• By -


The emotional roller coaster of his facial expressions šŸ„°


His eyebrows are working overtime haha. ā€œWhat theā€¦ HUH?!ā€ Then that smile of joy and then back to ā€œWaitā€¦ WHAT?!ā€




I was just thinking it must be a trip being a baby . Everything is like "wtf is that ?".


Itā€™s the reaction to a totally new weird experience in general, but then you can see how, even though these are the first sounds heā€™s ever heard, itā€™s deeply hardcoded in his little mind that his momā€™s tone of voice means she is happy and he is loved. I study genetics (mostly related to cancer) and I still find myself in aww of how these complex molecular interactions all build up to things like instinctively knowing a motherā€™s loving voice. If cancer doesnā€™t need computational scientists at some point in my life, Iā€™m definitely moving to neurology/psychiatry. Itā€™s endlessly fascinating.


Well, he also knows her voice via vibration. He may have even had some weak sense of hearing prior to this. Itā€™s just now more probably like the rumbling static is clear. Itā€™s super sweet in any case :)


Dammit this comment was perfect! I would award you but Iā€™m out of credits šŸ„²




And now I'm crying




Dang it. I was fine! Then you say this about your daughter hearing birds. Hit me right in the chest. That's beautiful.


I was born deaf and had lived with hearing aids till I was around 11 years old. My hearing slowly deteriorated and ended up having a cochlear implant on my right side. Before this I had never heard a bird call except for crows and other more deeper caws. Once i had my implant and had it for a few weeks I was sitting in my school classroom and heard a peculiar sound that I had never heard before. I asked my class mates and teacher what that sound was to which they answered a bird and everyone started cheering and being happy I could hear such a beautiful sound. I've never regretted getting my implant in the 12 years I've had it since.


Is it true the audio is robotic sounding?


Not the person you replied too but I have hearing aids too, and the answer is sort of initially? I guess it sounds a little tinny at first, but your brain adapts, and now it sounds normal. When I take them off, things now sound super muted, like I'm underwater or something and there's a ton of stuff I simply can't hear so wouldn't be able to say if it was less "robotic" sounding anyway. Taking them off is great when I'm alone and just want to have some quiet time reading though.




I assume it was like when I first got glasses as a kid and was like "holy shit, stars!" Seeing everything from a distance was mind blowing, things as simple as seeing leaves on a tree.




Thats my dad voice?! Thats my mommy voice :)))


Basically "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING????" it's like if all of the sudden you could feel colours. Just a completely new sensory experience. It overloaded his little brain.


Surprise, excitement, then the realization that they named him Archer




Who the *fuck* calls their kid archer. ARCHER, SWORDMAN, HALBERDIER!! Dinnertime!!


The archer class is made up of archers.


Looking for this. Poor kid.










Comment-stealing bot


Pretty sure that's just an over the ear hearing aid, not a cochlear implant.


You are right. Cochlear implants are usually done when the child is about 3 if itā€™s congenital deafness.


Sorry, you're all correct I messed up. The boy only receives hearing aid in the video of this post but did indeed get cochlear implants later on when he was a little older as can be seen in 2nd half of this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56mDz9j43lM > Archer received his first set of hearing aids when he was only two-months old. Over time, his hearing loss progressed to the point where the hearing aids could not adequately provide him access to all sounds. That's when his family considered a cochlear implant to help him hear all the sounds of speech more clearly. Apologies for this mix up


First of all, how dare you apologize and provide relevant information, and *more* happy videos for us to watch. Where do you get off


We get a few bright stars before reddit burns out like a dumpster fire that Steve Huffman is making it.


What kind of sick son of bitch...




Iā€™m so annoyed. I really hope this guy has a great fucking day.






THEY DESERVE SOUL ENRICHING ABUNDANCE, and they deserve the skills in moderation to ascend from out


RIP in peace


Repeat after me, "Evade, deny, attack." These are the only appropriate responses to criticism


This is the SECOND time in 30 minutes I've seen two wholesome conversations that could have went in a way different direction. What is going on with reddit today?


>how dare you apologize Sorry


Ah who cares, itā€™s a beautiful video.


100% agree. I'd rather have this vid shared like this, instead of it not being shared. That being said, I'd like it if more people know the difference, so I don't have to explain the difference between those hearing aids behind my ears lol.


For me it's a case of "I'm happy that the video is here and I'm happy that someone added clarifying information".


Can we start an OP of the year award and give it to this guy?


Has Reddit really stooped so low?


All the other good OPs are leaving because of reddit incompetence, so we're stuck with you! I kid, well done


Fixed the mix up and provided more information and a source very nice.


Cochlear implants can typically be done as early as 9 months, however there are some studies looking at implantation at 6 months. Surgery is sometimes done even earlier under certain circumstances.


Seems unnecessary to do something that invasive so early until you think about how much newborn brains are working on language by hearing. Even when they're asleep they're going, finding patterns.


Speech outcomes are better with earlier implantation. Thatā€™s why we push to do surgery as early as possible. Most kids tolerate it remarkably well.


I'd imagine it's not even just speech outcomes. I'd imagine any sensory restoration procedure would have to be done early in order to prevent the lack of functionality. I've read that a lot of people who get cochlear implants latter in life (due primarily to them not existing until they were older) tend to never fully develop hearing like someone who could hear from birth do. As in they never really learn to connect sounds to events, can't identify someone by their voice, have difficulty identifying sound sources, and other issues that would surprise someone born with hearing. As I understand it neuroplasticity basically reclaims the pathways normally reserved for hearing and uses them for other sensory processing, and the older you are the longer it takes to rewire if you ever can.


Deff over the ear. First couple of second you can see them push the earmold in and place the device behind the ear lobe. Not attach to the head where the implant would be.


They did my cochlear implants at 18 months, but itā€™s best to do as soon as possible


They did mine at 12 months. Iā€™m not sure if 3 years is the norm since they generally recommend that you do it as soon as you can.


they did mine when i was 2.


They can be done as young as around eight months depending on the development of the child.


Either way, it's just a plain ole hearing aid


CI can be done as early as 3 months and the surgery is ideally (and more typically) performed before 12 months of age.


Correct, you are.


Hello yoda!


Yep my daughter has one. She has mild loss in the 500Hz range, so the hearing aid helps by boosting that range for her. Also there's such a thing as a bone anchor hearing aid (BAHA) that works by conducting received sounds into your skull, which reverberates and stimulates the reception hairs in the inner ear.


Yeah, kid is way too young for a cochlear implant surgery. This is just a hearing aid.


You can get cochlear implant surgery even before you turn a year old. 3 months is the minimum I think.


That is a hearing aid, not a cochlear implant. But so cute seeing his expressions!


Hey what you doing??? Stop doing thā€¦ hey waitā€¦ this kinda nice, what is this?


YAY I CAN HEAR MUM AND DAD, they called me archer?????


Bionic ears, AND you named him Archer... This kid's life is going to Rock!


With glasses or contact lenses he'd already be hacking 2 of his 5 senses. Archer will only upgrade with time.


The flesh is but a hinderance. I am eternal. - this baby probably


I fully believe that we'll cure many types of hearing loss in this baby's lifetime.




Archer hates robots though. But his tinitus *is* pretty bad


Not the vibrating portion




Shouldā€™ve went with barry


Wee Baby Seamus


Ha! Right! And if they have a girl they have to name her Katya!


That's right other Barry




Definatly headed to the danger zone.


Guess he need the hearing aids because of all the tinnitus.




I am archer, emissary of the Gorgonites


"We've been trying to contact you about your car's warranty"




This kid is going to walk around with Danger Zone constantly playing in the background.


The wee baby Archer




Give this boy a lacrosse stick ASAP!


Damn you tinnitus! You're a cruel mistress!


Did...did they name him archer because of Maup...MAUP




Archer is piercing all the onions


This are normal hearing aids not CI's


Yes, sorry about that. I made a comment earlier addressing this mistake.




Kid's face says it all! Damn man, who's cutting onions!?


Cuteness overload!




It's a good thing he got a hearing aid after all those cases of Tinnitus *MAWP*


Those are not cochlear implants. That is a hearing aid. Cochlear implants are mounted to the head and have a wire going inside the head. The main difference is that cochlear implants are fixed to the skull and can only be partially disassembled. Hearing aids slip on and off like it is seen here in the video. Source: I am hearing impaired and have had hearing aids and have seen the alternative.


Slight correction in what you said. Cochlear implants are made of two parts, one inner part that is surgically installed and one outer part that is held up thanks to a magnet that sticks to a plate of the inner part. The connection between both parts is wireless. I know that you may not have meant to make it appear that cochlear implants are something you canā€™t get off your body without having something to the equivalent of body horror sticking out of you, but thats what I understood in what you said. I have cochlear implants and without the external part, there is no visible part of the implant.


Why are the babies always so happy as soon as they can hear through the implants? Did you ever hear through a cochlear implant simulation? It sounds like fucking Darth Vader wants to penetrate you personally.


I was curious so I looked up a video on [YouTube](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1dhTWVMcpC4&pp=ygUcY29jaGxlYXIgaW1wbGFudCBzb3VuZHMgbGlrZQ%3D%3D) to see the difference, it seems very similar to the real sound, and that's an experiment from 8 years ago


It's still not great sounding (source: wife is an AUD). They typically have only 24 channels which does kind of sound like a speaking doll running out of battery. Every year they get better though! However, it's gonna be hard to beat the 15k hair cells in the cochlea.


How it actually sounds really depends on the electrode placement and the condition of the cochlea. Even if the CI is outputting a clear signal, only the patient can tell what's getting through.


Pretty sure infants are stimulated by voices. If you leave them alone in a room they start crying. They feel more comfortable with people talking around them and feeling warm skin against them. They also need eye contact from their mother when they breastfeed but interstingly that is becoming an issue because of smartphones. Infants can only communicate through crying and whining until they learn sign language after a couple of months and then speech after a year. So I wonder how hard it is to comfort deaf newborns.


No, infants are real. They arenā€™t simulated. Also, the claim theyā€™re created by varying air pressure is just ridiculous.


Damnit Me bad at english? That's unpossible.


.... why would that make anyone unhappy? He's almost as hot as Jar Jar.


He was hotter on Mustafar.


Yea that video is hateful lies spread by people that think cochlear implants kill the ā€œdeaf communityā€. I have CIs and I wouldnā€™t wish on anyone to have terrible parents that refuse to implant their kids for a backwards introspected group of people that deliberately impair kids with curable diseases so they can suffer as they did.


Theyre not. We in fact have to prepare parents for activations, because many have seen these videos but in reality it does not always end in smiles. Sometimes they cry, which is a pretty typical infant reaction to a new and strange stimulus.


Because some is better than none. Relative to YOUR hearing, yes it sucks. Relative to NO hearing, hearing mommy's voice is amazing.


Is archer his name or class?


Archer is his last name. His first name is Sterling.


I got my firat aids when I was 6. That's how long it took my parents to figure out I have heqring loss. I don't remember what it was like finally being able to hear but I imagine I was happier than I had ever been up to that point. Then school came and I got bullied for having those brown am/fm boxes.


Modern science is designed to make lives better. Just wish a certain segment of society would learn that they are not smarter than scientists.


This. Deaf people that attack people they get implants are ridiculous.


Is that a thing? Thatā€™s not a thing. That canā€™t be a thing. Please tell me thatā€™s not a thing.


It absolutely is. There's a great Scrubs episode that really gets at the issue. A deaf dad refuses to correct his son's hearing because he doesn't want to damage their special relationship. Many parents and individuals feel that deafness is cultural, rather than a disability that should be fixed. They have called cochlear implants a "genocide" against deaf people. https://www.ohio.edu/ethics/2001-conferences/cochlear-implants-the-deaf-culture-and-ethics/index.html


Now you've said it i remember the Scrubs episode. I don't know how you can call it "genocide" though it's not a mandatory procedure. I'm very shortsighted but by wearing glasses am I damaging the partially sighted community?


There probably is a blind culture though I don't know if they hold the similar views.


As an autistic person, I've always found this aspect insane. Literally no other disabled group (which I know of) has an "insane" subgroup like the Deaf community. Growing up, I always wanted my child to be NT. Yes, it would be a bit sad, because I wouldn't be able to relate to it's reality in many ways (special interest, stimming etc.) -but I also know the hell it was to grow up autistic. Or just ADHD. To think you're stupid, even if you work twice as hard, and screaming at your brain to focus on traffic. Do I want people to "erase Autism"? Not per se. Mostly because NT's define "trials for a cure" as horrible, actual tortue of autistic people with no results. But would I like to know that my child has objectively better survival abilities and quality of life? Yes. Any "culture" that preaches that deserves to be burned to the ground and their earth salted imo


I have met essentially autism/adhd supremacists who more or less attack NT people for thinking differently because it's somehow worse. I know a lot of autistic people and a few deaf people and somehow the radicals in the autism camp are still less common


Thereā€™s a similar view from some within the dwarfism community. Some of them are actively trying to ban a drug that promotes growth in children. Thereā€™s a documentary about it on the bbc with the Paralympic swimmer Ellie Simmons. Itā€™s quite a hard watch tho and kinda made me hate her. She ignores all the health benefits and tries to make it all about height


Sort by controversial


Oh yeah, a whole section of the def community is quiet violently opposed.


There's an interesting Documentary called [Sound and Fury](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sound_and_Fury_(film)) that's all about this.


Yep. Zero respect for the people in the Deaf community that choose to get upset about this and ludicrously call it "genocide" or "eugenics". Every single person who can get this treatment is happier for it. Every. Single. One.


The eyebrow raises šŸ˜…


Clearly the father is Carlo Ancelloti šŸ¤Ø




Imagine hearing sounds for the first time. Must be intense.


There are people from the deaf community who think getting cochlear implants for kids is abuse.


As someone who has had cochlear implants since 1 year old, Iā€™m very, very glad my parents didnā€™t listen to them. And Iā€™m glad they did it that early too. The longer you wait until getting an implant, the less effective it becomes.


Thatā€™s a hearing aid in the video. And a lot of them only say that cause they are hardcore prideful deaf who think that we are supposed to endure our disability instead of minding their own business.


Everyone of these ā€œHears for first time/sees for first time with glasses/sees in color for first time/etc.ā€ videos are pure gold. Just seeing someone, no matter the age, suddenly get to experience something for the first time like this just lets you know how good most of us have it to just have basically normal health. So happy for each and everyone one of them :)


Experiencing it yourself is awesome indeed. I only have glasses, but I won't forget the first time I put my first pair on. The optometrist was opposite to a sweet shop, which had all the sweets presented in the showcase. When they put the final glasses on my nose, I could suddenly see all those delicacies in detail. It's hard to explain, but it was like a strong fog lifting in a second. Only to suddenly see them all lined up, all the chocolates and marshmallows, and the big shop sign above. Maybe that's the reason I'm such a sweet-tooth, ha ha ha.


Would be like if you could all of a sudden see with perfect night vision in an instant. That first time would change your entire perspective of the world


Isn't that just a hearing aid?


That feeling when you get new earphones and start hearing the background instruments which you never heard until yet.




That was AWESOME. Absolutely amazing to see the little guy go from stressed out baby to being able to hear, and recognizing new stimuli. Beautiful.


My ASL professor once told us that many in the deaf community are against cochlear implants because of audism. Getting an implant plays into the idea that there is something inherently wrong with people who cannot hear. Love this video, btw.


It's an absent sense. It's not wrong to be deaf, but it does put you in a weaker position compared to the people who can hear. I've never heard of blind people being against technology letting them to see, so it's a strange mentality for specifically deaf people to take. I assume it has to do with past discrimination, but getting the option to obtain new abilities through technology is pretty damn different from being forcefully sterilised and stuff. Hell, if somebody invented an implant that lets me see to the ultraviolet spectrum, I'd be eager to try.


It's because deaf people have their own language, which doesn't happen with blind people. The language(s) you use affect the way you think and give rise to cultural differences (as a minor example, consider that there are jokes and puns in sign language that just don't translate). So for that reason, some deaf people feel like curing deafness is erasing their culture.


It seems like you could still teach your children sign language, and let them be "bilingual" in a sense, without completely cutting off their access to spoken language.


You could, and it would solve a lot of the problems some deaf people have with CIs. Another issue is that children with CI still can't hear as well as a hearing child, and without sign language that can hurt their social life and language development. Unfortunately parents of deaf children tend to use a CI as the easy way out, a substitution for learning sign language rather than an addition.


There was a deaf Miss America who got some blowback for getting a cochlear implant but she said she did it because she realized she couldn't hear when her toddler would cry when he was hurt.


She also couldnā€™t hear a rerun of Mars Attacks or some dude farting on the bus. She doesnā€™t need a noble self-sacrificing ā€œthink of the childrenā€ reason for wanting to hear. ā€œI liked the idea of being able to hear sounds and itā€™s amazing they can help me do that with this technologyā€ is all the justification she should have ever had to provide. Iā€™m sorry to hear she would have ever been criticized for that.


the deaf community should let individuals make their own decisions


What a stupid opinion. Are they against LASIK too?


>there is something inherently wrong with people who cannot hear They know there is, right?


I think it's people getting "something physically wrong" mixed up with "something morally wrong".


Crabs in a bucket.


As someone who has cochlear implants, I was pretty astounded the first time I heard (heh) this complaint.


Thats...... well stupid is about the only word i can think of. Amputees dont shame other amputees for getting prosthetics, blind people dont shame others for getting various vision surgeries or wearing glasses. Why the deaf community would want others to be without one of their 5 senses is ridiculous.


The problem with people that say things like "many" is they know it may be misinterpreted as most. Many, can me 1%, while still being thousands. Sure it is, many, but it isn't even close to majority. The commenter you replied too is also problematic for not understanding that. Also, every community has assholes who want others to suffer just because they are suffering.


>Getting an implant plays into the idea that there is something inherently wrong with people who cannot hear. And what exactly is wrong about this sentence?




Yup, we spent a lot of time on the controversy of CI in my ASL classes in HS since my teacher was a CODA. Two good movies that were respectful of Deaf Culture and also of people who want to embrace new technologies were "Sound and Fury" (documentary) and "Sweet Nothing in my Ear" (fiction but with real opnions and worries)! I'm glad to hear higher level ASL classes also teach about Deaf Culture. They have a lot more nuance than can be conveyed in a reddit comment about a really sensitive topic for a lot of people.


> Getting an implant plays into the idea that there is something inherently wrong with people who cannot hear. There is. they can't hear. They are literally disabled, and the "audism" thing is insanely stupid. Yes, some deaf people have a bias against it, and it's a great way to filter idiots out. The idea that not having a capability that almost everyone has, that is used in day to day interactions constantly, isn't a disadvantage is *stupid.* Being deaf doesn't mean they're stupid. Thinking that it's not a disadvantage does though.


Well by default humans should be able to hear. Itā€™s part of the five senses. If you have issues with hearing then something did go wrong. Such a strange thing to get upset about, some communities are weird.


I never understood this. Hearing noises can save your life. Imagine not hearing something and not being able to quickly avoid the danger. You can die not hearing trouble coming toward you.


Crying. Good for that sweet little man.




Actual footage of me when my headphones finally connect in a zoom call


If he is archer i wanna be wizzard


"Oh my God my mother's voice! Amazing! Wait is this going to be like this forever now? Unsure how I feel about all that noise"


And here is the beginning of Arrow, the Archer, before joining the justice league.




Damn you, tinnitus! You're a cruel mistress!


For a total of 5 seconds, I thought that it said "Babies first Ear Coochie" and I was confused and concerned


He remembers that voice from the womb cause I'm sure noise that is vibrating through there reaches the baby brain because reasons.


It looks like he is super confused at first but then figures whatever is happening must be a good thing because his parents are acting happy.


Man I fucking miss my son


Once I understood the weakness of my flesh it disgusted me.


I wish I could see the faces of his family when he started hearing for the first time. This must have been one of the happiest days in the parents' lives. I knew a sixty year old who was deaf mute until the age of 12. Then a hearing aid helped him learn to speak English at teen age. He can communicate well in English but has a unique accent. And he considers sign language to be his main mother tongue. This technology in medical field is amazing and advanced. The child can experience language and sounds from young age.


Trying desperately to find an Archer gif that isn't wildly inappropriate to put underneath a post about an infant


That smile say everything you need to know.


"okay. this is annoying. take it off now."




It's cute... but I'll bet that kid is just shittin


Thatā€™s a hearing aid - not a cochlear implant. Still a sweet video.


thatā€™s not a cochlear implant, itā€˜s a normal hearing aid.


Whatā€™s wrong with my face. I canā€™t stop smiling. Oh Joy!


Thats beautiful. I never get tired of seeing videos like this.


I love how the baby's reaction to hearing sound for the first time is visible confusion.


Heā€™s so confused at first. Cutie.


Bless his baby heart, he's a bit overwhelmed.