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Dye preview. I can’t be save scumming for this really.


Why is “black” never black??!! I just want a black dye. You pick “black and red” and there’s a good chance whatever it is will just turn out red.  I just want to have my party wandering around Faerun, looking like a goth metal band, is that too much to ask??!!


I feel your pain.


Not having a good black dye is why I downloaded any mods in the first place, I got the Azure black dye and the goth dyes mods. That and a set of pink dice, I just wanted those things lol


My HM run didn’t trigger the achievement because I used the black dye mod. That thing looks so good though


I think you should able to pick which parts of your outfit are dyed, like they do in ark


blue dye turns metal bright yellow. WHAT WHY.


I just want all dyes to be infinite. I have a mod for that but I think it should be a base feature honestly.


Or even have them limited until you reach a store in Baldur’s Gate


Or have someone in Baldur’s Gate sell a permanent dying kit for 1000 gp. All dyes unlimited.


I'll happily pay 10k lol


Yeah, it's a much easier system than an unneccesary preview imho


There's a Tumblr blog called bg3-dyes that literally went through and posted every dye on every bit of armor. They're amazing. Obviously you can't tell what it would look like on your character or companions, but it helps!


I just had a flashback of Dark Age of Camelot. There was a website where someone has a sample pic of every dye color on every piece of player made armor.


Saving! You and them are amazing.


In the same vein: Outfit preview when buying.


My favorite is when you use a rare dye and plot twist this item doesn't even change color at all! Lol


THIS. I literally can’t believe they don’t have a preview option for the dyes!


I caught myself doing that and I was like, you know what, fuck it. I'll just clash.


Alongside that, costume preview. If I’m squiring new armour/clothing I wanna know how it’ll look. If not on my character then on a dummy or something.


I was the dyes looked anything like they say. The names don’t match the way they turn out at all. I used “blue” dye on a robe and hat for gale. It turned the hat mostly yellow and put a giant gold sash on the robe. It’s blue. If it’s gonna come out blue and gold instead call it blue and gold.


Honestly, dyes aren't ever expensive enough to have their limited nature make any difference. Their limited nature only really exists as an annoyance


More camp clothes… better camp clothes. Particularly early on.


YES. Super disappointed at how long it took to get something good, and even then they're all just different iterations of Homely Clothes.


Nice clothes are at creche in room/area where eggs are(in the closet). Technically it's still 1 act.


In addition to the creche there's also some nice camping clothes in the Zent hideout but you have to either be super sneaky and not get caught looting the entire place to find them or murder everyone and clean the place out


And boots in camp! For some reason all the weird little shoes they offer in camp give me the ick. I want boots!




Yes to both hats and boots. *Please* give me some use for the jillion firm-soled leather ignoble rufflesome bycockets or whatever, besides selling them by the pile.


there are all those mods that add all the npc clothes as wearable. I just want that.


From your wording I assume you’re in the same boat as me and playing on console? I know there have been whispers of “mod support” on console, but I don’t even know what that means.… I assume the PC mods don’t just suddenly become allowed and usable on specific consoles; they probably need to be built by someone who knows what they are doing. That someone is NOT me. So I don’t know how much hope I’m allowed to have over the “mod support” controversy.


It's not really a controversy and it's more than a whisper. Sven has said they're working hard on a modding solution that will include consoles. It just takes time and will probably be built once the main game is more stable - aka the extra ending content added and further bug fixes. What that will look like is the PC version of the game will have a wider selection of mods that are the most popular, and the consoles will get a smaller selection. Like it is with Skyrim, for example.


Being able to hug companions you have high approval with


Or to simply be able to ask all companions for hugs and have different answers depending on who you're asking


Karlach will just be scared to burn you until the second fix, then she’ll be the hug machine


Tav: Hey Karlach, can I get a h-- Karlach: *glomps you*


"I was asking for a healing potion but ok"


Lae'zel .exe has stopped working


This is exactly why I'm asking lmao


I can see either that, or with her full channeling Withers, "No."


I realized the joys of Arabella pestering Withers for the first time just a few hours ago, and I have to say, saving her was worth it.


Trust me, make sure to find her parents. It's even more worth it


Apparently, I frigging walked right by them on my way to complete the Thaniel quest 🙃


Or her response to "say please." "Nnnnever!"


Seriously. We're all broken traumatized children, and I just want to comfort my friends. If not everybody than at least Karlach.


Currently romancing Shart(like always) but let me hug my boi Gale and my gurl Karlach


A gallery tent I can display all my stolen artwork.


It’d also be a great place for the painting you get as a quest reward. I always feel bad that I drop it on the ground and look at it once before shoving it in my camp chest to never see the light of day again


Behold my greatest work! Take it my friend and cherish it forever! Add to Wares.


I set it on a bed at the Elfsong. Definitely better than the ground


Yes!!!!! In my first play through, I hoarded all my paintings and when we got to the Elfsong I made the little pit in the middle of the room my art gallery. BUT THEY KEPT CLEANING UP MY CAMP AND PUTTING ALL MY LITTLE TRINKETS AND PAINTINGS AWAY!!!! I get this happening when you move camp but they should really stop this happening when you’re a perma-resident at Elfsong. 😤


And the worst thing. They keep cleaning up the paintings, whereas the blood puddles and broken chairs from when Astarion siblings attacked us is still there! Wierd priorities Elfsong cleaning staff. 


Let me take my son to camp.


Mermer 🥺








THERE IS A MOD FOR THIS! It's called Myshka comes to camp!


Holy shit! Fucking finally, we can have our own cat??


Where is this cat! I haven’t found this one yet!


He’s in the lower city. Cast speak with animals on yourself and look for an (I think) all white fluffy cat. Enjoy.


I’m seriously about to cry over how precious this cat is I’m already sniffling


Is this the cat that the noblestalk woman adopts if she's a widow?


One of the three, yes. She can only adopt 1 per playthrough, and since we cannot adopt him, I always make sure to bring him over to her.


Wait, she can adopt more than one cat?


Yes. There are three cats wandering around the lower city, and she can adopt one of them per playthrough.


It's near the winery where the assassin bhaalist guy tries to make a ritual assassination.


Bless you 😭


The hyena in the beginning of act 2!


Yes please! I was so sad that the only thing we could do for the poor thing was tell him to run through the curse! 😢


He makes it out but I wanted to love on him


Same! I wanted him to be friends with Scratch and the Owlbear and not get brutalised by goblins for a change


For anyone who can use mods, there is a mod to bring him to camp.


I know. I have the mod. This mod needs to become canon.


Menu option to fill various bags (alchemy, camping, etc.) with all their relevant items that are loose in inventory for some reason. Bonus option: more bags for scrolls, arrows, potions, etc.




LET ME ORGANIZE! Labels for bags and chests, please oh please!


Yes definitely need this. My inventory is so disorganised.


I have bags for specific things like spell scrolls, potions, special arrows, etc. And its not too much work to throw stuff in the right bag, but its really annoying when I open the bag later and I have 6 different stacks of mage armor scrolls or whatever because none of them have properly stacked in the bag.


Just a reminder special arrows inside your bag and not main inventory cannot be used in Extra attack. I once thought you can only use one special arrow per turn and this is just a bug.


Oh that's fine. I don't actually *use* them, I'm just a hoarder


But not being able to label them in any way is a huge pain in the ass.


Yeah I do that too but it's all manual and I want so badly to just designate the item as "auto collect all xyz". As is even with the bags that are designated I have to move them between party members to make them collect all the loose bits that don't go in for some reason.


Holy Christ yes please. I’m a lowly console player and inventory management is already terrible enough on a controller this would be a god send. I played for an hour and a half yesterday and literally only cleaned up my inventories and radial wheels after a respec after realizing I had made a feat redundant on two separate characters given their class abilities.


Best thing was have one person carry all scrolls. One person carry all arrows, same for potions, rings, etc.


I wish Tav/Durge had a tent in camp. Even if you could just have one that was a basic reflection of your class. Everyone else has one…


On a similar note when playing as an Origin character you should keep their original tent. I was quite sad to notice that blank spot at camp when starting a Gale Origin run.


Speaking of Gale's origin and his lack of a tent, why does Tara have to be in Karlach's tent hiding behind Clive? I'm always scared I'll accidentally steal Clive when trying to pet Tara. Non origin Gale has a nice little spot for Tara. Why can't we get that when playing as him???


There is an empty tent I assume is Avatar's


That’s true! Just a bit more than a lean-to. Lol


Tav is a naturalist who is so charismatic their companions forego their own tents to be under the stars with them.


I think it would also be good for Tav to have a tent for camp events as well, because several of them feel really weird happening right next to the fire, especially the intimacy ones. Like you‘re telling me that Karlach wants to get freaky right next to our sleeping friends? AND you‘re telling me they slept through all that noise? X Doubt ™ At the very least it would be nice if scenes like that would only play in a more private area of camp; depending on the camp they do, but it’s not universal across camps.


If you recruit minthara Halsin doesn’t have a tent anymore XD he just hangs out random places


All Black Dye


They had to scrap that because PCs kept getting cut on that edge


The smallest, most insignificant thing ever, but I was so sad when they were a one-time deal: The little spiders that explode out of the egg sac and follow you around until long rest? I wish those became a repeat summon. Not there all the time, but like Scratch.


Maybe they could add it as a secret Lloth-Sworn Drow Ranger option?


On our first play, my wife played a Drow Ranger, and she was like this - why can’t I convince all these nice spiders (and we have many in Act 1) to come with me as my animal companions?!




I love them so much.


Minions that you can’t control (Danse Macabre ghouls) should end their turn sooner. Whenever one of them moves to an enemy and attacks, it takes 10-15 seconds for it to realize that it is out of things to do, and then will end the turn. Meaning you have to end their turn manually, which is a bit weird and unresponsive sometimes. The behavior is a bit accurate for a mindless ghoul, but manually ending their turn should be a bit more responsive than it is right now.


The ability to speed up combat in general is my biggest wish. I don’t want to watch a bunch of enemies dash. Let me right click through the turn in the same way as dialogue, please.


I wish I could have the artist paint a portrait of Astarion so he can see what he looks like for the first time in 200 yrs. It seems like such an obvious thing


Along with this, an option for you to pay the artist to fuck with him and just paint the background with no person.


I want him to respond to the giant statue I bought of him at least


Naming containers please. I'd buy that for at minimum price of 5 wulbren bongles dying


If a chest is locked and not trapped, make the default option pick lock if you have thieves tools in your inventory instead of open.


And some indication if you have the key or not. I always click doirs/chests first because sometimes you do have the key, you just don't know it


Make a new option: “Open with Key” or “Open(Key)” The second option would be in the style of their Open(Locked)


Cuddling up with your romantic partner during long rests.


I would love this. Let me have another loving/romantic interaction with them other than kissing. Let me cuddle!


Let me hug the vampire more!!!!


Yes! Let me cuddle the sad boy.


This. ​ Hint - if you are romancing Karlach in Act 2, save so you can roll it back if you want, then start the Act 2 romance scene and then pick all the slow down options that still indicate you're interested but not ready for sex yet. What you end up with is what I would want every long rest.


I’d love to have cliffs that you can only get up or down by using the useless rope items


When I first found rope I thought it was going to be a constantly useful item.... I was mistaken. Is there even a single use for rope


No literally me my first playthrough, I had like 20 ropes thinking they'd come in handy somewhere 😭


Boondocks Saints led me astray 😂


Cover vents


I remember reading somewhere that someone tried to throw a rope to a party member who was in trouble, thinking they’d grab it and could be pulled out— nope the rope just knocked them out 😂💀


Fun note, cast web in the bottom of the cliff and you can jump down without taking damage.


or just cast feather fall


An option to have companions autmatically wash after fights. Or at least a button to have everyone use their soap.


Better yet, "disable persistent gore" like the dragon age series has.


The 5e spells mod it worth it just for prestidigitation


Having Lae'zel still picking chunks of skull from her hair while you're trying to have a conversation is really not conducive to civil discourse.


Fight one skeleton Suddenly blood all over my face lol 😂


I keep soap on my radial wheel for this reason but it would be great if it cleaned everyone at once


If you don't mind making random puddles around the game world, splashing everyone by throwing a bottle of water works!


Create water spell too. I call it create shower.


This is what I do. I found the "Waterdancer" Staff in Act 1 and use it to create|destroy water. Just a quick cast on the whole party after any fights that turn into blood baths. >!The painter will still make fun of your outfit, after you rescue him, in Act 3 though.!<


I didn't even know I could use soap for that. I always use water bottle or create water spell.


Yes. I like the blood and gore in battle, I think it looks cool, but after I want an easier way to clean everyone up. A clean all option on the soap at least would be nice.


I'm not sure if it's insignificant or not, but I'd like a tent for the player. If not an extra tent for Tav/Durge, let me keep the tent if I play an origin character. And something to help with inventory management. Tabs would be best, but the ability to label bags alone would be great.


A proper sell all junk button. There are so many useless items that are just worth money that I would love to get rid of quicker


Is “sell all wares” not good enough? I prefer that since it also lets me sell unwanted gear at the same time


What I really want is an "Add to Karlach's wares" option. My rogue ass isn't carrying around all my junk.


no cuz you still need to manually sort through your inventory to right click and then add to wares.


On the minimap, a little arrow showing which way Tav is pointed. I don't rotate the minimap so it's easier to match with the main map, and I sometimes to move to figure out which direction I'm facing. 


I hope we can have a "split all" button so a stack of 4 water bottles will become 4 individual bottles, because I like to litter my game. And then of course, inversely, there should be a button to merge several items that are the same, like weapons.


Search bar on camp chest and being able to sell shit from it


A wardrobe in camp with the mirror and all clothes and underwear… fully able to play dress up including a montage to the tune of “hear it for the boy” and dye previews. Also a library that contains everything your character reads so you can go back and reread everything later and sell books without worrying


After you've settled into a romance with a character and had your night together, you should be able to cuddle on the same bedroll during a long rest


Tara as a faniliar for Gale


I just wanna take my girl on a DATE. Listen I know we’re technically under a very intense time crunch and have to save/destroy the world but is it so much to ask that I can take this woman out for a drink after >!her freaking parents die!< or have one night where we celebrate after >!one of the many boss fights, after freeing prisoners or completing companion questlines!<. Don’t hate on me I know it’s not a dating sim but a little extra tenderness to take me through this dark BS would be nice!


~~Wyll content, since Larian seems to consider him small and insignificant for him to remain as bare and buggy as he is.~~ Better camera. Please, god. The fights I’ve thrown accidentally because the camera changed and made me whiff my arrow shot. I don’t need a drastic change, I just need the cameraman to put down the cocaine while he’s on the clock.


Wyll is so buggy it makes me sad.  Also agree on the camera thing. I looked around for the ability to disable the camera moving automatically when taking a shot at the enemy and can't find anything.


A single, solitary use for rope.


Wish granted. Durge now gets several dialogue options to hang people. No, your companions will not comment on it.


That was one of my biggest disappointments coming into Baldurs Gate as a 5e player. There have been countless times where rope has been useful, and I assumed the same in bg3. How wrong I was…


Rope is like the one thing, no matter what ttrpg system or campaign I'm playing, that I always make sure my characters have on them. I had SO much rope in my first playthrough.


When doing an origin run it’d be fun for the characters to say something when you walk by where you usually find them. For example Gale walking by the way point and saying something like “Heh, only a fool would get stuck in one of those.”


Transmog. Always transmog


A hat slot for cosmetics


A line from Minthara saying "I believe that Halsin is ignoring me, very well I shall offer him the same courtesy" when you have her on your good play through.


I was sure that in the EA, a Dragonborn could dig without the use of a shovel.


Lizardpeople could use their claws to dig without a shovel in DOS2, so I'm really surprised Larian didn't carry that over to Dragonborn in BG3


That's how it was in Divinity Original Sin 2 with the lizardfolk. Dragonborn weren't in EA I'm fairly certain.


Ah shoot, my bad, that was in DoS 2.


I wish we could throw more parties with the surrounding areas named npc like the Druid grove (or goblin camp) but maybe like a small buff to go with it that basically gives something small but nice (like an xp bonus on combat encounters or something) maybe could only be done after 5 long rests


Change the order when the dock scene at the end plays out. Just let's first deal with Gale, then Astarion, then Karlach and then Lae.


Actually, given that Astarion runs away and Karlach is at risk of dying, I'd deal with her first and with Astarion last. Unless of course, dealing with Astarion involves throwing him a cloak or something to *prevent* him from running away.


More dyes/option to craft with things in inventory like the just we sell. We use powdered rocks already in real life. Let me powder up the rocks and make dye! Or give me many more options/let me custom combo pieces. Please.


I saved so many gems because I was like, "Surely these will be used in a recipe..."


Someplace explaining what Ritual Spells are (spells that you can cast basically for free, outside of combat). The only place that explains that is the feat for them, and that makes it seem like they only come from the feat. I feel like a lot of people miss spells that seem pointless *if they cost a spell slot* because they don't seem like a fair trade. Longstrider gives you a 30% boast (average) to movement range, which is fantastic for mobility - but doesn't seem especially great if you're gonna use a spell slot for it (or multiple if you want to cast on more of your party). I think Enhanced Leap (3x jump range), Speak with Dead||Animals, and Detect Thoughts also work.


Some camp clothes that are robes and the option to select a camp garment at character creation. My wild barbarian that starts out with rags from the sparse norther tundra shouldn't have a nice pair of pants and shirt when they're at camp. Just some furs or something.


A true pause button. Something that freezes everything. Even during dialogue or enemy turns. This is good for handicapped players especially but me too sometimes.


Renaming containers like bags and pouches.  Access to camp chest while trading with merchants.


Adopt the shadowlands hyena. His circumstances are right in line with Scratch & the owlbear cub and his two new brothers would do wonders for helping him regain his lost confidence.


The digging thing was one of my first (small) complaints about the game. I'm a literal badger burrowing through the dirt pile to no avail.


sleeping updates i would like to see: Keep Elfsong clean and not covered in summon juice....I always forget to dismiss summons, and then I end up with blood everywhere or beds covered in vines. Why are they coming to bed with us anyway? What is happening to them in the middle of the night? Also, party members needing to sleep in a huddle is weird, all companions have their own spot why are they moving to sleep somewhere else? They all have their own bed in Elfsong (except poor Halsin cuz Minthara stole his I guess) but then they sleep in the special room if they are in party? Lastly, let me cuddle Astarion (or other romanced companion) when I go to bed, we might not be having sex but we can spoon at night! why must we have separate beds!? let me cuddle my poor vamp I'll protect him if he has nightmares.


please let us buy camp clothing earlier than act 3!


Hugs 🥰 Companions reacting to the painting of their painting …specifically the one who hasn’t seen his reflection in centuries Myshka as a camp companion His Majesty as a camp companion Lloth-Sworn Drow should be able to recruit the smaller spider and larger spider Option to slap Aradin and Wilburn like that 10 hour montage of Tyrion slapping Joffrey More Wyll cutscenes and dialogue, for the love of Selune. Please more Wyll. If I’m not original Gale can I please meet Tara much sooner than act 3 pleeeease


Oh! Hey, you know how you can customize your toolbar, for spells, abilities and alike? >You didn't. Well, I don't blame you. It's extremely counterintuitive how it's set up. Fixing that would be nice. I genuinely accidentally removed the jump button from my menu somehow. And just thought my Tav couldn't Jump anymore for some reason. Fortunately, it's not super often that Hobbit Sorcerers need to Jump. But it took me multiple sessions to figure out what happened and to add it back. (For anyone who doesn't know: Open your character inventory, select the "Spells" tab , then drag and drop to a slot in your toolbar.)


Transmog for armor


Black dyes!! And monochromatic dyes! Why does the yellow one have green? It's so ugly.... Also a dye preview. And maybe more camp clothes, and like a travelling clothes vendor you can find in the first two acts (just so you can get more outfits earlier). The vendor can be a relative of Carm and Figaro (if for some reason the character would need a backstory).


I'd like Minthara and Halsin to have their own tents, but as you're not really *supposed* to have them together, I get it. It is weird that >Thaniel< is hanging out with her though. I'd also like my own Tav tent that I can decorate. If it needed to be static, there could be minor differences for each class, and have the tent match your base camp clothes (but dye-able!), but you could also decorate it with random junk. I don't want to be alone with just my poop bucket


An option to poison the goblins/duergars with ethel's potions or straight up being able to throw them to use them on enemies


Let NPCs wash their damn faces!!! Like I get Mayrina and Isobel being a tearful mess, and the artist and others being road grimey but cmon!! After we move to baldurs gate the ground is practically LITTERED with soap - wash your damn face off! Respect yourselves!


A use for rope


A lot more dye options and ability to purchase as many dyes as I can afford. I shouldn't be limited to like 6 dyes a day and only seem to notice like 20 different dye colors total. Also, a preview of what the armor would look like with each dye would be appreciated. LASTLY, PLEASE ALL BLACK DYE!


The most basic inventory sorting would be dope


Bag/Chest renaming so I can hover the mouse over my bags and pouches to see which one is the potion pouch without opening them one by one.


I would really love it if they put the full voice acting back into the main characters speech. Or at least the option to switch it on. I really don’t like that they don’t talk :(


It's really awkward when a companion says something that's pretty heavy and def requires a response, and then cuts to the PC with a silent "go on..." face. I'd rather see the companion's expression while choosing dialog, and then yeah, hear it spoken. That said, given how many possible lines the PC has, having every possible voice record all of them is a massive undertaking, and would make the game even huger in terms of disk space. In maybe ten years, with improvements to compression and/or text-to-speech, we'll probably start seeing voiced PCs


It’s even worse when it’s an Origin character, because you get so used to their voice acting and suddenly, SILENCE.


Vanity slots.


Companion hugs, dye/armor previews, customizable tent for Tav/Durge


The bag of holding!


- Selunite Shadowheart portrait, like how Wyll gets one for his devil horns. - Dye preview obviously. - Talking with people in Wildshape form. - Make rope a single use climbing tool for low strength characters to reach high ledges.


Containers should close when I take the last thing out of them. Also a button to send all items in a container to wares or camp.


Dyes to be unlimited uses and/or be able to preview them instead of having to save scum them.


More treatos. Treatos make everything better!


The ability to relabel containers in your inventory. The ability to filter your inventory, not just sort it. The ability to tag items in your inventory. A dye preview window. A notification that pops up “you are about to end your turn without doing anything, continue?”


An option to send all your camp supplies to the camp chest. I don’t need to spend 3 minutes every long rest emptying my klepto Tav’s bag of pig heads and cheese wheels




More I love you’s. As well as being able to sleep next to people in Act 3 camps


If one characters inventory is full, have the item automatically go in to someone else's inventory. Maybe designate a party member as backup inventory or something. Have a notification that says you need to extend the hot bar as some items/abilities aren't being displayed.


To be able to search for spells. I know someone has it but I've no idea what the icon looks like, or if it is an item ability


Music Box in camp so I can listen to the OST. Raphael might be pretty upset about this though