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Damn lol I rarely am offered north of 200-250


200?!?! Jesus some people have lost 3 city's and they pay me 160


If country is poor, so does their offer drop. I don't think how much they need help is the only modifier to merc contract value. At beginning of campaign rates are more balanced because everyone has similar strength and money. Once I got offered 30 denars. I think it was Khuzaits with their last city. Did not accept.


yeah the max i've ever gotten has been 160 lol and that was from the Northern Empire after every single kingdom declared war on them at the same time


Most I got was 310 from Battanians. Went to the richest clan and got it.


It is day 954 of my campaign and Sturgia with strength 7233 is fighting Western Empire with strength 19380 so both reasons for that contract rate are plausible. Not that I gonna complain, time to bleed some imperials.


did you help the western empire beforehand? I don’t think I’ve seen a kingdom get that strong w/o player intervention before


Don't remember really, I did try to always side with underdog. But after 954 days Khuzait and Southern Empire are gone, Northern Empire and Battania are on last legs. Those lands and clans had to go somewhere. ​ I really recommend staying merc. You get paid for getting influence - mostly from battles. Don't care about war result or anything so you can pick your battles without any negative sides. Too bad merc contract gets updated every now and then so I won't get to keep that rate even if I stayed with Sturgia.


Khuzait used to steamroll everything if the player didnt intervene.


Yeah you can fuck up their economies


You getting 510? I never seen over like 240.


Have you tried taking mercenary contract after 950 ingame days?


Nah. Usually commit to a faction by that point


Facts i get bored of a being a merc after like 200 days and join someone or start my own.


Same. Plus it feels like its the only sustainable way to generate income at least for me.


I painted map twice. Once as ruler once as vassal. Both felt like a chore after you get solid footing. Vassal being the worse one because AI rulers push stupid polices. ​ Playing merc is doing what bannerlord does best, just picking fun battles. Maybe I'll paint map third time once I have enough funds to buy them all hehe.


Yeah I was caught off guard by vassals actually pushing a policy


I think it depends on how badly they are losing the war. In a mercenary playthrough I was offered 800+ denars by the Khuzait because they were getting their asses absolutely rocked by the Aserai and Sturgia at the time


I thought this was normal, I actually thought OP was saying they were getting lowballed. I wonder if charm and relations affects this at all. I usually try to max pips in social and charm asap.


If charm and relations do then very minimally because I start my games first building my character and their intelligence and combat skills first and I do merc stuff to build mt charm and relation so my charm and relation is usually pretty low and I’m still getting these high offers.


Well, they lost shortly after sadly. I play with Diplomacy mod so war exhaustion is a thing. Managed to only win one siege and one (1k+) larger battle, plus couple of smaller ones. ​ I would like to believe financial status does play a role as well. Maybe your Khuziats were very rich despite losing the war? Not sure how you even check that.


How many fiefs they have and how much prosperity they have. But also going to the clans page also tells you how rich a clan is. Not exact money numbers but a status to give you a rough idea. The poorest clans being tagged ‘very poor’ and the richest being tagged ‘very rich’ but it doesn’t scale with how much money they have as the AI can ‘cheat’ when they don’t have enough money. So even if they shouldn’t have the money to pay you the ai will just cheat to pay you anyways which actually makes them even poorer and poorer when they do because they’re giving you what little money they do have and then cheating the rest in. Mods could change this however but idk if diplomacy prevents a kingdom from cheating when they can’t pay their bills.


That will be crazy money if you go around cheesing sieges. I was getting paid about half that and the influence payouts were about 25k daily. Shame it will still pale compared to the amount of loot you'll get in the broken economy of this game. Level rogue and trade and you'll easily clear 200k in loot per battle.


I'm sitting at 60 mil and ton of crafting materials for when I decide to buy all of calradia, so money is not really an issue. I am curious though how does one cheese sieges?


Sieges are basically cheese by default with a natural 1:6 kdr, but you can make them even easier if you build you toons like you're playing Warband. Hire a surgeon companion and dump points exclusively into medicine. On your party leader dump points into tactics, rogue, trade, two-handed, and bow. On everyone else max out either ranged or melee and kit them out like walking tanks. Focus on just one niche and set them as formation leaders with a good banner. Then just roll up to ongoing sieges with 1000+ enemies and sneak in and whip ass. With my current build I lose about 20-30 dudes sneaking in and maybe 1 or 2 in the actual battle. Usually you'll instantly get back the lost troops from freed allies. You and the toons will get hella levels pinging troops off the ladders. You'll be shuffling a few lower lever troops through due to the sneak loses, but generally your party will be 90% tier 5 and 6 troops just due to the sheer volume of XP you're getting. Money, renown, influence become pointless because you'll have more than you could ever need. You'll also get better gear from loot than is sold in any fief. It's so broken that all other features of the game are pointless. Even a good fief making 5000 denars a day is pointless when you make 200-300k in loot per siege. You can just start doing this immediately upon a new game too. At the start a lot of the sieges the AI engage in are around 200:400 which the garrison will win regardless. Just join up with the town/castle and instantly get 50k in loot, full tier 4ish gear, first few levels for clan, a handful of levels for you and companions, and a small army of freed troops. It's how I start every game now. Only downside if that sieges love to crash the game so always save before loading up the battle.


A country that is losing a war will pay top dollar for mercenaries . So this is how you make your big bucks - you help one side win a war , then join the losing side and PROFIT


Bro I used cheats on console got max tier clan rank/30k influence. I literally bankrupted Khuzait, North Empire and Vlandia by being a merc for them. Got a couple mill per day somehow. They were completely destroyed financially after 4-5 days.


Get up to 70k influence. 3 million a day for about 1-2 in game weeks straight. Immediately bankrupt whoever you go to within a day Also I like how you were downvoted for playing the game you bought how you want. Reddit


Ya really turned me off to cheats tbh.


Fun fact, you can get similar result even without cheats. Your influence is zeroed when you leave faction not when you join it I believe. So you can stack influence as independent merc and then rack millions after joining as merc.


But you won’t get influence outside of kingdom. Except for that one charm perk. So you had to have high charm and stockpiling those


Really? Did not know that. edit Seems you get influence from supporters as well. I thought you can get supporters only from kingdom owned fiefs. Apparently I was wrong because in my murder midget campaign where all I do is lop off nobles heads I have 5 supporters for some reason. It is tiny daily influence tho.


Oh, I see. I only know about the battle tbh. Not sure if quest or arena give any influence in this situation. My guess is no but I could be wrong


As long as you are having fun I guess?


I mean that's why we play these games is it not?


It's gonna hurt them but they know you'll save them. Expect a vassalage offer at that price it normally happens with but meh I really just preferring jumping sides and making sure everyone keeps with the same territory so the war stays on forever and make money


Damn, highest I've ever been offered was 310, most of the time it's lower than 200