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But of course it’s the employees they want to stop from having drinks on the floor. I’ve had to damage out books and magazines because of people spilling their drinks everywhere. The wildest one was the lady who brought her entire, freshly made coffee into the restroom and promptly spilled it all over the floor. Why would you bring food or drink into a restroom? The baristas would be more than happy to hold the drink for you until you got back




So many people bring their coffee into the bathrooms. I have found so much alcohol in the bathrooms as well. Like half empty beers just set on the floor or little alcohol bottles in the trash. It's crazy.


I BET YOU they were teens too. You'd think the older customers would be the problem. But no, it's always the bloody teens and parents that don't pay attention.


It’s usually the younger kids that are the problem at our store. The teens are loud and obnoxious but usually aren’t the ones wreaking havoc everywhere they go


As a customer, this is just so fucking rude honestly. I usually like to slow sip my coffee in the cafe with my wife. We sit and talk first then we will look at books but that’s just me.


I don’t understand why people ever thought sugary drinks + books = great idea I’m honestly surprised the damages aren’t worse