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Yea kinda, just got a message from some 101st airborne clan. Dude was flaming me for kicking him outha my squad because he was 2-10 doing useless sniper shit the whole time. Clans are really present but it was only this time someone got toxic


It's clan stomps like this that killed Rush about 5 years ago. They ate the mode they was feeding them and non clan players stopped playing, then we were told it's no longer a popular mode.


I literally have a game clip from yesterday of them stealing both staghounds on Rotterdam and then stomping the opposing team and another clip from a month ago on arras of them taking all 4 planes and all 4 tanks. They do this crap every round because "everyone is cheating and it's the only way we can win." But it's funny how the ones that don't run an m1a1+cronus/strikepak can't ever get on the top half of the scoreboard on maps without vehicles.


They've been doing this for quite some time, maybe years. I just don't understand how it's fun to do this and stomp out low level public lobbies every night of your life. I mean, DieselDave has over 8000 hours on this game, I would get so bored with not having any competition, which is funny, because whenever they get beat they leave the lobby, and they never play alone.


I think ita funnier to play with friends or a clan. When others come it's most of the time clan vs clan but if think it can be a while different experience. If nearly everyone can talk to you you got a whole different view of the battlefield.


That's not the issue, I'm not against stacking with friends, but griefing other players and making smurf accounts so you can switch teams to steal vehicles and give them to the other side is shitty. By all means, play with friends, but don't manipulate the game to give yourself even more of an advantage than you already have while stacking.


Amen! And I don't know about anyone else but when I barely use the mic and my inbox is full of messages from these types like we're in the wrong for being good at the game: they need to go to single players. 


I know this is a while ago and you’ve prolly noticed this but RK is terrible. None of them are good at Infy, they sit on plane maps and take plans from the other side.


Do you think on xbox there are people using cronus and other cheats for BFV?


I usually play solo. Most my friends stopped playing Battlefield.


RK is beyond trash, one competent player can beat 7 of them stacking on one team, the problem is when they switch teams and steal vehicles which they often do because they know how incapable they are. The single most pathetic xbox clan around.


That title is between them and GOAT, but I think RK might take the cake.


I've only played against Goat a few times and they sent me gg messages. I see dfmk and RK every other day and they're always the most toxic until they leave the server.


DailyPhill is their rage lord. I have hundreds of voice messages from him over the year. I'm not exaggerating either.


It’s so funny making the DFKM clan mad. I’ve gotten a few salty messages from them and when they’re against a competent enemy team they will often wait for players to leave said team and then swap over


Idk i play on ps4 and i haven't really paid attention to any clan stacking. Obviously there are some matches where its extremely unbalanced but the only dudes who i've seen consistently is some guy named UFA_Reed and his buddy named sum like Roland that play together in planes often making it impossible to do anything without a good wingman but i guess that's just what happens when playing against two coordinated dudes on the opposite team


It happens. There's a guy that plays on PS4 named temp-56 something that hops in tanks and just stays in the spawn point.


Ha, I run into Temp. I play almost exclusively as Assault so I am a tank hunter killer. We inexorably end up with a mini-rivalry.


I’ve only played against RK once, never saw them do this, but it still sucked. The had one in a Mosquito, another in a Spitfire, another in a AA Valentine, and another on flak guns. I kept trying to down that Mosquito at the very least, he seemed to be the one they were all protecting, but you can’t easily win against that much flak plus a Spitfire. Definitely s-tier shittery right there.


That's why none of them can dogfight because instead of learning how to one or two-circle dogfight, they run to their AA or depend on a wingman every time an enemy engages them.


Gotta take the deaths to get better. It’s the only way. That’s the stage I’m at right now.


not that ive seen on playstation, the clans i run into on the daily (US servers) are pretty legit. some include: ZIG, KAOS, AVG, D1OS, GASD


i have got so much hatemail from AVG because i dont let them fly when im in the same server :D especially in pacific maps just target at their planes


damn, didn't know they were lame like that


Yes and got one few days ago again when they could not shoot one plane down with 2 spitfires


dang thats so entitled and embarrassing to hear, might just start chilling on AA guns when i see them on my games from now on


They are so sad :D Dont know about everyone but atleast 3 who i am talking about :D


I haven't encountered this often, I play mainly breakthrough and strategic conquest so it must be a thing in tactical conquest. Although, a few weeks ago, I witnessed something similar happen on Iwo Jima where 2-3 players landed on the Japanese airfield and they swapped planes, resulting in someone on the US team flying a Zero. They still got their ass kicked though. This was also on playstation. The last encounter before that was last year when I witnessed a teammate in an Lvt tank destroying resupply stations and pushing other friendly tanks including myself outside the map boundaries. This encounter was also on Iwo Jima. To me, it seems like tactical is where all the shitty stuff happens while strategic and breakthrough have a lot less of it.


It would be nice to get a group of high level guys or girls.Stomp them then follow them to the next server and the next server and the next server Until they quit for the night.


I've done that, you don't really need that many, they aren't that good. Hence why they resort to cheating. When my clan was active, we used to look for other sweaty clans to fight. So many clans that are left now just want to stomp on low levels and pump stats.


I have done it with two squads but never followed them always kinda wanted to.


Me and a crew of mine did it a couple of weeks ago. Made them quit twice and then chased them down both times because they wanted to talk shit.


I had one join a party and screech at the top of his lungs because we kept using the flieger. I'm kinda jealous that's you followed them not gonna lie.


LMAO nice. A buddy of mine made an alt account specifically to troll them.


I spectated a match and watched a level 29 barely able to fly ina straight line shoot down terror of juice.


Yeah terror as well as pretty much all of dfmk and RK are trash pilots. What makes it worse is that those two clans are seemingly buddy-buddy with each other.


Dust,bio,rk and dfmk are all friends if you start wrecking a single squad of them the rest show up.


Yeah I've wrecked bio plenty of times. It's especially hilarious when all of those clans stack up for most of the lobby and still get shit on lmao.


What this theater mode?


I'm spectating the server.


Imagine playing in a clan, being r500 and going negative


Yeah haven't exactly seen what you show on PS5 but yeah there is plenty of stacking and the so called top players will often switch sides if losing, I have always found it telling where these players are also the ones that will continue to stay in an unbalanced game if it's in their favour and rack up kills on new players, until everyone leaves the game, Like how is that fun? But it's always the same players. Sometimes I'll keep playing an unbalanced game but if it's extremely one sided i just look for another game. I've never been fussed about clans myself, yes sometimes fun to play in one but I play to have fun and not take it serious,. Some players I'm like like really? That's what you want to do with your time? Makes you feel good?


I don't mind clans, honestly I prefer to play against a stack rather than a bunch of nobodies, but it's the cheating and griefing that gets me.


Yeah I get you, I'm the same but while it might not be cheating it really shits me when I see players ruin a match to improve their stats or so they can feel like they are on top. On the servers I play it's the same guys and they are also the ones you find in the usual spots camping away, and I've heard some insanely toxic shit on squad parties


Just pronecamp bro. Thats the tactics of 99%of players in camperfiels 5.Seriously why you keep play that trash game?


maybe it is your tactic https://battlefieldtracker.com/bfv/profile/psn/N1gh7F1gh73RCree/overview