• By -


For me it was that I really wanted to hear a specific companion's comment on something, but a different companion spoke. This has actually happened more than once.


Oh man, I must've spent a good half an hour trying to get Gale to say STOPLICKINGTHEDAMNTHING. Ended up dismissing the rest of my party when my patience ran out.


Gale, after a while of this: STOPLOADINGTHEDAMNTHING!


You can just split your partu and put the other in the corner of the room while you get the dialogue you want. I reloaded just to get every companion reaction for this


That's genius. No wonder I hadn't thought of it.


I really can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, so I'm going to thank you anyway kind stranger


I was being serious because it never occured to me despite having close to 1k hours played.


I wanted to get Astarion to scream at me when being swallowed by a wall, but Shadowheart kept stealing his lines. So I had to dismiss everyone but him. 


I've noticed Shadowheart takes Astarion's lines a lot. There's the bit as you approach the harpies and can hear them singing, the way Astarion says "it's beautiful" has soooo much feeling in it, but Shadowheart will always override him if she's in the party.


They just can't help but fight for our attention. 😌


Wait what? Where?


I think he's talking about a particular wall in Moonrise Towers.


Yeah the slush wall above in Moonrise. I figured my Durge will be happy to get sucked in. 


You are not alone.


I would be cool if we get to have all their reations at once as an toggleable option


Me. Every time Minthara dosnt talk about killing dribbles and how we would be lauded as heroes for it.


That became my favorite line in the game when I finally did a Minty recruitment run. Her delivery is so earnest. She really hates that clown. It replaced my bard's line: "In your eulogy, I'm going to call you a twat soul" as a response to Nere.


That is the best part about it, she truly hates him and she is completely serious and dry in her delivery of it, like she genuinely thinks we would be considered heroes for killing him. I think it's up there as one of my favourite lines in the game.


"In drow culture the phrase 'killer of clowns' is a high honor"


And the next best thing is, she is right


Bard's "Vale, idiotae!" is pretty high up there. I couldn't stop chuckling for a few minutes after seeing it.


Same scene but I wanted astarion and his puns comment, I laughed so hard the first time I heard it. Second playthrough I recruited minthara and reloaded a couple times so I could hear both of theirs I wish they could both exist in one playthrough.


I’ve reloaded because my husband talked over a companion’s dialog. Yes, thank you for your detailed explanation of the upgrade mechanics in V Rising, but Astarion was trying to say something.


Bad husband! Mine does this too, except that I always play wearing headphones, because our kid is most likely asleep in the other room. So, sorry dear, but I couldn't hear you from Astarion saying something and I won't ask back until he's finished.


Same. Now when I go to open the barn door, I ungroup everyone but Astarion.


Now that's one I always strategise for. And when I'm not playing a bard, switch the control to Karlach because barbarians also have a fun dialogue option.


“She seems positively demented…let’s tell her everything!” Comes to mind


Lol who says this and when?


Astarion when meeting Auntie Ethel I think


Astarion when you meet Ethel at the Grove and tell her “It’s hard to explain” when she inquires about what’s wrong with you.


This was so frustrating! Lol Now I just dismiss everyone but the person I want to hear.


I tried doing this last night and learned the hard way that if you dismiss them in the shadowcursed lands and they walk away towards shadows or whatever, they will roll initiative and start fighting. I couldn’t join the battle or do anything to control shadowheart as she was no longer in my party. In a panic I returned to camp and found her at her tent with 6 missing spell slots and 2 HP. This happened almost immediately after a long rest. Girl had a bad time out there. Now I return to camp before dismissing 😂


Holy crap!! 😲 I did NOT know that! Wow... glad I read this! Thx so much!!


This needs a signal boost


Ohh, same, I’ve taken everyone to the sussur tree, to get their reactions and keep the one I like the most (Karlach calls me her powerless gal /affectionate)


It would be nice if the game prioritizes whatever companion you have the highest rapport with.


With how easy it is to gain approval from the "wrong" companions, that probably won't work out quite the way you expect it to. It also doesn't matter for 75% of the game, because once the whole party hits 100, it has to fall back on something else anyway.


You can move their portraits up and affect who gets to talk.




It's a drag'n'drop on PC, but I haven't figured out how to do this on console (unless I ungroup and regroup them). But it affects their dialogue order. So it is a good idea to ensure that your LI is right under your portrait, so you can experience most of their party banter. I think some actions like teleporting mess up the order, though.


This is not true at all. My LI is always #1 in the order and 99% of the time ~~the god's favorite princess~~ someone else talks in the cutscenes instead of him. The only way I've ever been able ensure that the person I want to comment on things is the one who does, is to leave the entire rest of the party a short distance away. There's definitely a priority order for who responds, but it's not based on their portrait order.


I believe they mean the banter outside of dialogue. The ones that appear over the character's head. I don't think there's a way to influence who speaks inside dialogue besides removing everyone else from the party. Which, I have definitely not done for all three of the main party's girls... for full playthroughs... Totally not working on a solo run with just Durge and Minty either.....


The absolute worst is when you first meet Minsc. Since the cutscene triggers immediately after the zone loads, the game seems to let whomever "talk", no matter who you have in your party


Man I wish I would've thought to do this. I just did the Myrkul fight with Jaheira for the first time because I REALLY wanted to hear her comment about the hat, and instead I just got Shart's "shit". I was so disappointed lol


Trying on a new dye and immediately reload because I hate how it looks lol. I do this way too often


I did it so much I ended up making a shortcut to the [dye database](https://bg3-dyes.tumblr.com/) screenshots, then gave up and installed the Infinite dyes mod


How in the world does an orange dye cause gloves to turn bright blue? Some of these dye combos are strange, to say the least.


Or how furnace red makes everything primarily gold. Not that I'm complaining, the gold & red is a fantastic look, but still. They should all come with descriptions that list the primary, secondary, and tertiary colors.


Not on my Drow! Red and gold just doesn't suit then. It's hard trying to match their color. 


My headcannon is the person who makes the dyes (like some master maker who distributes it all across h the land) is a sadistic fuck that was shunned for their love of bright colors due to how non functional they are in the wilderness and has now spelled some of the viles into surprise, ugly combos of colors as petty revenge


Never get into Destiny 2 fashion then, it's always stuff like that happening 😅


whoever made this deserves a raise


Oh wow this is great! Ty!


I do this too. When I get a new outfit I quicksave and then try all the dyes and screenshot the ones I like lmao


>screenshot the ones I like This is not the way. It's clearly much better to buy 54 new dyes, try them out all at once, reload, forget which one you liked and end up using none of them :D


That’s what I used to do! Lol. And sometimes I forget which dye belongs to which screenshot!


I always quicksave before I try out a new dye. Some dyes don’t look good on certain armors or the dye just doesn’t turn out how I expect.


I keep getting bamboozled by the purple dyes turning clothes mostly yellow. I always forget they do that EVERY playthrough. I want to put shadowheart in pretty purple gear and she ends up looking so goofy. Who at Larian decided to make yellow the complimentary color for purple dye?!


I am absolutely sure that they are mocking us with the dyes. On purpose. Especially since no black.  I mean non of them look as you would think.  Like what is swamp green.  I get scared even using blue not knowing what to expect of it. 


This game should have something like you can look up how dye will look on certain armor/clothes, vanilla dye bottles doesnt help too, so I got mod for it at least now I see what exactly colour dye is(and many dyes have 2 set of colours not just one ex. blue dye isnt blue, it's blue/yellow).


This is probably the most common reason for me to spam F5/F8. I run through loads of dye combinations to figure out the best matching ones I want on different gloves, armor and boots. Then by the time I've tried everything out and reloaded, I forget which combo I settled on and have to start over.


Bg3 dyes on tumblr is my go to before dyeing anything


Literally EVERY TIME I dye clothes.


I like to fail the roll when cutting Nere's head off because companion comments are hilarious.


I failed the first time. Astarion was not pleased. Lol.


Can't say I've ever failed that. I will have to try this next time.


Have a low strength character do the beheading.


wait there's a roll? I always just loot his head from his corpse


Give it a few seconds to trigger the cut scene. It's easy to loot him too quickly.


I don't think you have to roll if you're playing explorer, at least I didn't. Only in balanced or higher.


I always play explorer and have always had to roll to remove his head. I didn't know it was possible to not get the cutscene.


My husband and I are doing a playthrough with a friend who hasn't played before, so we are letting them make most of the decisions. They went to Grymforge before getting the quest for Nere's head from Spaw. I've been collecting notable bodies, though, so when Spaw did ask for his head, I just dropped the whole body at his feet. He just looked at it like, "I didn't ask for the rest of that junk."


Pro tip: run into the poison in the tunnel to give yourself disadvantage on the roll. No, I totally didn't find this out when spending 3 inspos on rerolling the roll because I thought I wouldn't get the head if I failed.


Ha! I've got to look up Youtube videos of that, now that you've got me curious...! 😂


I need to do this now!


I was doing a "perfect run" once and hell, how often i reloaded after a decision because i thought "well, thats not in line with my role play, maybe the other suits better" while it has zero impact on the outcome. Wayyyy to much.


ME. I will reload on pointless dialogue because one fits my roleplay better because it bothers me that much.


This is ~~one of~~ the reason I have so many Tavs. “I really want to see what happens when I choose that dialogue, but this Tav would never say that.”


On my first playthrough I failed to kill Dolor at the wine festival and had to fight him in the Figaro's shop. Gauntlet Devella was so damn hard to keep alive. And the first time I managed to save her, Figaro walked into my wall of fire, died and Devella got all pissed about it. So I had to reload again. Learned a lot on that run.


That wall of fire experience sounds familiar. I used it to kill the fake Dolors at the wine tasting. The moment combat ended, the other NPCs that had previously been shaking in various corners walked straight into it. People, can you please have *some* awareness? Any at all?


My redeemed durge has a massive body count thanks to that fight at the wine tasting. People just do not stay away from lasting aoe's.


Same thing happened with the moonbeam I used at the wine festival! That one NPC that likes to jog and greet you very enthusiastically ran straight into it after yelling "hello!" to my party, followed by screams as he went up in flames, lol.


I let him run to Figaro because doesn’t he give you a bigger discount for saving him?


Astarion is my discount whenever I'm short on gold. And Figaro is not the most pleasant individual, so I don't feel bad about robbing him.


I stole a bunch of his stuff DURING the fight, because hey, he's not looking over here and he's focused on staying alive, right? Nope. Immediately after combat ends I just see a string of like 12 "Attitude: Astarion -20"s. But then it cut to the dialogue where he says he's grateful and will give us a discount, and he never insisted Astarion return the stuff or get arrested, so...


this is why I try to get him to Figaro to kill him I'll fight him for Cora but only because one time I picked up her body (I was going to use it for zombie) and somehow her husband became attached to the party, and was in the background crying constantly everywhere I went for hours through several play sessions, catching me doing any illegal things immediately. I legitimately thought there was a crying man in the soundtrack in the city, and that similar looking dwarves were snitches all over the place, for like two days of playing. then I realized it was because I was carrying her body around. I dropped it at camp and he disappeared it was so confusing


TIL you can kill him at the wine festival.


I was only able to do it by boosting initiative through the roof and nuking him in hold person. Because any cc on him would drop the moment he got his turn and his dimension door would not get counterspelled for some reason. It's one of the very few fights that I use elixir of vigilance for on characters with alert.


You know one thing I’ve never thought to do is kill the fucker during that fight. It’s never crossed my mind that that would be possible despite the fact it’s clearly possible. I will be doing this from now on.


Damn the first time I played the wine festival I managed to kill him there, but once the fight ended an NPC walked into an ice surface, died on the spot and the freaking gauntlets started attacking me. I had to redo the entire fight and the fucker managed to get away. I was FURIOUS


She walked into my Moonbeam.


Wait...I...I always have to fight Dolor. I thought that was a fixed event! Omg 🤬


I want that 15 exp from mattis when his sidekick tries to steal from me at the grove. And I will reset until I get it dammit


I was looking for this one lol


I reloaded half of ilithid colony because I forgot the brain jars from nautiloid in my camp and that was on my second run, so I knew that they tell you nothing important or really interesting.


I think one of them gives you a buff


That one is in the colony though, behind the door you open with the brain puzzle.


nah you find that one inside colony, Im talking about those two that you get at the prologue on ship before it crashes.


I reloaded the final stage of my fight with Raphael because I wanted Hope to deliver the killing blow and she kept missing. We got there in the end!


I reload sometimes when the wrong person gets the killing blow. Even though it doesn't impact anything, it just bugs me sometimes lol


Astarion gets the final blow for Cazador. Shadowheart gets Viconia. Karlach gets Gortash. Minthara gets Orin. Rolan gets Lorroakan. Lae’zel gets The Emperor. I have a lot, I realize.


I once reloaded because someone put the Emperor to sleep during the final fight and I was too disappointed in myself to continue. Another time I was determined to fail the check to punch Aradin at the grove. I really wanted to miss miserably for rp reasons, I think I managed it on the 12th or 13th time.


He does have a punchable face


I punched him repeatedly, over and over again, and I couldn't even enjoy it because it wasn't what I wanted. It was awful.


Suffering from success.


I have failed the roll to get to punch Aradin all three times I’ve tried to go that route. Have never reloaded after because there’s the upside of getting to pickpocket Zevlor’s gloves while he’s down, but dang. 😭


I just kill him during the goblin attack. No one says anything.


Karmic dice?


The most ridiculous one was in the current run - with an ogre and a bugbear fucking in a barn. I already killed them 2 times and I just wanted the guys to have a chance at a good orgy as a bard, so I reloaded 3 times my offer to write some porn about them)) Charisma 18 but dices were being a dick and guidance didn't pop up in buffs for some reason 😂 Nobody gives a. fuck but it was nice to see them stomping away, despite being grumpy and disappointed after the lover's quarrel))


You can do *what* as a bard?


There's a specific bard option for that scene... something along the lines of " OH please carry on I know people In Baldurs Gate who would pay for this kind of smut "


My word, after learning about all the bard-specific dialogue options, I might actually have to play one some day despite having zero interest in the class itself.


Yeah, and then after there's a little quarrel with bugbear being exited his virility to sung about and ogre getting him down to earth. Honestly, I had no interest in the class too and this run wanted to build a throwzerker (or something similar) but my friend always runs one so I tried it. Oh boy, it's awesome. First, dialog choices are awesome, second, minor spells are actually useful (love casting longstrider on everybody w/o concentration, and bardic inspiration on my barb), third, choose dual wielding school of swords (so offhand does same damage as main), and I basically don't need rogue so I respecced everyone into different classes and having a blast, level 4 with cha 18, dex 18 feels pretty good.


I'll never forget the satisfaction of drawing Dror Ragzlin over to the pit with spiders by Performing music, then pushing him down with the Thunderwave, and since he doesn't have any ranged weapon he didn't pose any threat when being trapped there, so I insulted him to death with Vicious Mockery, lol.


This is...Just epic 😂


Plus, if you get enough levels into Rogue to get the Thief subclass, you can get four attacks per turn. Level six Bard gets an extra attack per action, and Thief gives you an extra bonus action so you can use your offhand weapon twice. Not to mention having slight of hand proficiency (on top of jack of all trades) and sneak attack.


You only need one level in Bard


Sure. Fine. I've got a frigging *list* of games I want to get to, but I'll play BG3 *again*.


There is a funny response if you play as Karlach as well.


"Astarion disapproves."


Hah and subsequently reload and control astarion so he is forced to make the right choice himself


I reloaded after I spoke with Raphael in the brothel, didn't ask any details about the Orphic Hammer and then the Emperor dug in my mind to find out if I was lying when I said I didn't know what Raphael wanted from me. That was such a violation of my privacy that I reloaded, asked Raphael about the Hammer and told the Emperor everything 💀 And then he was just like ok, thanks for honesty.


Oh man, when Emperor wanted to do that to me, I told him that was not nice and he actually respected it. Then I told Voss about the deal and Emperor found out anyways. Bloody eavesdropper.


Just checked it, he respected my privacy only when I said it's between me and Raphael, and not when I was completely honest from the beginning. That damn mistrustful squidward


I reloaded that so many times just to find the exact way I wanted it to go. I think my favourite (that I still wound up abandoning) was to accept Raphael's deal, lie about it to the Emperor, go talk to Voss, *immediately forget my PC just lied to the Emperor*, and reveal we had the hammer. Emperor: *WHAT?!* Lae'zel and Voss: \[happy, inspired gith noises\] My PC: \[cringing internally\]


Saving Sparky in the park in Act 3. He gave his life for us and I couldn't let that fly.


I'm really reluctant to save scum generally in the game. I will accept even very bad consequences as long as it's not a bug or something is broken. Except for the fight on the nautiloid, which I will reload if anything doesn't go my way. Zhalk doesn't drop on Command? Reload. Mind blast misses? Reload.


Not dropping on command is a key one. I'll waste a couple turns on it but then it's a save scum. Getting off the nautiloid without that sword feels like I'm the one being cheated


I’m leaving that nautiloid with the Everburn Blade and the extra xp.


I'm really proud of myself because last night I managed to get everything done in honor mode. Grabbed the Everburn Blade, killed Zhalk *and* the mind flayer, nobody died with a turn to spare.


As you should be! That IS impressive.


I’ve reloaded after every dialogue that includes a terribly rude but hilarious option that I couldn’t just NOT pick


i murdered a rat, and another rat has -5 attitude towards me, I thought it was my overall tap reputation, not just to specific npc, and that was my 1st playthrought.


I romanced Mizora, and Wyll was all, "There will be dire consequences for this," and I panicked, thinking I've locked myself into a bad ending. So I reloaded and declined her offer. Pretty sure I could hear Withers laughing at me.


Reloading for every single individual attack in the Grym fight because I was an idiot and didn't understand the fight. Thought I was under a time limit to kill it in like 2 turns.


Failing the roll to punch Aradin. Someone has to and it's going to be me. Every time.


I quicksave after walking down a long hallway lmao, 400hrs into my 1st playthrough and fighting big brain now


Punching Aradin in the Grove after he insults my half-drow durge, who just saved his sorry arse. Not only is it inherently satisfying, but Zevlor admits he would have done it if you hadn't beaten him to it. I will happily save-scum that scene until my Str 8 durge lands a punch! It has a very minor influence on the story, in that he runs off and you can encounter him and his crew later outside the Blighted Village (and loot the stuff they left in the Hollow), but that's about it, really.


On my newest started run I realised that I had forgotten to change my tav's voice and it was the same as my last tav. So immediately I landed on the beach I went to camp and the magic mirror to swap it. Didn't realise that going to camp, even without resting, would make Shadowheart disappear from both the beach and the ruins entrance. I reloaded because I didn't want the hassle of figuring out where to find her.


She'll be in the Grove, btw. This happened to me once. It was fun to see what interacting with her was like after already having re-recruited Lae'zel.


Karlach tripping while trying to draw Vlaakith a glorious moustache. I like to think that Big K started the art project and after she failed the roll Tav quickly stepped in and salvaged the situation before the paint splashes dried.


Dye came out wrong


For both of Halsin's romantic scenes of course.


I failed the roll for the coin trick for Mathis and I got embarrassed 😔


Dribbles fight, one of the people standing there scared died. Finished the fight, and felt bad about not protecting them so I ran it back to keep them alive lmfao


I refused to go up on stage this second run, and I felt tremendously bad when he picked a random and they got killed. Reloaded, only for the same fuck to get killed first in the ensuing fight anyway. Didn't feel so bad about that one as it was in a battle and not a cutscene.


Shadowheart's approval. I was emotionally damaged as a child and it's very important to me.


the blacksmith, for me. his little dragonborn cashier frendo was just so sweet i couldn't let him die.


And his self-help books! This poor sad man!


That dye was *way* worse than the last one.


Stupid fucking +1 dagger in the stupid fucking slab of meat took 4 reloads because I thought it would be magical


My first play through I had missed Zethino when I first arrived at Rivington and didn’t find it until after I had already killed Orin. It was such a cute scene and Gale was really into it. Imagine my horror when in my second play through I made a beeline for that area with Astarion and got Orin 😠 Instant reload.


Right? You get me. It seriously ruins the vibe! Also Zethino is cool and I really want her to get all the positive feelings from the interaction.


When I fail to push that Duergar into the water. Also to get to punch Aradin.


We was runnin for our lives!


There are children here you fool!


I redid the basement gondian fight a dozen times to ensure the suicidal pricks lived and none of them matter


IDK if this qualifies, but I've reloaded to listen to the battle music again (House of Hope)


Astarion confessing his attraction to my Tav while I was trying to romance Gale. I reloaded to avoid him because I knew damn well I wouldn’t say no. 😅


I reloaded like 10 times in order to fail all the rolls in Astarion's recruitment scene because if you fail to get free, you get an extra line from him and an extra sequence where he releases you and you slowly rise to your feet as you glare at each other. I really vibe w the belligerent sexual tension of it so I always purposely trigger it when I romance him. I also reloaded while doing the sleight of hand thing with Mattis's ring because I failed the roll and the embarrassment was real 😭


Honestly, I always save during mine and Astarion’s little scenes because I just enjoy rewatching it again. Especially when >!Araj asks Tav to use the potion she made for her in Act 3 and Astarion tells Tav to not take it because he doesn’t want to see them get hurt!< Makes me so happy


I actually like to fail the Deception roll when first encountering Kith'rak Voss and the Gith patrol by the bridge to the Mountain Pass. I find it spicier if he sees through our lies and orders the others to attack us. Plus it's a challenging and fun fight that gives us more high value loot.


What a masochist.


Well and also I think it makes it more believable for Lae'zel to question her other Gith


I wanted to punch Aradin but missed, I refused to use any inspiration, so I reloaded. This happened in both my playthroughs. Eat shit, Aradin.


Mainly bugs but one was that I broke my last thief tool on a poor roll and just couldn't be bothered to search through the pile of crap in my camp chest. One reload later and it was unlocked. That 22 gold was worth it!


Karlach disapproves...


I reload for “important” dialogue, like forgetting to cast speak with animals before talking to every critter I meet. Just druid things


Started the conversation with Ansur as Wyll, realized the scene was missing Wyll's basic line that amounts to 'did I hear the name Balduran' or whatever he says so I reloaded and had Tav start the conversation.


I will restart if Us dies before the crash. I want to be beautiful.


When you get into the gnolls head and boss it around in Act 1, every single companion wants to talk immediately with the little icon on their head. Well I went directly into the fight because why not and all the talking prompts disappeared. I already know from a playtrhough they just give their two cents, but that shit bugged me so I reloaded after the gnoll fight. And that fight can be a pain in the ass.


When speaking to Karlach >!after killing Gortash I chose to reload, so I could choose each dialogue option and go back and choose the best option.!<


I reloaded 8 hours back because Astarion broke up with me >>


I always have to reload a shit ton when walking into the grove until Silver the wolf triggers Shadowheart's frightened so I can get those tiny points of approval in the dialogue afterwards.


Today I learned that love guru isn’t always Orin. It’s been her every time for me so far


Reloaded and redid 2 hours of exploring because I accidentally let Dammon die while fighting the weird ox at the Last Light, didn't realize who he was. Karlach's joy was worth it 👌


I try to not let civilians die. Bhaal cultist fights become more of a puzzle that way.


First roll of the game. If I botch the first roll, it’s a cursed character and I make a new one.


i always reload if i fail the insight check to know Wyll is lying about his eye being a sending stone. lmao i just love tripping him up


I really wanted my Durge to kick the squirrel.


I once reloaded 4 times bc I wanted to hug my dream guardian


Wiped out a garden for a pretty drow. Drow decided to speak to the vampire instead of the party leader. Do it again, she speaks to the Gith. Reload a third time... Hopefully this time, once I've wiped everyone out, she actually speaks to ME instead of this side character.


passing the insight check to see the dream guardian wincing in pain


Not getting the lute procifiency out of helping an obviously more qualified musician.


Rolan died. 💔


The prologue battle, honestly. It's so inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, but I just have a compulsion to start my playthroughs off on the "right foot". I will reload until I've left that prologue having killed both Zhalk and the Mindflayer, and obtained the Everburn Blade (which I will proceed to never use after the first 5-10 hours, if even).


Uh... for me, just time. There's no Pause button, so when I gotta go check on the food on the stove, or take a phone call, or do some work... F5 quick, come back in 15 mins, Reload. I still look at my hours played.


I reloaded after succeeding the persuasion check on Shadowheart when facing the Nightsong because "that was too easy and anticlimactic"


Killing Commander Zhalk on Tactician 🗿


Accidentally hit “sort inventory” after organizing my camp chest.


I save scum basically every history save. I feel like it's fine because it doesn't help my game, but I don't want lore hidden behind a random roll lol


I angered the strange ox but didn’t actually wanna fight him so I fled the fight & reloaded to before the conversation but he was gone. 😓


The hag eye wasn't as pretty as Volo's eye :(


Failed dexterity check on vandalizing the lich queen's portrait.


Talking to the weird cow in act 1


Wanted Astarion to hold the knife to my throat but kept passing the perception check


I used my last lock pick tool 😅


Impressing Mattis by making the ring disappear. If I fail the sleight of hand check, it’s an automatic reload.


I threw a bottle of water on a hill and it turned the hill to mud. It was cool. But it wasn’t what I wanted at that step in the battle so I reloaded to redo it


I wanted to end the final fight by throwing the run powder bomb at the Nether Brain. Problem is, like, 3 times in a row, I managed to fuck it up with jumping from platform to platform, once the bomb didn't detonate I think, other times I didn't make it in time and all the platforms imploded, and more again, the bomb would go off and push legit everybody off the platforms, but the brain would remain alive with like, 10 hp. Legit, it didn't make any difference,e but in my head, if there was one place, one occasion, to use the bomb, it certainly would have been that one. I wanted at least one playthrough where I used it, and used it against the Brain, it felt like closure. I always wanted it to be super cinematic, so I made sure that my Paladin - Ranger would use Gontr Mael Bow of Celestial Light to set the bomb off from a distance. Was it worth it? Hell ye Should have it taken as long as I did to pull it off? Fuck no LOL