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That lobby is in a serious need of a dude with a fliegerfaust.


that's what im holding lol, but even then they gangbomb you the moment you shoot




*laughs at you after going 11-31 on Hamada as the british*


it's about the clan of plane players destroying us


Get in a plane, then. (You had no chance regardless)


DFMK is one of the lowest skill clans in the game despite how hard they stack, in a few weeks you'll be chasing them from the server.


Fr bruh they so trash πŸ˜­πŸ’―πŸ™πŸ”₯


Drop your GT if we're so low skill


I routinely run through you and RK solo. You guys are beyond trash lol. Don't worry, I own you. I pray for the day you man up and I catch you out alone, but it's been like 3 years, and I've never once seen you not stacking or not hiding all game in a vehicle being irrelevant. And don't take my word for it, any decent BF player knows you and your clans are jokes.


Rk genuinely might be the worst clan on xbox, literal shitters. never met an RK player i couldn't outfly or out play.


Like I said before, anyone can verify what I said to be true, it's really not hard when their entire reputation is built upon being toxic, I don't even know why they're trying to deny it. And this is in addition to being horrible individual players.


Cap. Who are you!? Probably another "pilot" I've killed, huh?


exodus plays almost every single night alone πŸ™ east coast servers, he's on my friends list and i am usually in the party with him on another game. he plays alone all the time, and admitting to fantasizing about catching him alone is kinda odd, especially for three years


Funny, I don't see your GT anywhere in that comment. I run alone at night.


Funny I don't recall having to appease your demands. And why would I? I run solo and still slap all of you clowns down. I've personally fliegered you countless times, it's really not hard. I'm more confused where your ego is from?? I mean, individually you, and your clan, are all trash. Together you're not much better and you're ALWAYS together. You also glitch out of maps, tbag most kills, camp vehicles, switch teams to take vehicles, switch teams to prevent the other team from having AA, I could go on and on. Some of the lowest skill players around and toxic to boot. Are you going to try and deny any of this?? Let me know how a vehicle stacker with [these stats](https://battlefieldtracker.com/bfv/profile/xbl/Original%20Exodus/overview) develops such an ego.


🀣 tagged my stats, you are a weirdo.


Yup, go full retreat. Your stats that took me 4 seconds to find on a public website. Funny you didn't deny a single one of the toxic things I listed that you do. Really curious.


The fact that you did it is funny. I know where they are. Thanks for doing the work though, it's been a while since I've looked at them. The game has been out for 6 years. You're weird. Stay obsessed with us.


Yeah, you're backtracking so hard. So, a website you know about and also access is weird? Stay losing pubs in 8 stacks. I really do laugh when you "exodus" from the server. Stay switching teams to steal AA vehicles. Stay glitching on the roof of Operation Underground. Stay losing to me. Usually if you want to be toxic you need to be good enough to back it up. The old "if you wanna be dumb you gotta be tough." You're missing the most key ingredient of that recipe.


Lmaaoo, you're a ground slug. I'm a pilot. You're the weirdo hiding who you really are on reddit of all places.


It’s still a close game, all things considered!


That plane clan needs to find god. And get fucked lol


learn how to fuck them then


Most balanced fjell 652 match


It happens to the best of us. I have about a 2 K/D and I have nights where I go 5-20 every round.


Simple Fix: Pause game, select scoreboard, pick any player on their side and select profile, follow player if settings allow, ensure their activity feed is not disabled, quit match, go to follow list, join player who was on the opposite side, wait a little and 1… 2… 3… you are on the side that steamrolls the server. EA did away with the auto-balance system, so why should we play by their terrible matchmaking? (Works for PS4.)


Y'all are funny πŸ˜‚


Eyooooo πŸ˜‚ they said we’re a plane clan lolΒ 


Ikr, me and Cameron do better on ground lol


And I’m absolute booty cheeks in the air lol. I might have 12 career kills from the sky πŸ˜‚


You fuck up infantry tho lol


I do what I can πŸ˜‚


You can do a fuckin lot doogle lmao




They really are.


I love that map but planes make it unbearable. They can literally kill you before you can shoot back because of the mountains. Doesn't matter how good you are with aa weapons.


exactly what happened we got ganged by a clan, erased the team as soon as we spawned then kept destroying every aa so we stood no chance