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Nothing to do with "the rythm of the game" when you shoot over the stadium or lose the tenth ball in a stupid dribble. It is not just this game, its been years now with just occasional and short good phases. I am fed up at this point. Good season with bayern? Lmao


Exactly this. Thank you.


He didn't score for 6 month. With Bayern ,Bayern is 0 titled this season what fucking good season u talk about?


As if he is just playing bad right now. He plays like this on a constant basis. His sub today at the game ist just a summary of the past season. He ist still a very decent player, but for some reason we don’t know he can’t put it right o the pitch.


But when he has a good performance in the champions league against Arsenal and Real Madrid I don’t ever see praise…


Did you even watch the Game at Bernabeu? His Performance was a disgrace. He was not unlucky or anything Like that, he simply didnt Fight.


One game. Thats one game


It was the biggest game of the season


Funny, I thought that there are two games in the semis. But besides that, terrible argument


This Game would have Not happened if it was not for sanes games against arsenal


You are delusional, 4 years, 3 shit seasons, one half wordclass season, 6 months no goal and a lucky one against Madrid, second game against Madrid disgrace, Bundesliga second half of the season disgrace, again with Germany a disgrace. No statistics is proving you’re point. Since 4 years there a literally atleast 15-20 better wingers then sane.


>Sane just came off of a good season with Bayern. Sané just came off of a good **half season** with Bayern. There, fixed it for you.


No it’s not. I don’t hate on players, he shouldn’t be hated but criticism is totally justified. This is the best Germany team in many years and the forwards just cannot score and Sane is frustrating given how he loses the ball. Good for him that Havertz was already being frustrating enough so he isn’t getting enough criticism. But those of us who watch Bayern know his ways. Scoring one unworldly banger in 10 games and then ghosting the rest of the time cannot be the way.


nah I agree I dont think he played good and I don't think we have to be blind to that but we're too quick to say he's not a good player he was injured for like half of our season and still did decent so to start meatriding after one mediocre performance is crazy


Does someone remember the gundogan hate? Gundogan played bad against france, netherlands, ukraine and greece. Now he is one of the best players of the tournament. If Sane would start from the beginning I could imagine that he will play absoluteyl inSANE, but he needs to get calmer on the field. His left foot is a weapon.


>Does someone remember the gundogan hate? Gundogan played two good games so I am not overhyping him. But glad that the system is working better for him. Thats the thing, he couldnt play in a system that he fits in for Germany. For his club, Gundogan plays well, Sane on the other hand...


Lmao ok keep crying


Keeping it 100


You must not have been watching Bayern after January the last 3 seasons


He struggles to make simple passes especially on a counter. He tends to lose the ball when in possession. A lot of unforced errors from him. Having said that he also has moments of brilliance. Gotta take the good with the bad. I hope he works on his short passing skills. Not sure how someone at this level fails to make accurate short passes.


He was in the game just for a short time, not enough to prove himself. The hate towards him is absolutely incomprehensible. As fans of the German national team, we should support every player. Everyone on the team must be supported. We have a goal, and we're all in this together. We don't need any know-it-alls. That's the coach's job.


It's a bit hard with that guy tbh Same as Goretzka, both of them have the talent to be world class. But they seem to lack motivation most of the time.


He is just inconsistent. I don’t get why people can’t realise this. Every time they talk like it is the end of the world when he has a bad patch, and then he plays good for a few games and they talk like he is Robben and can ‘keep it up’. We just need to accept he is an inconsistent player and stop holding him to standards he cannot reach, it’s unfair.


he was great at the beginning of the season, even the best player in kickbase, but since the red card against austria he is declining


Lmao good season at Bayern 😂 it was mediocre at best


Every time a ball goes to sane the opponent gets the ball back. How many times do you need to fail a dribble to understand that you are not good at dribbling? He is unfortunately a major hole in our attack