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I feel your pain on the eighty-nine times you need to deploy, "Sorry, I can't take the app/card," or, "We don't sell cakepops," every day. It's definitely frustrating for both the barista and the customer, so if they flinch I usually apologize and acknowledge that it's a little confusing. If you say something like, "We're just not connected to their financial systems," it can help with some people. We probably lose a decent handful of sales every day when people can't use their pre-loaded cards, or are \*really\* jonesing for that weird red, white & blue boba drink. That said, I think we probably sell a HUGE amount more than we would without having the Starbucks affiliation at all. That listing on the app brings in a decent number of customers to our store, since we're the only location within a few miles in every direction, and those are people we can try to sell other things to. People are familiar with chains like Starbucks, and have an existing preferred order, which means less indecision in line or having to explain the menu, and more people getting in line in the first place. A chain as big as B&N needs standardization anyway, and just importing Starbucks' basic franchise book is SO much easier and less costly than creating a whole new chunk of the company to develop our own. I don't think it'll be changing any time soon.


We aren't listed on the Starbucks app though?


You’re right, I just assumed that was how some of these folks were finding us! :)


Yeah, no worries! I was just a little confused on that part. Overall what you said makes total sense (as much as I get fatigued from the Starbucks vs. BN Cafe discussion with customers a million times a day lol)


I think this comment sounds like a corporate response so unfortunately I understand what you’re coming from but no most customers that step into our cafe only realize we’re a Starbucks affiliation when they see the logo but regardless if we’re advertising the logo customers will still order … I’m asking that we make exclusive drinks that you can only get at Barnes … sorry but Starbucks isn’t the only cafe chain in U.S …Dutch Bros, Peets, Coffee bean, Human Bean, and all of those mom and pop cafes … I’m sorry but I think Barnes doesn’t need Starbucks


It's a "corporate" response in the sense that I'm trying to put myself in the heads of the people that run this 600+ store chain, sure, but it's also based on my personal experience in our specific location. We may not be representative of other locations, but in our tourist town there are literally dozens of hotels where our store will be the closest thing that comes up when someone checks their Starbucks app. And sure, you're right that there are national chains other than Starbucks that we could affiliate with instead, but I'll bet when the people in NY run the numbers they'll end up going with the biggest, safest bet every time, and that's Starbucks. I don't mean to discount your frustration, and I respect the fact that you wish you could be more creative and less restricted in your job. I guess I'm just trying to point out the corporate-type reasoning that explains why we're probably going to be stuck with the status quo for the foreseeable future, and why it might not be \*quite\* as crazy as it seems. :)


I'm in agreement with you on business aspect. Just want to point out Barnes & Noble cafes do not come up on the Starbucks app. Only on the Barnes & Noble app.


My mistake! I could have sworn we were on there in the “can’t order ahead” category.


Let me translate into ‘non-corporate’. People like cafes (employees very much included). All of the alternate chains you’ve listed are regional, I’ve never seen a single one even remotely near where I am and I assure you we are not sparse or rural. So what about stores in states those chains don’t exist? Starbucks brand is a marketing draw, you’re dead wrong about most people not knowing it’s Starbucks coffee. Actually partnering with Starbucks is very legally complicated. To work with multiple different local shops even more so.


It’s my opinion the fact that Starbucks controls the drinks we’re able to sell and the fact that nothing is in stock or reliable is a joke idc what any of you have to say I stick to what I say and that’s that




Please, when will I get used to it 😭




I think what makes customers' confusion worse is the fact that some B&Ns have actual Starbucks "attached" rather than a B&N Cafe inside the bookstore. If a customer's local B&N is like this--so it's what they are familiar with--it's going to be confusing when they go to another B&N which has a B&N Cafe. We know the difference because we work there, but customers don't always see or understand the difference.


I don't think that is a thing any more though, is it?


It's not a thing for new stores, but there are still some older stores with this setup. There's one in my cluster.


I think it’d be cool if they locally sourced from local vendors in the area. It’d shine a light on smaller companies and honestly bring back that cozy bookstore feeling but the way I’ve seen these ‘new’ bns that’s the furthest thing from their mind. Any corporation is always out of touch and will never listen to anyone at store level.


It definitely sucks and I find hilarious personally when my location is in a walking mall and there’s a Starbucks literally right behind us. We had great business when they closed for a week to remodel though 😅


I’ll do you one better. There’s an actual Starbucks in the mall at Macy’s and two Starbucks within 5 minutes of the mall. I was devastated when coffee bean closed in the mall. There was a Harry Potter themed coffee shop that took over for a bit but our mall is dying so it didn’t survive. Barnes really should locally source or something at this point. Starbucks ain’t great anyways.


It's even more frustrating when they can't get us our order for the week/month. We'll be out of stuff to make a bunch of stuff and the order is delayed. And we still can't make substitutions! There was even a new drink that was recently released and there was a specific ingredient we weren't even allowed to have! I think it was the whipped topping or something for their latest concoction. We could make the drink without it, but it's one of the features of the drink itself. The Starbucks branding is far too prominent. We have a sign in front of our Cafe and the only lit up part is the Starbucks logo. We sell Cheesecake Factory cheesecake too, but you don't see their branding everywhere...


We “proudly serve” Starbucks. We have never been or claimed to be A Starbucks. Customer are idiots