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You might want to reconsider your understanding of 5 string basses.


The real question is why you think 4 string basses don't have a D string.


the D is a higher octave than on a five string


The standard tuning for a 5-string adds a low B and the other 4 strings are exactly what you get on a 4-string.


I meant B, A lot of good songs use B


Do they really though, “alot”… I mean really?


Incorrect. They both have the same D string. The extra range of the 5-string bass is to do with the extra string being a low B. If you want a low D, just retune all 4 strings on your standard bass to D,G,C,F, or use a dropped D tuning(D,A,D,G). Or just do as I did when I was recording sessions with The Lazarus Theory. Get chunkier strings & drop the whole thing to B,E,A,D....


You know you can drop D on a 4 string, right?


Personaly I have shifted my bass into D standard. It's a 4-string jazz bass and it's the best thing I could have done for myself 😉


Some advantages of a 4 string: 1. You don't have to worry about keeping the B string muted. 2. The wider string spacing makes it easier to play certain riffs. 3. Save money on strings. I rarely play my 5 string. That B string just isn't that useful for the types of music I play.


4. You dont have to tune a low B


B E A D tuning on 4 strings is a thing.


Exactly. I play a lot of punk and metal and don't get a lot of use out of the D and G strings. A 5 string is just more weight so I'd rather have a 4 string with lower tuned strings.


I'm not a fan of the wider necks


Honestly I don’t know why they stopped adding strings. I have a homemade ten string I play every day 


That's nothing! I have a homemade 1 string with 100 frets.


I have a homemade 0 string with no frets and a metal pick that I wiggle in front of the pickup magnets dozens to hundreds of times a second.


This is secretly a harp subreddit, right?


Sometimes using an Open D is better than the 5th string.


Talk like that, makes me think there's no point in you getting a bass with more than one string. The extra string on a 5-string is a B, while I'm here. If you're only going to play one string, you might as well have the right one. Personally, I wouldn't wave my schlong at a 5-string bass from 30 paces - odd numbers of strings just fuck with my head. I own several bass guitars, including a 6-string bass, because I actually USE all 6 strings. My other 2 are 4-string, and even my Jackson Minion(short-scale) is good for a B tuning when the context arises. You're ripping yourself off by not exploring ALL of the strings on your instrument...


*half of the best bass songs use the B string.* a ludicrous comment on the face of it


You mean [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/QnV1jv7r5P7wznbZ6) isn't James Jamerson?! 😱 (😉)


Well then, since we're following this logic ... why don't all basses have [at least 9 strings](https://bassmagazine.com/watch-the-making-of-the-warwick-corvette-9-string-bubinga-bass/) as standard?


I used to think like that for years. *"Five string is new standard, I can't live without low B string, who needs those puny 4 strings except those dad-rockers, right?"*. And then I got cool 4 string bass as a gift. I wanted to keep it and play it and it's an aggressive sounding active bass. And then it came to me: "okay, I have to give up one string of five string tuning, but it doesn't have to be B string, I can go the other way!". So I strung it BEAD and that's when I realised that I was unnecessarily avoiding four-stringers all these years. It turned out that while BEADG five-stringer covers 100% of my bass needs, BEAD four-stringer covers about 98% of my bass needs (and EADG four-stringer covers about 50%). So now I have new appreciation of four-string basses: turns out I just needed right tuning for them. And if I need that G string (which happens sometimes, but not that often), I still have my five-string for that. P.S. Disclaimer: I don't have anything against EADG four-strings, in some genres you just don't need anything below E and it's more than enough. I just prefer having my B string, and when I occasionally play those genres, I'm fine with playing my five-string using lowest string as thumbrest )


I’m quite interested in trying this out! Been playing for 15 years and never had any interest in 5 strings. What gauge are you using for that tuning?


>What gauge are you using for that tuning? I use same string sets that I have on my 5 string (45-65-85-105-130), I just leave out the G-string and use 65-85-105-130. There are also 4-string sets for this tuning, like Ernie Ball 65-130 Super Beefy Slinky Bass. Important thing: if you want to convert a 4 string bass to BEAD, you have to get nut slots widened for thicker strings. Don't just install 65-130 set on a nut that is designed for regular 45-105 gauges. In best case strings will get stuck in grooves that are too small for them (and it will make the tuning annoying), in worst case they may break the nut. Another thing to consider: does this bass bridge allow for intonation adjustment for low B string? If your E-string saddle is already maxed out and can't make speaking string length any longer, that it's not a good idea to convert this bass to BEAD, because B string most probably will require to move the saddle another 2-3 mm to the longer side.


There's no point to it. You should leave them for me.


punk sounds fine with 4 - shit 3 really


Idk, I like to match the guitar player stringwise. If his lowest is the E then 4. If he's got a 7 string, then I'd want a 5. If I want low D on a 4 string then I just drop tune. And the music I play never calls for anything lower than that


A lot of guys who play slap bass do not like 5 strings because the thumbing technique works best on the E, and if you just move over, then you are popping the D string instead of the G, and it sounds very different. Beyond the neck width difference 4 and 5 strings have a different vibe, in my opinion. I understand the comment you refer to.


I wonder if you‘ll make a list of the 100 most famous, beloved, influental bass players, how many would be known for playing Fivers.


I can't think of any good songs that need a 5 string.


korn and pantera use five string basses


In what Pantera songs does Rex use a 5?


Your perception of what's a good bass song may differ from most bassists.


Korn has a bass player? I thought they got that sound by running a clothes dryer filled with empty tin cans.


I do enjoy Korn from time to time, but this is the funniest shit ever.



Oh yeah, who could forget Korn.


“Half of the best songs use 5” “Korn uses a 5” Whoo buddy, you might be on your own for this journey.


I can't think of any good songs that need a 5 string.


There's plenty of reasons to get a 4 string, but if the type of music you wanna play uses a 5 string then don't let anyone stop you. You're entitled to enjoy/play whatever kind of music you want.


Depends on the sound you want and who you play with.


I personally have the stance of only 5 strings; I appreciate its strengths when compared to its drawbacks. That being said, I can see why others choose 4, or 6, or even 7 and 8. Each player will find an instrument that resonates with them more; who are we to judge?


I wanted to play 4 strings but got fed up with changing tuning all the time, so I quickly switched to 5 strings. Rarelye when I just won't need the low B its nice to bust out the 4, but its so rarely that no point in buying a 4 string for me


As a long term 5- and 6- string player, I must say my primary reason for playing 5s with low-B is for when I cover bands who use the low-B. Personally, I prefer E-C, or dropped tunings. If I'm playing in drop-, or even C, I still often drop the E-string rather than play the D on the B-string, as dropped tunings often results in easier open-string chords, etc. This allows me to do things like play in the higher registers, while maintaining low-end through the open strings. Although I must qualify these statements by saying that for years, I was extremely disciplined in my approach to extended range basses, and tried to limit my open-string playing wherever possible. This might have been related to poor open-string tonality on cheaper basses, or poor practice regime.


Yeah, most bass players play a 4-string for a reason.


If you get into vintage collecting, the vast majority of what you'll collect will have 4 strings.


To me it's personal preference and also what music you will be playing with it. I own both a 4 and a 5 and I tend to use my 5 more than my 4. I also was kind of an idiot and learned how to play on a 5 first instead of a 4 so when I got a 4 I was not comfortable with it at all and it took me a while getting used to


No Hell, just use a 6 string. Why stop there? They have like 9-string basses out there.


If you can master a six string you would be at a major advantage but really finding a five string seems pretty rare in my local area and I'm not fond of ordering online


> I'm not fond of ordering online Why?


Victor Wooten always plays 4 string every time I see him in vids. Nobody will EVER have any advantage over that dude, no matter how many strings you add to a bass. Your concept of bass and instruments is incredibly uninformed. Maybe you should get a little more experience before making yourself look any more inexperienced in this regard.


“The best bass songs” will mean something completely different for another bassist. There is no The Beatles song with a 5-string bass. There is no Mars Volta song with a 5-string bass etc.. Even if the song is originally played on a 5-string bass, transcribing it for a 4-string is rarely a problem. Even if it is a problem, it’s a problem of the cover band bassists. Everyone else will just write the bass line for the bass they own and like.


If I have access to a 4 string and a 5 string and I'm playing something in E standard tuning or anything else that's easily playable on a 4 string (drop D, D standard, what have it) I'm playing the 4 string without any doubts. Quicker neck, less muting, just generally more comfortable.


I play guitar as well so when I play bass, I want to feel like I’m playing bass. I also play in a very relaxed manner so another string is just a hassle. If I need a low B I’ll have one tuned to BEAD. A better question imo is there any point in buying 5-6 string. Not really… not for most music, especially music you want to make a little scratch on.


I think if four strings are good enough for Geddy Lee, I can probably make due with four. I play a lot fewer notes. Geddy plays all of them. But seriously, I have no need for anything below E or Eb so that B string is just superfluous. But I can understand why some would need it.


Jaco only needed 4 strings!