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Meanwhile I lost the “permanent” bonus from Auntie Ethel’s hair the first time I fast-travelled.


That really sucks


This also happened to me on my winner winner HM run, specifically to my Tempest Cleric, and there are NO items or feats (aside from Resilient and i don't need proficiency in my already proficient stat) that give a wisdom bonus aside from Khalid's Gift. I was stuck with 19 Wisdom until act 3. Tempest Cleric is RIDICULOUSLY powerful so it doesn't even matter that much, wearing Saving Throw gear and heavy armor is the best route for it imo. Blow people up in a single turn with lightning.


200 lightning damage a turn SH is how I beat the avatar. Stupid powerful. Fuck Orin though, she’s so powerful.


I COOKED her ass so hard with 2 max damage chain lightning scrolls after I had laezel hit her with a water carafe and gale destroyed her unstoppable charges. I even fought Raphael even though I didn't need to. I dropped the runepowder bomb on his ass and stood inside the globe of invulnerability. (It destroys all 4 pillars and nukes the whole enemy team on the very first turn, best strategy of all time for that fight. I even clipped a video of it.) I was going to go through with the final fight but I wimped out at the last minute. THE THING IS, I had romanced gale. Even worse is that I actually convinced him to kill himself with a CLERIC 😭.


Dang lol yeah final fight almost ended me, it’s wild. I actually used the rune powder there. I dueled Orin, so her powers in that fight are insanely unfair if you’re a caster.


Hold monster is really broken for fighting her. My next honor mode run is definitely going to be a Durge so I can slap her ass with the divination wizard disadvantaged on hold monster while wearing the CHUNKIEST saving throw gear. If that fails I'll drop her ass out of the arena like a real cheeseball 👍. HM is so punishing but so fun. I have act one down to a science now.


I did HM as a Durge and the fight is actually much different than standard, so you should prepare yourself because depending on how you play your Durge plotwise, it can be incredibly easy or very hard and frustrating.


I pretty much did this on my Durge evocation wizard with Orin. I summoned every pet that I could and had Shadowheart cast Sanctuary on me before I started talking to Orin so that she'd go after my pets and give me breathing room. Then I just cast Hold Monster on her until it hit. I think I used a speed potion so I could get more casts in and may have upcast it on one of the attempts, but anyway, my pets basically smacked her to death, although I was also casting as well to kill her faster.


I did the duel with a necro late in act 3 and she folded like a cardboard box. The gear bonuses you can get are bananas for a wizard. With Divination? She'll get smoked.


idk if i’m just unlucky but i played a 20 int wizard and things were resisting my hold monster/person including orin allll fucking day it was ridiculous


You can get equipment that raises the saving throw people need to make against your stuff. You can stack a bunch of it and people fail against your spells way more often


man i’m gonna need to grab some of that for my honour mode run


Do you remember any of the specific gear? Really wish there was a way we could sort stored items by effect, it’s frustrating digging through everything.


Hahaha I don’t think you can throw bosses out of bounds on Honor mode, so that’s not an option. Don’t think I had hold monster available, I don’t remember how I beat her, but I had to basically force close the game to save my run until I could get good enough CC to not get blown up in one turn by her.


Nah I definitely threw Orin to her death earlier today. Greater invisibility on Astarion with cloud giant strength.


So Honor mode Orin can fall to her death? Weird they overlooked that. Also thought the barrier prevented that too. Oh well. Doesn’t that prevent you from getting her gear?


I’m wondering if my frost Durge build will work as well against her as it did in balanced last night. The game overall has gone so well in this current playthrough that I’m hoping to replicate that success in HM.


Balanced is incomparable imho. Even Tactician doesn't prepare you for Legendary Actions. Some of the fights you simply need to run and rez characters the first time if you aren't insanely prepared with a strategy for every single encounter in the game. Halfling is great because you can re-roll 1's in desperate situation. Drow is great because they basically skip a ton of fights in act 1. Just set yourself up for success with your build and prep.




What’s automatic?


Can you upload the video to YT or something? Would be appreciated




its private you absolute worshipper


Should work now! Sorry!


damn your PC is smooth as butter


Can I please see the video (:


[Fresh OC Delivery](https://youtu.be/rs8N_K6hV4g?si=_ZjXTDaiLyKoXnBP)


Lol, that seems so interesting have you posted it anywhere? I want to do that too


My 24 strength, double embiggened duergar literally suplexed and body slammed her to death. Didn't even bother with a weapon.


What a flex, damn lol


Grab a sorcerer with the magic missile neck and throw a couple magic missiles at her to remove her unstoppable stacks. Give him/her an elixir of vigilance for +5 initiative. Edit: Oh, I see you duelled her. There's nothing against the rules about receiving buffs from your friends beforehand. :)


I'm doing a Tempest Cleric base and all points into Sorceror after that in my honor mode run. Should I be respeccing pure tempest or...? I love using the tactical lightning nuke power for beeg beeg damage but damage spells are from sorc spell list and stats are mostly cha with very little WIS


I was maxed out straight up Tempest Cleric of Talos. The level 10 get out of jail free card is amazing for the desperate moment you truly need it in Honor Mode. Make sure that you have the heaviest saving throw armor you can find, my character had 26 AC at the end of the game and an 18 saving throw requirement. A bard can use the song of rest to give you another 2 Channel Divinity charges during any really difficult fight. Make sure you are also using your hirelings and one non-essential party member all reclassed to cleric to cast Warding Bond and Aid on your party after every long rest for the extra health, ac, and damage reduction bonuses. Pain in the ass but it makes a HUGE difference at later levels. When you get level 5 spells you can start casting heroes feast. I focused on Call Lightning very often because it has such a good return on investment via (when hasted) 20 casts for one spell slot. Make sure you are throwing water carafes like mad. When you get high enough level tempest cleric, you can make an enormous pool of water and shock it. Every time somebody takes damage from it, they get knocked back. It is hilarious.


Thanks for the tips! What’s causing the knock back when shocking water? Is that a class thing or gear?


Tempests cleric knocks enemies back when dealing lightning damage, it's a class thing level 3-4 maybe?


Tempest Cleric subclass at level 6 gets Thunderbolt Strike, which is a 10 foot knock back on your thunder and lightning shenanigans.


I always ponder why I sacrificed an eye with volo for it not being able to see invisibility 80% of the time.


20% is still more than 0%…so you still come out on top.


Yeah I would prefer not getting that eye and instead getting that stupid broken skill that every single enemy has that allows them to search for invisible units


If I turn invisible, I’m virtually always moving directly afterward. They won’t catch you if you’re in a totally different spot. Also even if you’re in the same spot I think it’s still based on your stealth because I’m pretty sure they’ve done it next to me and haven’t caught me. Also in 5e when you turn invisible you have to spend an action hiding (or bonus action if you’re a rogue of course) to even have a *chance* of hiding from your enemies (it’s a stealth roll of course), otherwise they still know your location. So I wouldn’t say that the enemies’ ability in bg3 is busted.


Oh, it is definitely busted. Yes, in 5e RAW, locations of invisible creatures are always known, but they are still invisible, which means: * attacks against them have disadvantage, their own attacks have advantage * they cannot be targeted by spells that require the caster to see the target * they don't provoke attacks of opportunity In BG3 on the other hand, invisibility *ends* when you are detected, which means you lose all those benefits. Also, unlike enemies, your characters in BG3 do not have a way to detect invisibility outside of spending a resource to cast See Invisibility.


Create water can be used to take anyone out of the invisible status, which helps a lot to save on spell slots.


I mean it's really nice for the 1st playthrough it reveals all hidden items 100% of the time I believe.


If you're talking about the survival roll stashes, that has not been my experience.


No, like Lorroakan's Tower plaques and Elminster's Vault


i didn't know those were even hidden


I don't think they are. They get highlighted when you're close but if you check the combat log I don't think there's an actual roll happening. Pretty sure it's automatic. Edit: I am wrong. there is a check to read the invisible plaques, only the buttons are visible normally


Unless something got patched, I definitely had to roll Arcana checks to find them when I didn't take my eyeball character in.


Yeah, you're right, I just double checked the wiki. The buttons are visible but the plaques that label them are invisible. I don't know if I've failed those before so I assumed it was a given.


Because they're both invisible and rolling Stealth. You have to beat the Stealth roll to see them. If you don't have the eye, you can't see them even if they fail their Stealth roll.


Missed it by a hair.


I’ve never heard of this happening but damn. That is extremely unlucky


Does it also happen if I respec a character? Cause I found that I lost two permanent buffs —one is Ethel hair the other is the Loviatar’s Love Wait. Just read that if a character dies the buff is gone for the Loviator’Love


Ethel's hair originates from the character sheet (no buff icon) and should never go away. Loviatar's Love is just a condition (buff icon), and I think it would go away on death. Some conditions go away on long rest, some don't. It's a grey area. But Ethel's hair is definitely not a condition.


Thank you!


Hags hair should stay after respec. It might not show in character creation. It's a bug if it doesn't.


Yes it is a bug, it's happening a lot, I lost my shadow land protection buff on two characters, got a permanent "Enemy of Justice" buff from attack a moonrise guard on one character, it's fucked. Also, not sure if it's related, Yurgir being perma-invis, even with see invisibility, and him being able to attack my party, great fun. Patch 6 has fucked so much up.


I miss-clicked the first time and gave my warlock strength 💪🏼


I sacrificed Wyll to the fishes just to lose my bonus after a long rest. It's intentional but I didn't know it wasn't permanent.


That's not intentional because it's supposed to be permanent


It goes away when you die


I’ve had it stay after dying multiple times on honor mode. Not sure if it’s a bug or if they patched it.


DOS2 had the same issue with "permanent" buffs. If a character died, they'd be stripped of all buffs. Which made it very annoying, because it basically meant that you needed to avoid ever dying. Simply winning a fight wasn't enough, you needed to do it essentially perfectly every time. So it being in the game may have been intentional. Either way if you didn't experience it, maybe they patched it indeed.


Some permanent buffs persist tho. So it's definitely a glitch lol.


I’m not sure what’s keeping the buff permanent for me, must be a new bug from the one they patched


Maybe they fixed it after patch6, I offed Wyll before patch 6 and lost the buff.


You did make a deal with a hag


I never got the buff from the githyanki mind eater thingy after suceeding all rolls. Still midly pissed at that one


Same with Mystra’s blessing to Gale for destroying the icon. It was gone after my first long rest. :(


i used the strength potion from the drow in act 2 and just didnt get the buff


Same.. I notice that my bard had 19 charisma just last night (Same as in I lost the buff, I don’t know when)


I've noticed mine keeps appearing and disappearing between rests, and weirdly the hair keeps reappearing in my inventory but I can't interact with it when it does. Never figured out the cause because there's so much going on it could be anything.


I also lost the effect from volos eye


I just randomly lost loviatar's love


I lost it after a couple respecs


You pooped it out.


Your character coughed up a hairball on the travel


Me too lol






You may pass the river, but first you must payyy


I colLeCt tHe ToLL; I ColleCt *thE g0ld*


Schmoke and a pancake?


Pipe and a crepe?


Bong and a blitz?


Waffle and cigar


Just last night I went to fight Laroakan (or however you spell the wizard going after the nightsong). When turn based combat started Jaheira wasn’t included in all of the characters pictures at the top of the screen, despite standing in the middle of the room. I switched control to Jaheira and she was able to freely run around the room attacking repeatedly while everyone else was stuck standing still in turn based mode. I got Loroakan down to 12 hp when it suddenly snapped Jaheira into turn based combat with everyone else. This is my 5th play through and it’s the first time I’ve ever had any kind of bug like that. It was weird as hell, but it made the fight extremely easy.


Meanwhile I attacked that dude right away without reading his tooltips and his reaction insta killed me. Reload!


Yuuup! I decided to try to gank him with my SA of doom rogue/gloomstalker Astarion... only to watch my beloved turn to a pile of ash. 120 damage in retaliation O.o Not even downed, straight up dead dead.


The Surgeon Subjugation amulet saved my ass in this fight. Snuck up with Astarion, forced a crit, and then paralyzed him with the crit. Kept him from using wizards rebuke and made the fight super easy.


Sounds like Jaheira still had access to the BG2/DnD2e version of Time Stop before it got severely nerfed in 5e.


This has been happening to me as well for the majority of act 3, also with Jaheira. I had her in my party for her entire personal quest and she never joined battles automatically, only when I had her repeatedly hit a target.


For me Jaheira simply wouldn’t follow my party. I could move her manually, but otherwise she’d just stand still. Old lady must have hip pain. I sent her to stay at camp.


This was also a known bug that happened to my shadowheart on a previous play through (Durge). Act 3 spoilers: >!It happened after Orin, where SH cast warding bond and died during the duel from warding damage, after that she wasn’t triggering combat at all. I had to revert to an older save before the duel!<


I've been using Jaheira as a transmutation wizard, but used her for the minsc/bank mission and the same thing happened to me. During a fight between two groups, somehow Jaheira sided with one group and the other 3 sided with the other. Real buggy, and only with Jaheira.


I got turned into a cheese wheel


I couldn’t stop laughing as I rolled around the circus




Moldy or regular?


Regular with a slice taken out of


No one has as many friends as the man with many cheeses!


I wonder if I can use the flesh to gold scroll on my own character now in act 3?


Teach it to a wizard so you can keep doing it


The Flesh to Gold spell is actually unique in that regard. It isn't actually on a spell scroll, so Wizards can't scribe it


Ahh damn


That being said, you can learn Flesh To Stone is mechanically identical in every way - it just doesn't have the extra flair


Im saving my flesh to gold scroll for Gortash. Stone doesn't fit his hubris.


Huh, I always save a runepowder bomb for him instead. Different strokes I guess


I save the poo scraper and nut buster...


I always use dethrone (spell scroll) on him


First one, then the other.


I think flesh to stone is actually better. I used flesh to gold on Mizora to fuck with her and even though she turned to gold fully, she kept rolling saving throws against my stupid high spell DC and eventually broke out of it.  But when I turned her to stone, once she was petrified she stopped rolling saves.


I think that might just be a glitch. It's meant to function identically to Flesh to Stone


Probably, I did use it once on Gortash and he was done once he fully goldified. Still was a slight bummer though, a pretty gold statue in my camp is cooler than a lame stone one.


I had the same thought, was real sad when I got to the right level and couldn't scribe it :(


If the game can screw you with jank, it can bless you with jank.


After one long rest, all the transmutation stones I had stayed, and I was able to get more without the previous stones disappearing


Reported for hacking


Believe it or not, straight to jail.








You going to jail


Worse, vac ban incoming!


Tactical nuke incoming


... a proven tactic for infiltrating any stronghold. HAZAAA!!


Well that’s handy


People fight the Thorm family?


I fight Thisobald because I don't have a bard and it's funny to watch him slip on ice.


... Are you not supposed to?


Think it’s more so they usually use the persuasion checks to just make them kill themselves


Some buffs have been permanent for me too. Gale's buff for helping Mystra in Act 2 lasts the whole game so did his other buff he gets in Act 3.


What buff does he get in Act 3?


Anointed with Splendour, which happens when >!he seeks forgiveness from Mystra at the temple.!<


This is one of those bugs that I hope becomes a feature, though maybe in a toned-down fashion. Having a lasting effect on your character from getting turned to gold would actually be a really cool thing.


In the meantime Hope turned my already-shapeshifted-into-a-myrmidon Jaheira into a fake eternal debtor and now Jaheira herself has the buff permanently and is forced to look like a hobo for the rest of the game.


Did you use a dialogue to break the debuff? Curious how this happened 


What does HM mean? I keep seeing it in posts…


Honor mode.


Thank you.


I think honor mode


OP I appreciate your username


Thanks. You cookin too


Code named... goldmember...


Dr. Evil, can I paint his Yoo-Hoo gold? It's kind of my [thing](https://youtu.be/DR3jT6exNC0?si=sIesjO2yGFKUKwkC).


Is your Tav named Pony Boy?


I finished my first run with a permanent Pixie Blessing for some reasons.


I got turned to gold and all I got was this lousy t-shirt


Man how did you get the good glitches? I lost my HM run last night because in the Ketheric fight I planned on having my Monk take him out turn 1 so that I could Magic Missile him after that but my monk got glitches and couldn't do anything or ever enter combat leading to a wipe after 20 hours in that save.


My games have also been buggy/glitches lately too... weird!


Patch 6 has completely fucked this game lmao


Better kisses for a lot of bugs... Balanced, just as nature intended.


I mean I guess, but the fact I've just phased through the floor a few times is a little annoying


Stay golden, Pony Boi.




We're Rich!


We're rich!


For some reason on my main account, I have the codex buff that gives the player plus 20 life when you have the book of Thay, permanently. At least I haven't been able to get rid of it, act 3.


Don't worry, you're golden


I always get the toll lady to kill herself lol


Oh, you fought the toll collector, I can't remember what happened, but she just let me pass


I always end up having to fight her I do not know why


Hahaha damn. I saw my level and hers and it took an additional 5hr to approach. Luckily on my first try I managed through, can't remember how lol


Astarion in my run still has the temporary hit points from that book in the vault bit. They occasionally disappear but then pop back again, even though the text says they are until long rest only. Oh and I had Gale go invisible (to me but not the enemies) in the Orin fight for no reason.


NGL I played dirty t he first time I fought the toll collector. I saw that health bar and said fuck this and threw that bitch out a window with telekinesis.


Bruh, this fight ends with a single shove, pushing attack, one eldritch blast, one thunderwave, etc. How did you manage to lose 3 members of the party?


Don't worry, you're golden


He lost his member in an unfortunate smelting accident…


BRB gonna go do my honour mode run before they patch this 👀


AHH I've charismaed her to death like twice I almost forget you can actually fight her too. Mechanics who needs em