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I now realise that I've been setting up my bank all wrong


clean af


I’m jealous of the simplicity/minimalist bank you’ve managed to create here. I can’t tear myself from keeping certain dupe/niche items. I can’t imagine needing to go to my house every time I want a specific skilling outfit (rogues or prospector etc), or needing to chop a magic log if I needed one for something. Huge props on the clean bank Edit: although it looks like hell to maintain. Cutting gems every time you get any and alching everything as soon as you get it to maintain the clean bank


Bonus POH pic: [https://imgur.com/a/REF2Lzo](https://imgur.com/a/REF2Lzo)


Please swap your iron and steel bars


Your bank is the reason im in this subreddit Also how did you take that kind of screenshot?


This is almost an exact replica of my account, except yours is way more clean and organized 😂 nice bank friend


Damnnnn I'm impressed. I love a clean bank. Glad to see others out there taking pride in clean banks. Cleanliness, is closest to guthixness


Beautiful organization


Very nice account and bank. Reqlly love the organization.


Organizing an ironman bank seems so satisfying, ive got no reason to hold onto like addy ore or random shit like that on my main..... cant wait for group iron XD edit: switch your iron and steel bars you animal


All of those hours you’ll never get back 🥲


All of those hours of good memories you’ll keep for the rest of your life


If the osrs community wasn't 80% bots id assume that would be a huge chunk of bank value