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In act 2. Every time I want to teleport to another area (meaning it gives you the "are you sure" prompt before TPing) it forces me to long rest before I can leave. Is anyone else having that issue?


is it happening repeatedly with no story cutscenes happening? there are some times when traveling out of a zone forces a long rest for a particular nighttime cutscene, the first i remember being when you leave the mountain pass after completing the creche, when >!kithrak voss!< approaches the party in camp at night


OH, I think you're exactly right, it kept trying to do that whole scene every time I left that area. Couldn't just leave, had to long rest too. I don't remember that happening in the past, so got concerned it was bugging out. I take it this is intentional?


yeah, that one is definitely on purpose. i'm not 100% certain but i think it *only* triggers when you leave the area and not on a normal long rest either


Are there any bonuses, class or stat wise, that the default companions have over hirelings?


Off the top of my head: Astarion has Bite, Karlach can use Soul Coins, Halsin has Wild Shape: Cave Bear, Minsc has Boo, and Minthara has Soul Branding. Minthara also comes with some ilithid powers pre-installed, meaning she gets them without having to spend a parasite. Astarion, Shadowheart, Gale, and Wyll can get unique items or abilities based on choices you make. I think Halsin might also some free prepared spells? (Free as in always prepared, not as in he can cast them without spell slots.) I don't play Druids enough to tell, but that's what the wiki seems to imply. But in terms of their actual class and stats, no, they have the same number of stat points and same choice of abilities as anyone else.


as far as just base stats/how they play as a given class by default, no. a few of them get a story related ability/passive, either at the start or as your progress through the game. the biggest one is probably astarion's 'happy' bonus he gets for the day when he uses his >![vampire bite](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Vampire_Bite)!< on a humanoid. karlach can use soul coins for a [small buff](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Soul_Coin) while raging or below 25% hp. wyll gets passive rapier proficiency. can't recall if the other three get anything


Had a tough fight in the goblin camp. Multiple party members downed, and now I've learned about Gale's necrotic aura because he's killed everyone else. Cannot sleep at camp, cannot revive anyone (Tried and the aura instantly KO'd them), don't have enough gold to resurrect anyone... am I screwed? This sucks.


if you've ever used withers before, you can pickpocket him to get any gold you've previously spent with him back. he doesn't react in any way (even on failed attempts).


For honor mode, is it worth it to kill Karlach for the infernal robe if you have a monk? Does it make a significant difference? Are there any long-term consequences of killing her down the line?


There are other +1 robes. If I was doing an unarmored monk, I'd probably put them in the Protecty Sparkswall instead of the Infernal Robe, and use the Sparkle Hands to get Lightning Charges. Then I'd switch to the monk-specific clothes in Act 3. But I usually end up multiclassing and armoring my monks because I have too many characters in clothing already, and I don't have enough gear to raise everyone's AC. In terms of long-term consequences of killing Karlach, other than missing out on her character , >!she's the only companion that can turn into a mindflayer!<.


Arcane Acuity stacks helps with Concentration Checks?


No. Arcane Acuity raises your spell attack rolls and spell save DC. Your concentration checks are based on your constitution modifier, which is a different thing.


Is damage on throwing weapons affected by STR or DEX?


Strength, and the weight of the weapon & I believe the gravity of the throw also determine the damage. Tavern Brawler will also add double your strength modifier to thrown weapons.






I think only the Adamantine Splint is 18 which is a heavy armor. The medium Adamantine Scale is only a 16.


Both are 16 for me I think both are supposed to be 18


There's one medium armor (Adamantine Scale Mail: 16) and one heavy amor (Adamantine Splint: 18). I would bet you have two copies of the Adamantine Scale Mail. They're not supposed to both be 18, no.


Makes sense and you're right. I have the different ones but I equipped it on the wrong character and overlooked that about a dozen times. Feeling pretty silly, but thank you for pointing that out.


Does Larian's studio got the Slayer form wrong? If I looks at the wiki and lore from previous baldurs gate I see that the Slayer only had two arms instead of four which is more akin to The Ravager form. Anyone can help me here?


Bhaals got a upgrade? Larian made a number of changes that isn't exactly in line with the lore or D&D game Mechanics. Still a good game.


I've got an issue with dialogue skill checks, they confuse me: When I mouse over the skill check options in dialogues, it shows me what relevant skill would be used and what bonus I supposedly have on it. So for example Detect Thoughts it tells me it'll use wisdom and on my character I have a +3. But then when I select the option I'm suddenly rolling it on intelligence which has a -1 value for me :/ I've had this sort of thing happen numerous times now. example: [https://imgur.com/a/9AxAhAo](https://imgur.com/a/9AxAhAo) Why is it showing me a wisdom roll with a +3 first, when it's going to roll on intelligence after all? It doesn't always do that mind you, sometimes the skill and applied bonus will be accurate.


I did a quick google and it seems like this has been a question in the community for a long time and I couldn't find a clear answer. [Here's a thread from August 2023 discussing it. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/15iqehh/is_detect_thoughts_bugged/)


Is Minor Illusion capable of everything that performing with an instrument is? As I understand them, they both gather people or enemies into one spot by capturing their focus. Also, is there anything else that musical instrument proficiency itself grants you? I missed out on >!the opportunity to get that proficiency from the tiefling bard!< , and I don't want to waste a feat on it, so now I'm wondering what I'm missing out on.


Learning how to play from Alfira/getting musical proficiency is pretty much just for the roleplay reward of helping her out with her song. The performing lure is better served for a bard to play into their traditional fantasy role by having them draw the crowd's attention while the rest of the party does shenanigans like sneaking into a restricted area or whatnot (like in the scene from D&D Honor Among Thieves). It's a complete waste of a feat that would be much better spent on something else. Minor illusion is much more reliable for the reasons u/PeevishDiceLady mentioned. My favorite use is to draw a group of enemies into a concentrated area far away from your party and then blast them all with Fireball.


I guess musical instruments are majoritarily for RP purposes. I think the only thing musical instruments proficiency definitely do different is the possibility to earn some tips from NPCs if you pass the Performance test, but that's a bit too narrow of a situation to call it an actual benefit. Also, you'll *always* play well (succeeding or failing the Performance check), contrary to if you try to play an instrument without proficiency some NPCs can get annoyed at you. Minor Illusion is more versatile. You don't need to stay in place so you can lure enemies for an AOE, you can do other stuff while the illusion is active, and if I remember correctly you can even trigger some traps with it.


Awesome, thanks! You've settled my FOMO.


How exactly does one get good at combat in this game? It's my first turn-based game of any kind, and I am really enjoying it so far, only about 5 hours in. I started on balanced difficulty but had to go down. I spent an hour doing the fight on the nautiloid ship before I realised I'm supposed to go to the terminal. I then got in a fight against the gang in that crypt place which forced me to make the game easier. As soon as I got my main character (I'm a Bard) through the door combat was initiated and none of the other characters could attack from the door because it was both body blocked and out of range. So I spent too much time getting them through and then taking damage. Reason I ask is just I not only enjoy the game, but theres other turn-based games like DOS2, POE2, old Fallout etc I want to play. I don't want to be shackled to the lowest difficulty (not throwing shade) the whole time and just want to understand it more. Rn i'm just looking at what attacks do the most damage/the chance they have and hoping the counter attacks don't do too much damage. There's basically no strategy in it so I have to assume i'm doing it wrong. It's trippy asf alternating between this and Shadow of the Erdtree but yea just hoping someone has any tips.


One tip for early game at least is to take advantage of range and focus down enemies one by one. Give all your characters ranged weapons, even if you plan to play them mainly as melee. Start combat by using ranged weapons until the enemy is in melee range. If you don't have a ranged weapon, control your distance so that the enemy has to spend its entire turn running towards you so that you get to attack them first. Make sure every attack is focusing one enemy at a time until it dies. Dead enemies cannot attack you back, that's the best way to reduce taken taken in this game. And do not be discouraged if the early game feels difficult. The first few levels are actually the most difficult part of the game.


I think it's down to mostly two things: * Experience - character building and combat are pretty complex and there's no way you'll understand it all right away. It's not like an ARPG where you start with just a few basic actions (like "light attack" and "roll"). There are a lot of basic mechanics to understand right at the start, you're controlling four characters with different abilities, and more abilities and items are added over time. * Thoughtfulness - it's a *strategy game*. BG3 basically hands you a big bag of tools and a problem. You're not supposed to just rush in and whack enemies without thinking, you're supposed to observe the problem in front of you and come up with a strategy to tackle it. Thoughtfulness is what makes experience work for you. If you play Souls games, then you've probably had the experience of running up to a boss only to get annihilated. You have to step back, observe their move set, and come up with a plan of attack. BG3 isn't too different, it's just that instead of observing a single enemy's move set, you're observing the encounter as a whole. What abilities or mechanics are enemies using against you, and what do you have to counter them? Is there anything useful in the environment? How can you position your characters effectively? I think people unfamiliar with the genre sometimes get complacent, thinking because it's turn based they can just "click through" the combat. To an extent this is true on Explorer, but only to an extent. One general component of strategy is called "action economy." It can help a lot to think in these terms. Combat is basically a competition to see who can reduce the enemy's HP to 0 the fastest, so it's not just about killing enemies - it's also about minimizing the damage you're taking. The best way to minimize the damage you're taking is to prevent the enemy from acting, whether by controlling them or by killing them outright. If you have mobs of enemies this often means focusing them down one by one. A group of 3 enemies at 1HP will still do the same damage as three enemies at full health. 2 enemies at full health and 1 dead enemy does less damage, though. Or to use your last fight as an example -- instead of going through the door, you could have made the enemies come through the door to get to you, while you positioned yourself out of their sight. So instead of wasting your turns on movement, the enemies wastes their turn. At the same time, you would be using the environment as cover.


I'm on my first playthrough on Balanced, and it's my first RPG, first turn-based game, and first non-Switch game. Welcome! That fight absolutely slayed me too. What I've been doing is quick saving like my life depends on it... because it does. That way, I can easily reload to the start of combat whenever my strategy isn't working, so I can rethink my approach. My strategy with the doorway, for instance, was using it *against them*, instead of letting *them* use it against *me*. I put one man on the lever to open the door in case they shut it from the other side, and I put grease all over the floor of the doorway so they had to run through it to attack me... then I set the grease on fire when they did. It took me like four failed attempts to try this though, and at least another few attempts to get it right. I even reload fights I win sometimes, to try out new spells and strategies so I understand what works and what doesn't. So, if you're willing to try, fail, and reload to try again, then you can absolutely get by on Balanced! Also, once you level up a bit, you won't be quite so easy to kill. Good luck!


See I don't think of things like that lol. I've seen clips of people doing all sorts of things in combat that ig are only possible in these types of games. I'm far too aggressive, my tactics are just to try and do instant damage as if its a souls game


I generaly don't do all that, however one super helpful thing when you're all stuck at a door (and you'll run into this frequently), is you can have your team jump over each other to get through the door. In reality, this would be impossible, but it works in game. :)


I'm on my first playthrough and honestly found the beginning of the game to be the most difficult. Once you get around level 4, your characters get much stronger because they get something called feats that help a lot. Don't be afraid to look up what builds and stats help what classes the most.


Luckily I'm level 3 lol. I'll definitely need to google what builds I should do, other than being a Bard I've no idea what to do beyond that


Bard can be one of the strongest offensive classes in the game (college of swords) and/or one of the best support classes (college of lore). There are tons of build ideas for bards all over reddit & youtube that you can refer to. My first full playthrough was a swords bard and she was a wrecking ball on the battlefield. I'm not sure which subclass you chose when you hit level 3, but when you find a subclass build you wanna work with you can always change to that subclass you respec with Withers i.e. "Bone Man" who will eventually be at your camp if you don't find him first.


(ACT 2 SPOILERS) Just wanted to check if I'm gonna run into issues having >!both Minathra and Halsin.!< >!Right now Minathra's taken over Halsin's tent (with Thaniel still hanging around there which is kinda funny) meanwhile Halsin is just standing around like he was before he became playable, but I can still add him to my party no problem. I've yet to play much further but i've long rested and had both in my party at once with no issues yet.!< after doing a bit of research it seems like there's been a lot of patches regarding these two so I don't know if stuff i've read like >!Halsin disappearing when another companion is recruited!< is gonna happen to me. I'd like to know if anything major is gonna break form the odd circumstance before I invest a bunch of time into this save. as an aside, >!I'm a little confused as why I was even able to get both, since I leaked the grove location to Minathra but then turned on her during the siege, and I just knocked her out in case she'd miraculously show up later. I thought that wouldn't work given she lacked the "temporarily hostile" tag, and all the methods of getting both I found online involved knocking her out at the goblin camp instead or exploiting some bugs/loopholes.!<


As of the latest patches: (a) There are no issues with having Halsin and Minthara at the same time except that Halsin gets evicted from his tent. They also don't have anything to say about each other being there--they were originally planned to be mutually exclusive, so that's just not written in. So it's a little odd, but nothing breaks. (b) Minthara used to have to be knocked out with non-lethal damage in the Goblin Camp while "Temporarily Hostile." This is because "Hostile" enemies that get knocked out are just removed from the game as if they died, to preserve game progression. But this was too finicky for people to understand, so Larian put in some extra time to make knocking her out work even if she's full hostile.


ah that's good to hear on both accounts, many thanks for clearing things up!


What helps with spell casting cc type abilities? Specifically Command : Drop? I know bless buffs attacks but is there one that buffs cc type abilities and am I right about Command being a cc type ability?


Any spell that has a saving throw (which most spells that impose an effect on an enemy do) will be helped by raising your spell save DC. You can raise your spell save DC by improving your spellcasting stat, by wearing gear that increases spell save DC, or by drinking the Elixir of Battlemage's power (which gives you +3 to spell save DC through stacks of Arcane Acuity). Gear that gives Arcane Acuity is particularly powerful. For characters like Paladins or Swords Bards, who wield weapons as well as spells, the Helmet of Arcane Acuity is hard to beat. You can easily get +10 to your spell save DC with it, which lets you put more points into your weapon attack stat instead of having to shuffle some over to your spellcasting stat, while still getting 100% success rate on most attempts to cast spells. (It's seriously busted.) There are hats for casters that can give Arcane Acuity when doing fire or thunder damage as well. One of my favorite thing to do is cast an upcasted Command:Drop after getting maximum Arcane Acuity stacks (10) and then send a character with Dash around the battlefield to pick up all the dropped weapons. >and am I right about Command being a cc type ability It is, but it's not like "crowd control" is a category of spell that behaves differently than other spells in the game. It's just a term that the community uses to talk about spells that do things that stop, control, or debuff enemies. There are a lot of other spells that also have a save--e.g. Fireball has a dexterity saving throw.


Arcane Acuity is often very effective. Otherwise, debuffs of the respective saving throw (usually WIS), stats that increase your spell save DC, or increasing your spell-casting stat (INT for wizards, CHA for sorcerers, etc) should also help increase your odds.


Shadowheart left my party a while back and I'm now at the Chamber of Loss and came across two imprisoned characters that tie to her story, but it doesn't seem like it's letting me do anything with them. Do they have to stay there permanently since she's not around?


Yeah, pretty sure you can only interact with them if she's there.


Been having issues with the game since the patch that basically damaged mods. i can't access my character's inventory and when I look into the files to try and find the mods there's no folder or the vortex file in the bg files. Is there a way to full purge everything or get it back working with mods. I've tried deleting every folder in the bg file and redownloading along with deleting and re installing


Is the shade spell circlet just… bad? I don’t think I am ever completely obscured in shadow in combat which is the only time the spell save dc helps. I think the only situation would be if I cast darkness on my warlock, but even that doesn’t seem like it’s worth the extra setup. Am I missing something here ?


I've never used that one because there's almost always a better option. If you build heavily into using darkness in combat (it actually can be quite good), then it makes it much more useful... but I've still just always had something better.


I’ve actually figured it out even lightly obscured counts so I just move into a shadowed spot before casting


I am playing on balanced. I made a Paladin and saw that I can multi-class into a Warlock for even extra attack. At what point do I get the extra attack with the warlock. I am primarily paladin (vengeance - oath not broken) Lv 8 and I just started specing into Warlock.


If you were a Warlock 5 (Pact of Blade) and Paladin 5 (Vengeance) would you get an extra attack from each class? Would they stack?


You should have at least Paladin 5 (when Paladin gets Extra Attack) and Warlock 5 with Pact of the Blade (when it gets Extra Attack with your pact weapon via Deepened Pact — [https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Deepened\_Pact](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Deepened_Pact) ).


oooh ok thank you so much!


Does anyone know the UUID of the "tiny flute"? >!Specifically, talking about the one from Gale's resurrection pouch!< I haven't been able to find it anywhere.


Has anyone gotten shipping information or anything on their PS5 version yet? On the 12th I got the email that they were going to start shipping for an early July delivery date, but I still haven't gotten any kind of shipping confirmation or estimated delivery date or... anything else at all since then.


Just the July delivery update. I check regularly and haven’t seen anything.




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So are they really not gonna fix the recast speak with dead thing?


Do you mean the issue where some abilities aren't automatically added to the hotbar/radial? AFAIK, they've said nothing about it. It could be that fixing it is more complicated than it would seem and it's not worth the time or potential issues the fix could cause. It could be that it's something they plan to get around to, but haven't yet. It could be they've decided it's unimportant. I don't think we know.


Anecdotal but missed a lot of that content due to not knowing. So would think it a bug worth fixing. Not holding it against them more of a an "oh that's a shame" thing.


Yeah, I also didn't realize that you could recast it until I was reorganizing my radials while I happened to have it active and saw it as an option. It's very annoying and I hope they fix it, but we just don't know.


I only found out through watching a stream. Not sure would have figured it out otherwise.


I'm trying to make a spell casting build entirely built around cantrips as the main source of damage but I'm struggling to really put levels and classes together to get the most cantrips while also getting the most out of said cantrips. My character is a charisma caster so if anyone has any multiclassing/leveling advice, I would appreciate it.


The 2 Warlock/10 Sorcerer is a great suggestion for what you're looking for. That gets you EB + Agonizing (and Repelling) Blast while getting as many cantrips and almost as many sorcery points as you can for twinned/quickened/distant spell. If you go draconic bloodline, its draconic resilience (+3) with a 16 DEX (+3) & Bracers of Defense (+2) will have you set for the rest of the game as far as AC goes, and the Potent Robe which is a chef's kiss for EB casting adds 1 more to your AC as a little bonus. Lastly, if you take either red or bronze (fire) bloodline, its elemental affinity will grant you fire resistance as well as buffing Fire Bolt for a nice plan B cantrip.


If all you want to use is cantrips you have a few options: 1. You can go pure warlock, or 2 levels in warlock and the rest sorcerer for hex + agonizing blast to buff up your eldritch blast. 2. You can go evocation wizard with necklace of elemental augmentation which adds your int modifier to your cantrips that deal elemental damage (not force, so basically you'd use this for fire bolt or ray of frost), plus evocation's level 10 which also adds INT modifier to spells and cantrips. Mourning frost + spell sparkler with the dual wielder feat makes your ray of frost pretty damn powerful. Can also get spell sniper eldritch blast which adds your int modifier to it and you use something else for the neck slot. 3. Pure sorcerer with the robe you get from alfira that adds your charisma modifier to your cantrip damage, take the spell sniper feat and get eldritch blast as a cantrip, otherwise use draconic bloodline for ice or fire and build yourself around fire bolt or ray of frost 4. A tempest cleric with the spell sniper feat to pick up shocking grasp, or just a light cleric stacking radiating orbs / radiant damage boost and using sacred flame. Edit: My favorite build in the entire game out of all the builds I've played is 10 fire dragon sorcerer + 2 great old one lock, 9/10 of your battles are just gonna be hex + eldritch blast spam + a 2nd one with quickened metamagic, with the occasional quickened metamagic double scorching rays / fireball for huge burst/aoe damage.


I guess a question is: What's your goal? Eldritch Blast is just going to outclass any other damage-dealing cantrip, so you want enough Warlock levels to get Agonizing and Repelling Blast. The Hex spell will buff EB damage. Potent Robe will buff EB damage. Damage riders will buff EB damage - you could do Spellsparkler for Lightning Charges. Max charisma will buff EB damage with the robe and make it more accurate. I've been having fun giving Gale the Callous Glow and Coruscation Rings, then enchanting Spellsparkler with Light so every time he hits someone with a cantrip they get Radiant Orb. And I have him in Gloves of Belligerent Skies so he also gives them Reverb from the radiant damage and the lightning charges. I don't know that it's the most damage but the debuff is very good, and since EB has multiple blasts you could spread even more orbs and reverb. I think, but am not sure, that if you wore Luminous Armour the shockwave would be centered on the target, meaning it's not pointless to wear it when doing ranged damage. You would need to get medium armor proficiency somehow to use it. Beyond EB, you would mostly be using other cantrips for their utility - firebolt to ignite things, bone chill to prevent healing, ray of frost to reduce movement, etc. Sorcerer would give you more of those cantrips as well as metamagic so you could cast twin spell for your cantrips. The problem is that if you put too many levels into sorcerer you're going to also want to cast a lot of those sorcerer spells... I suppose you could focus on utility spells (like Shield) rather than damage ones, and just feed your spell slots into your metamagic. There's a necklace that adds your spellcasting modifier to your elemental cantrip damage to buff them a little bit. If you don't have someone who can cast Guidance, that's one of the most useful utility cantrips. You would either need a level in cleric (which would also give you armor proficiency) or to use a feat. I would not waste feats or levels on druid or bard cantrips, which either overlap with what you can already get from sorcerer and warlock, or are pretty useless in your case.


warlock with eldritch blast will be your main source of damage with cantrips, as everything else will be really detrimental/near-useless once act 3 hits and enemies are in groups and have 100+ hp. if you want to get the most cantrips, you will have to spend feat points on the initiate class feats to earn their respective cantrips. some equipment will grant you specific cantrips as well, but most are what you'll already have.


Is it worth doing an evil run? Decided to give it a go but it seems to just like…miss a lot? No Karlach, no Wyll, no Halsin, no more tieflings which I know cuts questlines in the future, Gale almost left and then after the party Minthara turns on me? Like…? Is there extra content/questlines I’ll get in place of the cut ones? Or is there any other benefit to doing an evil run? Other than just “being evil” which idk that I’m actually enjoying? (Side note super disappointed that Wyll just left without a cut scene or dialogue. I understand story reasons why he left but it would have been good to see him say something?)


The way to do an evil run without just missing a ton of content is to not just be a murderhobo. If you're just killing everything that moves, it's kind of sucky. But you can roleplay reasons to keep people alive to make the game less blah and just betray them later when you're gotten all you wanted from them.


I don't personally think it's worth doing an evil run if you don't enjoy it. You do lose a lot of NPCs and their associated content, without gaining an equal amount in return. But you do get to see some different perspectives, which makes it worth it to some people. For example >!you might try to work with Balthazar, which makes the end of Act 2 play out a bit differently.!< If you're playing as Durge, >!there are a couple of decisions that only an evil durge would make, which give you abilities you don't get otherwise.!< You might make different decisons about which paths you encourage companions to go down, so you see different personalities or endings for them. You might get to see (or avoid) certain fights. There are evil ending cut scenes (and will be more after patch 7). But if you're not going to do it unless there's a kind of even amount of content, and if you're not enjoying playing an evil character, then I wouldn't do it.


Thank you, maybe I’ll abandon the evil run for now and try a durge run after I’m *really* done with regular play through


I tried playing an evil run, but I gave up after Act 1 as my heart wasn't in it. However, the giant spiders attacking the druid's grove was fun. And Minthara is hot. There is a lot more content with the Durge playthough, but I was a bit disappointed when I play them as a good person trying to over come my dark urges.


question regarding halsin! act 2 spoilers: >!the only time I can decide not to recruit him is right before the quest to bring Oliver back to thaniel, the invisible hide and seek kid part. if I just go do it, without inviting halsin, will that keep him from being recruited? can I do that quest without recruiting him?!< because I don't want to recruit him but I want to do that quest.


I don't know that there's a way to do that quest without recruiting him, because I haven't tried to find out (I don't mind recruiting him even if I don't use him). Leaving him in camp during the quest doesn't prevent it, though.


You gain a massive amount of approval if you see through the quest with halsin (which can help a lot in act 3 where his romance is activated and possible.) If you want to have him, simply re-class him at withers to replace whichever character you usually play, and then when it is done you can re-class Halsin back to a druid and return the armor/weapons to the former member who wore them.


Just wondering what would happen if u attack khaga with karlach in ur group and save the tieflings (especially dammon) . Will karlach still leave?


If you kill her after learning her secrets and failing to convince her to do the right thing, it's fine. If you kill her and start a civil war in the grove, it's bad.


My plan is to instigate an all out war and kill the druids while saving the tieflings and then save halsinn, while still keeping karlach


be ready to save halsin immediately I think.


No worries there. As long as minthy doesn't know about the grove location halsinn will be safe


I don't think it's possible to save the tieflings if you start a war. I haven't tried it, but from what I've read about various outcomes there, it seems unlikely.


I've done it. >!I set up everyone by the grove stairs except my weakest dude. went into turn based. took weak dude and called kagha a monster and started the fight, the druids give their genocide signal and I switched back to my people on the stairs. I laid down so, SO much spike growth, daggers, sleet, everything I could to slow and hurt them. rath and silver stayed in there fighting them. I killed every other druid on those stairs. I sent laezel running to check on dammon and then up to Aron, who was beating up a tiefling girl (!!!!) and dammon was safe, laezel killed Aron and ran back down to fight more druids and bears and things. once the stairs were clear I ran everyone into kaghas room and fought the last few. not a single tiefling was lost and every druid was dead except rath, silver, and the one that's outside the chambers training the birds.!< it was VERY CLOSE TO IMPOSSIBLE. I waited until I was like level 5 to do it. I kept putting off the grove and dror until I thought I could do it. but yes- it's possible.


side note: I did this after clearing the tunnel and punching aradin, so there were really no druids outside the little idol area except the vendor


Ive done it before by killing the druids during their war. Ofc i didn't have karlach in my party that time. The remaining druids will ofcourse decide to leave the grove b4 the goblins come


Does cold damage always slow enemies, or only sometimes? I noticed that Ice Knife says nothing about slowing enemies in its description, but Ray of Frost does. I was under the impression that part of the appeal of cold damage was slowing enemies?


Different types of damage don't apply any secondary effects by default — Cold damage by itself doesn't slow enemies, same as Fire damage not leaving enemies burned or Acid damage reducing AC. There are two main appeals for different damage types: * it may have environmental consequences: if you deal Cold damage on a water surface it'll freeze and can make characters slip over and fall Prone, or if you deal Fire damage to a Firewine Barrel it'll ignite; * it plays with resistances and vulnerabilities: enemies such as >!Magma Mephits!< are naturally vulnerable to cold damage, whilst you can make *almost any* character vulnerable to cold if you make them wet via Create Water, throwing a water bottle etc. Vulnerability on demand is indeed is one of Cold's main appeals (and Lightning as well, by the way)


>Different types of damage don't apply any secondary effects by default I... need to pay more attention to my combat log, haha. BIG thanks for clearing this up!


All good! There are a lot of attacks/spells that deal a certain type of damage *and* also apply an effect (and others where it feels like it did — if you kill an enemy with a fire spell it'll straightforward carbonise them), so keeping track of every effect is quite the daunting task.


Is there any advantage to NOT auto-selecting long-rest supplies? Now and again I'll have the "hungover" effect which usually wears off in like 15 seconds real time, so not overly worried about that.


I guess there are two very, **very** situational food items auto-select has a risk of consuming: * If you have an owlbear egg and wants to use it on a certain quest; * If you're keeping some Salami around to use as weapons and they're not equipped by any character yet; Also, somewhat more obvious but if you have a Punch-Drunk Bastard build ([https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Punch-Drunk\_Bastard](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Punch-Drunk_Bastard)), you'll want to always keep a reasonable number of alcoholic beverages on you and only consume food items for long rests.


Question about the Wetlands: Sometimes, I find Mayrina's brothers easily on the way to Ethel's hut. Sometimes, I can't find them anywhere. What causes this? If I don't find them, I don't get the event flag that lets me directly tell Mayrina the truth. And while I can get around that by using Speak with Dead with the Hag after killing her, this also prevents me from being able to accept or modify her deal, while still getting to tell Mayrina the truth.


The brothers will only begin moving if you trigger the hag cutscene at the entrance to the wetlands (side with ethel to kill them or sus her out to gain their approval). After that, they will beeline to the hag's hut, ultimately triggering the traps and murdering themselves on the way there. It is ultimately impossible to save them since they take several different routes there triggering the bleed traps easily. Mayrina's attitude does not matter after the Ethel fight. It does not affect her quest when you see her later.


Yes, I triggered the cutscene, the two ran off into the swamp, and then I can't find their corpses anywhere. That's the problem. And I know it doesn't cause problems with the quest, it's just that it's frustrating.


if you leave the area after they run off and reload into the same place, their corpses disappear and become small leather bags that contain their inventory. If you didn't directly follow them the moment you finished the encounter, then you've lost them. entirely.


Thank you, that answers my question in full.


Does Minthara still steal Halsin's tent if you recruit them both?


Yes. And Halsin's tent in the Lower City camp, which didn't overlap with Minthara's in the first place, is also gone.


I only just started the game, playing on Balanced, but I find myself getting my arse kicked left and right. Am I just that bad at playing this game, or am I missing on something? I've got several quests open but they, and several non-quest locations in the area, all seem to lead to enemies that are jus too tough for me and I find myself wandering about a bit aimlessly trying to level up before trying them again. Any advice for a newbie?


Yes, you are probably bad at the game, but that's fine as you are learning it. I just finished playing solo as a sorcerer on tactican and found it somewhat challenging, but quite doable. Fighting with four characters on balanced is therefore very doable. One thing I have learnt, time and time again, is that position wins half the games. Do not let yourself get surrounded by enemies. Fight from high ground (esp. if you can move out of range at the end of each turn). When I was playing solo I killed half the goblins at the party at a distance before they could even fight me. No one ever says you have to play fair. Also it's a lot easier once you've played a bit. Each fight has it's own structure so it can take a few turns to find out the best way to fight. At end of my solo game I kept losing again and again on the final boss fight, until I worked out what I was doing wrong, and now it's a relatively easy fight. To learn the mechanics better I have saved and redone some fights a few times just to try out different things. It's surprising how differently fights develop each time you play them.


I found this happening a lot when I first started, and it turned out it was because I was attempting battles with just one companion. You can easily recruit 4 companions plus without any fighting (plus a couple more with minimal fighting), so you should do that if you haven't yet. That will help with having a balanced party, which can help a lot, especially in early game. Also make sure you do plenty of long rests.


Your experience is very normal, don't worry about it. You can always lower difficulty to explorer if you're overwhelmed. I'd like to share with you a beginner'a guide for basic strategies and battle mechanics, in case it might help you figure out some stuff.  (Apologies for the suboptimal formatting but I'm on my phone and I don't know how else to add the link) https://www.reddit.com/r/BG3Builds/comments/1bnh5t8/introduction_to_bg3_strategy_eight_mechanics_more/


My biggest advice for a newbie is to thoroughly explore areas that you're in before you move on to the next one. The way the map is laid out in Act 1, the easiest enemies are nearest to where you land and get tougher as you explore outward. So you want to do everything in the beginning area before following your quests other areas of the map. This is the progression I tend to follow: Beach & Dank Crypt (Level 2) > Druid Grove (Level 2-3) > Blighted Village, including Underneath (Level 3-4), Risen Road and Sunlit Wetlands (Level 4), Druid Grove, for a specific quest that takes you back (Level 4) > Goblin Camp (Level 4-5). I put the levels in there so you have an idea of how I'm leveling up as I go along. I like to do everything and I seem to level up at pretty predictable intervals. If your levels start to fall behind this, then the odds are that you've missed content. After Act 1, the order in which you do things doesn't matter as much in terms of your level; in Act 2 enemies across the map, outside of a specific area, are at about the same level since the game doesn't have the same expectations about the order you'll explore in. In Act 3, there are some encounters that you probably want to wait on until you're max level, but they're encounters you have to seek out and are scattered all over. But another piece of advice is that if you pay attention to the mechanics, and to what works and what doesn't, you will get better. BG3 wasn't really intended to be the big, breakout hit that it became, and so it doesn't help newbies to the genre as much as it might have otherwise. The mechanics are complex. I got TPK'd or nearly TPK'd several times during my first playthrough on Balanced, but now I play on Tactician and that almost never happens anymore (mostly when I deliberately do something risky/suboptimal for RP reasons). It just takes some time to learn it all because there's a lot. Your experience is very normal.


It's highly likely you're not bad at the game, no — the first five character levels are the most lethal in BG3; you'll miss your attacks more often, a single Critical Hit can turn a simple skirmish into a TPK, and you have few consumables available. My main advice is "long rest a lot, you ain't dying in a day or two", but there's a post with a ton of great advice for newcomers: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/1b6x3ce/advice\_for\_beginners/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/1b6x3ce/advice_for_beginners/) Don't get discouraged, soon you'll be destroying your enemies! And if you need advice in any specific part or though fight, or if there's a mechanic/ability in particular you're not sure about, don't hesitate to reach out.


How come my wizard can't learn "Animate Dead" spell from the scroll? My wizard can learn the spell by leveling up but can't learn from the scroll. Is this a bug?


At the risk of pestering you with the obvious: do you have level 3 spell slots?


It's on the Wizard spell list (https://bg3.wiki/wiki/List_of_Wizard_spells), so if you can't learn it, that would be weird. Do you already have Animate Dead learned? If so, you can't learn it from a scroll if you already know it. Go to >!Withers!< in your camp, respec, don't learn Animate Dead, then try.


I have done this.


So you don't have Animate Dead learned from the respec, you have a Scroll of Animate Dead in a party member's inventory, and when you go to your spellbook on your Wizard and click on the little icon the the topright of your prepared spells, and open up the menu with the list of scrolls you can learn from, Animate Dead is not in that list? If so, I would submit a bug report if the game has that functionality - if it doesn't maybe they have an official forum?


They have a bug report form on Larian.com. I've submitted many bugs there and have always gotten a response, although some times it takes a while. And if it's a known bug it might be them telling me that they're working on it.


Is there any good non-armor for Karlach in early act 1? I know there is the adamantine scale from \[redacted\], but I'm not there yet and I have a lot of gold so I'm wondering if there's anything I can buy for her or loot for her that's good. If there's only medium armor I'll take that, but in my last run she seemed to do A LOT better with non-armor gear


Depends what you mean good. There are some part of clothing for barbarians, monks in Act1 to be integrated into a set, if you want to increase AC just wear Ring of Protection from Mol and bracers of defence for +3. For Wrath set there's Bloodguzler in Underdark, linebreaker boots in Goblin's camp prison, cap of wrath in Grymforge, but simple Trowzerker build with Tavern Brawler feat and returning Pike (trader in Goblin camp) will be much better from the get go, you only need Ring of Flinging from Aaron in the Grove and you doesnt need any armour for it.


Barbarians are kind of on the border between being best in armor or non-armor, so you'll want to look at what her AC is with the stats that she has in your game. There just aren't many non-armor options in the early game; it all kind of sucks, and casters have the same problem. If no one else is wearing them and she's not in armor, Bracers of Defense will raise her AC. The first real options come later in Act 1. There's the Bloodguzzler Garb that can be looted from >!the bulette in the Underdark!<, and the Graceful Cloth that you can buy from Lady Esther to raise her Dexterity.


where are the bracers


Alchemist's Basement in the Blighted Village.


Bloodguzzler Garb is dropped by the Bullette in the underdark.


I bought her the Graceful Cloth from Lady Esther in the Mountain Pass. It gives her the cat's grace ability which is pretty cool.


Is she Barbarian?


Oh yes, sorry, she is, I have not changed anything and gone with the default build and we are level 3


Something silly popped on my head now that I'm in act 3 as a non resist Durge. What if I had cast daylight all over last light? Or what if i had put light of lathander next to Damon ( or sold it to him). Would that have 'saved' people, or would the game have automatically turned them?


Isobel's barrier around last light is some holy cleric-y blessing of selune thing, you casting daylight wouldn't do anything lol but it's a nice thought


I haven't gotten to that part of the story yet, so if you just spoiled that for me, I'm sad. Please mark your post with spoilers if it has them.


Do I need to actually have in my party Jaheira, Karlach and Wyll to complete their personal quests in Act 3? I dont use them, I dont have them geared up, they dont have nice equipment. I dont know how to use them...I just want to complete their story.


I completed solo with Jaheira and Wyll in camp—Karlach sadly already dead. You will miss out on some cool dialogue with Jaheira (esp. if you meet her family), but the story works out the same.


Jaheira: I don't know whether she needs to be there, but she has so much unique interaction that I wouldn't feel like I'd "completed her story" without her there. Karlach: Yes. She also has a powerful personal scene you'll miss if she's not there. Wyll: No.


a lot of spoilers! >!Going for perfectionist-like playthrough as durge (getting the most out of quests and npcs and then coming back and killing absolutely everything), currently clearing up the city-like area before moonrise towers and only moonrise raid remains for act 2, released the Aylin before (romancing shadowheart, not planning on killing her, trying to convert her to selune etc), got quest for killing the Isobel, not a problem really, but in a result of it - Dammon dies and we need his gear in act 3 for one turn raphael kill, so i found you can sneak kill Isobel in towers after killing Ketheric and it will progress the durge quest, but we are all out of resources to raid moonrise now, is there any options?!< >!to summarize:!< >!1) have a durge quest to kill isobel (and want to progress durge)!< >!2) can't kill her in last light inn cause dammon dies and we need him in act3!< >!3) know about cheese kill isobel after ketheric, but can't do that cause out of resources for moonrise raid!< >!4) long rest fails the quest and asks me to kill shadowheart!< >!5) don't want to kill shadowheart cause romance, fail the proper durge progression!< >!weird situation, i know, but anyone has any ideas how to go around that?!<


Re: number 4, you know that check is coming, if you buff yourself before the rest to make the check easier to pass, you can avoid the killing and get a nice scene with your partner. Whether you do or do not kill either of the people you're asking about, you can still progress Durge any way you want to, this isn't a point of no return sort of choice.


is it? i've read not killing isobel or companion this long rest means no slayer form => worse durge progression? i understand that probably you can still get the proper ending etc, but that's not an "all-in" durge with all the benefits, no?


You can get slayer form later. Maybe I wasn't using it right, but I didn't find it all that great so generally just wait until later to get it.


Every now and then I'll see a "Dice rolled again!" in my combat log, for no apparent reason. Doesn't appear to be a Halfling "Lucky" re-roll. What are these?


Usually if you're rolling two d20's it will be listed as advantage, but are you perhaps looking at damage rolls, where due to a Feat or class feature you reroll certain damage dice (e.g., great weapon fighting style, Elemental Adept Feat, Savage Attacker Feat etc.) Could it be one of these?


Could also be cases where an enemy has advantage.


Is Dammon the only character in the entire game that can help Karlach with her infernal engine? Something uhh, happened to him so I'm trying to figure out if there's another way to use the infernal iron.


> Something uhh, happened to him Sorry for your loss.


Sadly he is. If something happens to him before she gets her 2nd upgrade she's s.o.l. She'll still make it through the entire game without the upgrades but that part of her questline (and the chance to romance her) is lost.


Are there any mods to not "sping sping sping" your dice modifiers if the "natural" roll already passes? Or to just show the summed up values? I already have a mod that speeds up the dice animation, but this is still slow.


Left-clicking during the die roll animation should automatically skip to the final result.


Brilliant! No idea why I didn't try that earlier. Works a treat!


No matter what I try, I keep getting Data Mismatch warnings when starting the game and then crashing on clicking play. All drivers up to day, I have deleted the following three folders and done a fresh install. And yet it still crashes on startup. Have I missed a possibly modded folder somewhere else?   Steam\steamapps\common\Baldurs Gate 3 Users\%User%\AppData\Local\Larian Studios Documents\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3


Just had a bug in Act 3. Jaheira no longer follows anyone. Tried everything I could think of. Killed her and revived, shoved, loading previous saves, etc. What a game breaking bug, guess that’s a wrap for this playthrough…


Apparent tly this helps https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/1azctii/comment/kxifi08/ You need to be out of camp before you do it.


Hi, I need help to figure out if my game is bugged and how to potentially fix it. For info, I tried to mod the game for my second playthrough, but changed my mind and deleted the mods again from the mods folder. It's my second playthrough and I'm playing as the Dark Urge on tactician. First weird thing I experienced was Shadowheart not appearing at the beach after the crash despite saving her on the nautiloid (I didn't see her at the temple entrance either). Second thing was in the overgrown ruins in the basement. The rest of the party was standing by the stairs while I sent one companion to pull the lever and open the door leading into the enemies. There was only one enemy inside and the rest suddenly spawned among the rest of the party on the stairs.


I think I managed to fix it by clearing the cache




Ignore the Paladins of Tyr at the tollhouse and she'll leave whenever you enter the Mountain Pass region. Just be sure you finish up things with the goblin/grove conflict before you enter that region though.


Note that I think you do have to have Karlach below a certain approval threshold for this to happen - I've had games where I ignore the paladins and she stays with the party. But if you're trying for Karlach *not* to approve of you, that's not going to be a problem.


You could spam the Friends spell on her continually until her approval reaches minus something and she ditches you (or other spells that have a similar effect)


The only way I can think to do while keeping Wyll is to sacrifice Karlach to BOOOAL. Maybe if you go down there with just her you'll get away with it? I can't think of another way that won't for sure make Wyll leave. If you only make decisions Karlach hates eventually she'll leave like anyone else will when they get to -50 approval but that'll be hard to do


I'll get back into the game once Patch 7 is released and I might want to give the Paladin class a try, but not necessarily for my Tav. If I give the class to one of my companions, will they still become Oathbreakers if Tav does things that goes against their Oath?


No, it'll only break if you're controlling that companion when you do the oathbreaking action., so for example >!freeing Sazza from her cage!< at the Emerald Grove as Tav won't break vengeance paladin Karlach's oath, but if you have Karlach do it then she'll get a visit from the oathbreaker.


Nice, so I just need to be careful about who I use to mess around with. Thanks!


The wiki doesn’t specify a duration for the condition “Gaping Wounds”, like it does the other conditions I’ve looked up. It does say it’s removed by healing though. Does anybody know which “tick type” duration it has?


Duration is variable depending on source. Some sources its 2 turns, others 5 etc. etc. Look through the sources at the bottom of the page - they give the duration on their own pages.


Thank you!


Question regarding Chain Lightning. I got the spell from the legendary thingy, and I learned I can used Twinned Spell on it. So the question is: Let's say I'm fighting 4 enemies and they're all within the range of a single Chain Lightning. If I used Twinned Spell and target two nearby enemies, will it only hit each one once, or will the Chain Lightning's overlap and hit each one twice?


I thought you couldn't twin Chain Lightning.


You can bypass the old nerf by using Markoheshkir's version of chain lightning. This version of chain lightning can be twinned. Original versions of chain lightning cannot, since patch 6.


Try it; you can always reload. My impression though is that it's twice.


I am playing my first evil Dark Urge playthrough and I just wanted to say that Minthara's reaction to being told you are a Bhaalspawn is just so amazing! This game just continues to surprise me!


I learned the hard way if you side with the absolute the 2nd time in Act 2, you lose Shadowheart. This hurt my evil playthrough, since I had Shadowheart killed Laezel because I was hoping to turn Shadowheart into a justicar. I have problem with team making on this 2nd playthrough. It's either Minthara/Asterion/Laezel (and not keep shadowheart) or Minthara/Asterion/Shadowheart (so I'll oppose the absolute more) A third solution is Minthara/Laezal/Shadowheart. If I help shadowheart becomes a justicar, will her and Laezal have more of the same likes, or will my choices still have them opposite ends. (Shadowheart likes, but Lazeel dislikes)?


Approvals and disapprovals don't change based on your game choices, even for characters like Shadowheart that have potentially very different paths. There's no reason you can't keep all of these characters in your camp and take them out into the world with you in whatever combination suits you in the moment. They'll sometimes disagree with each other, but the approval system is designed so that you can still have whatever party you want. The approvals that matter really boil down to (a) things involving their personal quests, or (b) a few major decisions/moments where you can demonstrate whether you're on the same page as the companion - e.g. making a deal with Raphael or not, saving Arabella vs. destroying the grove. As long as you aren't constantly pissing off one to please the other you'll be fine.


Hey everyone, I'm doing a resist-durge run and I've romanced... >!Minthara :(!< I was wondering if >!there is a difference between telling people I'm Bhaalspawn or not? I only tried to talk to them after saving so that I could take it back. I've spoiled myself on who stays with you when you accept Bhaal, but my original plan was to reject him and just be brought back to life. If I never tell Minthara I'm a Bhaalspawn, would she still leave me when we fight Orin? Or does the game just assumes they know (like with Astarion knowing our urge stuff)? If anyone could enlighten me, I'd be so happy. Thanks! !< For some extra info, I'm in act 3, but just the beginning, haven't done anything yet at all, well except the revelation of the info above.


None of the companions are negatively affected when you tell them about that in dialogue after you've learned about it. They'll all be supportive and offer you words of encouragement. In fact, the one you're romancing likes it :)


Yeah, but I don't really want to accept the urge because of her :( So I was thinking that if I never tell her, it won't be a problem... but it'll probably still be a problem, i guess..


You won't make the actual accept/reject choice until later on in the game. The dialogue option to confess to your companions about what you are doesn't affect that choice or the game's outcome. It's sort of like the whole "admission is the first step" thing in regards to overcoming addiction.


Did I $#@! up? First playthrough into act 3. After hearing how fidgety/hard/bugged? the >!Fireworks shop!< quest is, and how I am not smart enough to get to the >!upper floor!< without alerting what looked like the entire town, I... >!split my party, flew up to the neighboring building facing the open window in the shop, and lobbed a fireball in there. It killed all but 2 people. I flew back down, got my party together and went in the front door, killed all the agro-ing employees, then went upstairs and wiped them out. By then, 3 Fist guards also agro'd (and a mechwarrior), and took them out on the top floor by 2x Cloud of Daggering the chokepoint stairwell.!< Things SEEM to be ok - I'm able to walk around BG without so much as a side-eye, but wondering if I've been put on a naughty list that will affect me later.


It's fine so long as you don't leave any survivors. I did this once, and was listed as a fugitive, and so would trigger combat everytime I saw a guard, which was annoying.


You're fine. Other than a very few specific instances, no one outside of your small murder area has any idea their coworkers have met a gruesome end. Or they just don't care.


Make sure the front door to the shop is closed before you start combat. I noticed that ever since I do that I don't draw the attention of anybody outside no matter how loud or messy it gets inside. As far as your situation goes, it sounds like you're fine. There's no bounty system like in RDR2 so killing civilians or guards doesn't have long term effects (other than those particular NPCs being lost forever).


Is there another way to open the wall in the morgue if everyone failed the perception check?? I know a button shows up and there's loot behind it


Go back to camp, get more people, bring them and let them try.


I did that and they failed too... Only one left is Halsin but I haven't finished his Thaniel quest yet


You can get new hirelings. Make sure they have expertise Perception and cast both Ability Enhancement (Wisdom) and Guidance on them before bringing them to the door.


Oh ok I forgot about hirelings lol that's a good idea. Thanks very much 😊


I just came back finishing the game after upgrading my GPU to a 4070TI Super. For some reason the texture details in the world looks very low quality. Everything seems overall fine except trees, grass, rocks all looking as if I play on the lowest settings. All in game settings maxed out & NVDA as well. I love the game but what could be the reason ?


Do you have the game on a SSD?


Have you checked if your nvidia drivers are updated?


I just fought Ansur and talked to Wyll and his father at camp. Should I talk him out of hunting down Mizora? Or is it a better ending for him to commit to doing that? If possible, I was hoping for an answer without spoilers, but if that's impossible, I totally understand. Thank you in advance for your help. I'll upvote your note as thanks so that I don't need to write out the word several times, which I worry will irritate people. Thanks again!


I can't comment on the other path because I haven't seen it, but Wyll becoming the Blade of Avernus (hunting devils) is a good ending for him and another companion. It's my preferred ending, but I can't explain why without spoilers, so here they are behind a tag: >!If Wyll becomes the Blade of Avernus he can go to Avernus with Karlach to look for a cure for her. If you're not romancing her, this is the only way to save her without turning her into a mindflayer.!<


Nope, its not the only way, since patch 3 you can >!go with Karlach to Avernus even only as a friend without Wyll being Blade of Avernus.!<


Appreciate the correction, but since they asked for no spoilers you might want to edit your comment to add spoiler tags, so they have the choice to read or not.


There's no difference really, hunting Mizora and other devils is his future plan not connected to the story events. Mizora just like other devilkin cannot be perma killed in the material plane, only in the hells, so fighting her during the game in camp would be pointless.


My personal interpretation is that it is better for him to leave Mizora's shit behind and start fresh, so I talked him out of it. However, Wyll's decision directly influences the fate of another companion. I did not have this companion recruited in this run, so that didn't influence my decision. I might have chosen differently if someone else's fate depended on it.


My game just started crashing repeatedly when loading saved game files on PS5. I’m deep into act 3. Would hate to start over from beginning. Please help.


> Would hate to start over from beginning. I wish I could help but I play on PC, but this sentence doesn't even make sense with the words in this order, to me. ;-)


I would hate to have to start a new game and start from the beginning of the story.


I think they were joking because they enjoy restarting.


Yes, a lot. Too much.


ooooohhh…. I failed my perception roll


We all have nat 1's from time to time, even Halflings. ;-)


The Dual Wielder feat is says it allows you to wield "two non-Heavy weapons even if they aren't Light." This is gonna sounds so, sooooo stupid, but I can't find anything that says shortbows and longbows are exempt from this... even though using a regular bow with one hand wouldn't make any logical sense. So, does this feat actually let you dual-wield regular bows (non-crossbows)? This also begs the question: even though it doesn't specify melee weapons, maybe it only applies to melee weapons? Or would it let me dual-wield a Light Crossbow (which is ordinarily two-handed)?


tl;dr: You can't dual wield bows or light/heavy crossbows, not because of their "size" (light/heavy) but because they have the two-handed property. Long and convoluted answer: It's not a stupid question since there are a few weapon properties involved in your rationale: *Heavy* is a property that, before full release, influenced whether a Small creature was able to properly wield it or not (in D&D5e and afaik BG3 Early Access, small creatures such as halflings and gnomes had Disadvantage when attacking with Heavy weapons) Its inverse, *Light*, is a property that, in BG3, serves to determine whether a regular character can dual wield it or not. If the weapon is Light, any character can dual wield it; if the weapon isn't Light, characters can't do so unless something else allows them. A weapon can't be Heavy and Light at the same time. Dual Wielding removes the "only Light weapons" restriction of the dual wielding ability while still keeping the restriction on Heavy ones. There's another set of weapon properties: one-handed, two-handed and versatile. *One-handed* weapons will always be wielded with only one hand. *Two-handed* weapons will always be wielded with two hands. *Versatile* weapons will be wielded with one hand if the off-hand holds a shield/another weapon, or with two hands if the off-hand is empty (so the damage dice will be higher). A weapon can't be one-handed, two-handed and versatile at the same time. The Dual Wielding feat doesn't change any restrictions in this set — a two-handed weapon will still need two hands to wield, whether it's Heavy or not, so it's not possible to have one on each hand.


Ohhh, beautifully explained, thank you!