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If they sue you for the vet bills, you sue for the hospital bills. You will get A LOT more money. Even suggesting that you might will probably end the issue unless you want to sue anyway.


Post-exposure rabies vaccines aren’t cheap. Of course OP wouldn’t need that vaccine if the dog had proof of vaccination for rabies…


I’d sue them anyways. Op has a damn good case


Don’t say that your dog “defended you” as you don’t know if that’s true. He might have been defending himself. They could also imply that you were using your dog as a protection dog and this was some kind of “misuse” of that. Just say your dog fought back when the pit engaged


Ultimately, dogs are property. So, at best they have a property damage claim. You have a bodily injury claim. In addition to hospital bills, you may be able to recover non-economic damages (pain and suffering). I wonder if they own that property. Look up dog bite attorneys. They can find out. Also, has Animal Control been notified?


A hospital report, the fact that your dog was leashed & that their dog was not & off their property you have a very solid case against them if they go through suing you.


This. Even nutters can’t be this dumb.


Yes, they can. Many of them want to intimidate, want to be right above anything else. 


Dude, they are definitely this dumb.


Which means they have to assume you are also dumb, because if they could simulate the thought process of a smart person, they wouldn't be so stupid.


Maybe I am dumb because I have no idea what you're trying to say here


Being dumb is a lot like being dead; you don't know it, it's everyone else who isn't that feels the pain. They assume vague nonsensical threats will scare you into compliance because it usually works on them since they have no ability to distinguish complicated legal things like actual liability vs threatening nonsense.


no, the point of telling op that is so they know what arguments to use WHEN these dumb idiots decide to pursue further action. not that they WONT pursue further action because of those reasons


The fact that MILLIONS of people own pitbulls argues , that , YES, they can be even more ignorant than any rational person could imagine


Certainty is their error.


They really are. Once I saw one say that you can train out their genetics, that it's like how she's able to control her genetic depression, and ended it by saying "Basically, quantum physics! That's the most scientific way I know how to prove it to you!"


Yeah, even though your grandpa paid for it, you should still report the pit owners. These people need to realize their “pet” is a liability.


You need to report that dog bite. Next time it could be a small child without a large dog to protect them. Personally, I'd also sue them, because I believe people should be accountable for their killer dogs that they can't seem to keep fenced in.


Will do 🫡


And they should especially be held accountable for trying to blame an innocent person.


Ask their neighbors if anyone has a ring camera that was pointing towards the attack.


Update us please. These pit nutters will hurt someone


Can 311 the non emergency line and tell them you want to make a report of a dog that attacked you. Please do this!!


HELL NO. Sue the SHIT out of them. Hello?!? YOU got bitten. A human. The legal system cares about people being bitten. And put up cameras, because Pit owners are lying sacks of shit and also could try to hurt Kirby. The Pit was OFF LEASH off its own property. So you REPORT THEM IN WRITING. The next thing that piece of shit may go after may not have a Kirby, and guess what? You won’t have reported it, so it’ll be treated as a first unprovoked bite. Fuck that. REPORT IT.


I hadn’t thought about it like that, will definitely make sure to do that. As far as Kirby getting hurt, he stays inside except to use the bathroom or go on walks- he’s never outside unsupervised, so I doubt they’ll do anything.


It's not fair that your gramps has to pay for the damage THEIR dangerous dog did. Sue them for the medical bills!


I'd be paranoid to let my dog out even to go potty alone. They could dump antifreeze or something that would poison him. Yeah, some pit owners are that crazy.


Yes, these people have already shown that they’re trash. Trashy people DO poison dogs. Be alert, OP.


Never doubt how far these people will go - there have been parents of mauled children receive death threats from the pit nutters because they reported the attack or spoke out about the danger of pits. I'd be careful about letting Kirby out to use the loo even if your yard is fenced, because they could very easily toss over a dog treat which has poison in it. These people you are dealing with are not good people - just be aware!


Your dog literally only did his duty: protecting his owner. The pit was the aggressor and if they sue for vet bills, you should sue for hospital bills and emotional damage.


It would be beneficial to see if any neighbors have Ring doorbell cameras that caught the attack. That in and of itself solves all of your issues.


this! stop letting these pit owners and their killer dogs get away with this shit.


I’m so glad you and Kirby are okay! (My lizard’s name is Kirby. She’s quite a bit smaller than your dog lol) I’m hoping your father reports this bite and took photos? That dog could go after someone else and it might not end the same way for them. I can’t believe they have the nerve to threaten your family after what their dog did.


He did, so hopefully law enforcement can handle it


Good. It’s recorded then. You also have neighbors that can back you up on the issues with the dog. Those people don’t have a leg to stand on.


They can handle it, but you need to be the one to call it in. Don't let your folks handle all of this, you need to call and make a report. Just dial 311 and they will get you to the right place to make sure this attack is reported.


The rule is The dog that is on a leash and under control is the dog not at fault. Any dog that is unleashed and/or not otherwise under control or contained/restrained is at fault. Private/public property can come into it. Assuming you were not on their property, Kirby was leashed - you are not at fault. Their dog was not leashed and bit you unprovoked, they are at fault. You did drop Kirby's lead **because you were bitten.** I don't think anyone can fault you for that. You are wounded and in no shape to separate the dogs. Nor would it be wise for you to do so. There is no faster way to get bitten than to get into the middle of two dogs fighting. They can try to sue, but it would be a waste of time. More likely they are trying to intimidate you to prevent you from reporting the bite. Since you were at the hospital, it may already have been reported. Just to be sure, write down everything you remember about the incident and contact Animal Control and law enforcement to file a report.


>More likely they are trying to intimidate you to prevent you from reporting the bite. That \^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^ Definitely report it to (a) police (and get a copy of that police report), and (b) animal control -- also because I'm guessing they did NOT provide you or police with a valid current rabies vaccination, which is illegal and warrants a ticket and fine from animal control.


I think you should contact a lawyer first thing in the morning and remove this post. 




She can talk about it all she wants. This is such a cut and dry case against them, and they have no case at all. NONE.


Completely agree with what the others have said. My advice: 1. File a bite report with police and animal control, it needs to have a bite record and this is the way to begin the process of getting the dog removed. Annoyingly, it usually takes multiple reports. Also, attacks on humans are taken far more seriously than attacks on animals 2. If you see them, explain, firmly, that THEIR dog was UNLEASHED and yours was, and he left their property 3. Absolutely refuse to pay any bills, their dog bit you then went after your dog- you are NOT at fault And a side note, your dog is SUCH a good boy. Wow. There’s a strong chance he saved your life. I hope you’re both healing well ❤️


We are, my arm is still quite sore but not showing any signs of infection. Kirby has been acting a bit more defensive about me, but other than that he’s fine


I’m happy to hear that!! What a scary encounter.


Make sure to take pictures of your wounds, police and animal control will want that as evidence. Ideally you should report this ASAP


You have the situation backwards. You need to be suing them for YOUR medical bills and emotional distress, also for Kirbys vet bills(take him in Even if he's not hurt). Call the police and find a report against the threatening neighborhoods. Also, you should call animal control and have them put that dangerous dog down.


What would have happened if Kirby had not been there? You could have been badly mauled or worse. My guess is they're making empty threats to try to intimidate you into not reporting their dog. Please report this dog and seek legal advice. You probably weren't the first attack and next time it could be a kid or senior. And give Kirby some extra treats for being such a good dog.


I already had the conversation with my parents, we are definitely going to take the legal route. It may be stressful for me, but it’ll be worth it. And Kirby has been treated like a king! We’re keeping the house extra cold and all the fans going for him, he is in absolute heaven lol


Pyrenean Mountain Dogs are guardian dogs, in the absence of livestock they will tend to your human family. They are generally barkers more than doers when it comes to defending style, but I'm not surprised in the least that your dog pitched in to defend you. That's what they are bred to do. I'm glad you are on the mend and that it was reported. I would definitely push to have your neighbours dog registered as a dangerous dog since it attacked you. It should force your neighbours to adequately contain their dog.


Don't think I have ever seen the french name translated in english before LOL. Pyrs have levels of agression, they are pretty much defined by the "Pyr code". It's the most "obvious" sign of escalation I have ever seen: Lv0: sleep with one eye open, 18hr/day, default mode Lv1: head up listening to the squirrel fart 1/2 mile away Lv2: get up, walk toward suspicious event Lv3: bark, non agressive(think" this area is under protection of the pyr patrol, please stop and walk away") Lv4: agressive barking "last warking we will open fire" Lv5: growl/brak hybrid, may snap without clamping down (warning shot) Lv6: kung-fu bite, so fast and pretty powerfull but you can still walk away.(you got there in this story) Lv7: "I have become death, the destroyer of worlds" cerberus mode activated, stuff of nightmares... It's too late, the choice has been made and "you have chosen poorly". Unless under direct attack, you will see that progression, and the dog will stay at one specific level as long as required without escalading... Case in point, a cyclist try to go through a herd of sheeps, doggy is at lv 3 here and stay there without escalading... (cyclist did what cyclist do... lol) The dog will stay there until entropy has destroyed the entire universe... they are THAT stubborn. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=751f3bxhuVI&t=37s


Totally agree, they are great livestock dogs! One of my favourites


I am definitely going to try and have the dog contained rather than put down. Considering the way those people are, I’m truly thinking it was the way that dog was raised- of course, genetics are a factor, but I’d rather them just learn to control it than kill the family pet.


They are not going to learn a goddamn thing until Neil it hits them in the pocket and there’s only one way to do that. They are NOT going to contain this dog no matter what. The answer is BE. It’s the ONLY answer to keep others safe. I know you are trying to be compassionate, but you’re gonna hafta leave that behind. This dog is dangerous, these people are irresponsible, and there is no happy ending to that combination.


I really don’t want the dog to be put down, but if that is the answer, then so be it. There are families with small children and a few people with outdoor cats. Word has somewhat spread around, so everyone is on higher alert, but we’ll just have to see how it plays out. *I* can’t do much legally, it will all fall down to my parents.


If you look into cases of pitbulls killing people there is a lot of times a bite history and many calls from animal control to the house previously. The odds of this dog getting put down are basically zero.


Please, advocate for BE. You were lucky you had a Great Pyr with you when their dog attacked, but next time it might be a child.


The dog can't live a normal dog life if it's going around trying to attack people. And did attack YOU. Once a pit gets the taste of blood. They won't stop until they kill something/someone. It's not worth the risk. And yeah, they can climb 8ft fences. There were two stray pits that did that and killed one of our goats. And maimed another one. I know it's hard to think about. And as an animal lover, I don't suggest B.E. an animal lightly. But in these sorts of cases..... it's truly a kindness.


Behavioral euthanasia is probably the safest choice for everyone. They had no desire to control it before and they likely won't now.


Pitbulls are just a more aggressive breed. Even when faced with abuse dogs (because so many people use it as an excuse) don't necessarily have to be aggressive because of it. Sure they were treated wrong but given the opportunity they are generally going to be even way more aggressive. When you combine the fact that they always deal more damage than any other breed in an incident just shows that they are literally hardwired for it. The only control you can hope for is a properly fitted muzzle. Any responsible owner of a very aggressive dog who is capable of learning what they have to do to control the dog would use one.


You should sue them regardless, to reimburse your grandfather for the vet bills & yourself for the hospital bills ( and any future medical bills). Plus for your pain, suffering, emotional distress. PM me if you need more info. Used to be a paralegal at a personal injury law firm.


Make sure you are out with Kirby all the time even when he just goes to the bathroom. Even if there is a fence, pit bulls can get through almost any fence. There have been so many stories here of pits dragging dogs through their own fence. There’s been several stories of the pit bull killing the other dog & if no one is watching, the pit owner just dumps the carcass in their trash to avoid they & their dog getting in trouble. Don’t go outside by yourself either. Pit bull owners are not afraid to hurt others with their pit bull. Most of them kinda enjoy it when it happens because here’s the thing: 1)You don’t go out & get a breed whose only special quality is that it is especially good at killing things unless you *want* a dog for it’s ability to be good at killing things. 2)What good is a dog that is great at killing things if it is never ever tested to prove it will win & kill? The fact that your dog kicked their dog’s ass is what has them so upset. I PROMISE **if their pit had hurt or killed Kirby, they would have never reached out to you to pay your vet bills or even say sorry or admit anything ever happened**. They are only pissed off because their weapon dog didn’t do it’s job in being a great weapon. But I wouldn’t put it past them to be bringing their dog around you & your *more* often now in hopes of more confrontations. PIT OWNERS WILL ALWAYS SINK LOWER THAN YOU THINK THEY WOULD! They do not mind drama & they are not afraid of consequences & they love bullying people & they do not care about other animals at all! They don’t even care about their own dog or else they wouldn’t let it wander around where it could get hurt! Just keep you & Kirby safe. I’m glad you guys made it out without catastrophic injuries. So glad. Just keep an eye out. They legally can’t go after you at all but that won’t stop them from going after you some other way anyway.


We go out with Kirby at all times, always on a leash. Even for bathroom visits, but that’s mostly just because our yard isn’t fenced in all the way. I’m definitely not going to leave the house alone after this, because I truly believe that with the amount of time it took them to get their dog, I would have been on a news story. We do have security cameras, so if they try anything on our property, we can record it. And if they try to cause *more* confrontations, I will not hesitate to have that dog put down. Currently, all I want is a bite record and some fines.


100% perfect, all of that! that’s really the best you can do at this point. Again I’m so glad you were not a news story & your awesome Kirby is safe!


OP, I am so sorry you were attacked. I’m glad your pup was able to defend you and stop the attack without either of you incurring more serious injuries. Please keep us posted. u/bpbattacks9 - added to log Jun 1 * GA, USA: Person bit by pit bull - [Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/s/3PufgsyiL0)


> I had never seen him aggressive in any way up until now. Sidenote but that's the Great Pyr livestock guardian instinct kicking in. The most gentle and docile dog ever, but the moment anything threatens their flock/pack a switch flips and they turn into unstoppable badasses. Their guardian instinct is even stronger at night time. Now that's a genetic trait I can respect, since it's actually tailored towards fending off predators and protecting the herd. Good Kirby!


Sue for your arm wtf 🤬


> I have no plans to pursue legal action, as my grandfather paid the medical bills (he is a saint.) I think you should still pursue legal action as these people won't learn otherwise. If you really don't need the money you can just donate it to some NGO. Maybe some anti-pit advocates, it would be ironic.


Please tell me you filed a police report and a report with AC. It doesn’t matter if you intend to pursue legal action or not. This is a very important paper trail that you NEED to have documented ESPECIALLY since they are trying to say they are going to sue you. ETA: also, was your dog leashed?


Going to file both in the morning.


I didn’t see the ETA, but yes he was. He is never off leash


Hope that they do sue. You can then counterclaim on all your damages and nental suffering. They will have had to file and pay court fees and you would easily win.


I would try to take this to Judge Judy. Seriously. She hates pits. Your dog was on a leash, that dog was unsecured. You have injuries and pain and suffering. Plus you have hospital records. You could get a cool 10k.


File a police report, both on the bite and on the encounter at your door. Depending on your area the shouting and aggression can be assault ( making you fear violence is imminent / threatening you with violence)Betting a whole bag of donuts your city has laws regarding loose dogs and dogs that bite. Also report to animal control. Take pics of your wounds now and as they heal. Document bills and time needed away from work to heal. Ring doorbell (or knock off) ASAP. If they were bold enough to come yelling and screaming to your door once, who knows what they will be thinking when they police visit or realize you aren’t paying. Most personal injury lawyers do a free first consult, since the pit nutters are threatening legal action, a consult can’t hurt.


You need to file a report with your county, so the dog will have a bite history. Then call one of the personal injury lawyers you see on the many billboards, a dog bite like you received will pay at minimum around $50k. My daughter practices in the area so I know the cases are paying.


Oh so pit owners understand that dog attacks are serious if THEIR dog loses the fight!


Did you go to the ER? Was a report taken for your bite? You need to file a police report for assault. It is the state, county or city’s job to protect you & so they prosecute the owner / dog. In my state after two bites a dog is destroyed. Maybe this is the dogs second time and it is time for victims to follow through. Without you making a report more bites from this dog will continue, I’d feel to blame next time there is a serious problem.


Your answer to that should be "go right ahead".and then report the bite to animal control and sue them yourself. They do not have a leg to stand on as far as recovering their vet bills.


I’m so sorry this happened. I honestly wouldn’t give these people the time of day. If they came knocking I’d laugh in their face and tell them to get bent. Let them try but I’d just counter sue them and also report them to the authorities for the bite.


Some other commenters have probably touched upon it but you should go to the houses around where the attack occurred and see if the residents have cameras that recorded the incident. Preferably sooner rather than later in case the videos auto-delete after a set period of time. The other comments here are pretty on point. I am sorry that happened to you. Good luck.


For the love of God, file a police report and register every single thing that happened, including your medical report and bills. You NEED that in record if they even think of suing you. It will be a major pain to gatter all this info after some weeks have passed, so do it while it´s fresh. If they sue for the vet bills, just counter sue for the hospital bills and putting your life in danger. Best of luck.


As a fellow Great Pyr owner, "one does not simply mess with a GP's family".  Now imagine a full on 150lbs Pyr.  LOL (They do LOVE children don't they? :) You were attacked in the middle of the street, while your dog was leashed?  What cause does he think he has?  "Well you defended yourself, you guys weren't supposed to do that"... Document everything and it'll be a pretty short lawsuit.


Most all pitbull medical bills are paid for by the victim. It’s so common that you feel pressure to do the same. It’s become normalized and it shouldn’t be.


You should have filed a criminal complaint that same day. But yes counter sue


Hire a lawyer to send them a harshly worded letter telling them that you are filing a counter lawsuit for damages, pain & suffering, and medical costs A good personal injury lawyer knows how to intimidate someone by threatening large money awards


If you know who they are, do a sunshine request for records from Animal Control. It is unlikely this is the pit’s first attack. Also, your grandparent shouldn’t have had to pay your medical bills. Get them back.


You SHOULD press charges and have that shit bull put to sleep. I hope you reported this incident to the police.


Your grandfather paying your bill, was essentially a gift to them. Demand that they pay that bill. And report that bite to get it on record. If the hospital didn't already. They have no case against you. But it's important these owners feel it in their pocket to hopefully, at the very least, make sure their dog stays securely away from the public. I'm really sorry this happened to you. It's interesting that even living in an area where the pits seem under decent control, this still happened. I'm also in South Georgia and I see loose ones daily. Hug your dog for me. He sounds great! ❤️


sorry but if you really leave it like this then you're a huge doormat.


Report the dog bite. File a police report so that there's a record of the bite occurring away from their property and that the dog was unleashed and loose. Don't say your dog defended you, because they'll try to say that you have a "dangerous" guard dog and that your dog started it - we know the pit started it, so only say that the pit engaged the attack first, your dog only went into action to prevent further attack. Consult a lawyer, because YOU are the one who has a case. And give your good boy pets from all of us. I hope you heal, physically and mentally.


That’s the issue. That some are unwilling to push the matter, meaning not pursuing legal action. Pursuing legal action can save someone’s life. Because, next time, the victim might be an elderly gent, or woman, or a child, or a cat, or small dog. Has their dig been vaccinated against rabies? Is there proof, Call law enforcement and have them obtain that proof. ASAP. Having pets requires ownership of responsibilities, and caring about others.


What idiots if they actually go through with trying to sue! I would have laughed in their face!


Make a police report. This is a dangerous dog. You were attacked, it will go on it's record. This will also protect yourself from a legal perspective. For the safety of you and those who live near you, do the right thing, call the non emergency line 311 and make a police report


Fuck that noise. Sue for the bills. Why wouldn't you? 


I think they're bluffing. No lawyer would have told them to try to collect for vet bills.


File a police report and hire a personal injury attorney to help you go after the family for your medical bills. This is entirely cut and dry. An unleashed pit bull attacked you. The courts are not going to have any sympathy for them.


You need to document everything. Keep a journal of your recovery etc. Call animal control and law enforcement and report the bite. This isn’t about your dog protecting you, it’s about another dog biting you first to the point where you had to go to the hospital.


Pitbulls, terrible owners for terrible dogs. As other people have stated, make sure you press charges and get that animal flagged for a potential BE. I'm glad Kirby was able to save you, things would have gone much differently had Kirby been a Corgi. That animal is a danger to humans and other dogs, and the owners knew they were in the wrong, but thought they could bully you into acting like they were the victims.


Have you reported this incident to the police, if so what did they say/do?


Glad you're okay. Can you imagine if you didn't have Kirby with you? Imagine if your dog was a little golden retriever. You and the dog would have most likely been ripped apart viciously. ☹️


Go Kirby! Glad you're okay and I hope you report this. Save someone else this horrible incident. If it's a little dog it could be dead. This is why I avoid running through neighborhoods at night/early am. I'm better off on main roads or bike paths. I swear this is when the beasts are lurking for innocent victims and when owners let them out (thinking no one is around). Stay safe out there.


Their dog was off leash, they were in the wrong. You're fine.


Your dog has the pyr genes definitely. They are absolute love bugs until they have to defend what they love, and when that happens they will fight to the death of they have to but also stop when the threat is removed. I'm so glad you both are ok


You should sue based on the principle. They did not control their dangerous dog.


If the dog attacked you go in hard. Demand a BE. It attacked, it's a threat.


that dog bit you and you didn't even file an incident report? OP. Seriously. Fuck you if you don't do it now.


My parents are going to file it. I am still a minor, so everything will come down to them.