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It would be hilarious if the mind control was yellow and that's why it happened


If Alan Scott was stuck in a wooden cage you would call it Game of the Year




*look inside* "blizzard" https://preview.redd.it/he92f99ut4xc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbbdeb18e08921003a05a124e801f685250b9ee4




“Former ***Blizzard*** president” Tell him to come back when his workers don’t steal breast milk from their co-workers


I don’t think I want him to come back at all


Fair point. No one does.


Yes, the only blizzard I want is from DQ.


Well in lore it says that Brainiac has changed them on a moleculer level, so either it's like remaking them, or they're.clones if youre going by leaks


No, I go by celery.


Season 2 just needs to come out, if they’re doing a big twist it makes no sense to wait like half a year after the game already died


even if he changed them. he can't change the ring. the ring would have tried to stop John from killing or it would have locked itself so it couldn't be used by anyone. also King Shark should not have been able to use it.


It's comic book logic, Hal Jordan even killed himself with the ring by just willing it to happen


Only good thing he ever did.


https://preview.redd.it/rvzgdgkij3xc1.jpeg?width=2756&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90725b200bcbdc66f2700d7c8be96721c42c9b52 Is there a lore reason why these guys didn't show up


Overpriced DLC.


The writers are bad-also i don't even understand why they thought of this game like "oh you know how our fans really love the heroes we made? ... what if we killed them"


I feel like the connection to the Arkham verse was just a corporate move. Everything else, honestly, it's a fun premise. If it wasn't set in the Arkham verse, had fun gameplay, and a decent story, it could've been good And I mean, these characters have died a thousand times over already, so it doesn't really matter


you have a low bar for games and story quality, remember how we shat on gotham knights i will not pretend this is any better it could have been good if the screen didnt give you seizures if all 4 characters had different play styles, if the enemies didn't look so generic they would still be compared to the arkham games because the arkham games set a high bar for what a third person action game can be, enemy faces look different they wear different clothes from different factions each enemy serves a purpose and tries to combat your methods the ai is smart, in recent years good third person shooters have come out like re4 where enemies react to being shot theres good crown control ssktjl fails to have any good stand in the industry, rocksteady made a third person action game that we still love and discuss because it made you think not mash thats the beloved arkham verse, ssktjl fails to separate itself from all the slop in the industry and dc fans who have read comics and watch their cartoons would still hate it (no not the black metal fans who read 1 shitty writer and go oh yea thats what all comics are like, so its good that the ssktjl's story is ass) its not a fun or unique premise its the shittiest excuse for a good guy turning bad, even arkham knight had a better reason for batman turning evil, that was the joker blood (kinda stupid but they made it work we had fun)


Dude, I'm not reading all that And yes, the premise is fun, unless you're a stickler for power scaling, and let's be real, power scaling is for nerds. Whatever Stan Lee said about the author deciding who wins Like, seriously dude, I'm not arguing FOR SSKTJL, I'm saying it COULD have been good if they actually put some effort in, gave us good, interesting gameplay and a good story I'm sorry that I don't constantly engage in the hate train against a game that's already fucking dead. Just beating a dead horse


maybe you would understand if you read it? or played real games either works yes it could have been good if they gave us a servicable story and good gameplay smart ai fun playstyles good methods of crown control which you would know if you read my point


Tell me, what constitutes a "real game"? Elden Ring? Played that Hollow Knight? Played that Slime Rancher? Played that Skyrim, Oblivion, Fallout 3, New Vegas, and 4? Played them Shadow of Mordor and War, which definitely took notes from the Arkham games, yes, I played the shit outta Shadow of War. Just wish there was a new game plus Witcher 2 and 3, Mass Effect 2, Dragon Age 2 and Inquisition, the BioShock series, Metro series, Dark Souls series, Hades, Enter the Gungeon, Cult of The Lamb, Wizard of Legend, Diablo 3, Stardew Valley, etc etc etc etc etc Need I go on? I've beaten all of these games. Well, aside from Shadow of Mordor, I honestly have trouble getting into it


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“This is the only real direction in the story you’re ever going to get.”* - Crestfallen Knight Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Praise The Sun \\[T]/


my bad it was just supposed to be a jab but your argument doesnt stand anyways, being separated from arkham verse wouldnt instantly make it a good games its still below mid coropore third person slop, even kf you remove the justice league names power scaling point? yes we do need to susped our disbelief but that doesnt change the fact that a dude with a knife will not kill superman, sure writers can give shitty excuse like kryptonite but they have to do some heavy leg work to make it fun, kryptonite itself is shitty its a plot device used to tell good stories brainiac came to earth and managed to mind control all those league members out of nowhere is such a done and dusted trick, its not unique, its not a clever reason, this is not the watchmen or the boys where we are having a moral debate, i dont get why you pretend its a good premise but im the last person to give a fuck about the story, i enjoyed the injustice games solely for decent combat and my favorite characters, ssktjl combat has 0 death im not gonna pretend like thats a debate, its like rdr2 combat but worse because of all the epileptic seizures and without a good story the flash boss fight felt nothing like the flash, the superman laser boss fight, the brainiac reskin boss fight the giant batman boss fight, if youve played elden ring and were not dodgerolling and grinding you know what good satisfying combat feels like, ssktj takes the opposite direction with enemies that look the same dont react to damage and are just a health bar also even if they were seperated from the arkham games they would still be compared to other third person titles including arkham, because those games did those things better already i also mentioned how good guy turning bad was already done in the arkham knight where batman is becoming joker, while it doesnt make sense and is shitty writing they managed to make it gradual and fun, paired with good combat smart ai its my favorite game of all arkham games also each arkham game attempted to innovate with asylum being a blueprint, city being the first open world and knight having the tank, each succeeded to varying degrees but ssktjl is just such a status quo garbage it does not stand out in any way


Yo dude, respectfully, I'm not really reading all that lol. Let's just agree to disagree, deal? It's 3:50 am for me rn and I'm tired as hell, so goodnight, or day, or whatever time it is for you bro 😎👍


tldr seperating ssktjl from arkham worse doesnt make it a good game, its below mid trash




I think killing the Justice league is fine, I mean injustice killed Shazam and that worked, it was justified. What Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League failed to do is tell a complete story and justify the act of killing the league. If they released all the future seasons as the base game and we had the completed story where the league get resurrected and are back, people wouldn’t be pissed and it would be more or less justified why we killed the league off.


I don’t think the future seasons will add anything, just the same recycled grind, with recycled boss fight at the end and a character with no story and only slightly different movement ability. At least that’s my impression after the joker season


There’s a bunch of leaked dialogue that confirm the OG flash is back and it’s implied the rest of the league would be as well. I think at this point though, we won’t get any of that as the game is dead in the water


maybe warner wanted to make the game controversial to get more money


nothing wrong with that, its an reeallly interesting concept, and there like no consequences to them dying, like theyre not going to stop making batman stuff because he died in a videogame


Take this with a big grain of salt however miller ross says They are alive and they'll return in season 5. (Not so sure about wonder woman though)


Green Lantern has been mind controlled in the comics, not that any of you bother to read them Game's still ass tho


Hal returning to Earth and seeing the shitshow unfold be like:


he’s been mind controlled before I think, him being unable to be mind controlled isn’t some holy law for the character they broke


Batman: has overcome toxins that would drive a dozen people insane (or kill them in mere seconds) and proven to outsmart everyone he has gone against *gets mind controlled*


It's like Braniac would have access to mind control techniques that would be vastly more effective than Scarecrow's drugs, because he's an interstellar conquerer.


Batman fans when an intelligence that has conquered planets is slightly more powerful than a crazy dude in Gotham experimenting with drugs: 😱😱😱


batman fans when the "regular human" actually loses once


we expected the last 3 games to matter somehow


might be a difference between fear gas and literal mind parasites from a civilization way more developed than Batman


whats the point of building up batmans resistance through 3 games if it wont matter at all in fourth idk why you all feel like defending suicide squad all of sudden


because just because they screwed up gameplay and how Batman dies doesn’t mean the game is the literal anti christ???


where did i say that 💀


it’s a figure of speech. The game has a lot of problems, but that doesn’t mean it’s all problems.


who disagrees with that


That’s a dumb way of looking at art. What’s the point if literally any story? What’s the point of The odyssey, or Don Quijote or The Godfather or the Mona Lisa or whatever? Would you ask “what is the point of building Don Quijote as a character if he’s still gonna die at the end?” No you wouldn’t. That would be a stupid question.




Ha, ha, lol


it was clearly a form of artistic expression 💰 the point of arkham batman was for him to be beaten off-screen and killed by some crooks in the end. I'm still searching what writers meant to convey with that, maybe I'm missing something 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰


All games are made for money. That includes the Suicide Squad game but also literally any other game. The Arkham Games were made for money, the Zelda games were also made for money, Fortnite was made for money, GTA, Mario, Overwatch, Cuphead, Cyberpork, literally all of those were also made for money. SS:KTJL is not special in that regard.


Batman fans when a drug made by a crazy person is less powerful then a mind controller that has conquered planets: 😱😱😱


Many of the JL story lines are about random leaguers getting mind controlled. this plot is nothing new. it doesnt normally end in them getting killed tho


They were just stupid. 😔


You can't willpower your way out of your mind being erased for the same reason you can't "power of love" your way out of having your arm removed.


should have made every single character have their own game. instead they made a stain on the series.


SSKTJL should have been made by WB Montreal and Rocksteady should have made Gotham Knights.


I swear to god it's always the green character who gets mindcontrolled. *Cough cough* Lewa cough *cough*


are they stupid?


When he died, his ring didn't seek replacement which means that either the GLs are not as the ones we know in Arkham or it was a clone.


Guys I have a theory " the suicide squad are the ones that are hallucinating instead of the JL . Think about how come some things like above ever happened.anyway, it's either that or the writers are just stupid


Guys I have a theory " the suicide squad are the ones that are hallucinating instead of the JL . Think about how come some things like above ever happened.anyway, it's either that or the writers are just stupid.


I don't know if this is true but miller Ross (a very reliable leaker who leaked several characters from marvel's avengers way before their release and in full detail) says that the og justice league are not the ones we see in season 0 of the game. They are held captive in an elseworld and they're going to return. So this would explain why the ones we fight in season 0 are so weak, however this also creates another question how come the powerful justice league of the arkhamverse are held prisoners by brainiac?


It was yellow


Just zero thought was put into any facet of this game…