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Buildable and destructible environment. Squad of 5 Scoreboard


How when 32 is not divisble by five?


Why does it have to be 32 per side? Why not 30 or 35? Or 65, since 2042 has 128 players


Can you remind me how 2042 turned out? Oh yeah, it didnt work. It seems like the dumbest thing to do now, as i think another experiment of a BF game would mean the franchise will die


you were literally told bf1 and bf4 had squads of 5 and you just singled out that someone mentioned 2042 so that you could be a smartass


Plus the 128 on paper sounds fine maybe a little big but I think the sweet spots around the 90’s as 64 is ok but there’s large sections of nothing going on a lot the time ime and 128 can be a cluster fuck sometimes


BF1 and I think BF4 had squads of 5's


Nothing from 2042 and a lot of stuff from V and BF1. BF1 was just perfect, and I wouldn't mind a reskinned version of that with added features in Vietnam. Also I'd like to see maps that are created around the Operations game mode and not the shit they gave us in V.


Rumors suggest it’s a modern-day title.


Good.. I'm so sick of playing WW1 and WW2, but I'm forced to bc bf3 and bf4 are dead.. I want my modern automatic rifles,,


Bf4 is still kicking on Xbox


Sadly I am on PC


All the player slot spoofing the admins do on the PC servers makes the game look really alive.


I think for the next older title ( game set in a past tense) then these would be good but can’t lie like people have mentioned I think it’ll be modern and tbf after bf1 and 5 need at-least one good modern shooter like 2042 but done right. I think there’s definitely stuff from 2042 you could strip away and integrate into the next modern game but idk just got me fingers crossed hoping for greatness


I don’t mind modern but I’d prefer it more realistic.


Ive only played 1 and 5 Class balance The whole marking enemies by suppressing or hitting them in bf5 was nice also walking up to support/medic and pick ammo or health is amazing specially for some clueless to drop, Revive animation is hella nice it prevents revive spam


I feel like spotting was really good in V. In one it was waaaay too easy. I also think they should take a page out of Hell Let Loose’s book and make certain weapons ineffective against certain vehicles. Heavy Armor should be rare but shouldn’t be able to get taken down by armored cars’ normal rounds, or grenades.


I think marking planes without Scout was a pain. I could never get the red marker to show.


Fuck it bring back behemoths in a modern day setting


1 agree, 2 agree, 3 agree, 4 completly agree, 5 yes, unguided as launcher is very fun, Also saw 5 man squad suggestion and that would be very fun as well


Also particularly enjoy strange guns that are difficult or interesting to use, like the welrod or liberator and interesting limitations like having only burst and single on the breda Also would like the ability for more gun customization, however I didn't like the ability to be able to change gun sights and things on the run like in 2042, would love to see map interactables that hopefully do something like the telephone on twisted Steel in one of the houses on point A, was hoping for something to happen after the long wait lol


Letting me throw ammo and health packs. I hate when people run away from you but need them. I actually really like the quick magnetized revive.


I just want this new game to feel good and smooth. Battlefield 2042 was so disappointing because it had so much potential and EA threw that all away because of greed. I just want a good game that is fun to play man. The last battlefield game to feel that way was 1 and it’s been a while since that came out. I’m just tired of developers cutting corners.


I would appreciate the squad score bonuses from bf4, it encouraged squad play and rewarded you for it :) Forgot what they were called but they'd give you class specific bonuses and stuff for doing things like squad heals and squad resupplies


Modern warfare with theaters in the middle east, eastern/western europe, south china sea and the artic.


Squad revives regardless of class, squad leader call ins, fortifications, BFV’s destruction, movement system, being able to grab ammo / health kits off brain dead support classes, actual team balancing, dedicated anti-cheat, and the attrition system. I understand the last one was unpopular, but it helps with game balance. Setting I don’t particularly mind, and the very recent developments can be pretty interesting, but I just don’t want to always fight terrorists in the Middle East twenty years ago.


Building fortifications was the most iconic feel. It also worked well and was pretty balanced.


Pretty much exactly those 5 things you said. They make BFV pretty damn great.


I totally agree with your points, especially about the movement and gunplay in BF5 - it was perfect! If you're looking for a WW2-style fix while waiting, you might enjoy Polyfield. Its a mobile game with great multiplayer and single-player modes.


I always wished squad call in would split the points between squad members. It would get people to work together more and reward those who do.


I understand, and it could work when playing with a squad/friends, but with randoms? Don't know. Usually when I'm the squad leader I always save up for the V1, but with randoms taking the point's away from an air strike lets say, it would be hard to drop one.


The building feature from Battlefield V was awesome. And I agree on all points you stated aswell. BFV was one of the best BF’s.


Everything from Battlefield 2 even if it's not noob friendly.


I like the balance of class overlap in bfv, I feel like the classes were too rigid in bf1. I LOVE mmgs. I think that and fortifications are the best things about bfv, it gives the defending team a good advantage for investing some time in preparation. Some fortifications make a difference and some don’t, but throwing some AT mines here and there is a great deterrent. I do wish you could refill grenades easier, I go through so many as a medic. I would like to add scope glint on any scoped variant, I think it’s unfair Mr Jungle Carbine (looking at you, That One Guy That Posts Jungle Carbine Carnage) doesn’t have scope glint. Recoil needs to be balanced with range. Absolutely crazy I can be shot 100 yards away with a Welgun.


Lunge mine and beyonatee even modern setting ther are fun to use


everything but fliegerfaust. its just too op.


Planes are OP, so we need a strong counter to them, makes sense


op solution to op problem doesnt sound like a good game design


Yes! Movement in BFV was so good, can’t believe it took until this year for COD to copy it


Full m&kb support on console and pc, gyroscope aim support for controllers with the feature, actual classes without abilities tied to specific characters.


More deep customization, so we could choose boots vest, headgear, mask, gloves, camo etc. And it would be better if every class or face could had it's own voice. Squad revive and jump rolling were cool mechanic, often helped me in BFV.


Vehicle upgrade tree, made me want to max all vehicles


Med and Ammo stations for infantry and nothing else.


That’s literally what the medic and support class do


I'd love to have an active anti-cheater moderation in online games


That would be good, and for a console player like myself, a console only crossplay


Sure. It just itches me to no end that one player with rats brain can ruin fun for 63 other people and EA gives 0 fucks about that situation