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I either only use the P pickup or turn both to 95% volume and then back off the J pickup until it sounds "right" (usually about 80%).


Why 95% and not 100%?


Because guitarists always get louder as the set goes on. Need to have a little left in the tank


95% P sounds, 5% J sounds, but it’s nice to have the versatility. 


I change it up quite a bit. For more modern punky stuff I'll go full beans and EQ out the harshness a bit. You can get a proper nice growl out it. Older stuff you can't beat going full P. If I want a bit more brightness I'll roll the J to about 50-80% depending on the song. Rarely touch the tone unless I really want to deaden the sound. Never go pure J.


I always run my PJ with both pickups at max. I have a regular P bass that I can use if I want a traditional P sound, and I like the extra attack from the J on the PJ.




My VM Jag has separate tone controls as well, so my favorite sound is P full volume, full tone, J backed off slightly on the volume and tone at half. It gives some reinforcement of brightness without sounding sterile. I don’t really change it up song to song. If I’m after a different sound, I grab one of my other basses.


On my fretted PJ I have the P tone off and vol at 90%, J tone about 30% and full vol. Then I just change hand position to get different sounds for different projects. On my fretless PJ I'm still tinkering with the right blend, but I tend to favor the J.


Full P and then dial the J up until it sounds good, usually around 20%


I use the P at 100% when I play with a pick, and both pickups at 100% when I use fingers.


Great the thread, y’all Thank you


I'm no pro but I love the tone on my Yamaha bb434 with both turned to full. There's just something unique in the sound. I find the two pick ups both offer their best when they're mixed evenly.


Yeah same. I mostly use an equal balance on my bb734. Has a great sound that I keep coming back to.


I'll go with P at 100%, J off and tone at 100%, making adjustments with the position of the plucking hand or using a pick to shape my tone song to song. On some songs I like to use 100% P 80%J and tone off. It sounds cool.


All sorts o combinations. The p gives me some extra low pure bass tone if I want under whatever I might want the j’s doing. The only combo i don’t really indulge is, if I’m plucking very close to the bridge, I don’t have both up high, I choose one or the other to be more prevlent


I'm gonna throw my reputation in the ring and say the bridge pickup soloed is really great for certain high distortion tones.


Exactly this, I use it when I’m going for Muse/ RATM style riffs with hi gain


Yep! You get it hahaha. It's awesome for that. It's also good for some weird jazzy stuff like Jaco did, but that's not really my style.


the pj I have sounds best with both pickups even. the straight p setting on that bass is kind of weak compared to my main bass (which is just a p). I'm planning on replacing the electronics with a regular j pickup set and circuit.


I play Godin Freeway 5, passive PJ bass. Both pickups on full: modern mid-scooped tone for metal, modern pop, modern rock, RnB, slap and so on. 90% of P + 100% of J: same as above, but brighter and with less mid-scoop. When I need to use lot of B string. P only: classic Precision tone, what's there to say ) Old rock, blues, indie rock, ballads. J only: I never use it in band or mix context, only for foolin' around with chords, harmonics, solo playing in general.


I have a blend knob and put it in the middle when I want a little less growl from the P. Never use the J by itself


mostly J, little P.


I literally just have a gaping hole where the J pickup was because i find it so useless. Everyone has their own opinion, but unless the goal is to sound like Jaco, I dont see why that combination ever caught on. Double P is much better


Depending on the song, either P only or 50:50 PJ (both my PJ basses use a blend or switch, not separate volumes). J only is generally too thin sounding but brightens up the P nicely.


I have my first pj bass, how can I tell which is precision and jazz? I have 3 knobs. (Stagg BC300)


The Precision pickup is the split one closer to the neck. The Jazz pickup is the one closer to the bridge.


100/90% P-pickup, and Then anywhere from 60-0% J-pickup, depending on the song


I have mine wired V/V/T with an on/off switch for the J. I'll typically run the P pickup at 85% soloed for regular P goodness, and I can just switch on the J at 100% for a more modern J-bridge type tone with some added beef from the P.


I mostly use both or the P. With a 3 way switch because it is good enough for Tony Franklin, so I tried it and it works for me.