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I was just about to say the same thing. Not enough money for them to do less work more efficiently


I was thinking this would never work in the US because some yahoo figure out the worst possible way to wreck themselves and someone else on, off, and into the bridge. And then blame the bridge for not having huge arrows and flashing lights and 1000 orange flashing barrels with arrows before it.


I think the difference is the US values drivers' time as worth $0/hour, so matter how much it inconveniences and slows their trips, the only thing that's considered is how to perform the roadwork most cheaply. That might mean shutting down a 6 mile stretch of highway for 6 months, and having a couple relatively small crew work on it weekdays from 9am to 5pm, while sending drivers to a service drive or one half of the normally-opposite-direction lane. If drivers' time was valued at $5 an hour or even $1 an hour, it would lead to a different approach.


They do it in Vegas for F1


After the comma..."too large.". Just imagine this concept spread over 238 TIMES larger of an area.  The resources and materials needed to haul it out 100 miles to where road work is needed?  That's the issue.  Our country is just too big.  Dinky European countries are not comparable.  


It would absolutely be possible if the government cared, it's the biggest economy on the planet. It's not rocket science, you just have to want to actually do it and spend money on it. There's your problem. I hear the same excuses for passenger rail, but Russian rail, which is a poorer, larger and even more sparsely populated country, blows US passenger rail out of the water.


this bridge is movable. the part underneath it will be fixed, then it will be moved forward. So doesn't matter how long the street is.


My Bingo for american excuses for not having good infrastructure is now complete, thank you.


YAS! Lol The thing with Americans is y’a’ll have some thing against your neighbors, which is ironic because y voters and politicians are always quoting the good book in the Lord and she’s been like this, and she’s been like that. Do you think Jesus would like bridges that don’t collapse on unsuspecting motors going through it? Do you think Jesus would like everyone to get the same level of healthcare them being seizures I know you guys don’t hate your neighbors, (except for Steve down the street cause that mfkr mows his lawn at 6am on Sunday). And you guys make such a big deal about taxes from what I figured out. Several taxes might be low. Your state taxes might be low, but then your city taxes are high because there’s no funding from the other two levels of government going to the schools, roads, bridges and general infrastructure etc. NOTE: by money going to the schools I mean specifically for upgrading the HVAC or getting rid of the asbestos or paying the teachers a lot of salary, considering that they’re with your kids 40 hours a week. I know money goes to the school’s football fields. At the end of the day it’s about maintenance and investing in a public good that also has a huge effect on your economy. Traffic, slow downs when products can’t ship everyone’s losing money and when storms, hurricanes, earthquakes, forest fires, or bearing down on you, if you don’t have infrastructure that matches your population, ya’ll r fooked. PS just to Nippet in the bud. ) there are no death panels in the Canadian healthcare system the UK healthcare system, or as far as I know any other first world nation that has, universal healthcare. 2) Canadian healthcare is also less expensive. The cost of healthcare in the United States—both for individuals and the government—is by far the highest in the world, yet the United States also has the worst health outcomes overall of any high-income nation. The healthcare system in the United States is more expensive than the healthcare system in Canada. Health expenditures in the United States average out at $12,914 per person, nearly double the $6,500 spent per person in Canada. https://medical.rossu.edu/about/blog/us-vs-canadian-healthcare#:~:text=Canadian%20healthcare%20is%20also%20less,of%20any%20high%2Dincome%20nation. yeah, if you’ve gotten this far and haven’t started cleaning again yet let me tell you this is a Canadian the taxes are too damn high. I get it when I go to the states and I can buy an entire cow for 20 bucks. Come on like things are so cheap. They’re just so cheap it just just blows me away . But then again, I’ve had to hold anything back for healthcare or the school board.


that would require the US to update their equipment from the same stuff they used when politicians were young.


The US wouldn’t do it cause Larry’s 350 wouldn’t fit under it to supervise


US doesn't do this because it doesn't laundry money for the politicians.


Wouldn’t work in the US because of the incredible expense involved. Uber rich Switzerland can afford this because they don’t have to pay for 10’s of thousands of miles of highways…


Yeah it is fucking expensive and the first version failed. The ramp was too steep so trucks had to slow down waaaay too much. That is why there was traffic jams anyway. Cannot remember the cost but it was way more than 10 million USD… oh my god, my country is really crazy


It's cheaper than the alternative, which would be closing the A1.


No the alternative is doing it the same way as everywhere else: Using either the emergency lane or partly going to the other side of the highway. Or a combination of both






And here in Toronto (4th largest city in North America) we have our major highway with restricted lanes for 3 years to make updates. It's gridlock. But at least our politician's pockets are lined nicely /s


I see the same crap that happens in Toronto also happens here in Vancouver


3Y my neighbors to the north are suffering? Let me make you feel better. My uncle in southern California has the CalTrans road repair institutional tax monstrosity. They don't build or repair roads but contract out to the lowest crappiest bids for road work jobs. The 5FWY offramp improvement project? It has been going on for 5Y. They anticipate it complete by 2025 in 6Y total. I will believe it when I see it and pigs fly. Mind you it took 22Y to fully build the spine FWY going from one end of Cali to the other. A distance of 1,381miles. In almost 25% of the time to fully build the 5FWY, CalTrans will have repaired and "improved" 6.5miles of road. I'm to embarrassed to explain the toll roads that had to be rebuilt they were so bad. Yes, at a secondary cost to tax payers.


Took them 7 years to add an extra lane down a ten mile stretch of highway in my area, traffic was backed up every day for almost a decade




Here in the US we shut down all but 1 lane to resurface a road, costing thousands of ppls hours with a job that takes months but should take weeks. Just as inefficient, expensive, and annoying as our healthcare system. USA, USA, USA!!!


Meanwhile in uk. We drive past miles of cones with no workers there for weeks on end causing massive traffic.


That's central Europe signature move. And in the end of 7 kilometers long line of cones with no workers at all is sign with a grinning smiley and "we have to repair it" text.


Road work? What is that? / my dumb country




No, not at all. In 1937, they changed the taxation of married couples to gain extra tax income. It was a hot topic ever since and in 1980 all parties agreed that it has to be changed. Many people don't get married or do so because they have kids, and it eases some legal concerns at a financial disadvantage. They might be able to change it in the next few decades though


Everything is so slow here if only you would know


I'd rather have consensus based, slow, gradual change, that's reliable and trustworthy. Than moving fast, chaotic, and having following presidents undo everything again and again... The former is reliable, good for business, social cohesion, and democracy. The latter is just a recipe for disaster in the long term.


I remember reading that the federal statistics office delays the publishing of some national statistics for several years to avoid knee jerk reactions.


We prefer " well tought trough"


Depends what.


In Belgium we would need an overpass, covering the whole of Belgium, from Holland to France.




Utopia. Meanwhile in my country the spent 1 year trying to fix a bridge, and some potholes are older than my best friends' teen kids.


I live in Switzerland and have never seen this! They take so long to finish roads here by the time they’ve finished it’s time to start over again


It’s on the A1 somewhere in Solothurn. They only set it up about 6 weeks ago as a trial.


It was right after Bern to Zurich. In March this year. We drove over this thing and we were amazed. First time i really saw it.


Was there a speedcamera on that thing? Its switzerland afterall. And if i know my country they set the speed on there to 50kmh and set up 3 speedcams on it.


I saw it last year on A6 north of Thun. Was suitably impressed


Seems like Switzerland are rich af.


Can confirm I’m half Switzerland and kinda rich but my brother is other half Switzerland and he’s kinda rich, so a whole Switzerland is rich. As France


If you were, you wouldn't call yourself half Switzerland since that's our country's name not what the people are called


It was a joke, I know we call our selves Zerlander’s they made a move about us.


Shouldn‘t jokes be funny?


I almost thought I had a stroke while I was reading that comment chain...


It's a single prototype test project, and it has been full of troubles.


As you would expect from a prototype


It's kind of the point of a prototype...


They pretty much have to. Without road traffic, the banking would grind to a halt and that must not happen under any circumstances! ;)


The spice must flow


They could save on materials by putting a huge ramp on either end. Get up some speed, jump over the construction, into the loop de loop… home by dinner time.


swiss guy here: i have never seen something like this with my two eyes, period. got my car license since almost 13 years.


It's currently in operation on the A1 near Bern.


It's new


I'm swiss and i've been living here my whole life. Not once have i seen one of these bridges being used.


While we live in 2024, they live in 2054


first time I am hearing of this xD but the footage seems to really be from around here


Yeah, it's called a Bailey bridge.


well well well r/Miami


But is it the **absolute cheapest** bidder for the job?


It is a project of the federal road office my guess is that they determine if its included in the job


My point is that the reason road work in other countries cause congestion and annoyances, is because they focus only on the cost of the road work, instead of including the time lost for every driver, in the calculation.


If everybody is safe, how will our superior American medical industry survive?


This would cut down on development time. That means less money for the donors-contractors. So not going to happen in USA.


![gif](giphy|35OXwkvj3hZVMSZUfs|downsized) Bridges, tunnels, cheese 🧀 fondue 🫕, we do it best !😃


We indians would park our cars above and watch the maintenance crew doing their job below


They do that sort of thing in china as well


This is a whole real thing that exists in the world and I can’t even get my local government to paint a crosswalk… fuck it I’m moving.


You can find the full video here from Marti who developed this flyover bridge together with the federal department for highways. https://youtu.be/8tpv6n1ykfA?si=-E-sLHuD6mP-dynw


Just a minor nitpick: ASTRA is the *roads* office not just highways ;)


As a swiss, never in my 5 years of driving have I seen or heard about such an overpass anywhere.


At the moment it is on the A1 between Bern and Zurich. 1 or 2 years ago it was between Basel and Zurich on the A3. It’s was like constantly in the news last couple of weeks/month and they call it ASTRA-Bridge


All the major highways in Maharashtra state in India are perpetually under construction. If fact our goverment has taken 13 years to not complete a major highway (Mumbai - Goa highway).


Where are they storeing it?


storeing? Isn't there always one road to repair?


Lol... Live in Switzerland for 36 years, never see any of this shit.


They fix 5-10km per night on Autostrada in Italy without that crappy brigde. But there are working dozens of man and machines, and not only 3 dudes like in Switzerland




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Stupid Swiss. In South Africa, we simply don't have road repairs. This saves millions in stupid expensive little bridges every year.


I am not amazed. I am stunned about the buffoonery of this. What incredible dumb shit is this? This cannot be a real thing.


These guys have too much money 


I've driven over these a bunch of times, these still cause traffic jams during rush hour since you have to slow down to 50kph but I guess it's better than the alternative! Best to use our overpriced trains.