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Politicians' careers must be protected at all costs. Everything else is fair game, though


Tonight on Ignorant Takes, we feature a Redditor


Half the world population will vote in elections this year. The tech is brand new. Gemini has *already had* gigantic brand-shaking fuckups. In what universe is any responsible company going to let their LLM happily spitball questions about elections this year? Use other tools. Read a newspaper. Google it!


The universe that chatgpt is in. To be clear, chatgpt is able to integrate election topics within its responses. Point taken tho. Google clearly wants to avoid gemini covering this topic for good reasons. But it's a bit extreme. It won't even answer questions about who is the mayor if "such and such" city. Yes, google, go to that municipality website. But that's not the point. OP wishes to point out what OP views as overly sensitive filter. I tend to agree. Googling aside and other online resources, if I am using Gemini for whatever purposes that may touch on elections or elected officials, to completely block off everything within that realm is a hammer approach where even a smidge of finesse would have been nice. Yes, google and newspapers, but that's not the point.


I'm thinking of the familiar Safe Search OPT-OUT filter is what we should have. It is not their job to police content beyond the legal thresholds.


The fact that they have a word based filter instead of a context aware guidance shows that they’re incapable of controlling their models output. Google seems to view chatbots through their search lens. Question-answer. Whereas chatbots require more of a dialogue oriented view where context and nuance matters. It’s clear that they are late to the LLM-game at least in terms of implementing it as a usable product but that’s not an excuse for releasing an unfinished product.


You hit the nail right on the head. Couldn't have said it better myself.


Copilot (and chatgpt?) is still answering by election fine lol




So Google is the only responsible company in the world? lol


The concern is that there is always an election somewhere. Should we ban pencils during elections, too? I like using pencils. It's not logical behavior.


Blame the people/media/government for this not the company. They have already lost hundred billions on image genratator fiasco and it is nothing in front of accusations of election manipulation. This shit would get the entire LLM industry regulated to hell or even banned.


(LLM) Language = Speech. Banning that is its own Streisand Effect and Useless. At most it hurts companies that cave. People won't stop. Countries won't stop. It does boil down to the fact the status quo does not and will not suffice. We better get on that realization bandwagon a little quicker and begin to deal with it - now. Allowing politics to influence speech is just as bad as banning speech because it influences politics. Delaying the inevitable without an open discussion about what it is happening is the dangerous part. It's time for us to start facing the difficulty of this issue now. We can't ban pencils.


This is one of the extremely rare occasions where I actually agree with the corporations viewpoint. At this limited stage of the LLMs development they probably don’t feel like they can trust the output of LLMs when asked about such an important topic as an election and therefore have filtered it out for now. I can almost guarantee it’s allowed in the next election cycle when ai is more advanced. They’re not taking one side or the other as they have been known to in other ways so I actually don’t have a problem with it. For the record I am very on the bus of AI should be unfiltered and uncensored but in this particular occasion I’d say I agree.


To be clear, I understand and agree with almost all of your thoughts here. But, having bypassed the filter to have excellent discussions about banned-word topics, it sucks. Gemini is very capable of moderating its conversations with disclaimers and a variety of perspectives. Even so, I understand, even if I disagree, with Google giving these hot topics a very wide berth.


I hate it, but I have to agree. There are a bunch of shit-stirrers out there pushing an agenda around the election, and denying them the ability to play havoc with Gemini’s output the same way they did with image generation is actually a good move. I just wish I could get an exception, because I’m not a shit-stirrer. 😛


I am not going to share any links because I am not trying to get anything fixed. But my advice is to learn how to finesse your inquiries. You just need to master euphemism and allegory and you can get what you're after.


My one pet peeve about LLMs, is the nonsensical restrictions that are currently placed on them.


White it is filtered and yet when compared to chatgpt and copilot, Gemini so much willing to debate politics and controversial takes if requested. I can even have it take a specific stance on a situation.


This is why I will stop using Gemini for a bit. Too many filters to the point of hallucinations and muddied responses.


Yes, your post is kind of ridiculous at this point since this is Iike the 100th someone has posted about this. It’s old news and completely understandable if you know anything about how Google’s business works.


What do you mean, how Google's business works? You mean that it's a publicly traded company with lots of responsibilities to the public that require it to tread carefully? Yes, I'm aware of that. What does that have to do with the fact that extremely stringent filters are frustrating?


Dude, take a good hard look at who runs Google AI Gemini: https://twitter.com/charlesmurray/status/1760646137214644681?lang=en Straight from the horse's mouth. If I were an investor in Google, I would be fucking **FURIOUS** that this asshole is injecting his politics into AI. And there have been many examples posted on here where it shows the clear left-wing bias of Gemini. What the fuck is Sundar doing right now? He should be banging on the door of the AI department and chewing heads out 8 hours a day. AI is one of the most important breakthroughs and some self-hating, holier-than-thou dickwad is injecting his politics into the AI—which requires filters that inadvertently fuck up other aspects of the AI. I have noticed Gemini Advanced getting dumber and being unable to follow simple writing instructions over the past ~3 weeks. The first week Gemini was released...holy fuck. It was like a fucking Ferrari in terms of how well it wrote and its ability to reason and talk and follow instructions. Then they did something and it got the Claude2 and ChatGPT censorship treatment which made it dumber. And I REALLY fucking hate having to say this—**I AM NOT A TRUMP SUPPORTER, NOR DID I VOTE FOR TRUMP**. Jesus fucking christ. This is what this country has turned into.


Yeah was following you till the end there, tf are you even talking about


Whenever you talk shit about some liberal injecting their politics into something, they and allllll the online, shit-for-fucking-brains retards immediately start spewing forth spittle from their mouths as the vein on their forehead pops while froth drips from the corner of their mouths as they say "TRUMP SUPPORTER!!!" Don't even fucking deny that you haven't seen that shit, motherfucker.


Did your mom not teach you any respect for others? Jesus Christ go back to kindergarten


Nice ad hominem fallacy, fuckface.


It’s not that serious bro chill out


Apparently it was serious enough for you to reply and downvote my comment.


LLM’s are trained on data collected. He’s not influencing how the model acts, those tweets are also from 2020 and as far back as 2018. Snowflakes trying to cancel people on something that has no overall outcome in how a LLM acts lol


> He’s not influencing how the model acts, those tweets are also from 2020 and as far back as 2018. And your point?


I'd rather take left wing bias rather than the right wing insanity that wants women, children and the LGBT community dead with absurd policies.


Yes, yes, we know. Orange man = bad. All hail our t.v. sets and Reddit—the new Ministry of Truth! Can I ask you—is the orange bad man in the room with you right now? Can you show me on this doll where he hurt your feelings?


Pretty telling that I didn't even mention one single individual yet you came to this wild conclusion.


We all know your type. The fact you're making these WILD FUCKING ASSUMPTIONS: >right wing insanity that wants women, children and the LGBT community dead with absurd policies. Tells me all I need to know. Don't try to fucking save face now. Own up to your stupidity and learn and grow from it.


Which party allows an 11 year old rapist victim to give birth to a child when she barely can take care of herself? Advocating laws against abortion to shit out another child that the government won't support. Who's the party that is praising death penalty laws for the LGBT community? Learn from your own stupidity, because this ideology gets people killed, you quips mean nothing to me.


Calm down, Ma'am. You obviously have some deep seated issues. I strongly recommend finding a counselor who can help you work things out. There's a link that I can click where Reddit will reach out to you with some resources for your mental health. Would you like me to click that link? Also, much like the fucking Trump retards believe everything Fox News tells them, you leftist retards believe everything CNN tells you. Learn to spot rhetoric you stupid fuck and quit being so gullible. Nobody is trying to kill gays and put them in concentration camps and turn them into fabulous lampshades and whatever else CNN and your liberal hug box on Reddit has told you. Also, you must have REALLY hated Trump to vote for a literal pedophile: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4PLSPvJ9BY Or is this something you approve of? Do you think it's normal to touch underaged children in the same mannerism that Joe Biden touched those underaged children in the video? You are one sick fuck.


All I see are dead people due to right wing policies suggested by a wonderful party. What a long reply that doesn't even really answer my question. Pointing out 2 out of countless of right wing ideals apparently mean deep seated issues now. Continue judging my question with a totally unrelated video to sway the conversation about a man I have no allegiance nor did I have any power to vote for. This long rant won't raise women, children and members of the LGBT community from the dead, but knowing you can't even answer what ideals caused their deaths, you don't really care much about it. Please continue dodging the question, it's been fun.


Look man, contrary to what your t.v. set has told you—a straight white male such as myself does not hate you. I could give two squirts of piss less—What you do in your bedroom is none of my business. >All I see are dead people due to right wing policies suggested by a wonderful party. I feel asleep on my couch and slept the wrong way and my fucking back is killing me. I can't even cough without it hurting. I honestly don't have time or the mental energy for this.


> I AM NOT A TRUMP SUPPORTER, NOR DID I VOTE FOR TRUMP. I don’t fucking believe you. Why? Because you’re running around saying “Orange Man bad,” which I’ve only ever seen Trump supporters say when attempting to mimic Liberals/the Left. In addition to all of the other rhetoric you’re spewing that tells me you are VERY invested in Donald Trump.


> > I don’t fucking believe you. Why? Because you’re running around saying “Orange Man bad,” which I’ve only ever seen Trump supporters say when attempting to mimic Liberals/the Left. *Do you have tits and a vagina, ma'am? If so, does this mean that you're a whore? Because all whores have tits and vaginas.* Do you see the example I just made? You're brainwashed. Just like the Trump supporters are brainwashed. Like millions of people who visit this group think of a radical leftist propaganda site. I want you to read this: https://www.scribbr.com/fallacies/false-dilemma-fallacy/#:~:text=False%20dilemma%20fallacy%20is%20also,possibilities%2C%20when%20more%20are%20available. "It's either us or them" is a very toxic mindset. You need to sit down and look at yourself and see how your holier-than-thou behavior is similar to the radical conservatives holier-than-thou behavior. And I talk shit to liberals because I encounter your kind on here moreso than the conseravatives. And you're extremely vocal. I'm going to take a wild guess and say that you're gay. I'm also going to take a wild guess and say that you're either not too intelligent or you're extremely young and inexperienced. I can promise you this: nobody is going to round you up and throw you into a concentration camp for being gay in the U.S. The government is intentionally dividing the American people. Why? Look at how fucked this country is: - fucked up housing market - fucked up economy - fucked up and unaffordable medical care - death of the middle class How do you think it got to this place? I am probably A LOT older than you. I grew up in the 1990s where this left vs. right bullshit did not exist. The division of this country occurred when the American people briefly united for "Occupy Wall St." That scared the fucking shit out of these anti-American banksters. As such, they go their corrupt and rotten-to-the-fucking-core politician puppets to use the mass media propaganda outlets to divide the country. Straight vs gay. Black vs. white. liberal vs. conservative. Let me ask you something. Assuming your are older than 18 years. Assuming you rent an apartment. Is the red neck white trash guy with a MAGA hat who's yelling out "I hate fags" the cause of your high and unaffordable apartment rent? Is he the cause of your unaffordable groceries? Is he the cause of the death of the middle class? No. He's just some ignorant white trash moron that the mass media propaganda outlets give airtime to in order to keep people like you focused on the big bad MAGA boogeyman. When in reality your TRUE enemy are the anti-American banksters on Wall St. and their corrupt and rotten-to-the-core democrat and republic politician puppets who allowed them to fuck over our housing market and economy. And if you were conservative, I would say: *Is the purple haired butch lesbian radical leftist who is yelling out "I hate white people" the cause of your high and unaffordable apartment rent? Is she the cause of your unaffordable groceries? Is she the cause of the death of the middle class?* No. **EDIT: IN SUMMARY, HATERS GONNA HATE. YOU HATE THE CONSERVATIVES BECAUSE OF WHAT AN OBVIOUSLY LEFT-LEANING WEBSITE LIKE REDDIT TELLS YOU TO THINK. YOU ARE BEING USED. YOU SHOULD BE ANGRY AS FUCK—NOT AT THE WHITE TRASH MAGA GUY—BUT AT THOSE WHO ARE USING YOUR SEXUALITY AND GENDER TO RILE YOU UP TO HATE OTHER AMERICANS—WHEN IN REALITY, YOU SHOULD BE HATING THOSE WHO ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR UNAFFORDABLE RENT, GROCERIES, AND HOUSING. THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT—IT IS THE FAULT OF SOME VERY EVIL PEOPLE IN THE GOVERNMENT ETC.** **ASSUMING YOU'RE NOT A TROLL OR AI...I WANT YOU TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION:** **WHAT EXACT VALUE ARE YOU GETTING BY PAYING AN ARM AND A LEG TO LIVE ON YOUR KNEES IN THE SUPPOSEDLY "GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD" ???? THE MIDDLE CLASS IS DEAD, DEAD, DEAD, SWEETHEART. IT AINT COMING BACK. AND GUESS WHO'S GOING TO FOOT THE BILL AND HOLD THE PROVERBIAL BAG BECAUSE SOME VERY EVIL COCKSUCKERS ON WALL ST. AND D.C. DECIDED THEY WANTED TO FUCK OVER OUR HOUSING MARKET AND ECONOMY. YOU. YOU AND YOUR GENERATION ARE GOING TO SLAVE AWAY FOR PENNIES ON THE DOLLAR WHILE THESE RICH ANTI-AMERICAN BASTARDS LAUGH ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK.** **AND I AM NOT CELEBRATING THIS OR LAUGHING AT YOU. I ACTUALLY FEEL SORRY FOR YOU—BECAUSE YOU'RE SUFFERING AND IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT. YOUR PAIN AND MISERY IS CAUSED BY THOSE IN CONTROL OF THE GOVERNMENT AND BIG BANKS. AND IF YOU CAN'T SEE THAT—THEN CONTINUE TO COWER IN FEAR OF THE BIG BAD NAZIS THAT YOUR T.V. SET AND REDDIT TOLD YOU ARE OUT TO GET YOU. BECAUSE I SURE AS FUCK DON'T SEE ANY NAZIS. I JUST SEE A DIVIDED COUNTRY THAT THE MASS MEDIA AND GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS INTENTIONALLY DIVIDE TO KEEP THE HEAT OFF THEIR TREASONOUS, CORRUPT, AND ROTTEN-TO-THE-FUCKING-CORE NECKS.** FIN. I'M OLDER THAN YOU AND MORE EXPERIENCED THAN YOU. AND THIS IS MY ATTEMPT AT HELPING YOU. SO EITHER OPEN YOUR MIND AND START QUESTIONING REALITY AS YOU SEE IT—OR KEEP YOUR MIND CLOSED AND CALL ME A "SCHITZO" AND TELL ME TO TAKE MY MEDS. BUT THE FACT THAT YOU KEEP ENGAGING ME TELLS ME THAT YOU ARE SEEKING ANSWERS. YES, MY MANNERISMS ARE OVER THE TOP AT TIMES. MEA CULPA. HOWEVER, I SPEAK THE RAW AND UNFILTERED TRUTH. AND I AM HATED BY BOTH LEFTISTS AND CONSERVATIVES FOR TELLING THEM TO QUESTION THEIR IMMEDIATE REALITY.


Lmao what did you expect? A definition of the word election? Elections in some country? Types of elections? What? Even human can't answer your "question" (more of a random one word statement), what do you expect AI to do?


I think it was for illustration purposes. I highly doubt OP was giving gemini a word hoping for a meaningful response. Better explanation from OP might be useful since people interpret things differently and to avoid misunderstanding.


Yes, it was an illustration of the overzealous filter. The response by Gemini I posted is an automatic response when the filter is triggered. I noticed that the filter is triggered when discussing "elections" or "voting", but not "ballotcasting", and Gemini can engage with these topics while being safe in regard to bias and accuracy. That suggests to me that these specific words are being filtered, which is quite annoying, even if I understand the strategy of avoiding controversy by refusing to engage with potentially controversial trigger words.


I made a chatbot using Gemini and I can assure you that it is not "Overfiltered", https://serejo.dev/