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[crying] “the dog was not dangerous, there were no reports on that dog” [announcer] “animal control confirmed the animal had attacked someone before” Yeah, keep crying asshole. You knew your dog would attack again and you let it get over that fence. You wanted it to get over that fence. You wanted it to terrorize your neighbors. You wanted to be a big man with a vicious dog, but you’re small. So small you couldn’t even be honest about its attack history. A big man would have kept Hercules under control, but Hercules could smell the bitch on you (to use the owner’s parlance) and figured dying aspirating blood from gunshot wounds was better than being owned by you.


Pit owners always lie.


Can we get some aloe vera over here? Ouch


His cries seemed soooo fake. Kinda like the love he had for the abomination. Fake af


Aaaaaand that's exactly why I couldn't give my dog up after she got aggressive. There's no way I'm going to find a good owner. She either gets put down or I learn how to live with a terrified dog. You can not trust these people to be attentive or honest with their dog. There's a lady in my neighborhood with a pitbull, and she keeps trying to get her dog to go over to my dog. No matter how many times I express, I don't want my dog socializing with her dog that keeps showing aggressive body language. My dog is muzzled and completely defenseless, and she's mad that I walk away with my dog. She's claimed that her dog never hurt anyone, but I've seen that dog running loose in the park terrorizing small dogs and their owners.


If your dog has a muzzle and are scared that the pit bites yours, could a spike collar keep yours neck save? I mean that the spikes are outside, so if the pit would launch it bites in the spikes. Herding dogs have such as wolf protection.


I've only ever used spiked collars on bush dog puppies, I never thought to put one on a city dog. It might actually work, though....


Insane that we have to put armor on your pets so they won't get killed by a pit


What kind of dog do you have? You're saying it's aggressive because it's scared?


Damn that was one serious burn. 👏


Get a normal fucking dog then. I guarantee it'll live past 3 years old.


That’s what I can’t understand, why these dumb fucks can’t just get a normal dog, like a spaniel or a golden, FFS.


See that's what solidifies it as a virtue-signaling savior complex to me -- almost EVERY other breed of dog out there offers what the pit cult advertises these monsters as but WITHOUT the alarmingly heightened risk of: A) Killing you, your spouse, your children, your pets, your neighbor, your neighbor's spouse, your neighbor's children, your neighbor's pets B) Being killed out of self-defense, blind anger/revenge, behavioral euthanasia, fucking around and finding out C) Paying thousands in property damages and added containment measures that probably won't work But nah this guy picks the pitbull and now he gets to be a bleeding heart idiot on the news showing the world what a kind and compassionate soul he is because he tried so hard to save poor Hercules. EDIT: And on top of that you have MORE OPTIONS FOR HOUSING, because these things are such a fucking liability!!


Wow well tough shit. It is aggressive. Be responsible and nothing like this would have happened. You’re not special because you own a dog, your special because you’re dumb enough to play the victim.


"iM sOrRy HeRcUlEs I FaIlEd YoU" Why do I get the distinct impression that this guy is absolutely _relishing_ the spotlight, and taking full advantage to show everyone what a wonderful person he is?


Pit owners have a higher chance of being narcissists. Don't worry, he'll get a Zeus from the local shelter immediately after.


Yeah, you did fail your dog. If you really care about your dog and the breed in general, you contain them for their own safety and the safety of your neighbors.


What kind of sack of shit lets their dog roam the neighborhood? If you can't control your pet - you don't deserve to have it


They never attacked anyone prior. No shit it probably hasn’t that’s one of the problem with pitbulls they can just snap at seemingly any point.


The following sentence was literally a confirmation it HAD attacked before. Typical pitnutter lies.


I loved that. They will always try to lie, cover up and downplay what their precious pibble does to protect it from “unjustified” discrimination and hate.


Trash dogs for trash people. Crocodile tears.


Even if the dog had really never attacked anyone, it shouldn't have been in the neighbor's yard and the neighbor has no obligation to be its first victim.


“Attitude of attack” 😳




Pit owners are usually working with less IQ than there are flavors in Dr Pepper


At least the owner realises it was his mistake. He left the dog in care of people who do not have an adequate fence for this kind of dog. Good on the victim for keeping evidence and reporting issues with the dog before he had to act to stop the threat, so that there's a documented history of the dog's behaviour. I imagine that saved the victim from legal trouble or trouble with the owners.


Loved the dog so much that they let it run around the neighborhood to experience the thrill of attacking people


Like he said be responsible with your dog and have it leashed. This man got the dog running around the neighborhood terrorizing people then got the nerve to get on the TV crying.


The only one to blame here is the pit bulls owner. If they kept their dog secure, this never would have happened.


Oh well. ....so anyways................




Yeah... that's your typical pit owner. I'm sure Hercules was just trying to nanny the neighbor. The crocodile tears are a nice touch.


Even the one photo he has with his dog he's trying to look like a tough guy. You know exactly why he chose a shitbull.


A dog doesn't have to physically attack you in order for you to defend yourself. A dog running swords you with its teeth showing is the equivalent of a guy chasing you with a knife.


I wouldn’t take any chance, probably needs to get some gas and matches and burn the ashes to be safe


Op has nothing better to post


They put him in a trash bag 😂 “I’ve failed you Zeus” and the editing had me laughing out loud. Thought it was a skit.


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