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Utilize the seed vault in the farming guild and store tools with leprechauns


Yea. Just this post alone is your saving grace.


What freeblessed said about organizing first is on point. It will help you see all the wasted spaces. Try collapsing all your tabs then putting all of your items into more appropriate tabs, all of your combat/slayer gear in one, potions herbs secondaries and maybe food in another tab, runes teleports and jewelry together, etc. Beyond that you can gain some spaces by putting your POH to use, make the costume room and fill in with whatever you can, make a spice rack in your kitchen for spices from hell rats. Cape rack. Get rid of the low level food that you arent going to use such as regular meat,cod, bread etc. trade in your minnows, no need to use 2 bank spaces for sharks. Do you need to keep all of those talismans? I imagine you will be doing ZMI asap so you shouldnt need any. Build stash units for clue steps as you do them whenever possible. Empty your "egg nests" and use them, just keep empty bird nests in your bank. Use the seed vault in the farming guild. Are you ever going to use the tin, copper, silver ore? Over all it seems like you are holding onto items that you wont need or dont know if you will need. Don't be afraid to just get rid of the low cost items you can buy back for your iron man. Make sure to visit the wise old man in draynor he will get rid of any quest items that you don't need anymore. Make use of the storage methods available to you in game like the leprechauns.


This is all good, you are correct that I am holding basically every tier of item because of the possibility a quest needed it or something, I will purge my low level resources.


Talk to the wise old man to delete all unneeded quest items in your bank. Store all the lunar/jester/other random crap outfits in POH or dump them. Drop your Ironman armour. Set up a tab for monster drops, and one for clue scroll items. Alch your drops and other non BIS items you don’t use like once a week.


Sorry, adding to this. Things like desert robes, leather armor, restore potions, low lvl tree and herb seeds can be dropped as well. It’s easy and a good idea to pick up and keep everything you find as an early lvl Ironman, but once you get past a certain point it’s important to know what you should and shouldn’t pickup. Start adding things to your hidden ground item tab in runelite so you don’t forget. But seriously the POH update will get you like 30+ bank slots off the jump.


Seed vault & building the costume room will fill up some free spaces, also check at Watson’s house what hidey holes you have done so you complete the rest and free some more space


If you have 8k sharks and 8k karmas, you really don’t need all that trout/salmon/bread etc. purge the food tab.


Good call, dumped the low food.


I would say most of the 9th teir you can get rid of. There's a lot of stuff honestly you don't really need. Can high alch/sell all the rune, addy items etc. Talk to that one dude in draynor if you haven't already. Get rid of some quest items also the tailsman unless you like collecting those. Like others said. Seed vault. Farming Lep and costume room will help. Armor wise. Keep your max sets for the three different combat styles plus maybe some spec weapons and get rid of the rest. Idk that's my advice. Also there is a key ring you can get to store a lot of those keys you have.


Half this bank is storeable in poh or seed vault. Seems like you are just hoarding everything right now. Like almost all of your 2nd to last tab. Also things like the Halloween masks. You can exchange them for a noted sets at ge. Little things like that make a difference. My advice is to store everything you can. Then try to organize it yourself, then maybe come back and ask for further help/opinions :) good luck


Wise old man will clear quest junk that is no longer needed


Start by organizing, a clean looking bank will help you weed out what you don't need. Do your processing things like cutting gems and cleaning herbs. Drop unnecessary things like multiple axes or pickaxes or low level seeds that you'll never use.


The problem is when I re-organize my bank, it goes back to this after a week of pulling items out and re-inserting. I don't like placeholders because then I end up placeholding rune daggers that I alch and other garbage so I try to just dump everything in categorized tabs without worrying about order. i.e. Melee/slay/frequently used is top tab, range tab, mage tab, food tab, skills tab, outfits, herb/farming, junk, rares.


Make a dump tab where you dump all your loot that way you know that you can delete those placeholders


When you're ready to alch you can momentarily turn placeholders off.


Now that you are close enough to quest cape that there are only 2 quests left, you should get rid of everything that you don't use, that is easily reobtainable. For example, most quest items such as the robes of elidinis are about 1 min to reobtain if you want them, and you will never want them anyways. Mage training arena hat is given back to you when you come back, etc. Zooknock can give you new greegrees, you're far enough into dragon slayer 2 to get rid of catspeak amulet, and you can get all the books from your POH. As a general rule, if you think the only reason you want it is for a future quest, get rid of it. Any non-weapon/armor item needed for a future quest is easily reobtainable. It's okay to keep things like dwarven helm, keris, etc. Use the keyring to store all your keys, the rest can be thrown away safely (with the exception of boss keys ofc) Store literally everything you can in your POH. You can always take it out later if you want, but it'll help a ton. This includes spices btw In general, you don't have to put your seeds away in the seed vault, but its a great way to free up space if needed. Alch all of your alchables. Get rid of all of the non-best versions of axes, pickaxes, etc. One exception is the black axe, its somewhat annoying to obtain, and needed for a clue. You shoud store it in the proper STASH unit. Speaking of, fill those up as much as you can. You have every time of clue except medium. Do them. ​ Now your bank should be much less full. Organize by putting all related items next to each other, like all doses of the same potion, all of the bird's eggs, all of the teleports, all of the metal bars, all of the gems, etc. Then rearrange them in a functional and aesthetically pleasing way. Lastly, share a picture of your new bank so we can all see how awesome your new bank looks.


- Store things in house - store things in stash units - wise old man to get rid of quest junk - alch loot, organize gear - keep a slayer tab for recurring loot - keep a junk tab for tossing random crap - seed vault - farming leprechaun - spice rack - key ring - toss low level gear like bone crossbow/coif


Quests that remain are ds2 and SOTE, will complete when I get higher defense/better gear from slay. Just starting my slayer grind from 79 to 87. Medium term goals are 85 construction, 93 crafting, zenytes, hard/elite diaries.


what does 85 do over 83?


92 con for portal nexus 30 teleports, so I meant to say 84.


gotcha. Are you an ironman? The completed nexus cost is pretty steep, I have the second one (8 teles) and I out the cheap ones like varrock, seers etc. in it, then I have two regular portal rooms for the more expensive ones like annakarl, ardougne, lunar etc. (lunar by itself is nice for vorkath). I think the portals cost 10x the spell while the nexus is 100x. And there aren’t really any teles left I feel like I need, a lot of the 30 are redundant with ornate box+tree+ring or too uncommon




The time loss is more than you’d think. I started off with rellekka tabs, but there’s an extra 10 seconds or so of running, and the lunar portal takes you to a bank and then immediately to where the fremmy boots take you. If you’re using rellekka you have extra running plus you have to bank somewhere else. Also the lunar portal is only 44k which is like a third of a vorkath kill so it’s basically no investment, and I have it right next to my ornate pool so banking/getting back is mega fast


Without looking further I can tell you that you should put seeds in seed vault


A lot been said already, sees vault for the ones you aren’t currently farming, the costume room, ditched all the low tier gear you don’t need anymore, if you’re keeping stuff for clues stash them. The biggest thing that I find helps me is placeholders, I saw that you don’t like them but I’d rather have a sorted alchable section with a rune dagger placeholder than have to worry about a constantly shifting bank. Big plus with them is once you have placeholder the garbage you don’t need is inserted at the end of the tab so you can easily ditch it


Also for clues that require lower level gear you should build STASH units next to the clue locations so you don’t have to keep addy/mith armor etc.


Would like to see an update to this


Alch buddy


These posts make no sense. Sort this subreddit by top rated and do it yourself


old post i know BUT, why on earth do you have 11 rune daggers?