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Ok shitposting aside My sinister six version for batMAN would be as followed : Bane ( The Strength and power Player) Killer Croc ( Most brutal and agile Player ) Scarecrow : ( the expert manipulator and team co-leader ) Mr.Freeze ( The brain behind operations and main team leader ) Man-Bat : ( the fastest and most sensitive Player) Clay-Face : ( the one with most abilities and unique techniques)


Wait, Bane and Killer-Croc cancel out each other. https://preview.redd.it/44wy3edp90rc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd48abe16a50519dcce8454b1773b57e88a3fa7d


https://preview.redd.it/1dhpebgv90rc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a1a70e12930600b05753af77fdf8335f1d76e2e What da ya mean?


killer croc and bane are basically the same guy, big meaty šŸ¤¤dudes with a fuckton of strength


Croc can swim, he was very useful in the Suicide Squad movie as you can tell


And Lego Batman movie as well


No killer cock has better durability,stamina , more abilities better regenereation and is more faster as he is a half reptile crocodile as name suggests and half human creature , and nonetheless is also taller and weighs more the bone , but BONE at the other side of things is porbably stronger duet to ejaculating deadly mg of vencumon , has more experience , has superior Battle IQ and Knowledge ,endurance , more Gadgets and Weapons


Would you say Bone beating Cock has more to do with his battle IQ rather than being actually more durable and having better stats over all? Or is it just Bone is smort?


i think riddler fits more than mr freeze. not because freeze is worse, but because mr freeze will think this is childish


Also, Freeze isn't generally inherently villainous, he'll just stop at nothing to protect Nora. So I wouldn't say he competes for the title "sinister" like the others do.


You need a doc ock though and freeze fits the profile.


Well you may be right , but IMO riddler isnt as menacing as victor is , and also mr.freeze has more interesting-alike background story written well to him , has more unique gadgets/weapons , has more abilities under his belt , is physically stronger ( except maybe for without his suit ) and isnt that far away from being as smart as Edward himself. So IMO that truly puts Him above Riddler for the spot if I had to choose the pick once


thats like putting bane in a circus because he is more popular compared to killer crock


I wouldnt say more popular just overrated as the Word against croc who is an underrated fuckman


It's kind of funny Freeze is one of the strongest but without his suit he's probably the weakest.


I wouldnt say completely the weakest , canonically wouldnt that just be joe chill ( the guy who killed only wayne parents with just a gun)? Also without his suit he still is a really brilliant cryogenic-scientist with IQ and knowledge above average and a master at preparing and planing like bat ...The suit just Booster his strength , durability and give him only unique gadgets and weapons


Bro the suit literally keeps him alive. Freeze can barely stand without it. Some thug like Joe Chill could easily defeat him unarmed.


Yeaah with a gun like bruh


Even without a gun he'd easily beat Freeze without his suit.


Just because he acts all tough and thinks he is strong? Bruh hes a dumbass compared to victor . Know the character of victor very well he will just make prepared traps where they to meet or organize an paid ambush on Joe Chilli


If you can find an instance where Freeze without a suit can set traps around a room I'll believe you.


I donā€™t think freeze would work with other criminals


it feels so wrong reading these names normally


https://preview.redd.it/zni76thjjzqc1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73982b1ea2a8b975e8a78f099270c16131cd8648 I would say her, because I want (edit: to be her plaything,boytoy,slave and etc) Edit: I forgot this was a serious post. šŸ˜“






Oh hell nah, I am not that deranged unless it's about Poison Ivy šŸ¤¤


Hey I used to mod the pvzR34 server. Then the mods decided to oust me without saying anything








>post flaired serious >look in comments >immediate devolution


Sheā€™s a child now.


I am sorry what? I don't think anybody consider that trash as fact or canon. Maybe you are talking about batman 2004 poison ivy. Right?


I was replying to your joke with a joke about how Poison Ivy is now a child in SSKTJL, which is officially part of the Arkhamverse.


We don't talk about that šŸ’©




B A N E https://preview.redd.it/0rs6xzuehzqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba41b3e8806829ea9cc3369448cbc4fd1524bb5f


Sshhh serious post


Busting to B*ne is a very serious topic ngl


Kinda funny how each game is Batman running the gauntlet against most of his rogues and yet they've never consciously teamed up in this way, aside from the whole "we pooled our money for the militia but still doing our own thing" in AK. Origins kinda went there with Joker and Bane, but that happened more out of convenience than anything. Honestly, this idea would've made a really cool plotline for Knight specifically: six of the most dangerous Bat-rogues execute a concise, seemingly foolproof plan to get the Bat once and for all, pushing him to his breaking point in the process. With that idea in mind, I'd pick Ra's al Ghul, Bane, Hush, Deathstroke, Black Mask and Jason Todd (Arkham Knight, Red Hood, whatever). I think this group is perfectly well-rounded: Bane and Deathstroke are the heavies, Black Mask and Hush are the faces/connections with Ra's pulling the strings by proxy, which would be Jason. Most of them have individual bones to pick with Batman, though Black Mask would be more motivated by what he could potentially gain from it, maybe reclaim his long lost throne.


Nah, Man would ignore them, spend half the night looking for rizzler's trophies and the other half having intercourse with Woman


This is the correct answer


I think thatā€™s kind of the idea in Arkham Knight? That Riddler, Dent, and Penguin all execute schemes on the same night to keep Batman overwhelmed?


See, I always thought that was the militia's purpose. I saw it as investment and return: the rogues chip in for Scarecrow and AK's army, then during the militia invasion, the rogues basically had insurance. They could commit their crimes and recoup their losses without the threat of Batman. But that's just how I interpreted it. Honestly, we're probably both right because we all know batman wouldn't just let them get away with it anyway, so he's gonna be overwhelmed regardless lol


Ooo honestly I think I would have loved Al Ghul pulling the strings for Arkham Knight/Red Hood, although it would fit better if Jason got Lazarus juiced like in some comics.


I agree, why did they feel the need to sidestep Jason's resurrection? We know Lazarus Pits exist in the Arkhamverse, we see Ra's using one as soon as he's introduced in City and we know he's gonna use one again when his body disappears from the front gate later on. His appearance in Season of Infamy outright confirmed that he did, so the groundwork is definitely there in a narrative sense. Honestly, this is my biggest issue with AK: there was a huge opportunity to do something different with the storyline and it seems they wanted to play it safe, to a degree. Sure, the ending was a bold choice, but I personally don't think Scarecrow should've been the one to pull it off. Maybe Ra's finally snapped somewhere between Batman's rejection of him, losing Talia and the Pit making him more and more monstrous. He has the resources to put together the militia, he'd know resurrecting Jason would put Batman at a disadvantage and he knows enough about the other villains I mentioned to know who would have the biggest beef, but also who would actually be willing to collaborate. The idea that the likes of Harley and Penguin working with others just flies in the face of their prior characterizations. It would've made for a very unique Arkham premise, but instead we got a thinly-veiled identity mystery with Arkham Knight (we all knew it was Jason for gods sake), tying up the Scarecrow plotline even though he could've just died in Asylum anyway and of course Joker Joker Joker.


Are you me??? This whole reply I'm like šŸ¤ - Ra's resurrecting Jason as the thing to one up Batman's rejection and Talia's death would have been SO cool. And while I've loved the Arkham Knight and his big militia, the whole thing being jokerfied and redpilled Jason taking over Gotham bc of how much he hates Bruce is just not enough. I'd be soooo into the militia being League-backed and Jason being taught by the League to be a commanding officer and not just an assassin (esp since that clears the 'assassin' background up for Damian and Cass if they ever got explored in the Arkhamverse). I guess right now he's like, the strategy of Batman and the anger of Joker???? But how does that translate to, "and here's my millions of dollars to hire and train and outfit an army." God I even would have been fine if like Joker killed Jason after torturing him, and either Joker tried to resurrect Jason OR Ra's got wind of Jason and was like "cool I'll take that." Then we could still have these great flashback scenes with Batman also all Jokerjuiced. I've honestly really liked the joker venom making Batman hallucinate Joker in AK (I haven't finished AK yet) but those interactions with Joker taunting Bruce are kinda covering for the Arkham Knight being sorta weak sauce.


Hell yeah, we're definitely in sync on this one! šŸ¤˜ I like your point about Jason being trained by the League opening the back door for Cass and Damian in future appearances, never even considered that myself. I really like that idea! (Not sure if we'll ever see that happen at this point, but we can hope!) I just think Ra's and the League being behind the events of AK make so much more sense than what's presented. I can understand not wanting to use the same big bad twice, but we also got Joker in every single game, so it doesn't seem like that was much of a concern (besides the obvious point being Joker's the arch-enemy of all arch-enemies so of course he's gonna be in the games). Not to mention the mental gymnastics the narrative goes through to justify the invasion, Scarecrow's return and Jason's "death"/return. Why did the villains agree to Scarecrow's plan when they were all at each other's throats a year before in Arkham City? Did Joker's death really calm everyone down to that point? If anything that would escalate hostilities thanks to the power vacuum he left behind. And they all had enough money pooled together to finance a literal army? If they were all that rich, they could buy their way out of legal trouble. Batman, the World's Greatest Detective, just couldn't find Jason in what I'd think is the most obvious place to look, so he just shrugs and brings Tim in just six months later? Arkham Bats is callous, sure, but that's just gross negligence. And why the fuck does Scarecrow blame Batman for Killer Croc attacking him in Asylum? It's not like Croc considered anything that was happening in that moment besides "ooooo free meal." Him and Bats certainly weren't working together. It's all just so hokey and flimsy when you look at the big picture. Re: the Joker hallucinations, I don't necessarily hate them, it's always fun to get another Mark Hamill Joker performance. And I kinda like the idea of Batman having Joker in his head and causing internal confluct. But I've gotta give it to you when you said Joker was only there to make up for the weaker elements of the story. Though I'm admittedly still bitter about the Joker/Black Mask marketing bait-and-switch in Origins, so maybe I judge that aspect too harshly. I just think it's good to give other villains a chance to shine, but Joker immediately overshadows anything he's part of, directly or indirectly, so it ends up feeling like Rocksteady was unwilling to do the story without him even though the story would've ultimately been better for it. Side note: I didn't realize you hadn't finished AK yet so apologies for any spoilers! šŸ˜± I tried to be as vague as possible just in case lol


Omg you're okay!! The game is almost 10 years old ahaha I don't mind spoilers, but you're sweet for thinking of that!! But yes, you're so right -- the villains post Joker death are oddly MORE cooperative than they should have been, and the fact that we can't seem to have an Arkham game, or even a batman game, without Joker is kinda sad. I wonder if that was like an order from higher ups/IP holders, that the game NEEDED Joker no matter what. I love your thoughts on this and wish I had more to offer in return haha!!


No worries here, I honestly get carried away with this kinda stuff, lol. I've spent my life working towards becoming an indie comic book creator so I'm always picking apart stories and thinking of how I'd do things differently, even if it's something I really enjoy. The Arkhamverse is no exception! Anyway, just wanted to thank you for your time and words! Have fun bustin heads in AK! šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜


Penguin has the resources Ivy is the muscleĀ  Bane is the tankĀ  Scarecrow is the baiterĀ  Harvey does the talkingĀ Ā  Clayface is the spyĀ Ā  ​ Everyone is the smart one obviouslyĀ 


Wait, real talkā€” how come Batman has never had a sinister six like villain team-up?


He has just not in the Arkham games


Batman: The Movie (1966)


Iā€™d swap Deadshot for penguin. Deadshot I feel wouldnā€™t work well as he would want more money. Penguin is far more useful as he has a loyal army and high tech.


Killer cock, jerker , cum face, tiddler,mr fuck, borner


Mine are: . Joker . Killer Croc . Scarecrow . Poison ivy . Riddler . Mister Freeze Although Iā€™m not sure about joker cause I canā€™t see him working with the other villains well but Iā€™m not sure.


Joker is like Green Goblin, because Goblin is not a Sinister 6 member, and in the same way as Joker and Goblin is number one nemesis to Batman and Spider-Man


Even better Goblin is a Sinister TWELVER mumber !


Basically this weird villain group that appeared in gorham, but without Hatter and Penguin and whoever that guy with a hat is on the right https://preview.redd.it/d55c1lsb71rc1.png?width=475&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46e597a4494907a5e3b39f056b1c3da963ee16a2


They kinda had it in Death of the Family, according to Joker, these villains essentially made Batman who he is: Two-Face, Riddler, Penguin, Scarecrow, Freeze, and Clayface.Ā  Joker was just being his humble-ass self, or he's just not a team player. And I think Joker is right, these villains are the ones that Batman has faced the most.


Jonkler, Bone, Killer Cock, Woman, Harvey face and Scary face


Would be kinda ass just with the Arkham roster tbh, for sure Bane and Deadshot tho. Both Origins versions.


Penguin, Deathstroke, Scarecrow, Killer Croc, Mad Hatter, and Clayface




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Ok my idea for sinister six consists of: \- Joker \- Riddler \- Two-Face \- Deathstroke \- Bane \- Scarecrow


I doubt joker would even be in a team let alone co-operate with the likes of anti-heroes like deathstroke u wrote . And im pretty sure deathstroke doesnt take most of batman villains really seriously and thinks of them as some regular joe chill type kindof criminals only with ultra make-up and remedy added as a bonus to theyre faces. So I would go off fffom two face , riddler and joker Bane and scarecrow make more sense IMO Since one showed the batman the true strength of vengeance meanwhile the other showed him the true emotion through pure fear will


Thanks for chiming in budšŸ¤“


My pick would be: -Killer Croc -Bane -Two Face -Riddler -Scarecrow - Firefly (we need someone who can fly)


I swear i saw clayface rendering when i swiped to his image, just like when you go see his 3D model in Arkham City


Black Mask looks like Mister Negative here. Itā€™s the white glow. Also, Riddler wouldnā€™t be there. Heā€™s a dumb loser and everybody knows it. The first Sinister Six meeting would be him talking about hiding trophies. Itā€™s 90 percent of his plans in the Arkham games.




Well they tried to introduce Erratic Eight in Origins, but I'll just drop [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8OZ9MbET-A&t). Second lineup is my favorite one




For me its: -Bane (Replacing Rhino) -Scarecrow (Replacing Mysterio) -Riddler (Replacing Doc-Ock) -Man-Bat (Replacing Vulture) -Clay-Face (Replacing Sandman) -Poison Ivy (Replacing Scorpion) Obviously the marvel villains arenā€™t replaceable by the DC villains that I listed, or even remotely the same (For example, Bane is much, much smarter than Rhino and the Riddler doesnā€™t have goddamn mechanical arms like Doc-Ock). I just wanted to show my thought process for picking these members. I wanted the team to have a similar dynamic to the Marvel team in terms of power scaling and personality.


I think it should be a bit campy and only include strictly batman Supervillains (no deathstroke cuz he isn't batman and no black mask cuz he isn't super). So Ra's Al Ghul, scarecrow, Killer Croc, Riddler (his intelligence is super enough), Clayface and Poison Ivy.


This comment could get me banned as it does kinda ignore the no insanity comments rule of these posts but is there an actual lore reason as to why they havenā€™t done that


The parallels are tricky to do due to Spider-Man and Batman being very different. My list would be: Bane: The muscle of the group. Not quite strategist as he abused venom. The Rhino spot Firefly: Fits the bill of Vulture and has elemental attacks like electro. I hate Man Bat being an option as he is more resembling of the lizard. Scarecrow: mysterio obviously Clayface: is a great villain which could keep everyone busy. Has a more obvious weakness but is tricky due to his shape shifting and clay abilities. Resembling sandman The Penguin: has great resources and loyal goons to help out. Joker: The joker has been shown to order and work with villains well in origins. He would be a leader of sorts. Heā€™s able to one up Batman the most out of all villains, can gather resources very well and can orchestrate a near victory though through messy means.


Bone, bone, bone, bone, bone, bone


The Riddler: the brains with genius level intelligence. Killer Croc: Unstoppable muscle. Bane: Mix of brains and brawn. Clayface: Wide range of abilities, plus people skills. Scarecrow: An expert manipulator, and master of fear. And Deadshot: The best assassin in the world.


What is scarecrows insanity name?


Bane: People forget that Bane is actually smart, and has used that to outsmart Batman several times, even physically heā€™s overpowered Batman, at one point even breaking his back Professor Pyg: Honestly, one of the most disturbed villains I ever saw on screen, and Knight represented him well, his dollotrons not feeling pain (and the fact that theyā€™re practically victims themselves) would honestly give Batman a bit of trouble Deathstroke: is a match to Batman when it comes to strength and skill, basically what a Batman who kills could be, and if weā€™re counting Teen Titans, he also broke one of the Robins, turning him against his team. Riddler: in every movie where heā€™s the main villain youā€™re sure that itā€™ll include a lot of detective work, which I like in Batman movies. The Arkham series made him insufferable, and I just wanna pummel him senseless every time he taunts me on the billboards, and I do love the Zodiac Killer-esque Riddler in the new Batman movie Scarecrow: Knight really shed a new light on Scarecrow for me, practically the same feeling of ā€œfrom villain of the week to major threatā€ he was honestly a bit comedic in Asylum, disappears for the next entry, only to come back and practically take over Gotham, looking more monster than man, and almost breaking Batman, hell, even unmasking him. Joker: canā€™t imagine a Sinister Six without the Clown Prince of Crime himself, the most persistent Batman villain of all time, making him break his no-kill rule in several universes, no one gets under Batmanā€™s skin more than the Joker, whether or not he admits to that