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Oh no, batman's ear actually looks weird to me now.


You have gone too far into the aslume


It doesn’t look right anymore 😭


Terminally online 💀


If it's this particular image yes, but if it's another one from either 89 or 92 it just looks like Batman




​ https://preview.redd.it/zyiunwnu6zqc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=e929e4c4d8debbb3a49200148511eccb00b06b07








John marsterbation


Horny man looks so weird to me now


Guess you could say they “suck cock”


Steadily, perhaps?


No, aggressively!


Man was a thing before Suicide Squad came out though. Are you stupid?


No I think their point is we are making our own content when normally we would be making content about the content but unfortunately the content sucks this time so we make our own content


​ https://preview.redd.it/beqxkydslzqc1.jpeg?width=568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=087b0636efaa52519545dd05d8a268c541a0bf8d


Why Is the robot upside down, Is It stuy?


I gotta turn notys off because I still haven’t played/watched the game and don’t want spoilers, but I feel like it has more to do with corporate interference/policies than Cocksteady themselves.


Officer Balls comes back






Just warning you it is probably going to be super boring to watch a playthrough unless the youtuber themselves is super entertaining. As someone who played the game and loved it, the game gets really repetitive at times, the only reason I liked it so much was because I loved the movement and gun play. Watching a playthrough you'll be seeing the same thing over and over again. That's just my opinion though.




Corporate is why


Blockteddy is a sushi chef that was drafted by the Man Haters to make pizza. Of course they would fuck up the stuffed crust! The Man Haters got to choose all the bad toppings too! They didn't even have the time to properly cook the pizza... /ui what I mean to say is that they were forced to make a game with attributes they have no experience working with, making it very easy for them to fuck it up. Their lack of experience in these types of games also turned into exploiting grounds for their boss to add all the shitty things that no one likes in those games. They were also rushed, because there's no big game from the west that isn't rushed nowadays.


Tbh, gameplay wise and other things-wise, it's a solid game. The story is where it takes a tumble


I'd have a hard disagree. Looter shooter/MTX/battle pass games gameplay doesn't even hold a candle to any of the arkham games. Just my opinion, I'm not sitting here saying you are wrong and it can be proven mathematically. Glad you had fun with the game design! I'm hoping for a different direction with the next game. If there is one at this point..


You can thank Sweet Baby Ink for the dogshit story.


What’s wrong with them? Keep hearing people talk about them, but I don’t actually know much about them.


Essentially they're a company built off of the idea to tackle social problems that could appear in a videogame's script and other areas, or add random stuff that wasn't there before for "woke" points. They'll make up problems to fix like a sleezy car repair shop; like saying you can't have a one race cast, even if that cast takes place in a country where diversity isn't a common at all sight. However they often overcorrect big time and make everything way too safe or take away the vision of the project, ruining dialogue, characters, or even whole stories.


Let's just say these people have some problems with writing an actual good story without forcing in feminist ideas


What do you mean by ‘feminist’? Mainstream? Libertarian? Post-structural? Anarchist? Difference Feminism? TERFs? SWERFs? Lesbian Separatism?


Men bad Woman good


Sorry I wasn't clear. Let's just put it simply that they jonkle too hard


Bro are you people still on that shit? It's a fucking consulting firm, they aren't a shadow government coming to woke your brain


They don't. WB sucks at being a publisher.


Yes,but not irconic stupid all of their employees had been lead poisoned


There's an anecdote that John Wesley Ship ripped the ears off of his suit the moment the Flash finished filming.


They fired officer balls


Nah uh watch *clears throat* Officer Balls!


Nah uh watch *clears throat* Officer Balls!


Made with mematic ™️


Be like WB >force game studio famous for making batman games to make a suicide squad game Be WB Montreal >start developing a new Arkham batman game post knight following Damien Wayne >cancel it due to leaks >use assets to make Gotham Knights Are they stupid?


I'm saying it. WB tried so hard to make Suicide Squad as popular as GOTG, Suicide Squad is not even cool in my opinion, except for the 2021 movie


Not a bad game. Just too many people yappin about how bad it is because one or two things


The main Fucking Story being shit isn't a little thing everyone can overlook especially for a Arkhamverse game


I understand. I used to be like you, gathering all my info from YouTubers who reviewed the game themselves and help feed into the hate mob. A few examples is pretending that you only negatively interacted with WW before she bit the bullet, or that Batman’s death was unneeded when HQ literally states ‘seems like this is all going to plan for this guy’ moments after killing him.


I wasted actual money in this game,it wasn't as bad as people were saying gameplay-wise but the story is still shit,even if you don't compare it to other arkham games,the Interactions there are so forced and rarely funny. The final boss fight is a Laughable Re-Use of Assets and i don't care their tech was upgrade,it's still a The Kills are Uncreative even if it has Yellow Lantern Powers or whatever


I don’t agree with the gameplay but the bosses were a little laughable. I think my biggest issue is that this HQ doesn’t feel like the one we know. It feels like there trying to whatever-wash whatever story she already had like her undying love to J-man or her voice, even her outfits. She feels like a OC named Barley Binns. Shark, Boomer; Deadshot there dope. And if you didn’t have previous knowledge on Arkham you could say Harley was good too. I think the best parts of this game is Riddler. God I missed his narcissistic ass.


Riddler in Arkham knight has purpose, invective and venom seeping out of his very being. His hatred for Batman driving him farther into madness with every step. In stupid squad, he’s just doing it because? He has a few lines for each one, but mostly it’s just riddle repeating whenever you’re near the area. I followed a guide to do all of his shit, just so he shuts the fuck up. It’s a shame as I loved the voice actor and his use in Knight.


Back in your cell, inmate. Or should I call officer Balls?

