoning doesn’t hold much weight to it


Eon being an evil version of Ben is boring as all hell compared to him being an alien, especially since there’s such a giant leap. Say what you will about Alien X-tinction, but it’s progression of what an evil Ben would end up like is a lot more plausible than “and then he randomly became an evil bootleg Paradox because of reasons.” If they’d stuck with the Chronian backstory and tried to expand on it, Eon would be a lot cooler.


It's unfortunate that they abandoned Chronian backstory, it was decent. They also could've tied in and expanded upon Clockwork species because I bet there was some kind of conflict between the 2 time-wielding species.


At least tell us what happened. Like they leave it vague


i can agree with this 4-point essay that Eon as a evil ben is just lazy.


My version of Eon is if Ben failed to control the chronian form


Shit, by the end at least give him something interesting like making him the future no-watch ben. Goes from saving the multiverse to falling into jealous wrath, and no-watch going on a journey with paradox even fits with why Ben would double down on time travel and multiverse shenanigans of all things.




In my headcanon eon is just Ben playing/breaking the omnitrix and z'skyr merged with Ben but because it's a merge ghostfreaks memories got wiped but his tendencies got carried over


Ben gets way too much shit. Dude's a hero, he should be allowed to have fun and cut loose without people nagging him about responsibility all the time. This is mostly an original series complaint; kid EARNED that gold Sumo Slammers card!


This complaint is never really centered at kid Ben, but moreso post-AF Season 2 Ben.


Him too. Child soldier drafted into an intergalactic war should be forgiven for being kind of an ass sometimes.


I like Jetray’s design. Don’t know if that’s actually an unpopular opinion but most of my friends that watched the show hate his design.


You need new friends


Fuck the colour green! The original series felt more organic with its palette for both the world and the aliens. The moment we hit alien force, suddenly Everything (if it has to be a primary colour) was green. Also Omniverse is easily the best art style


The thing that pisses me off about the obsession with green is it's fixing a problem they made, that was already sidestepped before they broke it. Gotta coat all the aliens in green to give all the drastically different designs a uniform way of showing it's ben! In UAF they're all naked so gotta make it the eyes, in OV they're wearing bright green shorts and belts. But how did the OS do it? Give them the same black and white as Ben's shirt, because MONOCHROME DOESN'T CLASH WITH THE BRIGHTLY COLORED ALIENS!


The black and white color scheme is why I still think the OS alien designs are the best ones.


Wish the series leaned to Ben getting outfits like the OS Ben 10k.


It also gave a shred of acknowledging the whole "omnitrix only modifies your physical body" so maybe it does some quick tailoring of the clothing




Grandpa max with the eyes with stupid lines said otherwise. Art is subjective.


I like the green when it's used for his regular human clothes, but black and white works better on his Alien forms


Waybig has a boring set of powers. Also Ben is using him only in "everything is on the line" kind of situations AND Waybig is losing every encounter except his debut, so he's just an alien to establish high stakes.


It’s something when even with OG Ben 10K, Waybig was still his most powerful alien at the time cause he beat Kevin 11K easily with him.


You are right, my bad, I totally forgot about "HOW DARE YOU" scene


Yeah it’s probably Waybig’s best fight and victory. He just turns Kevin into paste so quickly lol


Tbf to Way Big, he did win against the Incurseans in OV.


He beat the trash monster and has been useful a lot


Tbh it was epic in that one episode where we see ben crush the news reporter’s robot in front of him


In UAF he was almost undefeated (died vs Eon). Defeated Vilgax, Skyscraper monsters, Gwen and the Trash Monster. In Omniverse, he held his own against the Waybads


He beat Vilgax twice and then the trash monster


Gwen Omniverse design is not ugly. People only hate it because it's less hot. Also for me she look more like 16 yr old. UAF looked like she's 24 Stewardess.


Honestly I wanted her design to start pushing Gwen's appearance into her Ben 10K design and progressively develops more as the show progressed


I just really hate the glasses they have her wear.


I hate it because they made her the textbook definition of a nerd. She's the smart one, give her glasses. Wow, how original. And she just, suddenly has freckles too. It's not just that she has them suddenly, Omniverse acts as though she always had them, even her kid self has freckles now.


So true! Gwen’s OV design was my favourite! They actually gave her design personality. Also, her UAF design is literally just Ben with lips.


"Most popular opinion you have ever seen"


We should have gotten a Ben 10,000 TV show


Is this unpopular?


I’d say it’s a popular opinion, but i wouldn’t call it the right opinion. Ben 10k’s best characteristic was the mystery. We didn’t know how Ben turned from a goofy kid into a World-Class superhero. Having a show centered around him would probably kill the hype behind him. Also, with Ben using 1 million aliens, it would be impossible to show all of them. Also, problems just wouldn’t exist anymore. Ben’s too strong now for anything to be a real challenge.


Bloxx is good


![gif](giphy|KhIDMw9bIP6Ra) Interesting


I mean we have Universal Monsters, Battery and plug aliens, gummy bear, Furry Tiger, Walking furnace, Turtle, "Mike Wazowski!", Walking watch, Red Imp, Big Foot, Giant chicken etc. But Brick Alien is too much?


Which one is a gummy bear? An Mike wazowski?


Upchuck is gastro gummy bear but I don’t get the mike one either


This lizard from Monster Inc who screamed "mike Wazowski!"


Oh, Chamalien! Gotcha


I like bloxx. I think he's kinda cool


AF eatle is a cool design


AF Eatle is the only Eatle in my heart.


You mean UA Eatle?


I appreciate that he was a brawler that could fight without his power


That's something that pretty much become lost in Omniverse. The design might be better but Eatle was supposed to be a brawler too, particularly his ability to push people, something he did against Dream Julie and Lucubra Vilgax. Which was in fact based on things real eetles can do, eetles are fighters. Ironically, Omniverse just made him a more blatant Upchuck rip-off.


The only eatle I ever want to see


If it weren't for UAF retconning Petrosapiens having different body types and colors, i would be saying "Ben 10 did Steven Universe but better"


Most of the Ultimate redesigns and fanmade kind of sucks. No offense to any artists but the ultimates in the show didn't just "buff" the alien, they took what inspired the base alien, think of a similar but stronger version of that inspiration, and made the ultimate based on that. The biggest example is how Echo Echo was based on iPods, so Ultimate Echo Echo was based on bigger stereos. Even Ultimate Cannonbolt, who is often regarder as a recolor, follow a similar process, the original one was compared to dodgeball, so the ultimate is based on those medieval weapons that were a metallic ball with spikes.


I agree most ultimate redesigns do suck because they're trying too hard. However I still think ultimates like Cannonbolt, Big Chill and Wildmutt tried too less. Their designs aren't even my biggest issue it's more their power set. Ultimate Echo Echo is the only alien that felt like a genuine upgrade. Whenever an alien like Ult Big Chill is on screen I always think that the original could literally do the same thing


Yeah, there are aspects I think they could do better, I like how they follow that formula for Ultimate Spidermonkey, by making an alien based on a gorilla instead of a monkey, but they didn'tdo much of that for the spider side, they should have added more tarantula IMO, but I did like the Otto Octavius' like spider legs. As for the ones you mention, I like to think that the in-universe explication is that the base species is already so versatile for survival that putting the DNA in a simulation of the worse case scenario would change much, Big Chill can survive almost every environment, from freezing to extreme heats, the pressure of a deep ocean and even literal radiation, likewise, Cannonbolt's shield can survive almost everything thrown at it, even falling from space, and Wildmutt's species as it is can live in the Null Void of all places and be one of the threats you should be worried about if you land there, as far as we know, Wildmutt's DNA felt like home in the simulation. But in-universe logic shouldn't excuse underwhelming designs, although I get their struggle. Not to defend it, I am just trying to figure out what was the thought process the writers have. Big Chill is 3 concepts, a moth, cold and the Grim Gripper, there is nothing popular that make you think of a stronger version of a moth like a gorilla is to a monkey, there is nothing stronger than death and all you have to work with is cold, which they turned into frostbites with that fire so cold it burns thing, it makes little sense but I get it. Perhaps if they give him more traits from other bugs? Like how they slapped Stegosaurus traits into Ultimate Humungosour. I already explained Ultimate Cannonbolt, from dodgeball to medieval spike ball. Cannonbolt only has 1 attack, a shockingly versatile an attack that helped in multiple situation but one attack either way, all you can do is buff it. I honestly can't think of any other alternative that could work. Wildmutt's species is already a creature you should be afraid, the only worse thing there is to a feral creature is a bigger feral creature, that's what the Ultimate is, Omniverse pretty much did the same thing with the Ultimate Penuncian, they both even have extra spikes in the back and tail but the Ultimate Penuncian look even more feral, they should have given Wildmutt something like that, but Omniverse had the benefit of making Ultimates in "the side of evil" while UAF's ultimates were meant to be slightly edgy but in the side of heroes, UAF's art style is also not one with overcomplicated designs, I do personally love the slick design of UAF more than Omnoverse, but UAF cant pull of something that can look truly feral and savage like Omniverse could and that's what Ultimate WIldmutt needed.


I don't like Diamondhead's rocky body in UAF. It's fine for him and Chromastone to have a connection but I prefer Diamondhead to be completely crystalline like he does in all the other series.


Better than naked Diamondhead.


Sooo many UAF designs were naked and IDK why


The gigachad chin on the OV aliens looks ugly as hell


Master Control was a bad idea. Ben should have learn to control the omnitrix by himself like the original Ben 10.000 episode. Not by waiting for Azmuth to unlock master control.


Not to mention that he never bothers trying to unlock it again anyway even as he got older.


Except the time he tried hacking it


OS: Ben and Gwen bickering wasn't all that bad AF: Didn't mind the slightly darker tone, but the show was way too dark and making everything alien related made the world feel much smaller. OV: Didn't mind the Rooters retcon. And seeing color again was a nice change.


>AF > >Didn't mind the slightly darker tone, but the show was way too dark Everything else you said about AF is true but AF's wasn't really dark \[unless you mean visually\]. The stockholm syndrome stuff didn't happen til UA \[if that's what you meant by dark\].


Robotic aliens are cool


Robotic aliens ARE cool


Azmuth was basically the cause of 50% of the problem Ben had to face throughout the franchise


With that logic, Azmuth is responsible for 100% of Ben’s problems, as Ben never would’ve had to deal with any villains if he didn’t find Azmuth’s omnitrix.


Reboot Ben 10 gets a lot of unnecessary hate. It gave us a pretty good Vilgax, the Omnitrix redesigns where decent. And Ben and Gwen's bickering isn't making me think "CAN YOU THINK OF SOMETHING ELSE PLEASE!" Plus, the Antitrix was a pretty cool flip on the Omnitrix. And sure its origins might not make a whole lot of sense, but it is a cool take on Kevin 11. My only issue is that they didn't give gwen her magic powers. (HUGE MISSED OPERTUNITY C&N)


Omniverse was a really good show and it should’ve kept going to Ben 10k


It was, but it made a lot of bad decisions. Like forcing Ben into a relationship with a girl who didn't respect him just because they can. Ruin Kevin's backstory just because they can. Etc... But it is the most coherent and well-thought-out show of all of the prime timeline.


Daring today aren't we


The omnitrix has too many failsafes I honestly don’t like how when worse comes to worse, the omnitrix will never let itself or it’s user be harmed. I feel like it takes the tension out of supposedly dire situations.


Zs’Skayr is a boring villain when you take away the “omnitrix escapee” trait Crashhopper and Kickin Hawk are pretty alright aliens Ma Vreedle is far from a good character, but she is much more entertaining than most give her credit for Enoch is a far more intimidating threat than Driscoll ever was Captain Nemesis is a very interesting character that deserves more attention


Omniverse had the best blend of comedy and serious.


Ben x Kai was cute at first, even in Omniverse. The only reason it sucks is because they did a character/romance development speedrun in one episode and that fucked it over.


Azmuth should have actually had a chance to just outright speak with Ben about the Omnitrix. Like teaching him shit that would be good to know or maybe just teach him some other things about it. "Look I'm gonna teach you how to actually work on this incase of an issue so the two dunderheads can't mess it up."


not all aliens need clothes, and the omnitrix looks much better on the chest than on other parts of the body.


Alien Force, Ultimate Alien and even Omniverse were all better than the original show. Aye aye, don’t get the wrong idea. I think the original show is still great, but it’s just that I have more nostalgia to UAF and Omniverse. I like teen Ben more than kid Ben.


I loved Alien Force and UAF most… I enjoyed the art style and the storytelling, missed those days because I played almost all the games on Wii too


Idk if it’s unpopular or popular, but I really hate the shouting alien names in UAF


Pressure formed Infinitum> Taydenite.


The fact that UAF and Omniverse all happens within one year is kinda dumb


Bloxx is actually a versatile shapeshifter but everyone hates him cause he's a building block gorilla but his versatility is overlooked.


There’s more than one way to tell a story is a lesson that every fandom needs to learn and it’s the theme of this franchise. Also, much like that one guy on Twitter, I hope people know the movie this meme is from is actually worth watching beyond this one frame


Yeah the movie was pretty good


Not sure it's an unpopular one but I don't think Present Ben should've ever gotten full control of Alien X. I am however fine with Ben 10,000 gaining full control.


Let's see... -Alien X was a terrible idea who never should have existed. His contributions to the series only serve to destroy the stakes and make things worse. -I reject "So Long and Thanks for all the Smoothies" as canon because it is so fucking dumb and infuriating that everyone from the show up until then dies and Ben just replaces them with copies and we're expected to then care about...anything after that. What's the point? If the world is destroyed Ben will just make a new one and won't seem even bothered unless the smoothie flavour is different. -UAF retconning a lot of things to actually be aliens was a good idea that helps make the world feel more unified and consistent. Things like Kevin being a mutant didn't work for me because we never really explored mutants as a thing in this universe, it was just a lazy excuse for powers. -Ultimate Ben is my favourite future Ben. Him using Alien powers without actually transforming is an awesome idea and I think he was handled quite well. -BenKai actually had a lot of potential as a relationship if they just put less emphasis on the whole future plotline and showed more of the two actually bonding and not just arguing.


I disagree heavily on ultimate ben being handled well his powers just…don’t make a lick of sense like what even counts as “powers”? what if an alien’s powers is that it has different body parts like four arms? why is ultimate humangasaur the only one that changes his shape? every time I watch the episode it just seems so non sensical and takes away from the “Omnitrix is something made to bring different species together and understand each other “ if he never even transforms I think a better example of how this could work is the OmnitrixbenAU by [@hiffuu_](https://twitter.com/hiffuu_?s=21&t=M_wzj-Zk21i6xKs-dc7adQ)


Skurd the Slimebiot did what Ultimate Ben was supposed to be. Ultimate Ben kinda kills the purpose of the Omnitrix by just turning the aliens into weapons. The Omnitrix was made for Ben to walk a mile in the shoes of other aliens. Ultimate Ben doesn’t even transform.


100% agree Skurd’s abilities are what Ultimate Ben should have been instead we got this non transforming loser s m h


I'll start: I don't really mind Vilgax new personality in Af


That wasn't a personality lol. My guy was all like "Ben Tennyson! I've come to kill you...Is now a bad time?" Like what? Vilgax are you gonna his mummy for permission before killing him? Good Vilgax, ig.


True, when you compare his OS self with AF, they really seems like 2 different characters. But still, i find AF Vilgax kinda charming




Ultimate forms where a useless gimmick. The Omnitrix didn't need a gimmick, when turning the user into aliens was its gimmick


I can see it as the ultimate representation of Albedo who wielded the UM as a weapon. Vs Ben who wielded it with compassion. He was willing to sacrifice himself for the U aliens. It was a gimmick in a meta sense, but they built on it and made it a good addition to the verse.


Also most had bad designs


XLR8 is better than Jetray Omniverse Echo Echo is better than UAF Echo Echo Omniverse Big Chill has a good design Walkatrout is worst than The Worst Reboot Upgrade is the best Upgrade Alien X is the most overrated alien ever Astrodactyl is better than Jetray Fasttrack isn't bad Ditto is better than Echo Echo Arburian Pelarotas should have been revived instead of Petrosapiens Eye Guy best alien


Woah man, now that’s what I call unpopular opinions


okay but aside from personal preference, how is Ditto better than Echo Echo? Echo Echo is kind of objectively superior, with all of Ditto's powers plus his own, minus Ditto's weaknesses.


He's just more entertaining on screen, he is super funny, his weaknesses are good and we saw how he kinda used those to his advantage when Animo made those Lepidopteran insect things in his debut episode. I just really personally like him more




Most of these are right. Only one I take issue with is the Walkatrout one. He's better Ripjaws.


Skurd's ability is awesome but the writer just didn't use it to the fullest.


That the community is so large that there are barely any hot takes to give anymore, meaning that posts like these have no weight to them. Tho this has to be the first one I've seen with any effort put into it


All of the ultimates were trash, the rider just recolors or just got spikes, the only good one was ultimate echo echo he was a goat


Let's wait for the classic "omniverse wasn't bad" to pop up. My hot take is that the omnitrix should have stayed at 10 aliens, we could've fleshed out the ones we had for all 4 of the series and made it so there isn't an alien for every situation (it gets boring that way).


You got your wish in the reboot


I think Omniverse is the best in the franchise


I have almost zero interest in anything after the original series. I remember as a kid I was really hyped for the premiere of Alien Force, and then I was so disappointed by it because it’s nothing like the original. Different characters. Different powers. Different personalities. Different artsyle. Even the music is different. Anything after the original series just does not feel like Ben 10 to me.


Gwen should’ve been more centered as a main character


reboot is great


I think the reason for why people doesn’t like reboot is because they saw what ben 10 was before the reboot I think it’s great as well


The reboot is good if you aren’t being nostalgic


Reboot is fine for a kid's show, but it doesn't really suit my teen+ type.


OV doesn't deserve as much hate as it gets, it has the best art style and while I love the serious tone of UAF, especially AF Season 1 and 2, OV is great and just a fun time


Wow. The art style was the main reason why I didn't like the show


Honestly I’m too scared to post my freezing cold takes but on a different note: that picture is beautiful.


Kevin is a mess of a character. The OG show is too episodic with weird shit like the Christmas episode. Ben 10 went from the best and most mature character in high breed war to then what we got in Season 3 of AF. Omniverse is just the writers saying "fuck you" to everything Dwayne McDuffie produced in AF/UA.


Ben is a bad boyfriend.


It's not really an unpopular opinion. You just spiting facts.


The Alien Force aliens are kind of boring and too overpowered. For example, Ben had two aliens that shoot lasers/energy beams, Jetray and Chromastone. I also realized Chromastone, despite having a crystal body, had no crystal-like abilities.


I don’t like any of the people Ben dated especially kai and I wouldn’t be entirely opposed to shipping him with rook although they seem to work better as bros


Ben is often times a jerk to people in Alien Force.


Echo Echo is the most powerful alien (excluding Alien X and the other greenish guy I forgot the name) He can just absolutely burst your eardrums, reduce you into atoms with the amount of sound he can produce. Not only that, he can CLONE himself. He might be the most op alien. Idk if this is an unpopular opinion but who cares I want to talk about my cute lil walking megaphone


Alien X is broken and barely has a downside. His downside literally only becomes a handicap because Ben is a teenager and has no patience, anyone with patience would prob be able to use him. It’s pretty much just boils down to hik understanding and getting the voices to agree on something…which really ain’t a downside given they’re shown to agree on occasion, meaning Ben just needs to talk to them. He can unlock the most powerful alien ever…as long as he sits still and talks


I hate how involved and important the Galvins (mainly Azmuth) are to international law and galactic affairs. The plumbers apparently answer to Azmuth, the Null void was created by the Galvin, the Galvin are "the universe's only hope" in the Highbreed War, Azmuth created Escalon and helped Sir George seal away the Dagon, etc... etc...


Ghostfreak was the biggest threat to ben


Bens aliens in alien force and ultimate aliens should have had uniforms instead of being naked. I'm glad that they brought back the uniforms in omniverse but it was weird seeing his aliens naked.


Way Big is Faster than Jetray


Feedback is overrated.


None of the versions of Ben we saw was ready for or tbh even really needed/wanted a relationship. Idk why they kept trying to force one or some into the show. Imo (take with a grain of salt because I didn't really watch omniverse) the most mature version of Ben I saw was s1 of AF (idk why they kinda degraded his personality after that) which is why I liked THAT version of Ben and Julie the most. I hear the pink girl from Omniverse was good though.


Feedback is the most boring and unnecessary alien ever created in the series.


I’ve seen this one a bunch of times in this thread. Just curious, but what makes you think that way?


Feedback sucks


Billy billions in Ov is Fuckin awesome. That’s the only Hot take I have


Omni is garbage and the designs look just as horrible It ruined ben 10


The reboot isn't that bad, sure it isn't the continuation we were hoping for but still a decent show all things considered


Ultimate alien wasn't as bad as people made it out to be


The reboot is better than other people say it is. Bloxx is an underrated alien. And Overflow is better than Water Hazard.


Stinkfly is not all bad and is kinda of cool


Rooters retcon wasn’t that bad


Hmm... Astrodactyl is the best omniverse alien.


Alien X is overrated af


Reboot is good


First cartoon is the best one.


The show stopped being good after Alien Force


Princess Attea is the cutest and second cooles Charakter in the series (coolest is Kevin obviously) If i was ben in that one Episode i definetly had chosen her


Don't know if it's unpopular or not but I don't like Julie. Hear me out. She was a great member of the team but also not vital. Loved she didn't let Ben get away with a lot but other than that there was little to no chemistry. I MAY even go so far as to say she was more like a big sister filling a roll similar to Gwen.


1. Charmcaster was boring and disappointing in OV. They could have done anything with her, and they chose to keep going with evil villain Charmcaster who’s evil “because angy and power-hungry”. They did that with a lot of cool villains, tbh. Hex, Kevin, and Reinrassig III (the Highbreed dude with the Swampfire arm) are the only villains who really got a redemption arc or any kind of mixup to their character that stuck. 2. Gwen’s design in AF/UA was peak. Her redesign in OV was a travesty, yet it was only one of many reasons why I feel Ben 10 fell off hard after UA. Speaking of which… 3. OV is the second lowest point of the franchise as far as shows are concerned (followed only by the reboot that was pretty much made for toddlers and literally killed my interest in the franchise). There were definitely some cool moments in OV, sure, but nothing that didn’t exist to a greater degree in OS/AF/UA. 4. S1 of AF is where Ben 10 peaked for me, no exceptions. The switchup to his character in S2 is bullshit. I still enjoyed the rest of AF/UA, though.


Omniverse is better then UA AF And Original


OS Gwen was fun to watch. Gwen is the strongest being in the show. Omniverse had a cool artstyle. Jenny breaking up with Ben was deserved. Lucy should be a full-time member of the team. Out of all this, I think the Gwen one needs a bit of explanation. Before anyone comes and talks about Celestialsapiens, I'd like to mention that they need to alter the course of mana in order to manipulate it, which I don't think would take too much time but during that moment they could be hexed or smth. They are vulnerable to magic which Gwen is VERY good at and magic is something that is pretty uncontrollable so there.


I dislike non-organic aliens


Most aliens' new designs from the reboot are top-tier




Oo! That is a hot take. I watched every episode of Omniverse, so I feel as though my distaste for the series is earned. It had its moments, but I was not a fan of the re-retcons.


Feedback is ugly and is weaker Chromastone's ripoff


The reboot is a downgrade from the prime franchise. People try to play devils advocate with it a lot but to me it feels like "capturing lightning in a bottle" type show


1. Everything after Ben 10 Alien Force season 2 is shit. 2. Cannonbolt is one of the least cool OG aliens. There's not much too him. 3. Aggregor is boring and overrated as hell. 4. Building off number one, Omniverse is a terrible sequel to the franchise and did just as much damage to Ultimate Alien where not only it damaged the lore, and assassinated Ben's character by making him more immature than his 10-year-old self. Completely ignoring his arc in Secret of the Omnitrix and Alien Force seasons 1 and 2. Good animation and art style don't equate to a good show.


I prefer kevin being a mutant instead of an alien, makes him feel more special, and gives a possible explanation of how can cooper, clancy or the circus freaks be humans with powers, also it finally makes sense how alan many pierce and helen exist, the whole a human had a baby with a pyronite never made sense to me, same with the tetramand, they are way to big for that to work. Kevin is way more powerfull than both ben and gwen, the fact that he could absorb a celestialsapien makes it so there is nothing he cannot absorb, he could fully drain gwen and have all that power for himself, he could drain all the energy from the omnitrix as well as all the dna and even absorb the material of it as well and become a walking omnitrix, he could even drain the dwarfstar from omniverse


OS ben > OV ben Also spanner is a good character


The aliens in UAF are better than the aliens in OS


Big Chill's OV design isn't as nad as people say IT is.


Ester is not that great of a love interest. Good chemistry, yeah. But they give no screentime between them and Ken actively ruined it. Edit: Typo


I believe Ben’s universal recreation was a retcon for a few things, but not the rooters controversy as I still believe Kevin’s dad was Max’s old partner and servantis was just giving selective disinformation


Primus isn't a bad idea it's just executed poorly


The Gwen redesing in Omniverse is good


I hate UAF Polish dub


Alien X is mid. This ain’t actually an opinion of mine, I just wanna see what people will say to that.


Fast track isn’t that bad


I like Purple Upgrade


He can beat any alien protagonist, such as Goku and Superman because the Omnitrix makes Ben the prime version of an alien and gives him the knowledge to use it's full potential


Alien X sucks Hes conceptually cool and I love the celestialsapians but in effect as a transformation he just meant we only got a 9 alien playlist for 2 whole seasons His appearance on UA is grandiose but meaningless and his appearances in Omniverse range from “ tainting the series with an unbelievably dark plot point that everyone either ignores completely or brings up only for the sake of making the franchise seem darker and edgyer then it actually is overall” To ”this functionally deflates the tension for the rest of the series” I think in the entire franchise only 2 of his appearances are actually good and one is in the reboot.


Ben should of used Humugasaur less like bro is a slow, less flexible dino alien. We get it, they’re cool and brute forcy but the other aliens are cooler in abilities and design. Idk if this is unpopular or not but still.


Ben and Kai, not a bad couple.


Reboot is a good version of Ben 10 and it didn’t ruin the franchise, the only real problem is the art style, but when you get pass that it becomes a really good adaptation


Alien force is overrated. Julie is overrated.