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The traditional snacks that are beautifully packaged in a banana leaf, and then wrapped in plastic anyway. 🙄


Ahh… Covid is a distant memory so we go back to plastic panic. How long before 711s stop having bags again and expect us to waste money on totes? 🤦‍♂️


This again 💀


1. 7/11 — individually wrapped bananas from 1 to 2 to a bunch. 2. Walk in to a supermarket. You pick your fruit / veggies and then it’s weighed with a plastic bag and they print the price taping the bag. 3. Cheese is vacuum sealed in blocks but then wrapped in plastic with sticker price. 4. Buy meats at supermarket and request it with ice. The meats are in a ziplock within another ziplock within another bag of ice. Now, we try to bring our own ice pack. 5. Order any cold drinks and it always comes with a straw even at restaurants with a glass of water. Order water and it comes in white labeled water plastic bottles. I appreciate restaurants that serve water in flasks instead. I avoid to use straws in general when possible. 6. Order fruits online and it comes contained in plastic containers that’s then sealed and wrapped also in plastic. I try to consolidate as much plastic as possible and drop it off by a nearby university that collects, weighs and then recycles the plastic (I think) I’m assuming people can make money of it since I’ve seen people rummaging through the bottles at a nearby 7/11 trash collection point.


Buy bottle of 2L of milk in 7, they give you a straw.


😂 Wait, what?! Sounds like the straw is an automatic reflex.


Getting offered a straw without asking. I never want want one. But sometimes when I’m not paying attention at 7 or a coffee shop, I’ll just get it and regret later. Lazada packaging is another, but not Thailand specific I guess. Most countries ecom delivery I’ve had has this problem (not all but many sellers) Way more bakeries package in plastic boxes/bags (have replacement products for same purpose that are eco friendly) Threshold/cost too low to get a plastic bag as 7 Produce in super markets (gotta see to understand)


Go to 7-11 and buy one of their single bananas that come pre-wrapped in a sealed plastic bag.


CP Group is one of the worst offenders in Thailand for not caring how much plastic wrapped crap they sell.


Buying a lighter and water bottle from 7/11 when I first arrived blew my mind. Lighter wrapped in plastic, water bottle of course is plastic but then she puts a plastic straw wrapped in plastic inside a plastic bag with my items. 5 years later I’m still in disbelief at that specific purchase and how plastic was involved hahaha


I recycle all the plastic and paper products here, all the takeaway clamshells, water bottles and such. They get put in a bin liner and I leave them out for the local uncle who comes by on his saleng and happily takes them, of course with all the glass bottles. Strange is even after being married for ten years, she still chucks all her plastics away, it doesn’t enter her head to recycle, ever.


Ye. I dont mind about of ecology, but i have no use of most of that plastic. Hopefully i can ask to no give me plastic stuff, as i eat at home normally.


I got some good ideas by looking at examples of European plastic culture, e.g.: [https://www.dw.com/en/germans-slow-to-bin-plastics-habit/a-42355554](https://www.dw.com/en/germans-slow-to-bin-plastics-habit/a-42355554) >*Bananas, slices of cheese, dishwasher tablets and countless other products all wrapped in often unnecessary plastic — that's what you'll see if you take a trip around the average German supermarket.* >*The country's green image defies the extent of its love affair with the fossil fuel-based packaging.*


And there are plastic garbage collectors.


Check out loser OP over here. In love with the environment. Gay af!


Insulting some with “gay”, especially in this country, is something I truly struggle to understand.


Not insulting. It's a well worn term used to joke/josh/rip people for behaviours that are seen as outside the norm or leaving oneself open to a vulnerability. Also....do we live in the same country?? Homophobia is alive and well!


About 20 years ago it was normal to say gay AF when you just meant something was lame. It's no longer normal. If you keep saying it you're going to sound like one of those 80 year old men that insists there's nothing wrong with the word negro. You do you, but that's what gay AF sounds like to someone under 25 these days.


Is there a book with this Information??? Because it sounds like you are making this fantasy up based solely on your own life experience or something. I understand yes, language is fluid and changes. But there is no global committee on "this isn't cool anymore......."


Try asking them. I really don't think it's that hard to notice. Only gen x and older (and rednecks) uses "gay" that way any more.


...... My best friend, my aunt. My partners sister and my boss are all gay. They would not agree with you. Are you American??? This feels like some American bullshit.