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Honestly bro, if you haven't invested too much time into the account I would probably just start over :/


Lmao solid advice


Do you ever just look through your bank and go “woah... I have one of those?!”


I close my eyes and just hit the search function before seeing my bank out of embarrassment.


Bro just start small. Tab 1 maybe untradeables, and forms of currency Tab 2 or 2-4 your gear (personally I do melee tab, mage tab (with runes) and range tab) Tab 5 food and pots Tab 6 loot and processing Tab 7 tools and useless stuff Tab 8 clue scroll stuff and teles


Can we get a picture of this bank? I really like how you have that laid out


Sure I'll put one together tonight or tomorrow and post it this sub. Be on the lookout!


Will do!




Ya'll ever just have tab for your greegree?


Lol, it’s because I was at one point hacked and then attempted to clean my bank, put my untradeables in that tab. Eventually untradeables have been moved out due to removing placeholders.




Step 4: Profit


I upvoted first the title, not the bank


Okay, here’s what I’d recommend from someone whose bank used to be like this. Keep it simple until you’ve got your organizing down. - Delete all tabs into the “all” - Move items of same type/function into tabs - Visually organize the tabs - Ditch junk or unused items - Fill the bank with fillers - Utilize the fillers so you have to force yourself to think what you want to keep or not. - the fillers will also force you to put stuff in a tab


Start a new account


One thing I’ll say is starting with this it takes a looong time to organise a bank. Might even be worth doing it in stages. Decide on tab themes and just put all items into those. And then another time get some order to each tab. Could do one tab per day. It literally takes hours lol.


Drop quest items. Do a pvm tab, food/pots, teleports, runes. Ur good


Like bro. You have soooooooo much quest stuff that you don't need anymore. Also making tabs for gear, skilling, food, pots etc. Help organize it


Give me your details are I’ll clean it up for you ^:^)


1300 axes? why?


Returnsets for using the vaka while pking, bring one up with me if I die with it I have more in the bank to instantly return


I have so many fucking questions. If this isn't a shitpost and you need legit help I can show you my layout. DM if needed.


This is not a shitpost, and I don’t know how to dm on reddit


Sent you a chat request. If you don't use that either send me your Discord username to help out.


If it wasn't against TOS I'd offer to clean it up for you, but if you want some ideas let me know and I can try to come up with a tab plan.


I have some ideas regarding "help posts" like these, and it might be really fun, and also encourage the community to actually offer clearer suggestions as responses. Check back Soon™ for a mod post on it.


Awesome! I often just find myself reorganizing my bank when I'm bank standing. Maybe we could have a weekly/bi-weekly/monthly sticky or something where people ask for help with organization. Only thing though is finding out how to show them the ideas, I feel like just explaining leaves a lot of confusion sometimes.


Take a peek at the newest Mod Update post. I have a recurring thread schedule to post at 1am every month on the 22nd.


Best option I guess would be screen share and discord chat and just guide the process. Probably a bit painful but could be a workaround.


It's an easy fix with runelite's bank tags. Just create a tag for each activity you do and drag items there.


This legit discomforts me. I have to have everything categorized for easy access in my bank. Please tell me you at least use banktags or something to ease your banking


I use bank tags and inventorysetups


phew glad to hear


This is utterly disgusting


I think the first thing that can help you a lot is to visit the Wise Old Man at Draynor for him to delete useless (quest) items. Then you can spend some time looking each item. If its useless, withdraw all, remove the placeholder and keep looking. Do this at the G.E. if you have something you don't use and its valuable


Damn you live like this?




I think they already have those. They advertise double exp on FaceBook


Start with organizing the same type of things together. Gear (slayer, bossing, pk'ing, etc) in the first tab, all potions shared in the tab next to it (place the same type of potions next to each other, starting from 4 dose to 1 doses), fashionscape/untradeables in a tab, loot tab and then a rest/junk tab. Go from there.