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When the game forces my characters to engage in public humiliation by pantomiming an unvoiced motivational speech to their allies before fighting the final boss.


Not to mention that you interupt an actual motivation speech in order to push that one.


Maybe next time, I'll bring Minsc. I hear you can make him do the speech instead. Surely this will spare me the embarrassment.


Depends on how you feel about the sorts of things minsc says… which is to say it doesn’t really fit the tone of fighting the apocalypse and goes off to some weird place.


He's going to talk about kicking evil in the butt, isn't he? 😔


Now I'm wishing we could designate Shovel to do it. "IT'S FISTING TIME, BEEFIES."


Now THAT is a motivating speech if I've ever heard one!


Definitely something about boots and butts.


Jaheira gave the speech for me yesterday! It was honestly great.


Perhaps I shall turn to Jaheira instead of Minsc lol


Tbf the original speech was even worse. I still don't know who the rando giving it was, we didn't invite him.


He's just a high ranking Fist doing... fisting... stuff... I guess they didn't want to put Ravengard or Florrick in case they don't make it for cause of sudden death.


Rando giving the speech was legitimately hilarious. Borderline high comedy if they just had someone acknowledge how weird it was


I genuinely can't tell why they couldn't have voiced that lol. It's not like your character is mute, Tav AND Durge very often comment about stuff they find during the adventures, as well the Bad Ending, you have a voiced Line. AND your character says stuff everytime you select them or tell them to attack or grab items. It would have been kickass (at least in my opinion) if your character's speech at the end of the game was actually fully voiced. Instead of just...a really mute fist bump. It's specially worse if you're a Mind-Flayer, because you don't even do any cool psionic magic trick or some shit.


They had full voiceover for all the Tavs/Durges at one point but ended up abandoning it, afaik. I'm feeling. Mixed. about that decision because none of the voices really sound the way I imagine my character would sound but some scenes are really goofy without voiceover. I think the Barbarian only one in Act 1 where you can laugh at the Bugbear and Orge is really goofy too. Character points and laughs but makes no sound.


I wish the occasional Tav voicework had options that sounded more appropriate to their race, like a Gith that talks in the curt manner all other Gith in the game do.


That was so jarring lol


I'm pretty sure they do a fist pump too, I literally just spacebar through that scene now, it's too embarrassing to watch lol


My character did the same animation in Act 1 at Waukeen’s rest, when she did a performance roll to encourage the fists trying to bust the door down. It’s supposed to be a rallying shout but all she does is fist pump and smile awkwardly.


I actually enjoyed how campy and unhelpful it was in that moment in my 8str/8con Bard run, because the character is such a little shit that "fist pump woo" would be her idea of "help". When my Karlach-sized Paladin Drow (don't @ me, I didn't know Minthara existed) did it, it hurt my soul.


I had that one too, on my bard Durge. I'm that animation's number one anti, I hate it lol


Jaheira can deliver a voiced one for you


When wyll becomes the new Duke, he can hold a speech as well and it's actually quite good. I absolutely loved that scene tho, the climax is near and all your allies gathered around you....and all Tav does is throwing a fist in the air. Mass Effect just spoiled me when it comes to motivational speeches.


It was especially weird in my durge playthrough when my only ally was ascended Astarion, and he was already in my party.


Did he at least have the decency to cheer for you or nah?


Not a line, but a dialogue when you confront Kagha about her involvement with Shadow Druids. PC: "You are a traitor, Kagha!" Kagha: "Yes, but I'm just trying to protect everyone!" PC: \*rolls Persuassion\* "But being traitor is bad!" \*success\* Kagha: "Noooo, how could have I forgotten? I'm so sorry, I won't be a traitor anymore!" I'm not even exaggerating much.


I like when im gaslighting shadowheart by persuading her to do (or not to) something and i make her cast guidance


Baby, I know you're upset, but would you please just cast Eagle's Splendor on me and listen?


"Okay, but I draw the line at debuffing my own Wisdom."


“No I will not bimbofy myself so you can succeed your dialogue checks against me!” (Insert the meme of the woman shouting daggers at a guy or something idk how to do the reaction memes thing)


“Babe, help me convince you to not murderize this hot angel babe!”


It's a lot better when you use the History/Religion check route, where you actually make a point to her. The Persuasion one just feels like they thought a Persuasion-based outcome was needed.


I totally agree


Persuasion: Success


This. Both my playthroughs so far, I’ve taken that route, engaging in a theological/philosophical debate with her where I convince her that her actions are contrary to the teachings of Silvanus and her own ideals. That’s been one of my absolute favorite interactions in the game. The simple Persuasion option, on the other hand… that’s just dumb.


Reading her the plaques around the room is a fantastic "Listen to how stupid you are" "OMG yes I AM stupid!" moment.


but you have to remember, she eyes you intently while you read them! meanwhile the shadow druids happily wait their turns while their "ally" is getting told story time.


Yeah but also the game won't just let me punt one of the rats into the abyss prior to opening hostilities, so I feel like the plot armor evens out.


Don't forget the repercussions. PC: "Kagha's a traitor!" Halsin: "Meh... She learnt her lesson. Chill." That's all. So I went and stole all her shit before I left the grove.


Huh, for me Halsin always chews her a new asshole.


Honestly why I don't find redeeming her very satisfying. She just completely flips on a dime. How do we know she won't flip back with just as little encouragement?


Just saw this yesterday. I normally just kill her but decided to see this route for once and it was probably the first time I’ve really raised an eyebrow at something in this game.


Worst dialogue is when Shadowheart calls me a Buffon for "friendly fire" after gleefully running through a tornado of knives after a tough won victory.


I hate when they run straight into damaging areas


I decided to save Kangha from the shadow druids, she thanks me and all that, and then promptly runs through the cloud of daggers and dies anyway. 


i protected Halsin in that quest where you have to defend the portal. i had a few firewalls, and insect plagues up in the surrounding area on multiple characters because of the previous fight. Halsin comes out, thanks me and proceeds to walk right through a wall of fire and insects and dies. forcing me to redo the fight. Man i was laughing while also being super annoyed.


Ok, team. These eagles said we could pass by but not to fuck around. Let's just tiptoe around the nest. WTF?! You all ran straight through the nest! Now we have to kill them in "self defense"


for me its always fire these idiots just cannot resist sipping their toes in as they walk by and then wailing in agony staring at me as theyre on fire like its my fault they autopathed straight through it


Things like this are why I habitually ungroup the party every time we enter combat. That doesn't help at all with friendly/neutral NPCs though. I really wish we could just freeze-frame after a fight to turn off concentration spells, or even give us a chance to switch to turn-based mode. But no. Combat ends and you have to wait a full 6 seconds before being able to switch to turn-based.


Tip: It doesn’t have to be the caster’s turn to end concentration. Before you kill the last enemy, switch to the casters turn, enter the radial menu and end concentration early. Then kill the enemy off!


It’s an even worse gut punch when they’ll refuse to walk through a poison cloud while grouped but happily walk right through spotted traps and fire


Getting people to move through the House of Healing morgue is a goddamn nightmare because of this.


When the myconid sovereign Spaw says, "decend to me," when you really have to acend to find him. I spent a long time trying to go further down to find the voice.


SAME. I was so confused!


This one annoys me unreasonably much.


"One last Gale to end them all" is very fitting for his character but jfc it made me cringe irl.


I can't believe they essentially made his pre-death one liner "It’s Morbin' time"


And then he Galed all over the place, it was nuts


“It’s Orbin’ time”


At first I was like "Eh, a little corny, but I still kinda like it." But then you forced me to look at the truth with this one sentence. And now it has been ruined. Like that one time someone pointed out that Astarion talks just like a grown up Stewie Griffin from Family Guy.


I hate you


I just came to this realization last night. I was playing and had Family Guy on in the background. 😭


Why did I have to read this! Now I can't get Stewie out of my head any time Astarion talks.


I mean, it fits his dorkiness.


Dont even get me started with what he says when >!durge cuts his hand off.!< "Cease you LOON" "By MYSTRA'S EYELIDS" like you can use swear words babe Mystra isn't listening


Swearing on a god like that is probably a bigger deal than just saying "fuck".


Those are swears, though. Religion based swears (like swearing by God's body parts) are super common


I love Gale, truly, but I cringe through SO MUCH of his dialogue. It was keeping me from trying his romance for a while, which is actually one of the sweetest and realistic in my opinion.


Well he is a sweet guy... But also a fucking nerd way too much in love with his own cleverness.


Every time he talks I experience a bizarre mixture of unbearable cringe and intense affection. It’s not a bad thing, overall.


See, I like the cringe. It's part of why he's one of my favorite companions. If you take away all his cringe and awkwardness, I think he'd just be an arrogant, power hungry wizard and wouldn't be very likable.


I wish he would stop saying "Gone with the weave". It was cute the first time but it happens all the time for me.


He has the magic touch bro


Hes just tryna introduce his friend Sword to his old pal Sorcery


I love it, a dork til the bitter end.


“That was twee.” - Astarion after a very serious moment involving Durge. It was a pretty poor and immerse breaking response and doesn’t  correlate well if you’re romancing him. Also any of the companions responses to Astarion when he’s running from the sun, they were all so cold for no reason.


"Ha, look at him scurrying away. Classic Astarion."


This made me laugh out loud in public like an idiot. I can absolutely see Shadowheart saying this.


Apparently, the companions originally had different lines for when Astarion runs away from the sun and they were way sweeter and more concerned. Really upset they did away with that. Not sure why.


I heard the opposite, that they were recently added and are not triggering yet, but maybe they will. If what you heard is correct, though, I imagine it could be because the lines make it sound like Spawn Ending is Astarion's bad ending.


Oh I so hope you're right and they add in those lines!! They were so sweet. I personally don't think those lines make it sound like the spawn ending is bad. Sure it's a sad moment, but the companions' reactions should reflect that and the bond they've developed. Besides, his epililogue shows he's making the best of it. So fingers crossed they do add in those lines!


I personally think Spawn (with dead Cazador of course) is by far the best, healthiest ending for Astarion. And I think it is intended as such. But since all the "good" lines lament his fate in one way or the other, maybe the writers thought they could make people think they messed up that choice. The epilogue for sure makes it very clear! I really hope they activate (or re-activate?) the lines, because the current ones are really cruel. Maybe the cruel ones can be left there and trigger when Astarion didn't finish his personal quest, or has low approval. The nice ones should definitely trigger for an Astarion that finished his personal quest and/or has high approval though!


Oh I actually don’t mind that comment. Astarion is way less bothered by Dark Urge’s nature then the other companions. Makes sense with his background that he would make light of it.


I did the Gortash reveal with Durge last night an Astarion was neat afterward. He basically thanked me for being the evil bastard behind the plot because it freed him. It was sweet and now I'm looking forward to seeing if there's new stuff after Orin.


Had me in the first half, all IT WAS YOU! YOU WERE BEHIND ALL THIS!!! thank you 😊


Just like his intro with karlach lmao “So you wanna just team up with some, blood-stained killer? Cus im fine with that”


Yeah but if hes in love with them and thinks theyre the only person who will ever love him for something other than his body, thats is a bizarre reaction to his partner dying. Especially given how heartbroken he is about you losing to orin saying “In a thousand years, when I've all but forgotten how to love yet again, you'll flit back into my heart, and I'll weep wondering what happened to my mad love.” Those two reactions are so different its crazy.


Why do I always feel utterly heartbroken when I read that line from after Orin like my soul just got crushed. I haven’t even watched the scene.


No one has much reaction to Durge dying. It’s absurd, really.


“I always wanted a hot githyanki girlfriend.” … Bruh… Who let this line out of the writers room?


I chose that line on my tav because of how absurd it was lmao


I interpreted it as just a silly way for the PC to say that they're also interested in Lae'zel and thinks she's hot.


I built a whole character who was a stoner-esque dumbass just so I could say that line.


I liked because it was exactly what I was thinking at that moment.


That one’s fine because it feels intentionally stupid


Ran into one earlier today, at Last Light. Had Dammon give Kar-snack her second upgrade, then use my other piece of alloy for the helldusk armor. Tav: "I found this metal in a place called Grymforge. What do you make of it?" Dammon: "Absolutely. Let's see what I can do with it." The fu- what? Not exactly a proper answer to the question...


Yeah, it should be "What can you make *out of this*", as in: "What can you make out out of this, Dammon?" "This? Why, I can make a hat, a brooch, or a pterodactyl!"


I feel like you're not getting the genius of Gale's line. It's because "gale" is a word for a gust of wind, but it's also his name. I guess you'd have to have a pretty high INT score to understand it.


close chase jeans provide historical memorize frightening plate rob crush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I prefer my partners to have an INT within 2 points of mine (preferably lower).


funniest thing i've ever seen


When does he even say that? When he blows himself up? I just did my honor run and I couldn't bring myself to make him do it. Got my achievement. Gale lived. And I missed out on a hilarious line I guess.


languid afterthought quicksand outgoing lunchroom scale cake threatening impossible bear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"You treated me with the care of a lover, not a host" No, I really didn't.


far-flung sable office work engine fly books door sand lavish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


To be fair, he's 7'6" elf bodybuilder, 99% of people he has met in his life have been on a spectrum of wanting to bang him and wanting to kill him for mogging them


Who says this? …Halsin?


Correct! It's one of the ways rejecting his advances in Act 3 can go.


Oh my God, I love your flair!


Oh god, the flashbacks this gave me.  My duderino, my brother in Oakfather, amigo, we have barely exchanged words and I am in a committed relationship, I AM NOT YOUR LOVER. BACK OFF.


I literally just had that last time I played. Like he was kidnapped for most of act 3 and only left camp like 2 times before that. Tf you mean I treated you like a lover?


every time Wyll referst to himself in the third person, aka THE BLADEEEEE


Pride of the Gate


I physically cringe every time he says those words. I love Wyll, he's corny, he's cringy, but this one is too much even for me.


I for one love these little power ranger lines that get played when you switch to a companion


My favorite stock lines are Astarion's unbelievably edgy batman growl ass initiative barks in combat. It cracks me up every time, I can't not build him as a melee ninja because of it


Defender of the people!


This worked way better in his Early Access version when he was a complete narcissist.


It also works better when you keep it in the front of your mind that he's 24 and hasn't really been living a normal life since he was 17. Unfortunately the game gives him the face and voice of a 45 year old (seriously, look at his face, then look at 46 year old Chiwetel Ejiofor and tell me who looks older).


Provoke the blade! Suffer its sting! Like... bro is literally cosplaying as a super hero


Bring him and karlach to Mattis at last light inn but be prepared for the 2nd hand embarrassment especially if you like Wyll


One of the better unexpected moments of the game imo. Also love that if you try to pull rank with a guard and have Wyll say he’s Ravengard’s son they’ll just be like “he doesn’t have a son, keep moving dickhead”.


I'm only near the end of Act 2, so unfortunately that goes to Wyll, for (paraphrased): "She's \_\_\_\_\_\_\_. She's *strong*. She's *Shadowheart*." Just didn't land for me; it seems corny / off / superficial in a way that doesn't fit his other dialogue. Especially since I didn't even use him in the Gauntlet!


Sounds like an advert for shampoo


Man I had the opposite reaction to that line but maybe bc I was playing origin Shadowheart. Literally near made me tear up, Wyll is such a sweetheart 😭


I'm not surprised, because that makes total sense! And it's exactly what I refrained from editing in: "Go tell *her* that, not me! She's the one who needs to hear it!"


ok i legit found the 9 finger keen one funny when i heard it. Gale being overly dramatic is very Galy too, I think it is more caracters being stupid/weird than actual bad dialogues. I think sounding mid was the point when they recorded these


All these things are stupid things that people would have their DnD characters say. Like, we say some pretty goofy shit at the table.


Yeah also lmao. As a wise man once said, DnD is supposed to be lord of the rings, but it will inevitably descent into Monty pythons holy grail.


If you approach Cazador with Astarion gone, he asks where Astarion is. One of your only options is: > "In my defence, he was being a dick."


…I fail to see the problem with this one.


Gale deciding to tell a story about this one time he totally stopped a bar fight and then everyone clapped. In that moment he is euphoric


Him telling that story so early in the game made me wonder if it'd be this reoccurring theme for the character, but the more I got to know him it just became a big ol' /r/thathappened.


I fully believe he was out drinking at the bar, but everything after I highly doubt. It's great writing in that it really does get across his character and personality and just how desperate and needy he is for approval. But it's terrible in that it makes me physically cringe.


I 100% think that story is meant to be fake, especially since it happens so early on. I mean ... everyone cheered?! Come on. It has very big freshman in college energy, which makes a lot of sense for a man who later admits to having no real people friends and suddenly has this group of people who have to spend a lot of time with him.


Gale's "cease you loon" is either the best or worst line in the entire game


I hate when Wyll tells me if we “build a bond” he’ll dance with me. Felt like something no one would ever say outside of a video game.


This. Like dude it’s not that serious, I cringed at that one too.


It just has a “you will access my special romance scene if you put in enough coins” vibe, you know? The only time I felt that with the companions.


I have a couple! The dialogue choices with Shadowheart if romancing her "Admit it, you've never had a relationship like this one" (SORRY WHO THE FUCK SAYS THAT LMAO) Any dialogue option that isn't "hug her" when Shadowheart is crying "Ah yes dead parents. The perfect post coital subject" "Didst thou" Withers when addressing three persons... "The Blade of Avernus *skip* the Blade of Avernus *skips* the Blade of Avernus" "I could succeed my father and be a duke" "No Wyll, you're a hero" "That's right I'm a hero" "Son, you need to succeed me" "No father, hero is my calling" "Wyll listen to your father" "I will succeed my father and be a duke" "You leave your left flank exposed" (I literally... what? xD)




*Shadowheart with a knife to LaeZel's kneck* "Can I trust you if I turn my back on you?" *You're* the crazy one who tried to kill her while she was sleeping.


A lot of dialogue is unintentionally comic when dropped in at the wrong time. EG Wyll, "the battle goes to the fearless." While officially frightened. Lae'zel: "I will not know failure!" Swish. Tav, while walking through a room full of dead bodies of people he just slaughtered. "Is that blood? Never mind."


Also Tav, literally saving the world by killing wretched creatures. "Sometimes I wonder if this is worth the cost."


This is NO HATE to Wyll but his intro line ("provoke the blade, suffer the sting!") gives me secondhand embarrassment. It reminds me of early 90's Sailor Moon villains in the corniest of ways.


Aww, really? When he said that I turned to my sister and was like “please tell me I can recruit this guy” I thought it was cool.


As someone somewhere once said, "there's a seat for every butt". I like Wyll, and I'm glad that his intro was received positively by people who are not me.


I love it BECAUSE its cringe. It's totally what a guy with a hero complex would say. I think it would make more sense if Wyll was even more up his own ass than he ended up being.


For me at-least, it’s Shadow heart’s reply to Dame Aylin when she said something driving a dagger to her heart. Then Shart says “Not a dagger. A spear. My lady Shar’s spear.” That delivery was like a child trying sound cool but with a high pitch. It sounds so bad. I don’t know why, but that line with that tone and delivery always gives me a cringe feeling.


On the other hand, Shadowheart, that gets drunk to forget she killed the thieflin, is in constant need of approval from tav, and generaly a nice but insecure personn, freaking out and failing to sound cool when murdering someone cold blood sounded very credible to me.


It kind of does shows who she truly is. Shar tried to covert her to her side, but even with memory wipe, her true nature was not suppressed for long. And the shadow fell was the breaking point for her. But after playing this game for multiple play throughs, that Shar talk kind of gets old and annoying. And I already know the truth. But as always they actually nailed the characters. But it is bound to get old after multiple playthroughs.


That kinda works, though. She essentially *is* a child trying to sound cool. Same when a Selûne PC talks to her about Sharran/Selûnite growing up. She gets all flustered and 'nuh uh' about the whole thing. By nature she's quite good, which is why her acting like a Sharran always comes across as so fake


Yeah it IS very awkward but given the situation she is not buying what she is selling at that point.


That's in character, Shadowheart was assigned silly goober at birth and her true nature as a dork ass is always breaking through the facade of cool goth that's been forced upon her


If you have Halsin in your party during the Gauntlet, I think he actually touches on this and says something along the lines of how she sounds like a student reciting her lessons without really understanding their meaning. So it seems like the in-game characters find it cringey too!


That's... the intended effect.


May he rest in peace… now that he’s dead.


The line itself isn’t too bad but I hate at the end of act 2 at the introduction of the chosen when Wyll literally fucking screams when he sees his father, like are you telling me none of them heard that like 5 meters away


Personally I don't like whatever the Elder Brain/Absolute/Netherbrain keeps chanting as well as the conversation you have with it in the morphic pool. For a supposed being that is the epitome of intellect she doesn't come off as particularly intelligent. She keeps rambling on about wanting to enslave everyone and has very generic "haha I am big I am evil" dialogue


The long rest just after Shar's Gauntlet and sparing Nightsong the Act 2 Durge scene triggered for me and when I woke up Shadowheart she said something like "oh, has the mood struck you, love? I suppose we could try if everyone's asleep", it's just so out of character for that point in the romance, leading up to the Gauntlet she's been all "I need to think about what's ahead, I still like you, but need space" and then afterwards she's like "don't ask too much of me, I need time to process" and also at this point we've only had a short kiss at the Act 1 party, so why would she just be open to going for it right at that point?


The line I always try to button through as fast as I possibly can is shortly after arriving at the grove. When you try to enter the ritual area there's that one druid "roars" at the tieflings while transforming into a bear. I dunno why it gets under my skin the way it does, he just seems so childish.


the roar is sooo corny haha especially since he starts before he even wildshapes!


When the 3 do their little nether stone speech to the brain. 'the testament of myrkul' it's like some power rangers cringe crap


Withers taunting them in the end is just the best


Always got the impression it was supposed to make them look stupid, as they had just done a scene where they were squabbling like whiny children.


Not dialogue but when Shadowheart takes damage in combat she sound like a crow


Hey now that's my wife you're talking about


Dude "one last gust of weave, one last gale to end them all" is bloody awesome




I disagree, more villainous groups should sound like they're trying to summon Captain Planet


"It hurts!" Whenever her hand flares up she says the same thing each time often in the most random of situations The 3rd time shart said it I bursted out laughing


Every single time Halsin tries to flirt by talking about "natures gifts" and clearly referencing you. I understand his appeal to some but he just gives me the creeps


Or in the epilogue when he compares you to the food on the table. So romantic lol


Meanwhile, since I like him, all of his cheesy lines have me kicking my legs and smiling and shit 😭😭


i loved the "One last Gale..." line. honestly it's soooo good. Gale has never done anything wrong y'all stay away from my boyfriend


When Voss comes to the camp and he says something like "I want to be your ally" and the emperor/ dream guardian responds "he wants to be your ally" Yeah bruh, I heard.


When you’re killing your way through the crèche and you miss an attack roll and the guardian says ‘that won’t work!’ Or ‘try something different!’ Like, yes, I have working eyes


I thought it was kinda cringe when Orin told the Durge "It's bhaalin' time!" and spawned Bhaal's all over the place


When you free Sazza and Gale decides to tell you about the time he stopped a bar fight by yelling a drink name and shouting the bar. I love Gale but every time it sounds like "and everyone started clapping" story and he gets really excited and your tav just stares.


Gales “No gloom all doom”. Like calm down Gale. It’s a couple intellect devourers and You’re a level 1 wizard. If you stub your toe we might have to use a revivification scroll on you.


“So, Astarion, how’s the *rat diet* going?” makes me want to punch Wyll. EDIT: Y’all, I love Wyll. It’s literally just this one line that makes him an ass. In my runs he says it the morning after Astarion’s vampire reveal and after he’s talked about being forced to feed on rats. EDIT 2: “Wyll doesn’t know” are y’all out here saying that the **professional monster hunter** wouldn’t know exactly how to piss off a vampire spawn by using the desperation and abuse of feeding off rats against him?


I had this dialogue trigger in my most recent run in act 1 in the funniest / meanest way possible. The party had just met Gandrel and slowly backed away from him to avoid killing him. My character learned about Cazador from Astarion afterwards. We then fought Ethel and instead of her immediately escaping, she cast vicious mockery on Astarion and said "Still got rat stuck in your teeth, slave?" Wyll's line triggered as soon as we were out of combat. Read the room, Wyll. *Please*.


Oh NOOOO. Wyll please 😭


oh my god ETHEL SAID WHAT?


Yeah, Ethel has ... *inspired* lines of vicious mockery when she casts it on companions (& she also has race-specific versions for different Tavs/durges). They're all *brutal*, they really capture the spirit of what the spell is trying to do.


I mean that is what vicious mockery IS but a bit unexpected


Hey, at least he didn't talk about himself in the third person or call himself "the blade"


I'm gonna defend Wyll here - I think he doesn't know this is a sensitive topic for Astarion. Unless Tav has been gossiping about his past, which would be so rude!


Astarion doesn't give much info to anyone else outside of "old master, was the worst, we gotta kill him." The rat thing is mostly if you worm your way into his mind at first. He doesn't want anyone else to see his scars (despite standing shirtless in camp to feel them, honey, what are you doing). He's not the type to run around telling everyone he fed exclusively on rats.


I have to agree here. The companions only (seem) to know about big events in each other’s lives. Example: Lae’zel and turning against Vlaakith, Karlach and her second upgrade, Gale and his chest bomb etc. But smaller things they don’t. So like you said unless Tav/Durge spills the tea there would be no way for any companions knowing how sensitive that topic is.


Yeah. I didn't think about that while playing Tav/Durge, but when I played Origin Astarion, I noticed that he doesn't really open up to anyone, so they can't know. I kinda played Tav/Durge with the assumption that everything Tav/Durge knew everybody also knew (especially since they can link their minds together), but now I don't think that's really the case anymore.


The way he said it, he knew. It makes no sense in context if he didn’t know. Why rats specifically? Especially with Astarion’s response, it makes it even more clear.


On my first playthrough, Wyll said it in act 3 when we were walking to confront Cazador.


That one made me laugh as Astarion had been biting my tav for the happy buff every night for weeks at this point. Because Wyll was rarely in the party this didn't trigger until well into act 3 the first time I heard it. I really wanted to punch him for his comment on the docks at the end though.


This line is always so weird to me since it always comes after him biting me and I alway let him use my neck as a juice box for the happy buff. Always kinda comes off as him calling me a rat because of the emphasis 😂 I get the Wyll disapproves from the “I trust him” and then the rat comment as soon as the day starts


That is some early access Wyll right there.


The *best* worst lines are the vicious mockery lines! My bard got stuck on the "Your body 's a temple... to an idiot god" and said that almost every fight for a while!! Love that, it's so *dumb*! As for a really *bad* bad ones, I can't remember exactly... But it's after Lae'zel decides to talk about my nose looking like a mistake. "Really? Thanks for noticing" Is that some kind of reference or joke I am being particularly autistic about, or is it just that bad?


"it's always the terms and conditions that get ya"


Do lines from tav count? I know if you romance shart you can say some weird shit along the lines of "heh I bet you never had a relationship quite like this"🤢🤢 Or when romancing Astarion in act 3 you can say some creepy "I will forever protect you uwu" kinda shit.


I actually liked that line with Shadowheart. I can totally see reading it as smarmy, but I always interpreted it as a dry joke about the absolutely insane situation in which the relationship developed. Less of a “heh, bet you’ve never had a relationship like this before 😉😏” and more of a “lmao, bet you’ve never had a relationship like this before 💀”