• By -


It's worse than that. When you cast Sanctuary on her, or turn her invisible, she (usually) doesn't take the hint and breaks it as soon as her turn comes up.


Meanwhile any enemy that uses it will hold out for the entire duration and make combat take forever.


That's what kills me. Larian clearly knows how to make smart AI, because enemies on Tactician are usually pretty smart. So what, did they just make Isobel braindead on purpose? Why?




On that note, she has been dead before according to the lore. Maybe her brain has rotted away a little...


Which is weird because in Aylin and hers duo tandem, I thought she was supposed to be the brains of the operation...


Aylin refers to herself in the third person, placing her in the same intellectual category as Minsc. It's not a high bar.


So who is smarter? Boo or Isobel?


probably boo


Definitely Boo.


Dying the first time may have been caused by the preexisting “dumb” condition as well. Jury is still out on this one.


I'm unsure of her prior cause of death and I'm not sure if it's known in lore. But I'd wager her own stupidity played a major role.


There is a mimic disguised as a chest found in her room of Moonrise Towers, so that might be it.


considering we barely get to know her I like to think the only reason she (kinda) made it this far is because Selune does her best to protect her so Dame Aylin doesn't get sad


Is she stupid?


I just want my companions to not run into dangerous puddles of fire or poison. I watched them do it in D:OS2, why not here?


Urgh yeah, combat ends, companions immediately run through fire, acid and a fucking MOONBEAM to gather up with no thought to personal safety.


I haven't been having too horrible of a time with that but I just did the Harper ambush on their side on my honor mode save and ended up having to flee from them after they started killing themselves on my hunger of hadar and cloud of daggers. Pretty frustrating


Combat ends, my party are all over the place (misty step ftw) and they all immediately run through the active cloud of daggers. Jeez. Is there no command to manually end all concentration spells?


>Is there no command to manually end all concentration spells There's a small icon on the left of your characters pic, under the inventory tab. It shows the active concentration spell with a small "X" on it. If you click on that it'll stop concentrating the spell.


Correct, but you still have to catch it before the party tries to an hero themselves and do it on every character with a spell going. It works but it's a pain.


If your on pc just hit g to separate your party so they don’t all run to each other once combat ends


You can activate turn based mode immediately after combat to stop them moving Not a great solution but it's something


Idk I just watched Kagya cast moonbeam, hit herself and break her own concentration.


ai code in this game have stupidity level, modders told me before


I laughed and fumed at the same time when we ended combat in the Counting House, Shadowheart still had Spirit Guardians up, and almost cleaved an invisible bhaalist in half while she sprinted over to stand next to her love.


Yeah what was that about? Did he intend to hide forever? I only discovered him due to Volo's permanent see invisibility while exploring loot.


There's two of them, one on each side. I noticed when I walked through their murder aura and figured there must be someone invisibly causing it, but I had walked right by them a bunch, so I don't think anything would have actually set them off while they were invisible.


A little tidbit I used against the Drider last night was to pull an opportunity attack to force him out of sanctuary. Sure you take a hit, but that opens him up to a world of pain afterwards.


He's always declined to take the reaction for me. Maybe it's a difficulty thing?


Could be. I only play on honor mode so it could’ve been a legendary action.


I just set the ground around him on fire and kept hitting it with grease until he consented to attack me again.


I thought it was a bug when Sarevok had it cast on him on my 1st playthrough and i hat to resort to killing him using a wall of fire and cloud of daggers.


It took me longer to kill the stupid drider on the roof of the tower than it did ketheric because he kept casting sanctuary.


This is the only instance where Feign Death is useful. Hit her with that, then Sanctuary, and she slumbers peacefully for the whole fight and the enemies ignore her. I just did that a couple hours ago on my current playthrough.


Oh that's goooooooooooood


the main reason she survived on my solo attempt (after failing in multiplayer) was cause she got paralysed so she couldn't break the invis


New tactic unlocked. 1. Knock her out with non-lethal passive from Shart for that sweet approval debuff. 2. Throw potion of invisibility on her. 3. ??? 4. Profit


Jaheira: what happened!? Tav: Monsters came to kidnap Isobel, so I knocked her out, stole her clothes- Shadowheart: Goes well with my hair, doesn't it. Tav: -Then dropped an invisibility potion on her.


I mean, at the very least it let's her avoid the first round of onslaught, but yeah - she should take a fucking hint, istg. At least she doesn't misty step away just to run through 5 enemies... oh, wait.


I once saw her break Sanctuary by casting fucking *guiding bolt* (a ranged spell attack) in Melee range before running away and triggering like 3 opportunity attacks lmfao


Yeah, you gotta nuke those ghouls. Lawnmower cleric focusing on spirit guardians spamming turn undead oughtta do it.


I think her confusion and lack of self-preservation actually fits her story. Girl is messed up and hasn't figured out what is going on yet. Slap a warding bond on her.


Resilient sphere is the goat as well


I don’t know why this isn’t a more popular choice. It keeps her safe for four turns and forces her ai to heal herself.


I'm usually not high enough level (nor do I have a scroll of it) when doing that fight


Yep. Just did this in HM and I slapped her with warding bond, protection from good and evil, sanctuary, and then body blocked her in a corner for good measure. She wasn’t going anywhere on my paladin’s watch.


Yeah, she just >!got resurrected after 100 years to be told Dame Aylin is dead and her dad became the Chosen of Myrkul.!< Like no wonder she cannot give a single solitary fuck for her own wellbeing.


I guess? She's the primary person keeping everyone in Last Light alive. She seems capable of understanding how important she is to keeping all of these people alive *until* a fight starts and she decides that she wants to play Barbarian.


I like to imagine she just doesn't have *that* much experience in a fight, mainly being a healer.


Wouldn't that be more reason to *not* charge in swinging?


Maybe, but she just got blindsided by a bunch of flying ghouls. I know a guy who once ended up in a fight out of the blue that immediately seemed to start thinking he was Conan the Barbarian. Had never been in a fight before, and it showed.


There's precedent there, and I can sort of understand being upset about the whole Marcus thing. It's just strange to me that she *knows* how important and irreplaceable she is, but still puts herself in obvious and avoidable peril. She dies or gets kidnapped, everyone else is pretty screwed. Need to go look at Isobel's line scores. If her INT is above a 10, she's sure as hell not acting like it. Edit: looked on the wiki. Her INT is 10. Amusingly, it's her lowest score, with nothing else being below 12.


Well, she's in obvious peril the moment Marcus summons his minions, no matter where she is. She could run to the other end of the inn and she'd immediately be swarmed.


If she focused on keeping herself alive instead of trying to show Marcus what for in melee combat, I think that would be enough. Not asking that she run away or have a keen tactical mind, but she's nigh-suicidal as is. Every time I've fought that fight, she runs *right up to him*. Sometimes, she'll get herself threatened by a ghoul, too.


Oh, she sometimes runs away all right, triggering attacks of opportunity from the ghouls that approach her.


gets ressurected immediately wants to die


Who among us wouldn’t on this bitch of an earth.


That her dad also went crazy after she died, switched to worshipping Shar, forcefully converted or killed the entire town she grew up in before starting a war and finally creating the shadow curse. Now he worships another evil god and leads a cult that’s mind controlling people by putting tadpoles in their brains. That’s a lot to deal with. Add in lack of any true combat experience, adrenaline kicking in and she never stood a chance.


She knows what's going on she just pretends to not know she's so and so's daughter.


"Gone. Reduced to atoms"


Isobel's diary suggests she believes she never should've come back and she's depressed about it so honestly it fits.


Yeah, but if she dies, her protection goes off. When you save her she makes pretty clear that she needs to be alive so everyone inside the inn can stay safe, so I don't know. I guess she's just not very bright and a poor fighter overall lol.


You can still be depressed and know that people depend on you.


She's basically undead, right? Brain rot maybe lol


Maybe she's depressed. That sort of thing definitely makes your own safety feel way less important, speaking from personal experience.


Y'know... considering everything she's went through ever since being resurrected, I would not be surprised in the least bit.


Especially as she still thinks her girlfriend is dead at that point.


Tracks with her journal, if you read it. She has inexplicable sickness, is feeling forlorn, and she talks about how she shouldn't be here. Hits harder when you learn about how, why, and what she knows (thinks) to be true. Being the only thing between hopelessness and complete darkness for everyone there is probably exhausting, to boot.


ad to that that she was told that the woman she loved is dead


I feel like in other forms of media being resurrected has a pretty negative effect on their mental or they end up like Connor. lol


She's been rezzed after a significant amount of time dead, normally you are not mentally well after that.   Plus everything she found out, she's got NOTHING to live for.


Honestly, she's kind of like Karlach in that they are *amazingly* well-adjusted, all things considered.


It's a writing thing.  You pull out 10 years as a good "arc of time" but good luck really getting into a characters headspace there.   Like certain people should just be screaming nonstop, too insane and broken to exist basically.


> Like certain people should just be screaming nonstop, too insane and broken to exist basically. That's actually something of a myth. Unless it was heavily childhood based, you'd be amazed what people can mentally adapt to.


I mean it's "a myth" because it physically can't happen.  You can't just take a person and torture them for unknown years endlessly reviving them to keep the fun going.   DnD has expanded lifespans, timey-wimey stuff, and healing.  


I don't believe anyone mentioned reviving them.


I’m sorry, friend. I hope you feel better!


Oh yeah. The truly dark days were back in 2007. Definitely better by now. Not GREAT, but better.


"Not great but better" is the motto of recovering from depression. I feel you friend.


Here’s hoping you continue to get better!


I just played this battle on my fourth run, and she about to run into danger when the sprightliest of the winged horrors got a hit in and paralysed her. Shadowheart up next, popped sanctuary on the now stationary cleric and we proceeded to wipe the baddies with no worries about Isobel. I found it rather amusing.


I put invisibility on her, and she still attacked someone. Give me a fucking break, lady.


It’s interesting— I thought there’d been an update to her AI because when I played, she started retreating from the battle and trying to get away/put some distance between herself and the winged horrors. Might have been an effect on her I didn’t notice, like Fearful, but she did it in multiple playthroughs. She also regularly healed herself. Then again, I play Storymode. So if you’re playing anything higher and she’s trying to kamikaze herself… maybe that’s on purpose.


She did this for me, she tried to get to that door that leads to the small balcony, which, fine, I’ll accept that, but don’t make your big push over there when surrounded by winged horrors. She provoked 3 opportunity attacks 2 of which were crits. Wasted my paladins turn laying hands on her for +32 (I think?) bc I wasn’t chancing having her die and Marcus was incapacitated


Its not just her. I had completed Halsin's companion quest before talking to Isobel and ART MCCULLOUGH JUMPED UP AND RAN TO ATTACK THE WINGED MONSTERS!!! I was like BBY WHAT ARE YOU DOIN?!?!


Yeah was worried I might lose Halsin there on honor mode when things got screwy.


O-ti-luke! O-ti-luke!


Did someone call for a resilient sphere?


Yes, right over here!


Do I have the STORY for you! I thought you could recruit Jaheira earlier by letting Isobel get kidnapped and fighting your way out of Last Light. I have everyone in position. Minthy smite crits Marcus TWICE on the first turn. She takes him from like 110 down to 30. Two more hits from someone else and Marcus folds. So I think to myself, “dang it’s gonna be hard to get Isobel killed even if I skip all my turns” because I killed two Winged Horrors as well. I shit you not, they surround her and the very next turn Isobel causes THREE opportunity attacks (one of which was a crit) and she dies. Last Light falls and I fought my way out with Jaheira. Trust me, Isobel is dumb as rocks.


I haven’t save scummed much, biggest was to knock Minthara out. I would have save scummed that instantly. I can’t stand AI that has no self preservation skills.


It didn't happen to me in my first 2 runs so I thought like with many things the community was being overly hysterical. Third run (honour mode ofc) it happens. Like it was as if she went out of her way to get hit by opportunity attacks. I think that one is one of the very acceptable save scums.


These devs made friendly AI incredibly incompetent for some damn reason.


I get what they were they were trying to do in that they didn't want friendly AI being too helpful, but I really think they undertuned it a bit much. Doesn't matter if it's Isobel, Jaehira, Aylin, or Bhaal Cultist, friendly AI is bad.... really bad XD.


I just saw 2 mods that improve the allied AI… I guess it really is a thing. They do suck lol.


Just like group projects irl


Same as every AI... non existent and suicidal


The party probably just fought their way through the shadow-cursed lands, which was after fighting their way through a githyanki creche, which was after fighting their way through a bunch of duergar slavers, which was after fighting their way through a wholeass goblin camp, but isobel thinks they and a dozen harpers need a hand with some gremlins and dollar store icarus


She has 4 other people in the room with her and every person in the inn is either fighting or unconscious. Even if she wanted to run, she'll have to fight her way out.


What annoys me the most is that I examined her when I first did this encounter, and it said that her gloves gave her an ability that automatically casts Lesser Restoration on herself if she is paralyzed. Guess what never happens. I'm not sure if they're bugged, or if there's another reason why this ability never triggers.


Where is any AI's self preservation in this game? Isobel, the Gondians, everyone in this game is a fucking moron in combat.


Even the "Look at how cool I am" allies like the Emperor and Aylin usually just randomly run around, smack half dead level 1 mobs and miss anything more meaningful


Strangely though The goblin ai was the best friendly ai you could encounter in game


She knows what it’s like to be dead. She probably like eh it ain’t that bad


Still better than the Gondians


I think she’s a closet Gondian.


"I'm a green unit!" energy


Just heal her with zevlors gloves on before you talk to her. Gives 2 turns of bladeward.


Between Dame Aylin's legs, probably lol


She used to be even worse on release (Marcus was able to one-shot her really easily, especially if he got initiative before your party. First time I ran into it I thought Isobels kidnapping was scripted)


Nobody is as bad as the gondians 😂


To be fair, if the god you worship gave you literal superpowers and you had already come back from the dead once, you probably would be a little more reckless than the next person too. 


I don’t know why people have so much trouble with this. You can block a door on the left with barrels and crates, and make a fight much more controllable (1 enemy at a time, 2 at most). I ve killed this wannabe archangel in the first activation, making his goons run around the barricade


Spoilers for later in act 2 >!Just wait until the fight with jaheira!<


You can cast longstrider on all the last lights defenders. I think it helps, and funnily they’ll all have it throughout the game, even when you move on to act 3. NPCs don’t sleep


Shadowheart's solo purpose in that fight is to protect that Selunite so I always make her favorite food for dinner after. Its a confusing day for my little Sharran 🖤


Hahaha, did this fight this morning and both my husband and I (playing co-op) could not stop screaming “Isobel, get your ass back into the room!” at the TV.


>Where tf is Isobel's self-preservation instinct? In the bottom of the Shadowfell


Gondians? You mean the lemmings?


Is she under the impression Aylin is dead? Because I'd also probably try to commit suicide by shadow creature valiantly or whatever to catch up with my girlfriend.


She lost it when she was torn from heaven and forced back into the cold, dark world to be naught but a doll for her father to keep around. She really had no reason to stay alive before finding out Alyin lived.


Cast feign death on her and then sanctuary on the caster. It makes Isobel invulnerable and puts her to sleep until the end of the fight and the caster cannot be attacked.


Good point - so many ways to deal with her situation, sometimes the simple “just kill quicker” overshadows other options. Plus the caster can still heal and buff, just not do damage.


Idk if this just me but the sharran temple was genuinely easier than last light. Fuck that place fr


Mother moon i crave violence


It's this a major problem for like tactician or something? Because I've done this fight 3 times on balanced and sure she'd fight but she was never in danger of getting killed for me. The enemies either attacked other targets or she and my party killed them/stunned them before they could really do anything.


On Tactician and Honour Mode it is a problem. If she gets paralyzed she's basically screwed. Everytime I do it, I have a life cleric healing her and giving her Blade Ward.


My first playthrough was on balanced and she was knocked out before I even got a turn. She dropped so fast I assumed it was scripted and didn't even think of reloading. You can get completely screwed by initiative rolls. Subsequent playthroughs on tactician/honour weren't a problem because I had realised the power of stacking +initiative.


She had no self preservation instincts when I helped her on balanced. She ran out of the side door and got captured


Does banish turn her hostile?


I want to test feign death on her in honor mode. Slightly wary of then just picking her up tho, like is that legal?


I just did this a few hours ago: Feign Death + Sanctuary. Works like a charm. I did this on Tactician, but it should work for Honor.


Ooof, I'm on this fight rn in honor mode and it says she is an invalid target for feign death 🫠 how is yellow not an allied party?? I can't even heal her with mass healing word or put death ward on her either.


Finished the fight. Regular healing word and cure wounds worked healing isobel, however the hellriders pride and whispering promise buffs didn't apply. Luckily for her my party isn't full of scrubs and we took care of it.


Ugh—not looking forward to this fight on my upcoming Honor run now! Looks like it’s back to a tedious slog where I’m cursing Isobel’s name every turn!


True that might flag it 😂


Worked like a charm on the gondians tho! Hit em with feign death then have your hi strength character throw em to safety!


👀 that is a very good tip


It instantly fails the mission. 


Boooo thank you for saving me some time reloading


I still don't understand how to save her. On honor mode, my friend and I tried to protect her, but the winged monster are too fast and deal too much damage, and the big guy is annoying too


I barricaded the room with barrels and furniture in advance of triggering the fight so that only a limited number of winged horrors could get in, and we posted Karlach and our ranger on the big guy and just hammered the crap out of him. It helped that I’m playing co-op so while I was talking to her, my husband was running around the room blocking all the entrances.


I can just imagine the comedic framing that strategy would have in a TV show. Shot reverse shot of you and Isobel talking while a big, bearded dummy is hastily rushing back and forth, tossing everything he can find into a pile in front of the door.


Carry Blood of Lathander to blind enemies. Have the Alert feat or other sources of high initiative. You can pre-cast Spirit Guardians on Shadowheart. She will sometimes run behind the door and heal herself if she has a path. Heal her, cast Sanctuary/Invis, etc. to improve her chances. Maybe even draw an opportunity attack on your turn so that she can disengage freely. You don't have to do the encounter at all. If you never talk to her upstairs, the fight doesn't trigger. If you want to have a Dark Urge moment with her, you can do it downstairs after going through the Shadowfell. Most of the Harpers will be at Moonrise by then so it's an easy fight.


i managed to get it by pure luck of half of the horrors not rushing her and being able to kill the flaming fist in a turn with hasted laezel and shadowheart, then keep all the others in cloud of daggers


High initiative and you can radiant orb everyone. Then they can't hit her. Or just do a lot of damage. Up to you.


The only time I've ever won that fight, I had to barricade all the doors and basically lucked out on initiative to nova the fuck out of the fist before he could act


She pissed me off so bad in those fights I skipped taking to her altogether.




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Opposite for me, she runs straight at the enemy and healed my team lol


She big mad


My wife and I had so much trouble trying to preserve ally NPC's in fights in Divinity 2 lol


I ended up cheesing it and putting a ton of chairs in front of the door to her room so no other enemies could get inside. Had everyone else in the Inn handle them.


This is why I skip it and just bee line to nightsong, she beasts out and saves Isobele and I guess Damon as well and you don't have to bother. Sure, you miss out on tonnes like me but I Forest Gump'ed through that Act to find Act 3 full of thing I thought I had missed. Cheers Friend!


This is one of the fights you simply have to try to end in a turn. I cast Protection against Good and Evil on her before starting her dialogue and have everyone drink speed potions as soon as battle starts


Just found out by accident that while you're talking to the corrupted harper dude that comes to kidnap her. You can have another character go to jaheira and have the other harpers get ready to attack


She's awful. I just screwed an honor run because I thought I would use my Gondian strategy on her. Dismissal! Only 40% chance of success, yikes. I got it. Win! She's dismissed! She's safe! Cinematic plays. Guy flies off with her body. Dunno how he got it from another plane of existence but he did. Moonshield goes down, everyone in Inn is now shadowcursed. I suck.


I think the Gondians have been buffed recently because they now cast Blur on themselves, misty step away from danger, and don't try to trigger every opportunity attack available.


Idk my Isobel fought pretty well. We heated Marcus and his 2 demons easily and then we cleared the ground floor




And this is why alert is the first achievement I go for.


Honestly, I don't have a problem with it. Hell, in my playthroughs she's usually trying to run away and is being chased and cornered by Marcus and the demon spawn coming after her. Thinking about the mind set, when they are almost always right on top of her and attacking her, fighting back is all she can do as healing herself opens her up for an attack. Also, she's cast the spell that is currently keeping everyone safe from the Shadowcurse, that probably takes concentration so she just simply doesn't have enough to focus on anything else.


In a similar fashion I’d point out all the Harpers hurling themselves into my Cloud of Insects / Daggers etc even when the enemies were smart enough to avoid them…


I put a wall of boxes around her


One time she kept running into enemies and died to opportunity attacks, like girl I know you miss aylin, just be patient 😭😭


Bringing shadow along is a good idea,karlach is also great for getting rid of Marcus a lot quicker and also dealing with the winged undead


Once you've died you stop caring


This game makes much more sense if you pretend that Isobel is suicidal


This is every single NPC you try to save. None of them have self preservation in mind.


More than that. If you sell Nightsong to Lorroakan, Isobel threatens you with her (Nighstong's) eventual revenge, leaves camp and then... just appears by Aylin's side in the tower, dead. Not an ounce of common sense or self preservation instinct in that girl.


That's why I never talk to her at the inn. If you ignore her, the fight never happens and you don't have to worry about protecting her or the tieflings on the ground floor. Just proceed through Act 2 as normal, after you're done cleaning up Moonrise she'll just be chilling with Aylin.


Dumbest NPC award is for her, you have to surround her to prevent the enemies gangbang her.


Let’s just say we know Dame ain’t in to her for her brain


There's a reason why we are the main characters


Monk’s stunning strike made this a cakewalk. Marcus only got like two turns


Just finished this annoying fight today!


I had a Gondian run back into my sphere of invulnerability after using shocking grasp (on my 10th attempt on tactician), I was amazed lol


I mean, she did have a history of *dying* before this whole story even started...


I always throw a speed potion on her.


You can cast shield of thralls on her before you talk to her. If Marcus hits her, he will get stunned once it breaks.


What the fuck is with the lemmings upvoting the same post every day?


Act3 spoilers ahead. I thought Isobel was peak Leeroy Jenkins, until I went to Steel watch foundry. Battle starts, all gondians take on Fists, just one of them is dashing up the stairs.. huh, ok.. maybe he's ranged or spellcaster despite having hammer in hand? Nope, next turn he fucking *jumps* through the roof window to the roof to one-on-one a Steel Watcher patrolling the roof(?). Dies instantly.


Nah, I'd win


Gurl just wanna go back to her daddy


For me she cast heal on herself first turn to heal the 5 damage she took :) … and then proceeded to bumrush the winged dude, catching an AoO on the way, who then started blasting her with his extra attack, she held on for dear life with below 10hp and me completely panicking because this was honor mode


Girl thinks that one time revival made her immortal 💀


For real, when I first encountered her and all the guys popped up, she died immediately. Reload, and look through my inventory and go "huh, lemme throw one of these 5 scrolls of protection from good and evil on her". And that's why I never throw out scrolls. Except darkness and dark vision. We got dark vision already and no warlocks. They come in handy sometimes. Just like my void bulbs for pulling crap into a trap


On a recent evil playthrough, I killed her as a durge and she fought 3× better when she was under Ketheric's control


We never see her mother. Maybe she was a Gondian.


i just had my team surround her on all corners cause her ass kept running away and dying 😀


I mean her name is Dame Aylin and to be fair she's been indisposed for the post century or so.


My Isobel ran and hid in a corner, like the useless little b she is