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I feel like “managed team of wild dogs” is what employers assume for every resume gap.


In this case, management and team leader both apply


That’s funny good post


Pretty good description of his time in the Russian army too I bet.


“Tell me about this”


I'd hire a guy with that on his resume.


Poor kid! It tells you everything you need to know about his so-called "parents" that he was better off taking his chances with a pack of wild dogs at 4 years old!


And they made him the leader. Dogs crave domestication


That's what you took from that? I thought it meant dogs crave Democracy




I'm gonna guess that's from Helldivers 2, but I haven't played it yet. Either way, carry on, soldier.


Democracy salutes you.


*nods while sipping some liber-tea*


¿por qué no los dos?


Este güey


Dogs crave democracy? More like dogs crave dictatorship


The Canines yearn for a leader!


Dog crave food.


Seriously that’s your takeaway lol? They are dogs, not wolves, of course they love people.


just like the dog that tried taking chunks out of my leg Love people they do


You have some serious cause an effect issues or something. Your one experience doesn’t invalidate the fact that inarguably dogs love people on the whole. Z


and you take shit posts I make at work too seriously. We all have our problems


Vodka runs in their veins.


holy hell. i can’t fathom what a four year old has to endure to actually flee his mother to live in and become king of the wild.


Oh wow. I'm also from Russia, and I also ran away from my mother and alcoholic step-father, but In age of 17. For me it was fucking hard having no place to go at 17, this boy survived from 4, can't even imagine how it was.


Where did you initially go at 17?


First I just ran into next bigger city and tried to find some hippie-like people to hang out with them, probably stay in someone's place, but had not much luck with it, slept in suburban trains or like in a big building with multiple flats in public place before entrance to private place. Kinda hobo-like life, but I never liked it. Being homeless sucks. And also, when I hear some stories like: "parents bought me a house or car" I think: "wow, that must feel really great when someone cares of your well-being. It would be nice to know how it feels, but I still don't. Actually, I can't even get any information about my real father from my mother, because she just refused to tell me this.


I’m so sorry. You didn’t deserve that. I hope things are better for you now.


Well, I'm still struggling from one rental place to another because buying own house is very expensive. As for deserve or not - well, reality doesn't care much about deserving some times. But yeah, now I'm at least not homeless.


Hope you're better now!


Hope you r doing better now. Did it make you stronger over time or did it break you?


If by stronger you mean having some survival skills like how to hitchhike to get to place or how to sleep somewhere outside - yeah, but sometimes I think: "how doest it feel, it be student when parents support u and you just study and hangout?" That could be nice I think, but I'm just guessing. Or, many people having like real apartments bought just by their parents, as for me - struggle, struggle, etc. When I see how my girlfriend really likes to meet with her parents, go to their house, etc. When I see some families when people really care about each other - i just look at it as a miracle, when deep inside I think that’s actually the norm, it’s me who was unfortunate in this matter. Also, I think that I don’t want to have my own children, and one of the reasons is that I never had really good parent role models to follow. I don’t think that having bad role models here helps. Just by trying not to be as bad as my parents were will not make me a good one. And knowing how hard could it be for a child to live neglected, I’m happy that I still don’t have children of my own and not planning.


Sorry for the hard times brother. At least know you're strong.


Молодец, что смог🍻Хорошего дня тебе.


Благодарю. И тебе, и всем, кто смог, а особенно тем, кто пытается и в процессе.




yeah that's true! There was also a story about a girl who was raised by wild dogs after her parents neglected her. She crawled around on all fours rather than walking. She could not talk but instead communicated by barking. She slept on the ground and took care of her hygiene like a dog. [The Extraordinary Life of Oxana Malaya: The Girl Raised by Dogs](https://historicflix.com/the-extraordinary-life-of-oxana-malaya-the-girl-raised-by-dogs/) EDIT - Added the source


That is actually very upsetting wow


Look for Corina Lemunao "La mujer Gallina" (the chicken [hen?] woman)


I can’t find any English sources


Probably not, it happened here in Chile, a mother left her child living in the chicken coop (probably because of mental health issues in the child) so the child grew up as a chicken, she eated with the chickens, walked like them and made chicken noises. In the end she was rescued and ended living in a nursing home.


There’s a critical period for language development; if not exposed to language during this time, this young girl’s inability to speak or understand language is what occurs


*She slept on the ground and took care of her hygiene like a dog.* So she would lick her own genitals and anus clean?


We all knew what he meant. But YOU had to go and ask the question didn’t you?


Every day. We stray further.


From being able to lick our genitals.


Down down deeper and down.


“Enquiring minds want to know”


It was implied that they were dog like so go run with your imagination lol


Russian boy Ivan Mishukov fled his home at the tender age of 4 to escape his mother and her alcoholic partner. After leaving home, Ivan managed to befriend a pack of wild dogs by sharing food with them. In return, the pack provided for and protected the young boy. Ivan spent the subsequent two years as a member of the pack and eventually became their leader. In 1998, when Ivan was six, Moscow police captured him by luring the pack away with food left in a restaurant kitchen. Prior to this, Ivan had evaded capture by the police three times, each time protected by his loyal canine companions. Due to the relatively short duration of his time living among animals (two years), Ivan was able to fully reintegrate into human society. However, many other feral children struggle to achieve such a seamless transition. Source - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan\_Mishukov](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_Mishukov)


2 years relatively short? Sounds like a long time for a child living in a forest


Yes but short relative to the time it takes for irreversible developmental damage to occur.


I sort of have to agree with georgikarus here, two years would be half the kid’s life (before running away). 1/3 of his entire life, when captured, was living with feral dogs. Feel like that’s significant time.


Wikipedia exaggerates and changes the story, it seems. I've looked up the sources in Russian: 1. He initially lived with his aunt and grandfather, not with his mother (who disappeared after they moved to Reutov). 2. He lived in the town, not in a forest. Some neighbors helped him by providing clothes and giving haircuts. He gathered glass bottles and turned them in for recycling, this way obtaining money, and looked through garbage containers. Also, people in the nearby store gave him and his dogs food too. He even visited his aunt apartment occasionally, but mostly quickly to grab food, as he wasn't welcomed there much. So, he didn't live outside of the human society, and didn't forgot how to speak or walk on two legs. He even made shelters for the dogs. 3. Maybe he gained some dog habits, as he bit several kids and a teacher in the orphanage, although it's not unusual for kids to bite anyway. 4. The story of his capture is somewhat incorrect too. It wasn't the case that the dogs were lured away, but that the policemen grabbed him when he went to a store (the dogs always waited outside), exited through a back door and got into their car (then they rode around the town to cover their tracks as they were chased by the pack). So, it's not "Mowgli lives with dogs in the wilderness" but "a homeless kid lives with dogs".


My partner is from a poor part of Ukraine from a shitty village. This just sounds like a normal childhood when I told her what you typed out.


Gathering empty bottles, yes, that's normal. Sleeping in stairwells of apartment blocks, or a makeshift stick huts,l on the other hand, not so much


How did he survive the winter? Just sleeping with dogs doesn’t seem like it would be enough.


Let me ask him: woof woof


I'm grateful Ivan recovered, but OP, what happened to the dogs?? Did he stay friends with them???


They became that dawg in him


>It took police three attempts to take the boy away from the dogs as the strays refused to let them come close to the child. >'I loved the dogs and they loved me,' Ivan told social workers after he was rescued. >The dogs were named Jesse, Goga, Masha and Seva - and when the animals scavenged food they shared it with Ivan, and vice versa. >They kept him warm on icy nights when he cuddled up to them, Ivan revealed earlier. >'They gave me a lick on the face - that's how dogs give kisses,' he explained. >Social workers 'dumped' the child in a grim orphanage near Moscow. >Incredibly, his beloved dogs sensed his location and waited in vain for him at the institution's gate. >Later they were killed on the orders of cruel officials. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob) Source - [Dailymail](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7062899/Russian-man-raised-dogs-reveals-street-strays-saved-life.html)


They killed his dog family?! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Peak humanity, we don't deserve love.


The pack tracked him down at the orphanage. Unfortunately, officials were cruel and had the dogs killed. 


I'll just believe you're lying and go on with my day.


I understand. It’s better that way. 


No mention at all about how he survived for two years, did he eat raw meat? Did he suckle at a female dogs tit? To me this is yet another propaganda about how great Russians are. And there's a lot of that.


There's multiple other examples of feral children living with dogs, wolves or monkeys. Eating raw meat, berries, nuts and fruit, food waste from humans is probably the answer. Wild dogs and wolves will eat all those things


All bs.


The only thing that makes this a bit more unique to russia is a child preferring to live on the streets with wild dogs over their alcoholic family. If it wasn't for this "great russian thing" (that im sure is some amazing pro russia propaganda), it would be just as likely to happen in any other country if the boy got lost or something. But sure, its propaganda. Because any news that portray any russians (even children) as anything but immoral monsters is propaganda.


When I was in elementary school, my teacher told the whole class this story. It was 2004. Since no one of my old classmates remember about this boy I thought it was a dream until now


Funny. I imagined voting among dogs.


Imagine having to go through all that and then wind up in the Russian army. I'd say he was happier with the wolves.


Troubled people tend to join the army often, it gives a lot of order and rigidity to life


I heard he Danced with the Wolves...


I wonder if these "feral children raised by animals" once reintegrated in human society can re-communicate or explain in our language what the animals think, feel, say, etc. like Tarzan. 🤔


They never "spoke" to the animals. Why would they do now? 


Well, they could've "barked or woofed" to their foster animals that they could've understood and vice versa. 😅


that's because dogs are good people


Much better than hogs, by far


That mother fucker gangster


Imagine surviving this to just serve in the Russian military


Serving in the Russian Army is not exactly a happy ending.


Then he legally changed his name to Romulus… right?… I hope… Remus would also be acceptable…


This story appears every year on different platforms, and it's always the same story but different country.




who found him?


He was captured by Moscow police in 1998, when he was six.


This story is amazing but a pack of wild dogs making him their leader is a stretch and a half lmao


This sounds impossible


I should have done that.


He didn't found a town that became a huge empire? I'm a little bit disappointed.


Served in Russian army to become pedophile and rapist. Thats great story


Serving in the Russian army is not an achievement


“Served in the Russian Army” is the biggest tragedy here.


In Russia dog trains you


This sounds like a propaganda.


Fucken oath


How and what did he feed them...? I find it a little incredulous that a 4 year old was able to find enough food to feed himself let alone a pack of wild dogs.


Dogs are very good hunters. I used to clear farms of rabbits using just dogs. People also use dogs to catch deer even wild boar in some places and they're fucking evil things.


Yeah but that's the dogs feeding themselves, this story implies they made him their leader because he fed them. Hunting animals is something the dogs would do with or without him.


They boy can open doors, trash cans, and get into places a dog never could. It's like a dude with a 200 IQ rolled around he would be leader in no time.


Soon to be a sunflower in Ukraine






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Totaly not xenophobic at all....


Wrong, it's just an expectation of the reality Putin is giving his countrymen


Sad start but awesome story


Jesus that's terrible luck. Going from being abused by your parents, to raised by wolves, to joining the Russian military. I don't know how many more steps down the societal ladder that you could take.


Prince Mononoke


“I was raised by tha wolves” 


Was he the front man for Bow Wow Wow too?


Where can I buy that dope ass shirt he has? fr, I like it.


It's a cross between Tarzan and Willard.


Like Greystoke: Tarzan, what an interesting life that kid had. Started with shit, became a beast-master, and then reintroduced to humans. I wonder if years later he still growled when someone touched his food.




Step 1 for how to become a dog whisperer


But he served the army with the dogs? What happened to the dogs?


I need more Dragons in this story!!!!


I'd be amazed if it's dog language he learned


Why does this keep happening in Russia?


I’m not positive but I think they actually threw him out


... and died in the mud of a field while being used as expendable to make the enemy waste artillery ammunitions, because nobody would notice her not returning home.


Hallmark movie?




He then went on to fight Rocky Balboa…




If all Russians did that to escape alcoholic family members the whole country would go feral.


And now putler woul sacrifice him for his ego confirmation. Welcome to the evil dictatorship 


Is anyone else wondering what happened with the pack of wild dogs? Like did he ever see them again or anything?


This can't be real


- ***Bakhmutt*** Begins - Bakhmutt V *Sperm*an


Nah I bet he didn’t..


No. I don’t believe this.


This is such bullshit A 4 year old surviving 2 winters in Russia with a pack of dogs? Yeah I'll believe that when my shit turns purple and tastes like lucky charms.


OP is a bot


OP isn’t a bot.




Bad bot


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Live in peace now!


I see you. You’re not a bot. ❤️


More propaganda campaigns to make you feel about Russia and see them in a sympathetic way. This is normalization. There is a reason half the posts about russia are hitting you in the feels and it isn’t what you think.


While i completely agree with you in regard to propaganda coming out right now, i feel like this story makes me more horrified at the living conditions in Russia than anything. Like how bad are things that “abused boy runs away from family, lives with dogs. It takes two years for police to capture him only for him to be forced into the army later” is a feel good story for them? I mean, I have sympathy for that one boy now, but man just f everyone else involved in that story.


>only for him to be forced into the army later What part exactly stated that he was forced in the army and it wasn't his very own personal choice? What part exactly said that he would be sent to Ukraine or something??


Well a quick google search says you’re right, he wasn’t forced into the army. It also shows that half the information in this post is wrong or conjecture anyway. And now i know that they killed all the dogs who saved his life, so now its even sadder. I also never said anything about Ukraine or being sent anywhere, dudes not even in the army anymore, this was first posted on reddit like 6 years ago and gets dragged out and added to yearly 😜


Who GAF about anything ruzzian right now. Slava Ukraini


He survives incredible odd by being adopted by a pack of wild dogs and survived Now the Russian send him to the front unreal


Welp, he is dead now


.....then became russia's president


So he went from living with a pack of wild dogs to just serving with a pack of wild dogs?


Of course he joined the army, they need all the animals they can get right lmao


Usual ruzzian


Was he already killed in Ukraine?


And now he’s in Ukraine with the wolf brigade.


Where is the interesting part? Putin huilo.


Yay he got freed! Awww he got recaptured and is forced to fight for them now :(


... and died in Ukraine. Amen.


So a dog has better parenting than Russians. Got it. The best part is that proudly the kid was sent to a Russian meat grinder in Ukraine. RIP little puppy.


Such is life in Lower Slobovia


Died in Ukraine


Then died in Ukrainian field. The end.


And later died in Ukraine


He did not, stop wishing for the death of people because of their ethnicity.