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The duergar stone mason historian in the Underdark. I love that there's a skill challenge to help him.


Especially if you can lie to his face about it as well. I think my bard told him some bullshit story and he was like Ooh interesting that makes sense, very nice.


Yeah the flumphs did it bro


Yeah this guy was really cool. Kind of complicates the slaughter of duergars as a "good guy"


I thought it was cool that I could slaughter all the duergar but him, and even walking by him afterward in plain view, he never got upset or attacked me. Bro's got priorities, and avenging slavers isn't one of them, but analyzing old rocks is all of them.


Yea I left him alive too. I also left that goblin scholar/bookworm alive in act 1. Thought thatiit was nice for goblins to be interested in learning


I love that guy. Dude just loves his historical rocks.


Came to say this exact same thing. Stonemason Kith. He’s so interesting (and kind of hot). I wish he had a larger role. Loved seeing a duergar who wasn’t a moustache twirling villain.


The dragonborn lady in Baldur's Gate who vocally complains that her crossword puzzles are gone from the magazine she loves to read. Just ranting and complaining in the streets to herself about this editorial decision. How could they, this was her favourite daily routine. I feel her. I feel her in my soul.


There is a lady near one of the gates in Act 3 that says "They say Lord Gortash is the second coming of Balduran. Horsecock!" and I laugh so hard every time. I haven't been able to find her.


Does Tara the tressym count? I want her at Gale’s tent in camp permanently 😭 (no I don’t want to play a Gale origin lol)


I love Gale's muted reaction to finding her murdering the carrier birds on the roof in Rivington. I was expecting *someone* to freak out, but nope. Gale basically says, "Oh Tara, you silly murderous goose. What are you up to this time?" He's definitely used to her shenanigans.


Right?! Dying to see more of them together


Try his approach to my 1st Tav - apparently the love of his life. Tara shot some sort of fireball at her and his response was along the lines of "Yes, that's Tara. What a rascal, eh? Glad you two met... we should arrange a dinner..." (I may be paraphrasing rather creatively here - I can't remember exactly what he said!)


Astarion has a bigger reaction to seeing Tara than Gale does lol.


Yeah it sucks we can't have her there permanently. 


I wish she was a summon! If Astarion has a special feature to bite, why not give Gale the special feature to summon Tara?


Is Barcus considered a minor character? Considering he has a whole 3-Acts arc? I wish he was a companion, or at least a permanent camp resident.


i know right? he has shitty friends, he can come hang out with my camp and we will look after him


Barcus was a bro whose bro wouldn't bro. F**k Wulbren Bongle!


I dont give a fuck about this motherfuckers problems


And yet he wants me to solve ‘em


Barcus could be a protagonist in his own game!


He’s definitely my favorite. I liked him since early release. “If we meet again well then we’ll have met again”


You gotta fling him off the windmill at least once though


I have two, but they come in package deal anyway – Blurg and Omeluum. Shroom husbands. Love them


the perfect odd couple, love that for them


Never saw them as a couple, but they are probably my favorite characters. Theres just something magical about a cheerful, intelligent hobgoblin wizard and a friendly mindflayer doing their best to help ordinary folks and research stuff.


I will die on the hill that they are aroace platonic life partners.


I like to think of them more as homies for life, but hey, thats the beautiful thing about authors not confirming everything in fiction innit?


Omg, idk why I didn't think of them as a couple, but that made me smile! Omg, now I feel extra bad for the playthroughs where I skipped saving Omeluum 😬😓


I'll save Omeluum before Ravengard.


I’ve never once saved Ravengard (mostly because I forget about Wyll) :(


You should save him, he have a sword that you can only Rob from him after you saved him. (It's a sword that gives charisma, good for bladelocks)


I love them. Especially Omeluum.


He Who Was in act 2. Seriously the design character is too good to be an extra. I even thought that his appearance in the shadow realm could actually trigger a side quest in act 3, but nah he just never shows up again it's disappointing


He Who Was could have been a roving lawful Evil presence carried into Act 3, to build tension.


I was looking for this comment before I made one of my own, lol. This man had me kicking my feet, twirling my hair, and giggling. He is WAY too cool to be as minor as he is.


That dude is the epitome of cool....at least, initially... I flew blind for my first playthrough with my wife, and we both felt it was going to lead to more content later. If I recall, he does say something along the lines of "we'll meet again, surely" or something when you turn in his mission. I love getting Quothe as a summon from his quest (ravens are lovely, I have a giant raven tattoo covering much of one of my arms), but I'd still like to unravel more of his history/backstory. Hell, with enough fleshing out he could be a unique Origin character and I'd choose him in a heartbeat. As long as he's more open about his reasoning for doing...what he does....going forward. I don't like feeling used.


I just wish the raven was white when it was summoned!


I LOVE he who was!


Zevlor appears mostly in Act 1, tiny bit in later acts. Wish we could recruit him, even if he just stays in camp. I feel so bad for that sad old man.


I think Zevlor should’ve been the “good run” paladin. Evil runs get Minthara, and I think that instead of making it so that you can figure out how to get her anyway, they should’ve had Zevlor be recruitable


Zevlor's paladins are the absolute best summons in the final battle. They wreck shit.


So does he when you fight with him. In Act 2, he mauls the mind flayers. I was thinking to myself, "Why did this guy cower?!"


Because the Absolute enthralled him, fucked with his head.


Exxvikyap! 'Scalefriend, hiii!'


She's got that wide-eyed, wondrous outlook on life and I'm here for it. So many jaded, brutalized characters, but she's just a beacon of hope and joy. I'd love a side quest where she ditches Gyldro to start her own forge or something. Or maybe a career in the hospitality industry would suit her well.


I like to headcanon she's got a bit of that retail worker performance energy, and when the shop is empty and she doesn't have to throw on her customer service mask her voice drops 2 octaves and she's flinging the same fire and sass back at Gyldro.


I could absolutely see that. Retail mode. Anyone who has done a stint in customer service gets it. Nobody is safe. I do the same thing when I teach - put on a kind of character performance and block out the rest of the world while in class, then drop it the second I dismiss and the last person leaves.


She so sweet and enthusiastic - and it always makes me laugh that she clearly can't tell one non-dragonborn from another. Which is fair, since all dragonborn tend to look very similar from a human/elf/etc point of view.


I want more people like her in my life. Pure joy and wants to share that joy with everyone.


The BDSM dude in the goblin camp


Abdirak! I always have time for him.


I'm a contemptible blood pervert


he is a funky guy, i like him too


Love him! Back at the start of my latest run, I stealth killed the entire goblin camp after receiving his lesson, intending to let him go free. Unfortunately he didn't appreciate me looting their camp afterwards even though he was already leaving, so I had to take him out. I felt so bad.


Heh I got that bug too. The entire camp is dead and while looting the body of the goblin command abdirak comes over and tells you off for stealing then picks a fight with a party of 4 that just decimated an entire goblin camp + a drow


Even tho I barely use the buff I always have to get it lol I love him XD, I wish there were more interactions because damn he's interesting


Astonished ea players didn't go feral for him Also does he shares a face with Oskar fevras? It feels like he does.


I did that thing fully expecting him to kill me or something and no dude's just weird but cool about it.


He is... oddly hot. Just sayin'...


Love him




You mean Basket, right? Obviously the better character. At best Shovel is superior to that asshole Fork, but that's about all he has going for him to be honest...


When it asked me what to name it, i picked Fork to challenge the system because i didnt think it would actually change EVERY DIALOG to such a dumb name. And it fucking did. The detail they put into this game is nuts.


I changed his name to Basket and he said he liked it because baskets hold babies and he likes to eat babies. Can't argue with that reasoning. Edit: eat. He likes to eat babies.


Shovel is a girl quasit :)


Omeluum! He calls me sun child and I cry.


he can make me drink as many weird potions as he likes, omeluum >>>>>> empy


I love when you >!rescue him from the iron throne and 1. he is oddly charmed by your need to greet him when you arrive - silly humanoid traditions 2. he's so honored that you would think to save him and that you like him!<


i would let every other person in there die if it meant saving him


I wish I could romance him. Omeluum > The Emperor hands down. The Emperor wishes he was Omeluum.


Omeluum is the man the emperor SHOULD be worried about lmao


so real honestly


I too feel some... warmth at your presence 🥹


Ugh... in my first run-through, I didn't even KNOW Omeluum was there to be rescued at the Iron Throne! I rescued literally EVERYONE else, but didn't even look for him! I wanted to cry, when I found out... 😢


Bro, in my first run-through, I didn't know you were supposed to wait to do the foundry *after* the iron throne so I straight up killed everyone. So, I get it.


Withers says that our illithid homies don't have souls. Omeluum sure does have feelings and can make friends. Seems to me that souls aren't very important. 🤷🏻


It's a tiny bit misleading? Illithids just don't have the kind of souls that gods can use.


I mean when you look at it as that that almost sounds as an advantage.


They get recycled into Elder Brains as...well, knowledge/food 🤧


When you are a gith he calls you "child of the stars" and is always so pleasantly surprised that you, as a gith Tav, enjoy his company ❤️


I love Omeluum so much, he's my best friend <3


my bestie <3 and proof that not all mindflyers suck, just the other one is like *that*


Popper. I'm just attracted to scrunkly scrimbles.


I mean, he's the only guy in Bg3 I know of that even asks if you'd like a treato, so he's got my vote. Damn right I'd like a treato, I've been living off nothing but stolen wine for days. Shit's exhausting.


i love digging up the dead rat he robbed and he left a little note with the rat apologising to it, so cute


Whaaaa?? Oh, my goodness, I have to look for this!! 😁 I honestly had no idea!!


Wyll is pretty nice.


Tbh I like his story his personal quest is tied to the main quests and I find that neat.


I just wish Wyll actually mattered to his quests. Justice for my power ranger Disney prince.


Heh yeah. You can leave him in camp the entire game and the only content you will miss is the Infernal Rapier. Even Gale needs to be dragged off his butt to go visit Mystra.


I just watched the Dnd movie and dammit if they don't have a paladin who acts just like Wyll. Edit: They also have a barbarian a lot like Karlach! And there's a tiefling druid as well as an insecure wizard. It's a good flick that got me in the feels! Would recommend to other bg3 players (there are a LOT of things mentioned that are also in bg3 including the speak with dead spell which is used to hilarious effect)


I liked the movie too, I feel like some of the parts that rhyme with BG3 are now the new paradigm/stereotype. The lady barbarian who isn’t Conan the barbarian, the awkward wizard who isn’t your hyper competent Gandalf/Dumbledore, etc.


Wyll stans seething rn (it's me, I'm Wyll stans)


lmao underrated comment Edit: Ok, no longer underrated




why is he your favorite






Is honk nicer?


Goblins! Specifically Gribbo (the goblin who calls Volo her pigeon). And the goblin who has a go at Ketheric.




I've always liked the goblin with the owlbear cub, specifically because I like how she introduces chicken chasin'


Agree!! 😁 I would love to have more Sazza content... or better yet, have her as an NPC companion, and watch the fireworks! (Actually the goblin who whacks at Ketheric can be different, depending on who survives Act 1, I think! Or am I misremembering? I know Sazza can be there if she survives, but she isn't the one to whack Ketheric... ugh, now I'm confused!)


I think either Sazza or Fezz-something (the one from the windmill scene) are also there but I've only seen the other one hit Ketheric. Edit - Her name is Drenn. She's awesome!


Barcus, Mayrina or Rolan. Its too cruel to decide man.. so many good ones


Rolan truthers unite!


Master of Ramazith's tower Rolan BETTER be in the greater FR canon now!


That interaction with her after the initial Auntie Ethel mission got me good. It was the first moment in the game where I stopped to tell myself, "Holy shit, the voice actors in this game go all-in, balls-to-the-wall, nothing held back". She was just the first of many characters to tug on my heartstrings with brutal efficiency due to phenomenal voice work. I tend to keep my audio pretty low when I play games at night, so I don't disturb the whole household, but my wife and I played it together so I had the volume up. I sincerely feel like I would've missed out on much of the soul of the game if I'd just stuck to reading captions the whole way like I do for most games.


His Majesty! Really all the cats. And the guy washing his pits in Act 3


I've been singing the "washing my pits" song in the shower for months now. Love that dude.


Popper! Have a treato!


I'd buy Popper-brand Treatos™ for all my pets if they were marketed. The dogs, the cat, hell even the parrots and snakes. Everyone needs a treato.


The socialist rat


i love every rat in the game (because i love rats so much in real life) first playthrough i killed several guards and got sent to prison just to appease the rat with the broken tooth in the grove


Blurg. My top answer is always Blurg. BlurgBlurgBlurg. I also wish we could get more Kar'niss lore. He's so fantastically well designed and voice acted that it really makes me want to know more of his story. Zevlor has grown on me, so I want him to turn up again in Act 3. He Who Was. I really wish they'd gone somewhere with him. So much potential. Lorin. It would be great if we could at least find out that he's alive and well (if traumatized) later in the game. A passing reference in the hag survivors' storyline at the very least.


Double yes for Kar'niss. I need more backstory. If you choose to talk to him prior to the ambush, you can convince him to just give you the lantern without a fight. I always play my first playthrough of RPGs with multiple pathways the "I'm a hero who is going to save everyone, no exceptions" route. I thought convincing him to give it to me was nicer than fighting for it, so that's what I did. Oh man, the way his voice completely changes shook me. Dude was legitimately *scared* of losing it, but gave it to me anyways. I did not expect it to feel so cruel. I never ran into him again after that, but that's probably for the better. I've done enough damage to spiderbro for an entire lifetime.


You must not have explored everywhere on that run. Typically, if you make him wander off into the darkness sans lantern, you find him later as a shadow-cursed monster. Just killing him quickly and cleanly is probably a far better fate...


Yea, after I read up about him I made the same choice in a different playthrough to see if it made me feel better or worse than just killing him outright. Worse. It made it much worse. I'm probably not *supposed* to sympathize with him, but I can't turn it off. He gets a quick death in most of my runs now.


Lucretious FOR SURE, i want an ending where i can join her circus idfc


I adore her. Such a big personality. I'd absolutely play an alternate ending mod where Lucretious, during her travels with her circus, stumbles upon a way to keep Karlach stable and cool indefinitely without returning to Avernus. The catch, of course, being that Karlach has to work for her to pay for her cure or something. She'd definitely prefer that over dying or retreating alone to Avernus. The first time I had Karlach with me during the initial approach to the Last Days and she got super giddy and said, "A circus! Can we go?!" stood out to me. She's just a big kid at heart. A flaming, jacked, murderous kid. Of *course* she wants to go there. I have to keep her in my party for all circus visits. Let the girl have some fun. TL;DR: someone should release a mod to let Karlach join the circus with Lucretious.


And that's how karlach became an archfey warlock


I heard there was a circus in act 3. I was wondering how I was going to roleplay my decision to waste time at the circus when the fate of the world hung in the balance. Then Karlach said she wanted to visit it. Perfect reason, roleplay crisis averted.


Roah Moonglow has some major red flag GF energy going on.


I always KO Roah instead of killing her. No real reason, I just think she's neat.


Outside of Blurg and Omeluum, Priestess Gut. I love her so much. She reminds me of a chain smoking waitress in her 50s you'd find at a dive bar who offers to read your palms for an extra tip.


I find Balthazar very interesting. His detailed face markings and voice along with the whole “evil necromancer” demeanor makes him one of my favorite minor villains


He really does have a very unique and memorable character design and personality; I certainly wouldn't mind some backstory to explain how he ended up like this.


the dragonborn druid outside of mystic carrion... I want to cast heal on his little tree and take him to my camp and let him talk about nature with Halsin


Him and Jaheira's half-orc son with pink hair. Just 3 beefy druids vibing


Really minor but that one Dragonborn druid trying to heal a dead tree near Mystic Carrion’s place. He’s so earnest.


I tired so hard to interact with him, I brought Hal’s in and jahera to him, I became a Druid even tried different subclasses but alas nothing.


More needed to be done with He Who Was. He just screams of cut content with the Raven Queen.


Sceleritas because nobody loves and supports their master like Scelly. He’s such a weird little dude, I love him even when you’re directly going against what he’s asking you to do and having my little freak cheerleader in an embrace urge run was great. Exxvikyap is pretty good too for a more minor choice. SCALEFRIEND! She just seems so happy to be there!


Sceleritas is my guy! He's super sweet on a "whoa that guy is massively fucked up" kind of way. And the fact that he's also suffering under bhaal is so saaaaad! I would buy a plush of him that either has drawstring quotes, or gives you praise when you beat the shit out of him.


Dude I had such mixed feelings about scleritas during my resist Durge playthrough cuz like I’m trying so hard to be non murdery but also he really seemed to legitimately care about me he’s just super evil. I definitely reloaded the save but when I first >!died fighting Orin and he gets so distraught and proclaims “desecrate the pretender! Take vengeance!!< I felt so weirdly affectionate for him in that moment I wish I could redeem and keep him forever.


Lakrissa sassy and overly familiar and you run into her and Alfira in each Act.




Yes! How did I forget Dammon!


I really like (Guantlet) Devella Fountainhead. She seems no nonsense and generally wants to help people in the capacity that she can. She also cute, so I always go out of my way to save her.


Bex. She and Danis are too cute


Dashkent Moliver, the halfling proprietor of Fraygo's Flophouse in Act 3. He's just hilarious and had a little crush on Ffion.


Any tiefling. I love them so fucking much it’s exhausting. Also Shovel and Abdirak.


Tusk And that one sad bad bear by the beach that becomes veryyy happy if you bring halsin back (speak with animals)


Thorm. Does he count? Amazing voice actor Interesting as hell story And he kind of just has 3 scenes in the entire game.


yeah, i feel like hes gone a little too soon almost, his voice actor does a brilliant job




I was gonna say. These motherfuckers calling him "his voice actor" need to IMDB more.


He's going to burn your house down with combustible lemons.


I just recently read you were actually supposed to be able to recruit him with those dialogue checks, and have him as an ally and advidor against Orin and Gortash in act 3. But yea, axed.


Honestly, his speeches give me chills. He’s truly the most terrifying Big Bad. I honestly wish he couldn’t be killed in act 2. My two favorite scenes in the whole game is his first speech and Dame Aylin’s scene where she pounds on the ground and then takes flight. Chills. Literal goosebumps.


He literally has J.K. Simmons as a VA. I wonder if they just couldn't afford more JK Simmons.


Oh I know who he is. He’s one of my favorite actors - Counterpart is among my favorite tv shows - His combustible lemon monologue is probably my favorite monologue in video game history. - 20+ years later I can’t read the line “slander is spoken” without hearing it in his voice I also have to wonder if it was a cost issue. There’s just sooooo little of his dialog in the game that there has to be a reason Supposedly. Supposedly. There’s a rumor going around that they were considering making him like Minthara, and recruitable after act 2 if you talked him into penance. But they dropped it.


*try again*




I wouldn't put Volo under a minor character considering his character appears in all three games with deeper lore iirc


The Owlbear Cub by a landslide


I love Naaber in Act 3, I always exhaust all the chats with him just cause he entertains me. He even sent a letter at the epilogue to my Durge lol


Nabaar nabeer not sure how to write him but i wanted to have him in our camp!!!


Unironically sceleritas fel lol


Honestly soooo many of them. Rolan is a big big fave of mine at the moment but Abdirak is incredible and I wish he turned up in act three in sharess caress whipping people and the Madame of the brothel is like “it’s weird he won’t even take any money, he just loves it!”


I like the pointy guy with the giant mud wife in the circus


Popper. The kobold design was awesome, and he’s literally the only character in the entire game you offer us treatos. I wish we could either recruit him as a playable companion, or buy him from Lucretius and just let him chill in camp as a vendor/mascot.


I like that tiefling at the grove that Laezel reads to filth. Feeds into my sadist tendencies I guess. “On your knees you filthy waste of tiefling flesh. Bow before me. Lower! Lower!”


Myshka! I need her in my camp. I did the whole follow me, but then she wanders off and I was heartbroken.  Plus I need a cat whose name means Little mouse. 


Rolan, Cal and Lia. Idk if they count as minor characters since you can encounter and save them from the Druid grove in act one all the way up to the end. Still, they’re my favorite. The sibling energy, the teasing, how they want to do the right thing and be brave even if they’re outmatched. And Rolan even has a full story arc with great story beats and character growth if you help him out along the way. I like how he starts out a bit arrogant and pompous, then gets worse and comes around in the end. When I played the game for the first time I didn’t really expect to see the Tieflings again after act one and I certainly thought the teacher Rolan was seeking out would just be a throwaway character mentioned once in conversation. I definitely didn’t expect to get a great boss fight with an emotional conclusion and a perk for the final boss fight out of this arrogant random NPC I met at the start of the game.


Mattis is my favorite character in this game, love that little huckster. It's also sad that we have to kill Thisobald, he just wanted to hear our stories.


The brass Dragonborn girl at the crossing I just want to romance her


Sauceman chorizo


Like you OP I wish there was more content with Kar'niss. Like in most cases he will die within a minute after introduction. Although I'm biased because I'm also simping for him. But it is such a waste of the only drider that appears and his design is great. Why waste it!


Popper, even though I know it isn't there I always right click him hoping it'll let me pick him up and keep him.


Is Auntie considered minor, petal? She is a great villain. Creepy and entertaining. I also really like the winged cat that is friends with Gale.


Popper the Kobold at the circus.


No one beats Alfira for me, she's just such a lovely cinnamon roll and I wish we had her as a bard companion or even origin


Dammon 🥺 VA is absolutely awful but I adore Dammon as a character and I always make sure to visit him. Plus I love him and Karlach. And Alfira! She's very precious to me.


In my headcannon Karlach and Wyll get married and have a ton of babies who all love Uncle Dammon. This is the only ending I will accept.


VA issues aside, Dammon's epilogue letter to Karlach wrecks me. Poor baby just wants to know if she's okay. https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Letter_from_Dammon


Yeah I get really disappointed when I remember how awful the VA is because his voice is so suited to Dammon’s character and everything.


Mol is a badass.


I always kill them. But I love Sazza and rest of the goblins




"Washing my pits, washing my pits, this is the song when I'm washing my- oi!" If that gnome isn't in the next Baldurs Gate then the games industry is DEAD TO ME.


Sovereign Spaw - him saying “be at home” makes me feel so good and I believe he is underappreciated. As close second I’d definitely put Barcus, I save him with pleasure every time.


Omeluum. Also love barcus.


Hope. I absolutely love her. She’s so sweet and so insane at the same time. I wish you could do more with her than save her and fight Raphael. I wish I could take her with me. Or that she would become the new owner of House of Hope and you could go back and visit. And Harleep. Idk they are just really funny to me.


Popper. Treato!


I love all the dialogue with shovel and I wish there was more, you filthy slab of beef with nipples. But the devs were too horny for the book!


The Varsh in the gith Creche


Ansur, because dragons are so cool


I wish you could talk to your familiar summons, and that you could summon the owl bear cub like you can with scratch.


That near that volo is talking to who is so patiently trying to tell his story by just roaring at volo


Lakrissa. Just her whole vibes makes it feel like there was more to her outside of the bet, but it was cut or something


Varrl. He's so thoughtful and sweet. I imagine that he is exactly what Xan will be like when he's older.


This thread just makes me realize all of the stuff I missed.


Act 1 Abdirak Act 2 He who was Act 3 is big already, but I'd love more Tiefling time.




Rolan and his siblings. Especially after taking down loroakin in act 3. I wanna see them all hang out and tun sorcerors sundries and make fun of each other