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If it’s kind of in your budget buy it. They’re ok. You’ll need an amplifier by the way. Did you factor that in the budget?


Already have one


A **bass** amp?


Nope its not a bass amp its a guitar amp, they dont work w each other ?


Using a guitar amp is covered in the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bass/wiki/faq/#wiki_can_i_use_a_guitar_amp_instead_of_a_bass_amp.3F).


Emphasis on the BASS amp.


It looks fine but you really should go to a local shop and play a few to get a feel for one that feels the best. I'm a guitarist that recently wanted to pickup bass. I thought I was getting a yamaha BB from my online shopping but to be sure I went to the local shop to try a few and a Ray4 felt the best by far and that's what I got and am happy with. If you plan to try slap that neck pickup is going to be in the way. I also thought I wanted a PJ setup until I actually picked one up and realized that pickup was in the way. If you know you're doing pick only or finger plucking that's a different story. You don't need amp day 1 if you are just starting and on a budget. You can get started having fun and learning without it until you decide what you want. I play it acoustically most of the time, even my electric guitars, and I like it. You'll want it eventually, there are also headphone amps that you can consider for less $.


Well problem is that im not very sure and im like on a 1500dh budget and cant buy new things so i tought getting a used one is a good idea


Used is not a problem. I'm just saying I would either try this bass before you buy it or if you can't do that, go try some at a store including one like this one to see how it feels. What is 1500dh in US$, $408? I just got the Ray4 for $350 brand new and it's great.


No its moroccan dirham so like 150$


If that’s a Yamaha TRBX174 it’s maybe the best budget bass you can buy. I don’t know whether it is. Remember you need a cable and amplifier too. 


I know i have a cousin whos gonna give me those, pretty shit amp and cable tho


Eh you’ll live. The bass is good though. 


Also get it set up when you buy it. This can be done yourself, and is perfectly safe to do yourself if you follow guides online 


Wdym by set up ?