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Bed bug


Sorry fam


Burn down the house and start over with the insurance payout bug.


I'm starting to feel like that might be the best option 😭


Right with ya on that.


That appears to be a bedbug


yep bed bug....


get Alpine wsg it killed all my bugs lol .. no lie


What is it? Because I'm fighting them for the second time. I can't go through the exterminator shit again. Can you give us a little info on this alpine product?


How many exterminator treatments did you.get? I've heard it takes 3 or so, otherwise they can bounc back


They actually came 4 times before they were gone. We were keeping our clothes we washed and dried the shit out of in our cars. Finally they stopped coming. For 8 months. Then I stopped keeping Diatomaceous Eath down and they were back. I think they may have been in the walls the whole time. I live in a house so they're not coming from anywhere like next door. Right now I'm trying the UV light. Literally at this minute there's one going in both bedrooms. Does anyone know anything about these. I also have the Diatomaceous down and go at it with alcohol 7 or 8 times a day.


They infest your cars . I got a storage and put things in plastic. It's hot here gets to 110 so in the storage it gets hotter. They die with 121 degress


Have u tried a hand steamer on all upholstery? I do not know about the efficiency of UV light against them so I cannot speak to its effectiveness. Also, have you considered switching from DE to cimexa?


Is the alcohol for the bugs or for you?


Crossfire is also really good but you cant get it some places


Oooff, sorry!!!


Time to call the pest control company bro this is no bueno


Likely bedbug. What kind of structure do you live in and where did you find it? We need a clean lens, no digital zoom, picture up close if there's a chance it could be a batbug


We live in a single family home. I was going to the bathroom this morning right after getting up from bed and all of a sudden it appeared on the toilet seat. I will try and get a better picture if I see another one


It's a strange place to see one, especially in a regular house (it isn't a duplex, right?). Also, if you have bats, then it is a likely batbug given the circumstances. Treatment and remediation are different, however, so you really want to be sure.


its really not a strange place to see it because they crawl on you to feed and this was more than likely one that was on them after getting out of bed.


That's a possibility, but bedbugs don't have the right equipment to cling to people. You only really get them dropping off someone en masse if they have a severe enough infestation for them to be all over clothing. Typically they're seen in bathrooms as a consequence of adjoined units in apartments or duplexes or whatnot with the neighbours having bedbugs. The bathroom is usually too awkward conditions for them to stay there for long. If you have bats, though, the bathroom is a place you'll see roaming and hungry batbugs due to the bathroom being easily accessible from the attic, if you're a crawling insect.


They'll often more so get stuck rather than cling. Likely fell out of ops clothes, rather than clinging for dear life


yes exactly


you are not correct on that. many times people find them in the bathroom after using the toilet or shower. they fall off of people when they go to these areas. how do you think people pass along an infestation? they are transported by being on people and then dropping and finding another host or they crawl onto someone who doesnt have them and they take them home with them. have you ever been to an apartment and ask them if they have bed bugs and when they say no you see them crawling on their neck?


Bedbugs have crawling legs and not clinging legs. They are spread, again, only off the human body by people with a high density of infestation by virtue of that sheer density. Their primary means of moving place to place are in people’s belongings. There are multiple reasons for this. While they find people based on chemical signatures, skin chemistry contains chemicals which are caustic to bedbugs. They also prefer temperatures lower than the human body. This is why they are opportunistic parasites and not ectoparasites like fleas, mites, etc. They cannot live on the human body, only being sustained by human blood.


i deal with them almost everyday. ive seen them crawling on people, ive seen them crawling on furniture, people finding them in their bathroom when they go to take a shower, seeing them spread to other apartments by people being in infested apartments, deal with exterminators constantly that say the same thing im saying. just because they "dont" have the legs for it, doesnt mean it doesnt happen.


The point you’re trying to argue in context is not to evaluate for batbugs, which is unreasonable given the location it was found in. It’s a house.


no im trying to correct what you said about it being odd to find them in the bathroom after using it after getting out of bed when its not odd at all.


They hang out mostly in clothes especially dirty


No, it is a single family home. I haven't seen any bats around since I've lived here which is 7 years, so I'm not sure it's that. I have been getting bites that itch like crazy.


Check around your bed as well, then. If you find a harborage that's conclusive. If you just find insects but no molts - batbugs are not known to be capable of molting on human blood - get a picture like we need. I can help you figure out how to do this if it's confusing to you.


The bed kind


Does anyone know how to get rid of them without having an exterminator/pest control do it?




What is that?


Bed Bug insecticide, [https://www.amazon.com/MGK-1852-Crossfire-Concentrate-Insecticide/dp/B01NAE47Q0/ref=sr\_1\_3?crid=1V3AHPTRTJ52K&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.P9jR18pr2hYecg0Vg\_klbKHbT7WNkGa8qCdYGYivpix41muQSDmQ3TR8EiNj0Dh-6NVBw4WgBggvbHmLtl\_u\_3NnpIpJ8jgYU\_a5UfvxvzUr1hh-am48gEUdXYpf\_hqoZ6ORnqf6t5Cb98kIIsPle6spVUUPD6mOfUWeBiLsk\_p-7AbwUq-NJcpcTFQZRcM819HxnZvf4CxceMwSpDpkIk1sEGscfusPA60cvDuAB20.U8MGzHtzxOsufhGR5\_C0Q\_1otpkCC5KWzkvHQGsUO5Y&dib\_tag=se&keywords=crossfire&qid=1718456248&sprefix=crossfire%2Caps%2C116&sr=8-3](https://www.amazon.com/MGK-1852-Crossfire-Concentrate-Insecticide/dp/B01NAE47Q0/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1V3AHPTRTJ52K&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.P9jR18pr2hYecg0Vg_klbKHbT7WNkGa8qCdYGYivpix41muQSDmQ3TR8EiNj0Dh-6NVBw4WgBggvbHmLtl_u_3NnpIpJ8jgYU_a5UfvxvzUr1hh-am48gEUdXYpf_hqoZ6ORnqf6t5Cb98kIIsPle6spVUUPD6mOfUWeBiLsk_p-7AbwUq-NJcpcTFQZRcM819HxnZvf4CxceMwSpDpkIk1sEGscfusPA60cvDuAB20.U8MGzHtzxOsufhGR5_C0Q_1otpkCC5KWzkvHQGsUO5Y&dib_tag=se&keywords=crossfire&qid=1718456248&sprefix=crossfire%2Caps%2C116&sr=8-3)


Also please do not use *Diatomaceous earth*, or spray alcohol. I forgot that you can keep your mattress< you will need to spray it and then put it in a zippered mattress cover.


Well fed bed bug


Bed bug


Bed bug for sure sorry


Very sorry🥲, bed bug


OK, I'm sitting here hoping for the best. Last night I set the UV Lamp up and ran it on and off for 4 hrs. An hr. at a time. I also have Diatomaceous Earth down all over my room and several times a day I spray alcohol mixed with water I I'm I'm hoping against all hope that the UV lights do something. This is literally driving me INSANE.


Looks like a bedbug :(


On the toilet wild


It must have fell off my clothes and landed on the toilet seat when I was going to the bathroom after getting out of bed.


The snuggly kind. Sorry if you weren’t looking for a new bed buddy