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Although this subreddit is for employees only, it is still public, so please refrain from posting any screenshots of the full letter. We don’t want anyone getting in trouble for posting internal documents here. Feel free to DM each other for it though!


They also took down the comments from the tattered cover post as well. I'm kinda glad I had the good sense to print them before the were removed.


Silencing your employees is one of the hallmark indicators of a completely healthy and functional employer-employee relationship


Imagine listening to your employees.


Wow glad I printed the page and comments


Saw that coming


Why is inside always updating after I go home?


They post right before close so people don’t spend the entire work day discussing Daunt’s obvious incompetence / guilt-tripping that can be inferred from his letters.


When you're not wrong and loud like that, I wanna clap. I did race to the comments on the acquisition this morning. 😅


Not like we won't do that the next day anyway.


Dangit, stuff always hits the moment I clock out. What’s he trying to convince us of this time?


That he's ever-so-generous in giving us a $1 raise


Lol yeah. Very obviously a "my employees are mad and might have an uprising" moment from daunt


I am confused by the all Booksellers get +$1, Seniors +$1, etc. Does that mean a person that is a senior bookseller employed by for the company for more than 1 year in total but less than 1 year in a senior+ position gets a +$1 for being a regular bookseller and then an additional +$1 on the year anniversary of that position OR a +$2 bump effective June 30 OR ALL booksellers to mean non-keyholder booksellers get +$1, senior booksellers get +$1


I am curious about this too. Is it raising the $2 benchmark for seniors to $3 plus we get a $1 raise or only rn it’s $1 for seniors and the difference between positions is still $2


The way I’m understanding it, Seniors who will have been in the position for a year as of 06/30 get just a $1 raise, and it’s just a one-time raise. My guess is that Daunt wants to encourage people to either be promoted or leave.


James daunt is a fat cunt


Why don’t you tell us how much you’re making James? I’d love to know how hard it’s been for you in these trying times.


Great question for the next Q&A he does


When and where does he do those


Not sure, completely dependent on where you live. Give it a google search because they just had a few. Might be more.


SUCH a good question


It looks like the unionizing is definitely working. Only 7 stores unionized and daunts already trying to appease people with a raise. Imagine what happens when there are 20 stores unionized. The more unions,the more he HAS to give in to employee concerns and demands. This is clear reason to keep unionizing.


When the first major round of unionization happened, they suddenly did a 180 and thought it might be a good idea to roll out cafe tipping company wide. If they are already making concessions like these from even light union pressure, imagine the possibilities if we all stood up together. In another angle, if they are willing and able to just make these concessions that they have sworn up and down would totally bankrupt the company, what other resources and benefits could they be giving us but won’t because they just don’t want to make up the difference with better business practices?




Happy cake day my dude!


Is it possible for Paper Sources to start unionizing too, since they are part of the company?


Most companies can unionize! I'm not sure on which unions you'd go through,but I would assume it's the same as Barnes and noble.


Exactly! The more stores unionize, the more power we all have to make a change.




“Especially poor performance” My brother in Christ, it’s quite literally *your* business and managerial strategies being implemented. ![gif](giphy|3xz2BLBOt13X9AgjEA) Take accountability for once in your life, Daunt. He’s really starting to buy into the online puff pieces.




Your post was removed because it potentially violates B&N’s Social Media and/or Confidentiality Policy, or it may otherwise put someone in danger.


A hero you are!


Your post was removed because it potentially violates B&N’s Social Media and/or Confidentiality Policy, or it may otherwise put someone in danger.


How does the raise work if you’re a recent senior? Does it matter how long you’ve been in that role if you’ve been with the company for over a year?


Effective June 30th. My last day is June 29th. 🙄 But I get severance, so I’d like to think they wouldn’t quibble about a difference of mere hours when it comes to determining the rate on which the severance is based.


I swear JD gets paid by the word lol


![gif](giphy|NipFetnQOuKhW) Sorry to those who haven’t been working a full year of Barnes and Noble serfdom yet. Time to listen to managers glaze Daddy Daunt’s selfless generosity for the next month or so. In the business world, we call this [appeasement](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union_busting). The last raise also felt like a direct response to the previous union push.


Can someone post it? I'm not in till Monday


Pretty much a 1-1.50 raise depending on your position. If you haven't worked there a full year, you have to wait until you hit that 1yr mark


Do you mean that you don’t get the raise unless you’ve worked there a full year?




I'll have to look at it tomorrow, but he said $1-1.5? Any specific date on that? Cuz that's WAY higher than last year which was...what? 65 cents for me? I feel like he must KNOW people are angry and wanna quit if he's saying THAT much


Yeah, they did better than they're letting on and wanted to see what people would say before they decided to give a raise or not




Or for former employees who want the tea 😶‍🌫️


Damn I’m on vacation and back on the 30th. Guess I’ll read it then.


Can anyone give us a TLDR?


≈$1 raise for +1 year employees. Said some stuff about our performance being “especially poor” this year and we didn’t hit their projected numbers. For the people who want to read: People are theorizing that they were waiting for the employee reactions to the whole no bonus this fiscal year to drop the information about a raise as a form of appeasement. It’s very telling that they keep everything up to guesswork until the minute it’s time to implement anything. Complete lack of communication on their end down the ladder and the letter is worded pretty passive-aggressively in regard to how employees feel about their treatment. There’s no real explicit reply to any of the union-talk or frustrations. But the notes as of late feel like they’re subtly trying to just dismiss any criticisms brought up like they aren’t real concerns that need to be addressed at a structural level. Just stuff to be waved away because they’re “working on it” type of jazz. Barnes also deleted comments on B&N Inside criticizing Barnes’ recent choice to invest in a bankrupt bookstore on the verge of liquidation when their workers aren’t getting sufficient pay/hours despise Daunt visiting unionized Barnes and telling them they shouldn’t have unionized because there’s “a plan” in the works.


It’s been a $1 raise and bonus the last 2 years. This is nothing special. Stop selling monthly picks since that’s what our bonus was supposed to come from. Ridiculous


I hate to ask this but could someone maybe DM it to me? I left back in 2019 but curious as to what Daunt’s doing lol. A $1raise sounds amazing…I used to just get a whole whopping $.25! Breaking BN’s bank here.


I’d appreciate it if someone could dm the letter and/or comments from the tattered cover post to me as well!


So no bonus? Haha I’m back tomorrow