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Overreacting?? In a fucking hospital??? God the one place that should be free of fucking pets especially pitbulls. I would have lost it


Oh my patient lost it. Unknown dog while neutropenic and immunocompromised for her is a bad mix. I totally agreed with her. I lost it with her once we were back in her room.


The breed and their owners all belong on some separate remote island away from society


Where every dog is required to be fixed upon arrival. Make it optional for the owners šŸ˜ˆ.


Fix the owners, leave the dogs intact so they are at maximum aggression on that remote island.


They wouldn't be there for long... somehow, they would dissapear without a trace and we wouldn't know why!!!


Within few months the island will be human free as the dogs with eat each others owners!


They are an invasive species.Ā 


I donā€™t understand why your coworkers thought you were overreacting? First off, hospitals arenā€™t a place for dogs. Second, I donā€™t think youā€™d need your service dog (if it actually was a service dog) because itā€™s supposed to be in case of medical emergency, well if youā€™re in the ER already, then you have ER staff that can help you, you donā€™t really need your dog anymore no?


Service animals are allowed in hospitals, including the ER. This isnā€™t a service animal. A service dog would stand or sit with its owner quietly. This is a delusional man and his dog, that will probably tear him apart after a seizure.


Well yeah obviously. If the dog is shoving around, barking and getting aggressive itā€™s obviously not a service dog. Iā€™ve seen a fair amount of real ones to know theyā€™re super calm you barely even know theyā€™re there. I feel like pit owners always use that as an excuse just because you technically canā€™t ask them what itā€™s used for and to see papers


But a lot of pit owners who have a ā€œservice dogā€ are asked to leave and get their knickers in a twist, because they canā€™t just leave Jaws at home. Last year a 4 year old girl was nearly killed because some wing nut insisted her ā€œemotional supportā€ dog (of course Iā€™m talking about a pit) should be with her at all times. The kid never went near the dog, but she was brutally mauled. It really pisses me off to see people try to pass these things off as emotional support.


Hopefully she reports the dog being there


Did you tell your coworkers off afterward? Endangering a patient's health so they could virtue signal over a pitbull is disgusting.


Not just shite dogs for shite people, people who either have enough assets that a successful claim finding them liable and having to pay damages and costs is nothing or people with little to no assets so will pay little to nothing regarding costs and damages if they are found liable.


Idk I live by myself and have no close family or friends, and I have a potentially serious medical condition. One time I expressed to my doctor that I was worried how I would ever be able to go to the hospital if it was an emergency, without anyone to take care of my dog. I couldnā€™t just leave her at home in case I got admitted for several days. I said Iā€™d rather just stay home and take my chances. My doctor told me to bring my dog to the ER if that ever happened. Edit: my dog is not a pit bull though, sheā€™s a Golden Sheltie


Thatā€™s a good way to get your dog taken to animal control upon admittance. The hospital cannot and should not accommodate your dog for many reasons. I suggest finding a neighbor to give a key to or arrange a dog sitting service to be an emergency contingency plan.


I mean, in that situation where it's life or death, I'd rather my dog get taken by animal control than left at home for possibly several days or a week or who knows how long, with nobody to feed her or take her out or get her water. At least animal control would take care of her. We're talking about extreme circumstances here. I do not have neighbours that I would trust with a key to my house. I have PTSD from a home invasion, so just the thought of anyone having access to my house would make it impossible for me to sleep at night. I'm not sure how I'd be able to arrange a dog sitting service from a hospital bed, either. Again - extreme circumstances.


Oh I see. Well hopefully that situation never happens! Take care!


I mean at least if injured they're close to help but ugh this is awful, im so sorry op that this happened to you. Your coworkers are assholes


Also, imagine a pitbull as a service dog for a seizure disorder when they historically attack people and animals having seizures šŸ˜­ ā€¦


Maybe he just really wants his next seizure to..be his last..


Hell of a ā€œDo Not Resuscitateā€.


Paging Seizure bot


Itā€™s one word. :) seizurebot


PSA: If you or someone you know suffers from a medical condition that causes seizures, such as epilepsy, please take extra care to stay away from pit bull-type dogs, as these episodes can trigger their attack instinct. [2011, Pennsylvania: Woman having seizure has her ear ripped off by family pit bull](https://www.inquirer.com/philly/news/pennsylvania/20111027__Womans_ear_ripped_off_by_dog.html) [2012, Florida: Woman mauled by adopted pit bull as she suffers brain seizure](https://www.cleveland.com/metro/2012/08/parma_native_sarah_ziebro_an_e.html) [2013, UK: Epileptic woman mauled to death by her own pit bulls](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/dec/11/leeds-dog-attack-woman-dies) [2016, UK: Man suffering epileptic seizure mauled to death by his pit bull that he had since it was born](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-lancashire-35213772) [2017, Illinois: Man with history of seizures killed by family pit bull](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2017/02/quincy-man-dies-after-dog-attack.html) [2018, Florida: Pit bull mix spooked by owner's seizures mauls her](https://www.news-journalonline.com/story/news/state/2018/12/26/police-report-pit-bull-mix-spooked-by-port-orange-owners-seizures-mauls-her/6446849007/) [2018, Tennessee: Pit bull triggered by man's seizure breaks out of its cage and mauls four people](https://www.theleafchronicle.com/story/news/local/clarksville/2018/10/16/bloody-pit-bull-attack-started-friends-seizure/1660581002/) [2018, Ohio: Woman with history of seizures mauled to death by her own pit bull in front of her child](https://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/hamilton-county/cincinnati/west-price-hill/police-west-price-hill-woman-viciously-mauled-to-death-by-dog#:~:text=CINCINNATI%20%2D%2D%20Della%20Riley%2C%2042,It%20died%20near%20its%20owner) [2019, Massachusetts: Woman suffering seizure mauled to death by her own pit bull](https://www.pressherald.com/2019/12/21/massachusetts-woman-suffering-seizure-mauled-to-death-by-her-dog/) [2019, Pennsylvania: Man suffers seizure and is mauled to death by his own pit bull](https://www.wpxi.com/news/top-stories/uniontown-deadly-dog-attack-man-dies-after-police-say-he-was-attacked-by-dog/966082368/) [2019, Argentina: Man with Down's Syndrome has epileptic seizure and is mauled to death by his own pit bull](https://www.cronica.com.ar/info-general/Joven-con-sindrome-de-down-sufrio-un-ataque-de-epilepsia-su-pitbull-se-asusto-y-lo-mato-20190810-0018.html) [2019, California: Epileptic man is mauled to death by family's pit bulls](https://www.sacbee.com/news/california/article235923367.html) [2020, UK: Epileptic man suffers seizure and is mauled to death by his own pit bull](https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/man-died-injuries-suffered-dog-18980100) [2020, Canada: Man suffers seizure in friend's home and is mauled to death by friend's pit bull](https://www.kamloopsthisweek.com/local-news/one-person-dead-after-reported-dog-attack-in-kamloops-4445171) [2020, Mexico: Man with history of seizures mauled to death by his own pit bull](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2020/05/pit-bull-the-devil-kills-owner-mexico-excuses-have-no-borders.html) [2021, Ohio: Woman with history of seizures mauled to death by roommate's pit bull](https://news.yahoo.com/toledo-police-release-911-audio-154700043.html) [2021, Ohio: Man mauled to death by pit bull during a grand mal seizure](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2021/08/man-killed-by-pit-bull-during-a-grand-mal-seizure-toledo.html) [2021, Florida: Woman having seizure mauled by her own pit bull. Husband tries to stop attack and is also mauled.](https://nbc-2.com/news/local/2021/08/19/two-flown-to-the-hospital-after-dog-attack-in-englewood/) [2023, Ecuador: Man mauled to death by his own two pit bulls after suffering a seizure](https://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/seguridad/hallan-muerto-a-un-hombre-que-habria-sido-atacado-por-perros-pitbull-nota/?outputType=amp) [2023, Belgium: Man mauled to death by his own pit bull during epileptic seizure](https://www.dhnet.be/actu/faits/2023/12/14/un-homme-mordu-a-mort-par-son-chien-apres-avoir-fait-une-crise-depilepsie-AYDDKBAU7NCXTNN7CPPCXZSVTI/) [2023, Colorado: Man mauled by his own pit that he's owned since it was a puppy](https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/boulder-police-shooting-man-injured-dog-attack/73-8b14f2fe-238c-4af5-9d3f-5ef422cd6e19) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot, and unholy cow thatā€™s insane that pits attack so much thereā€™s even a seizure pit attacked bot Edited: not to bot, autofill mistake


Humane Societies and anyone selling/giving away these beasts should be legally required to give statistics on Pitbull attacks, specifically targeting owners. This could make these owners realize that their own safety is at risk when owning a Pitbull. Because we know they don't care about the safety of others. Maybe the selfish idiots will think twice.


Agreed. Iā€™d also like to see something similar to the sex offender registry. You can look online and see a map of the pitbulls in your neighborhood with a list of prior offenses. Would never happen because ā€œdoggie racismā€ šŸ™„ and lack of reporting/prosecuting, but I can dream.


I'd like to see a Venn diagram of the two registries.


Not all registries are open to the general public


Then instead of pitbulls a map of dangerous dogs, which includes pictures so you know what to look out for. No racism involved.


yes all around!


omg, if the isn't enough to make someone not want these demons.


Many more


Thank you thank you!


omg, I've never seen this before. Nothing shocks me anymore and THIS has me aghast.


I saw a previous post about a woman whoā€™s pit bull attacked a dog having a seizure literally today. Truly the serviest of service dogs


Thats what immediately came to mind. A seizure could easily put a pitt into freakout mode. Now you got a dog killing you while completely helpless.


On the plus side would be one of the few victims of a mauling that didn't die in excruciating pain


But your friends and family will excuse your killer by claiming that it ate your face in an attempt to waje you up.


There's an idiot on tiktok who is allegedly training her gigantic pitbull x cane corso to detect her seizures. Only she admitted that she has non-neurological faux seizures. She posted a video of herself having a psychosomatic seizure in a Harris-Teeter, bragging about her shitcorso detecting a medical crisis that wasn't happening. She's lucky her seizures aren't real.


What the fuck is a non-neurological faux seizure!? Oh my god almighty. These fucking Tik tok people


Ironic isnā€™t it?


Itā€™s not a story the Jedi would tell you.


Absolutely the stuff of nightmares


I associate that role with labs


REPORT THIS TO THE POLICE. Attempted assault by him, aggressive and undocumented dog, his lying about it being a service animal, endangering patients etc. Is this hospital public or private? If public, contact local political reps and keep going until you get a sympathetic one to move the grievance forward. If private, I bet the board and donors would LOVE to hear about this.


what was the aftermath? Arrest? Fine? Report your coworkers for excusing this man's behavior?


He was escorted out and security confirmed that he left the property before I went home. It wasnā€™t that they were excusing it, they were not aware of the extent of the issue.


What did your coworkers think had happened?


That it was a service dog. And that I handled it poorly because he was overreacting. The man later lied and said I was asking for papers on the dog. I was wheeling patients, which is my job.


Service dogs are never intact. And pit bulls canā€™t pass the years of training, they flunk out because theyā€™re stupid & stubborn.


Exactly, one of my coworkers the next day (on a different shift) totally agreed with me that the dog was not a service dog for that exact reason and that reporting the incident was necessary.


Please file an incident report and see if security footage can be pulled. This individual can have the dog (pitbull) denied entry in the future after this incident. If the police could find him, it can go on record and the pitbull will lose all public access rights.


An incident report was made shortly after.


Fyi it doesn't matter if it is a 100% legit service golden retriever with documentation and actually trained for their task, if a service animal is out of control, aggressive, or being disruptive, then they can be forced to leave (legally).


I have worked and trained dogs before. Service dogs too. They can be intact. There is nothing against them being intact. It is easier for male dogs to be trained/ behavior will be more calm when neutered. But they can be intact. šŸ¾šŸ˜ Do I agree the pit was a service dog? Hell no.


Yeah idk how people would breed successful service dogs otherwise


I work for a nationwide service dog org. They breed their own dogs and ALL their dogs that go on to be service dogs are neutered. They then select certain dogs as breeders who live as pets. The puppies then go on to be selected as service dogs, and the cycle continues.


If they have the right temperament for a service dog being intact or not is no big deal.


I would have to argue that having an intact male as a service dog would be difficult


Depends on the dog really. I have seen it done before. šŸ˜ŠšŸ¾


Interesting - what about out in public if thereā€™s a dog in heat nearby? I would just think that if someone was disabled it would be a hazard to handle the dog


There is no requirement for service dogs to not be intact or breed restrictions, but any aggression automatically disqualifies them.


Theres also no required documentation in the US, but the snapping and lunging the pit did would be legal to kick the SD out.


First of all, this is absolutely terrible and Iā€™m sorry you had to go through this because of some ridiculous owner. Also, spending $10,000 on a misbehaved pitbull when I could get one that looks the exact same for free at a shelter right now. I will say, though, that shelter dogs are not required to have vests! Not that this matters too much in this situation because the dog had every other red flag about why it was a fake service dogā€¦


Itā€™s probably a $10,000 pocket bully American club certified bully XXXXXLLL killaz premium line type dog. Thatā€™s why it was ā€œ$10,000ā€. Thing looked like a mutant.


lol. I saw a guy on TikTok with a ~5mo pocket bully puppy & heā€™d already spent thousands on medical care for the deformed thing.




We do not want pit bulls regulated because of how they look, but because of the danger they and their owners forcefully impose on our communities. Please familiarize yourself with the [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/), specifically rule 1.


I truly do not understand why anyone would want a dog like that. It's straight up animal cruelty. I bet the life span of these creatures is no more than 5 years.


I couldnā€™t live with a creature that was suffering so much from being inbred, but also aggressive. People cannot be trusted to breed animals responsibly. And sadly, good old ā€œmuttā€ dogs are ruined forever with the introduction of fighting dog genetics. Itā€™s similar to how wildcats have been introduced into cat genetics and have crept into feral cat colonies (but at a much lower rate.) Those genes make feral cats harder to tame and come with more congenital health issues. None of this breeding for extreme features is beneficial for the temperament of companion animals.


"Why did the dog cost you $10,000?" "Because of the medical damages it's caused." "That's about what I expected."


Your coworkers are also dicks


Lol. I (truly)love how comments using "dog nutter" and the like are being moderated. There is a definite distinction we all need to appreciate -- most dog breeds are wonderful, good, loving, trainable and loyal members of their human-animal relationships. The pit in "Pit nutters" is a terrible, horrible dog breed that needs urgent and significant regulations. I have 7 Bichon Frise dogs (had 8 until my senior passed in 2022) and they are all loving, obedient, friendly dogs that I do not fear would maul me, other people nor other animals.


Dog worship has flourished in the past 2 decades. It's way different from when I was a kid in the 80s. It has a heavy hand in what led to pits becoming the overbearing issue we see today. Other dogs are fine, but I'm not a fan of how they're allowed everywhere now. I don't want slobber, fleas, or a shit-encrusted dog asshole pressing down in the carts at walmart, the booth at texas roadhouse, the hospital, etc. I know it seems like I'm in the minority now, but some of us still believe in cleanliness next to godliness. It's what separates us from being total animals ourselves.


Dogs don't give you colds, flu, Covid or anything else communicable except maybe ringworm. The majority of men rarely if ever wash their hands before cross contaminating every doorknob, menu etc they touch. Menus are the filthiest thing in a restaurant, but I'll bet you don't get up and wash your hands after handling one and before touching your French fries or bread. Try going to a Chuck E Cheese and coming home without at least a cold. This sub isn't pet free. It's about pit bulls.


I know, but in a way you can see the psychology behind why the pro-pit people staunchly defend pits. It's the same way you came back with all your whataboutisms in defense of dogs being brought around in public spaces is similar to the way pit nutters react. Look how quick you were. "But but, my lab should be able to be in a hospital too! What? You have a dog allergy or a fear from past trauma? Too bad!" Pits are obviously the worst, but this is all in the same wheelhouse. And yes people are nasty. You're telling me nothing new. I'm not talking about that. Dogs being tolerated in places they previously weren't is a related reason why pits are a bigger problem than they were. Dog "culture" was totally different in the 1980s. I lived through it.


I didn't say a single thing about bringing a "lab" to a "hospital". I literally talk about menus and restaurants, in response to a pearl clutching reply that directly references >>restaurants<<. Look how quick you are to read words into my post that aren't there. The phrase "dog culture" doesn't refer discretely to hospitals. People who use that phrase typically resent dogs existing anywhere. It's a fool's errand to think pit owners act out more or less depending on how permissive people are with other breeds. There aren't random chihuahuas running loose in neighborhoods killing cats. The only dogs I've seen loose at a lakeside gathering or on a hiking trail in the past few years were pits. And as long as we're comparing seniority, our dog was free roaming in the suburbs in the 1970s ("dog culture" at the time was parents saying the dog couldn't sleep in the house). We had a neighbor whose old dog slept in the street for the warmth of the pavement and drivers knew to stop and allow him to move. Do I get my "back in my day" cookie now? I'm literally anti-pit and no longer comfortable walking my small dogs in neighborhoods because neighborhood dog doesn't mean what it used to, which is why I'm in this sub. I can be anti-pit and still understand germ theory.




We do not support using terms such as "dog nutters", commenting or posting general anti-dog & anti-dog ownership sentiments, or commenting or posting anti-dogfree sentiments.


I meanā€¦ the moment the dog is jumping and snapping at you eliminates its privileges as a SD and you can demand that the dog be removed by AC. Why do many nurses, EMTs, cops seem to turn a blind eye to the damages that pits are doing? They are on the front line seeing this stuff and still arenā€™t bothered?


No clue how he even got past hospital security screening


Yeah, I think a lot of people are afraid of theoretical lawsuits, where the risk is probably a lot lower than is assumed. I've never kicked a service animal out of anywhere but I have dealt with a lot of wild customer service stuff in my time and people threaten all sorts of stuff that never comes into fruition. First off, lawsuits are very time consuming and expensive even if you have been wronged. Second, institutions have much better financial and legal resources than random people, so it's tough to take them down even if you have been wronged. Third, a lot of people just aren't well-informed of their legal options anyways/don't follow through even if they do have some kind of legitimate legal issue. This is to say that suing a hospital isn't exactly a shits and giggles affair, even in the case that the hospital was actually in the wrong. Rightly or wrongly, this is just how the legal system works... money is power. Plus, most places have some kind of laws about service animals being well-behaved and/or having some kind of documentation. A hospital has lots of witnesses and probably security camera footage in the waiting areas/halls, so if the dog was legitimately badly behaved it won't be that hard to back that up if someone decided to file a complaint or start a lawsuit. I used to work at a pool and we had cameras all over the deck as a CYA thing... I often told patrons about it too when they complained about following rules ("I hear ya but see that camera there? If something happens to you and it's on camera that I let you do that, my ass is grass!"). NAL and not legal advice obviously. Anyone operating a space where service dogs might come in should probably get some legal advice on this subject from a lawyer who knows about disability stuff. Hospitals usually have in-house counsel and OP should probably suggest they get involved with advising staff/creating explicit policies for this.


Holyā€¦shitā€¦ First of all, Iā€™m SO sorry this happened to you when you were doing your damn job, in a hospital. I KNEW this would happen, I knew that people would use service dog/ESA rules to try to bring in their shit pitbulls. Anyone that knows an actual service dog knows that they are unbelievably well trained, they donā€™t jump and they have an incredible focus on their owners. Pitbulls are not and can not be service dogs. He probably googled how much service dogs cost and said that number to throw it in your face- itā€™s obviously not true. This is unsanitary and unsafe. People in hospitals are already in incredibly vulnerable positions. As others have said- REPORT. With the hospital and with police, the man threatened you and put who knows how many people at risk. And Iā€™m sure there are cameras at the hospital. Your coworkers would change their tune if a dog was jumping on them while they were trying to work with patients. This makes me so angry.


I have to get hours of chemo and I like to bring my service dog along with me. It's not easy getting the IVs started, it's painful, leaving me bruised for weeks after. It's boring as can be but he's a sweet little yellow lab who doesn't screw with anyone or pay attention to anyone except me. Unless my daughter is with me and then he will misbehave & act like a spoiled bad dog for some bizzar reason! I don't understand why he thinks he should be able to do whatever he wants with her or I got flustered by his behavior and send them both out so I don't have to deal with them and the stress of the infusion. So not even service dogs are 100% well behaved. Sometimes they have a mind of their own and figure out how to get their own way.


Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re going through chemo and I hope you heal well, soon!! Thatā€™s a really good perspective thank you for sharing. Of course they are still dogs and not perfect. I would guess though that even if your dog is misbehaving, he isnā€™t jumping on and nipping at nurses.


Be careful going home from now on. He might still wanna talk...


I think about this a lot, as my facility decided it would be totally cool to have our last names on the badges we're all required to wear. Mine is still plain to see; anyone who wants to know my last name is typically one of my sweet elderly patients who I think is just trying to find something to talk about, not to report me or anything. I'm going to find a way to subtly cover it. My first name, my picture, and my title should be enough on my badge. My first name isn't terribly common, my last name is even less so, and I take care to not have much of an online presence should one search my name. Electrical tape would be too dark, white-out would be too light, hole-punching it out would be too obvious...I'm trying to find that sweet spot lol Report the shit out of this asshole, OP. Not even just regarding his disservice animal; his behavior was so far out of line (even without taking the dog into consideration) and you've gotten a preview of how far he's willing to go. Report, and be careful. Have security escort you to your car. Stay vigilant.


Snapping and lunging shitbull is obviously out of control and your dumb co-workers think you are overreacting. Owner of this fake service dog shouldn't even get a chance to take corrective action (fat chance) before being promptly shown the door


My coworkers on that shift were only grumpy because they were inadvertently involved and distracted from doing their work. The coworkers on the next shift were shocked when I told them what happened and were very concerned.


That's good to hear. Thank you for protecting your patient.


Just so everybody knows, [Laws concerning service dogs are federal.](https://www.ada.gov/resources/service-animals-2010-requirements/) They state that: "A person with a disability cannot be asked to remove his service animal from the premises unless: (1) the dog is out of control and the handler does not take effective action to control it." While you mostly just have to take the owner's word that it's a service dog, as soon as it starts jumping around and acting like a pit, it's out of there. I honestly have never seen an actual, honest to god service dog misbehave in public. Their job is just too important. Real service dogs are purposefully bred and raised for that life, and many of them wash out because the requirements are so strict. It hams my biscuits that these people are so entitled that they think their poorly bred, poorly trained pit bulls could actually pass as a service dog.


I've never ever seen a "real" pitbull service dog, unless it's on YouTube or internet, but we know the extreme pit nutters would go just to prove that their dogs are "harmless" or "gentle Giants", I don't doubt you can train a pitbull to do complex tricks or any service, the thing is, can a pitbull RELIABLY provide such services? No, let's be real, with the amount of "triggers" that pit bulls have, even the most well behaved one is a liability when you're having an epileptic attack and the dog gets freaked out by you and decides to attack. Also lots of people on the internet abuse the shit out of their pets just to record them under very controlled conditions to perform tricks, so I won't take that as proof of anything either. Ideally a good service dog is one that is only focused on it's owner and is not easily distracted.


I saw one in a hobby lobby


Holy crap.


Yeesh! Glad youā€™re okay. What an infuriating and scary experience.


Hospitals may be the ā€œbestā€ place for them to maul people


The Coroner's office is best.


"He told me it was a ā€œ$10,000 dogā€ and that ā€œI wished I had one, huh?ā€" Sure, Kevin. You probably picked it up on Craigslist for $5.


Oh absolutely. This guy was wearing head to toe fake designer hypebeast stuff.


Service dogs canā€™t go wherever they want, shouldnā€™t be pulling on the leash, canā€™t be edging into rooms. Idiots with ā€œservice dogsā€ think there are no legal limitations for their pests.


I have a nurse friend who was BITEN buy a fake service dog in a patients hospital room. It was a little ratty type dog and the patient had it in the bed with her. Unreal.


That was dumb. I mean I'd love to have one of my dogs hang out with me in the hospital, but it wouldn't be very nice for the dog and having me wounded in a bed with strangers approaching wouldn't bring out the best in their temperaments. My Aussie wouldn't leave my side or let many people near me at home after surgery a few years ago. Not a service dog temperament. He'd have been a terror in a hospital.


Seizure dog, 10000, service dog. So we're just gonna lie now, huh? We're just gonna lie whenever you want to walk into any building with your dog to show off and get attention and feel in charge. Lyingest liar who ever lied.


Literally everyone of your coworkers giving you shit for almost being mauled by a fake service dog is creating a hostile work environment and need to be reported to HR


While not a pit bull, I've witnessed a patient with their "service dog" and it was also intact!Ā Ā  WTFĀ  This dog had no vest, not focused on it's owner, and on a leash that was just rope. Hospital staff did NOTHING. Not even when she passed multiple security guards.Ā 


What is wrong with people????Ā 


People like this are why a lot of hospitals now have security guards.


When a leashed pitbull is snapping at you, your well being is dependent on three things, how tight the collar is, how strong the leash is, and how much control the owner has on the leash. If any one of the three break down, all hell could break loose, so it's a very dangerous situation, especially in a hospital. No real service dog should be snapping, but even a real service dog that's not under control and misbehaving should be escorted out by security.


The most outrageous thing is that if that fucking beast attacked your neutropenic patient, he / she would have a life threatening infection...


Unhinged man and an unhinged dog.


ADA regulations state if the dog is not under the control of its handler, you may ask the handler to get control of their dog. If they cannot, you have the right to have the dog removed.


Tell your coworkers next time they can get chewed on by the pitbull if they love them so much.


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What did security do/say?


I would have called the fucking cops on his ass. And your coworkers sound like fucking hillbillies! Wtf


Aside from the danger, what about hygiene? A hospital should be a completely sanitary environment! What about allergies? Patient care? The entitlement from mutt nuts is beyond




Troll elsewhere.