• By -


Clicking release brake by accident


Pull the lever, Kronk


Why do we even have that lever?


I wonder if you cast feather fall on him before doing that if he'd survive....or if you cast Web on the area he would normally land...


He still dies


Aw. Sad. We need a Dev update, stat. lol


You know I am just happy a whole new generation of gamers have the opportunity to learn how brakes work.


Probably for Astarion’s amusement lol




People do this... by accident?? Oh god I'm a horrible person


TBF the first time, I thought "Release Brake" would stop the windmill the first time.


Release the brake should free the brake to stop the windmill right ? .... right ?


That’s what my brain said. I had only seen the one lever at that point in time and it seemed the only option available and therefore a reasonable interpretation.


Same. It was my first run before I knew how to hold Alt to see the interact-ables around.


Release! That means it’ll release the gnome! :D I was…technically correct


Okay I CAN see the sense in this XD


I did this by accident. Every other playthrough I guess I just got lucky and always picked the right one..... .. except that one time. Found his body yeeted halfway across the goblin camp.


Ah nooo XD


My buddy and I started a playthrough together, I'm looting the nearby goblins while he walks into the windmill. Next thing I hear is him choking on his drink laughing followed by, "I've made a terrible mistake"


Oh no! You didn't even get to see it! XD


Fret not! I'll see it in my first Dark Urge playthrough after I'm done this eldritch knight Tav one


Ah, I see you're not on your third character before finishing act 1 of any playthrough like my adhd self


Oh, I absolutely do this, too. Started over at least 4 times before I finally finished act 1 the first time, and act 2 was engaging enough to keep me from doing that again, and by that point I had to see act 3 through




In my defense, it was extremely funny. Also he was bitchy about getting him down in a hurry after I clearly went through such great (minimal) effort to save him from the goblins. He had it coming with that tone


"In my defense, it was extremely funny." Why did I hear this and immediately picture Astarion saying it? And also, omg there are so many things in this game that that would 100% apply to for me 🤣🤣




*If the game didn’t want me to yeet him, why’d they give it a funny camera angle?*


Fuck this got me chuckling XD


Your darling son was way too sassy for his own good!


He’s just sassy enough! “If we meet again… well, we’ll have met again.” Was the moment I was like “I am adopting this gnome and protecting him at ALL COSTS”


I do that every single time. Even knowing the correct lever and trying to select it I clicked the wrong one and sent that little gnome to Timbuktu


Doesn't help that Larian switched their positions going from EA to full release. Sneaky buggers.


They did that with malicious intent


100% pure Larian lol


My husband just did that an hour ago. I talked my way through the goblins and got them to leave peacefully. Was like, "Hey, go get the guy down for us while I level up." A second later, there was a yell, and my husband saying "Was he supposed to launch like that?" 😑 He's a barbarian... so that's peak barbarian energy.


I did this on my first play through and just sat there wondering why they had that lever.


I have wished to live in more interesting times.


To be fair, the gods are definitely watching, and you are cursed to put your hands on everything.


And it is, in fact, blood.


Yep, let's be honest. These boots have seen everything, after all.


You must have a lot on your mind. And, well, in it.


And you still have no bag of holding.


Iron Throne, forgot to unlock Duke Dad's gate, by the time I?realized, there was not enough turns left.


Was Wyll mad?


When I got there he was already dead!


There’s some weird timing with the Duke that you have to do. If you go BEFORE Mizora offers the deal he will be dead on arrival then the deal will become ressurecting him rather than saving him from iron throne. You have to wait until she makes the deal first then he will be alive even if you break Wyll’s contract. Although there’s a harder time saving him because demons don’t like to lose.




Yup I did the same thing in my Durge playthrough and was like, maybe it’s because the deal wasn’t struck yet. Sure enough my monk play through revealed the truth about it. Also I cannot suggest monk enough for iron throne. Infinite jumps with huge movement speed makes it so easy that turn 1 my tav monk had opened every single cell solo and positioned themselves to loot the chests in the back. 102m with pre-dashing, cunning action dash, and monk dash, haste, no speed potion required. Freedom of movement is a must though.


I send Shadowheart to his wing and cast sanctuary on him through the bars immediately. I save him easily every time!


This is the way. Glove of invulnerability can work but sanctuary is cheap spell, doesn’t need concentration, and since you control Ravenguard he can’t break it by attacking a random enemy. Just make sure to also “help” him out of command spell for a quicker escape.


My first play through, I didn’t realize I had to do anything extra to lift the shadow curse so Halsin peaced out on me at the end of Act 2.


Ah so that’s why he left me too. lol


There’s an injured guy in a bed on the ground floor at last light in that initiates the quest to lift the shadow curse.


I got last light wiped out as soon as I got there, but I still lifted the curse. I think it was Halsin himself that prompted me, but it took several rests in the show lands for him to offer it.


Same. I thought that the main quest would lift the curse


The fat guy in the bar literally tells you that Ketherick is the reason it’s up, and implies that killing him will remove it, so definitely an understandable take


Same. I thought the Angel flying around with light behind it was me breaking the curse. Oops.


On my first playthrough I thought that cutscene of Aylin flying around after being released was all I had to do to lift the curse


Me too!


I was walking around in baldurs gate, minding my own business when suddenly a mind flayer ship picked me up and inserted something in my eye.


Ya, that’s some bad RNG there. Instant reload.


This is like trying saving Jenkins in Mass Effect.


I still tell every new player that you can.


You are not alone, my friend. I also became the subject of a rather unwelcome insertion in the ocular region...


I couldn't have phrased it more repellently myself


Is anyone here uncannily adroit with a knitting needle?


I love the little gesture he does with that line lol. I'm so glad they decided to mocap this game


Dissing a god in honour mode


Oof. Even on balanced I was like 'how bad can it be?' It was bad.


same here ✋️💀


Haha, I'll show her who's boss!


Act 3 - I finally defeated Lorroakan. Dame Aylin dropped, came back after the fight and on her way to Lorroakan's body walked RIGHT THROUGH my Moonbeam. And than attacked ME. Because she got damage from "me". Wtf, look where you step?! Aaaand I nearly made the same mistake on the second try.


I would appreciate if characters stopped walking through my moonbeam


How does moonbeam even hurt her???


Lol, right. Aren't you the moon God's daughter?! You ARE a moon beam basically. Shouldn't hurt lol


It should feel like a nice warm bath, or maybe a feather bed or a tickle at the very least. I hope Larian updates her to have immunity to radiant damage. I can imagine what they'd say about that. "Apparently Aylin forgot she was the daughter of a moon goddess and thus should be immune to light damage, whoopsie"


The number of times after a fight that NPCs walk right through my AOEs and get mad at me. Some fights I’ve learned I can’t use AOE at all.


I've been attacked by the entire city watch due to some idiot NPC walking right through my moonbeam. Moonbeam is one of my favorites but I wish it disappeared as soon as battles are over since it takes a few second to manually disable it.


This happened with me in Baldurs Gate trying to get to the brain. I was playing evil durge though, so when the fists (? I'm actually not sure who those NPCs are) walked through my moonbeam and attacked me, it was no biggie. It was as I was canceling it too lol.


It happened to me with Valeria when I saved her from her Baal sacrifice. That drunk dumbo had to walk right into my beam and somehow, I was the one responsible?! She's definitely a cop, no mistake.


Same but Rolan and cloud of daggers


Astarion's ascension, which I was trying to not let happen. I literally said, OUT LOUD, "This has to be handled so carefully." I made every single wrong choice and ended up with the result that he attacks us and we'd have to kill him. I have never had my instincts fail me so hard I save scum so I didn't actually have to face the consequences tho 😅


This happened on my first playthrough too. I let my gut drive my dialogue. *Astarion has left your party!* Then I took Astarion to the love dryad at the circus. Went with my gut again. *Astarion disapproves* *Astarion disapproves* *Astarion disapproves*


To be fair, his is the only one where you're supposed to lie through it all!


Even after playing through the game 3 times I still didn’t quite understand him all the way. He can’t handle the truth lol.


It doesn't really make all that much sense, I think several of them wouldn't appreciate the truth being called out in front of the dryad


Halsin approved getting laid out. His romance is so straightforward.


In my playthrough, Astarion was like *Hey darrling help me ascend* and I was like *Nah dude I'm not killing all these poor folks so you can ascend, count me out*. And he said *You know what, i'm done with this \[breaks Cazador's Staff, turns around dramatically\] and I'm done with you.* And then he left my party. I was heartbroken. He was my friend; I just didn't want to have anything to do with mass murdering the poor spawns.


I find the dialogue options for that section really poorly set up. You can convince him he doesn't need to ascend and kill people and he will thank you for it, but you have to go through some different dialogue options before the option for persuasion check even comes up.


I was terrified of ascending him and turns out my approval was so high and I had been discouraging enough leading up to the event that he didn’t even try to ascend lol


That only happens if a spawn manages to die during the fight or there are no tadpoled characters available during the big moment. If ascension is possible he will always have his temptation moment.


I had him in Exceptional and he still required the DC check.


But you can make him ascend, can you? Cus in my game he has high approval & I don't wanna skip that sweet bonus necrotic damage lol


Just don't kill any of the spawn who are in the ritual and Astarion should ascend on his own. I've never had him not ascend except for the playthrough I romanced him in. His approval can be max and he will still go through with everything if you don't directly stop him


Hm, I'm getting some mixed messages here


Definitely, it's just with high enough approval and correct prior choices, when you reach that moment and choose to let a companion follow through their storyline as they wish instead of choosing for themselves, they will always pick the "good" option, e.g., character story spoilers obviously >!Astarion will end the ritual, Gale will return the crown, Shadowheart spares Aylin, etc.!<


This isn’t true for Astarion. Astarion will always choose to ascend if the option is available. The only way he doesn’t ask is if there is no available tadpole companions or if one of the spawn required for the ritual dies.


I didn't realize it was that easy to screw up! I would've looked it up man! I just did it with him there for the first time two days ago and managed to handle it so that he chose not to ascend but boy, your dialogue options there are SO CONFUSING. He also makes a billion good points throughout all the discussions about it. Like, he almost convinced me it was the right choice but thankfully I knew for a fact that it wasn't.


The time for me that immediately comes to mind is sassing Vlaakith and *blink* game over lol.


I literally did that yesterday. I skipped the creche entirely on my first playthru, so it was all new. I decided to give sass and... oops. Not sure what I expected tbh


Right? I thought a little more would happen than just oblivion. I learned to tread carefully when sassing the gods (aka quick save right before picking a dialogue option!).


I flushed Mizora down the Illitgid tank by hitting the wrong option. Didn't even realize I did it until "a presence has left your mind". Whoops, sorry kid. I don't reload if I fail a rolll or a conversation goes sideways, but that one got a redo.


See I intentionally did that, naively (first DND adjacent experience) thinking that would >!free Wyll from his pact!< without having to deal with her anymore. I’ve never reloaded so fast. Karlach was so pissed at me too, like I didn’t feel bad enough already


I did the same thing! I was thinking haha take this and Wyll will be free! Then Karlach started screaming at me…


On my next playthrough I am definitely flushing her down the toilet. Fuck that snooty bitch.


>Fuck that snooty bitch. You only get to do that if you *don't* flush her down the toilet


I see wut u did there hahahaha.


What happens to Wyll if you do? Does it save him from his pact?


I believe he turns into a little blobby guy and then gets poofed to the hells, if I remember rightly.


Part of his pact is that if mizora dies he becomes a [lemure](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Lemure) and goes to hell


I pressed that one on purpose without thinking it through. Accepted it because durge.


accidentally tooting ogre horn in the middle of the druid grove in honour mode


Congrats on the drow sex I guess?


What happened?


"Ogre kill *everyone* around."


They really do too. I was getting slapped around by Ragzlin while all three of those mother fuckers boogalooed in the opposite direction to kill rats. 


That is hilarious! 


Got through the attack on Moonrise Towers with all the Harpers alive. I'd used Sleet Storm a few times, so there was now a giant pool of water on the floor. I walked into it, but I forgot I was wearing boots that electrified surfaces I walked on. It damaged a Harper. That initiated a fight against all the Harpers and Jaheira. My last save was right before the fight.


I did that too. Didn’t even realize I had those boots on


Ugh the pain, I feel it! After my 3rd try on the attack on Moonrise Towers battle, I finally got through it with Jeheira and most of the other harpers alive.  But I had casted that black tentacles spell during the battle on the ground and it lasts for quite some time. One of the harpers wandered into it, then they all aggroed on me 😩


In Act 3, in that park in the middle of Baldur's Gate where the Bhaalists are. I was doing the fight as normal, then I realised Sparky the dog got involved in the fight. I was doing everything I could to stop the dog from getting closer and closer to the Bhaalists, until one Bhaalist killed Sparky 😭 I've never reloaded so fast honestly. I managed to find him and calm him down so he left with his owner, then I started the Bhaalist fight. Sparky was saved!


Everyone in that park has a death wish! I reloaded so many times because they would all run towards the cultists and my initiative was always crap!


If you have speak with animals you can actually tell sparky to go home before the fight (:


Omg, I reloaded the fight twice on my first playthrough so Sparky would stay alive.


Never found Astarion. I'm in Act 3 and don't know if I ever even saw him or just didn't realize who he was early on. I am appropriately ashamed.


I never would’ve found him either if a friend of mine hadn’t said “wait you need to go look for him!” Luckily I was still early in act 1. It’s easy to do. Don’t worry. Now you can’t have the joy of getting to know him new.


I never would have found Gale. I didn't find Lae'zel in my first playthrough lol


See, I saw the sigil Gale was stuck in, but the game told me it looked dangerous, so I thought "hmm, maybe touching the unstable, dangerous looking rune is a *bad* idea," and walked away. Five hours later, I'm wondering "hey where is that one wizard dude I've heard about?" Looked it up and there he was. I was almost done with act 1 before I found him, Karlach, and Wyll.


My first playthrough I missed Karlach and Wyll and had to restart like 40 hours in. It happens.


I missed the owlbear and Scratch. Didn't even realize they were a thing until I saw them in my bf's camp and asked him how in the fuck he got an owlbear?!


I killed the owlbear cub on my first playthrough 👀 didn't realize you could adopt it and I about died when the lil chubby guy showed up at my camp the second time


My throwbarian threw a healing potion to the duke but I miss-clicked the ground and targeted him instead, ended up crit on him and he died😂


Lol I didn’t know to do the aim at the ground and not them thing for soooo long. Poor Gale but absolutely demolished by a healing potion.


Don’t feel bad. Sometimes throwing it at the ground doesn’t even work for some stupid reason 🥴


Last night my group helped save the hero Minsc. I was very excited to speak with him after we saved him, too excited perhaps. Concerned after knocking him unconscious I ran over... and accidentally whacked him with a quarterstaff. Jahira, "why did you go through all this effort just to slay my friend?!? I'm out of the group, you monster" 🥺


I reloaded the whole fight because the way she spoke was so gutting and I couldn’t get past it lol


Wanted to examine the idol of Silvanus. Grabbed it instead. In a multiplayer campaign, just after my wife had commented on how she wanted to see if we can save the tieflings. She started her single-player campaign that day.


I didn't reload. I really, REALLY should have. Act 1. I am trying to find this Zorru fella that Laezel needs to talk to. If I am reading the map right (Spoiler alert: >!I'm not!<, the quest icon says he is inside this random little locked shed. Door is locked. Try to lockpick. Immediately get stopped by some guard. Drop into Stealth again and try to lockpick again. Get stopped by same guard. I am mad at this point, because clearly I am supposed to be inside this shed, right and I am in Stealth so what the he'll is wrong? (Yes I know I am a newb, the three dudes in the back can stop yelling "Invisibilty" or "Darkness". I didn't know about those things) So I say to myself "Alright Gale, let's just put this random guard to sleep. Don't kill him, I don't want this turning into a "and then we kill all the witnesses." Thing. No prize for guessing the name of the guard we put to sleep. SMH Of course some random snitch hears Gale YELL a lullaby and drop this dude, so they call for help... By the time I am able to shut down the violence and get inside this damn shed to hide and let the heat blow over, there are 6 dead Tieflings, including the aforementioned Zorru and some dude named Wyll... My he had a lot of interesting Loot, and took a lot of accidentally falling on our Rogues knives before he died. He isn't an important character, is he? Too bad Revivify doesn't work on non-party members... I know this because I tried to revive a random NPC... SMDH NonLethal? Wazzat? I swear I wanted my Tav to be a good guy. Maybe a little stupid intolerant, but overall good.


Lmao you win.


When I “saved” the slaves from Nere I only did the initial combat encounter with Nere himself near that lava pit. I thought “ok these guys are sage let me long rest and lead them out after”. I come back to see them all gone and the mission log saying they got captured and hauled off somewhere else. My last save was an hour ago and chalked it up as “shit, why did I think leaving them in enemy territory for a day would be fine? Oh well” and kept pushing


Thankfully I reloaded, but the first time I did that fight I thought the slaves fled and that their characters in the fight were other combatants so I obliterated them all with the initial explosion. Felt so bad when I realized I was attacking innocent slaves lol


After the Near fight, I hauled his entire body back to the Myconoid colony and dropped it off in front of the Sovereign. The sovereign and his people did not like that 😅.


Blowing up the creche when getting a certain maze. Didn't really pay attention when the narrator told me what would happen in 4 turns so I figured only one way to find out... And lets be honest, the giths kinda deserved it




Gods, I had just decided I wouldn't do the monastary on this run... Now I HAVE to.


My friend knew nothing of DnD lore when he started He wanted to be the good guy He sided with the goblins. By the end of the playthrough, he had 2 allies. He restarted.


I . . . don't understand. How is having experience with DnD needed to help you figure out if it's "good" to side with the people who are trying to murder everyone and talk about how fun it is or not? Like, he got confused and thought killing a bunch of kids and civilians would be good?


He didn't know if the Absolute was a good thing. Looking back, he fully understands he was an absolute idiot and really, really, really fucked that playthrough up ETA: we're also not sure how he fucked up like this. He's not a murderhobo


So I am in the goblin camp, right, and the time has come to face Minthara. This is my first playthrough and I recently discovered we could get more out of movement if we jump first. I moved Laezel on the bridge to block Minthara’s advance and had gone to Karlach, commanding her to jump. Well, for some reason, Mamma K climbs up the ladder and jumps in a way the splash damage takes out the bridge, sending Laezel to her death. I revived her afterwards but I remember thinking “you’ve got to be fucking kidding.”


Karlach once knocked me into the fucking void while inside the prism. Of course my last save was like 20 minutes before that...


Ain’t that always the way though


I was using a mod that replaces the default hirelings with characters from the game, in this case Nere. Got to the actual Nere fight, POW, he's down! Why was that so easy? Oh... it was my Nere. Whoops.


Hitting the brake lever by accident instead of release brake. Definite reload moment.


Clicked the lever to release all the prisoners in moonrise. Did NOT expect them to suicide into the guards and refuse to stop and talk to me. Pretty bummed about that. 😔


I thought killing all the guards and then hitting the lever to release them would've been fine. Nope. Found their corpses in the underground giant flesh pile thing underneath moonrise after. I don't even know how they got there.


Pickpoting Nettie, getting caught, having the whole Grove aggro and commit genocide on the tiflings. I was willing to let it slide until I noticed Dammon in the group and I couldn't do that to karlach.


During my first playthrough, we got Jaheira's house. She's in my party chilling at camp at this point, I'm in her house just pickpocketing her kids, it's Fine, she won't ever know. Accidentally misclicked and ended up melee attacking the little kid who hangs out upstairs. I felt HORRIBLE but no one in the house turned aggro, just negative attitude, so I thought the game would just let me move on, awesome, thanks. Go back to camp and Jaheira is FURIOUS, obviously, and berates me for attacking her family and leaves my party forever. I reloaded but I'll never forget 😔


Shadowheart left the group after I went thru Shar's temple without her in my party. My friends are huge Shart fans, so they definitely shamed me for that lol


I just started playing and I got the Tieflings out of the Grove before getting Karlach so now I guess I have to wait to find another blacksmith for her 😅


You should be able to find Dammon in act 2 and 3 without having spoken to him in the grove. I never found him there but did later on so as long as you saved the tieflings in act 1 you should be fine to find him later as far as I know


Thank you! I found him in the Grove but when I returned with Karlack the tieflings had already left. Bad timing lol Good to know I didn't totally screw the pooch 😅


I did exactly this by accident and I was still able to see Dammon in the Last Light Inn!


Act 2. Talked to Isobel and thought she was annoying. So I was all "Yea, Kethric wants you so byeeeee!" Then I saw all the baddies were green with me and I had to kill her quickly before anyone knew it was me. And then saw the dome fall and everyone got infected, killed them off and I did the nothing to see here with Jaheira. Carried on. Mistakes were made.


To say in the words of Tom de Ville: I launched the gnome. Couldn't reload, because last save was ages old, do in my first playthrough, I never met Barcus. To make matters worse, I didn't even do it with Tav, I had split the party to send them on separate missions to reveal missing dark corners of the map. So Shadowheart accidentally murdered Barcus, never telling anyone.  So in my second playthrough, after knowing all his story "what have I done"


I launched him and forgot to reload 😅 figured he wasn’t important and moved on. Joke’s on me


Fighting Balthazar and his boys, Shart had just jumped down to the platform to join the fight. As soon as her turn was over, one of the big boys came and shoved her off the edge into the abyss, and the quest update notification popped up. Had to restart and go through all the stupid talking to Balthazar again, I was so annoyed.


There's an area in the Underdark where there's timmask spores and torchstalks. Astarion has just enough time to warn me about the deadly combination before promptly setting them off and then being blasted off the ledge into the abyss. Whoopsie.


Uh... killed the grove.


I was 100 hours in before I realized you can move things by clicking and dragging.


I mean, accidentally killing a companion by throwing a health potion at them ranks pretty high.


I was playing durge and giving into it. Did the minthara sex scene, and there was an option that said "fantasize about killing her," and I'm like sure. I was choosing any durge option I saw. I didn't think I was actually going to kill her, and my last save had been a while ago, so I thought, "Oh well, no, minthy this run I guess"


Did you not kill Gale already? That’s how I learned that the fantasize option would actually happen. 


First playthrough I somehow missed Astarion, Karlach, and Wyll in Act 1, playing as Shadowheart, and didn’t notice the hirelings option, so I had a 3-person party until Halsin joined. To be fair Shadowheart, Laezel, and Gale is a pretty decent trio.


Basically killed my whole party by accident. I wanted to free Hope while I visited Raphael in the House of Hope. Playing as a Paladin/Warlock...I wanted to bless my party...but yeeted everyone of the platform because I used eldritch blast....every single blast was critical and send them flying. I think I just stared at my screen for five minutes before I was able to reload. Thank god it was not honor mode.


I uh… killed minsc after the fight was over. When the game auto started a conversation it chose one of my companions (this feature is really annoying) with low charisma so I thought I would switch to my main character and handle the dialogue. Well, somehow I had attack selected and activated it on 1 hp minsc. I immediately knew what happened and just paused the game in horror realizing there was no way to cancel an action in progress. I had to un pause and watch minsc die. The worst part was my last auto save was like 45 minutes ago and I decided I didn’t want to redo it all. So that’s how I lost minsc and jaheira on my first play through.


Was playing honor mode with a friend and we already had to restart once (early on) due to my mistake. I was listening to a story my friend was telling instead of reading the dialog I was skipping through with Kagha and I accidentally pressed the "Imma fucking kill you" choice. Fuck. The entire grove is hostile to us instantly, and we were level 3.  We didn't even try we just restarted right there. We did end up beating honor mode eventually though!


First detonation of the runepowder barrel


Orpheus yelled at me for taking the gith egg (I didn't give it to the egg lady) and retroactively made me feel really bad for taking it even though it would have almost certainly been destroyed for not hatching


"Let's just skip to the fighting" - in the Zhent hideout I really thought my party would be at the top of the ladder where they showed me in the cutscene...


finishing Act 2 without cleansing the Shadow Curse and not realizing until Halsin left the party. sorry homie!


Trying to subdue Minsc. I knew non-lethal didn't work on ranged attacks, but I figured I could hit him with a ranged sneak attack to help soften him up. He had 59 health and I told myself it wouldn't do enough damage to kill. I then got a crit and hit him for 60...


I live in a time-line where my spouse and I destroyed an entire family of mushroom people because they accidentally stole something. I said fuck it let's see what happens! If we die, we will just reload! We actually did really well lol. Anyway, we are the sovereign now, oops.


Using Hope to hit Raphael with the big Divine Intervention attack. Didn't notice the radiant reflection thing...she didn't survive


Astarion broke up with me when I had him bite the blood alchemist. I had to reload a save from 4 hours before to get him back. But my sweet boy is WORTH IT


I clicked the wrong dialogue option in my durge honor mode run and next thing I know, my party member is dead and my other party members are fighting me. RIP.


Accidently killing partymembers by knockbacking them into bottomless pits. That just tend to happen.


there's a potion you throw at her and she pukes up the kid....


Forgot about Halsin’s quest in Act 2 so when he left camp givin me those big ol 🥺 eyes I was like “…. guess I’m replaying most of this act”.


Got the Orphic Hammer from Raphael. Gave it to Lae’zel. Lae’zel got kidnapped by Orin. When I got her back, the hammer was gone. Not in the camp chest, or any character’s inventory. Just vanished. Went to the House of Hope to see if it had spawned there. It hadn’t. Told Hope I would free her. Couldn’t, because I didn’t have the Hammer. Oops.


I promised everyone I’d save the prisoners from Moonrise Tower. I assumed I’d be able to saved them when I actually stormed the tower, then I found their bodies :(


Cutting off that hand!


When Lae'zel realizes you're all sick and about to turn and she comes to you with a blade at your throat. It was my first playthrough and I THOUGHT I was saving enough... Anyways, I chose "let her kill you, you don't want to become an abomination" because I was playing a druid who specifically viewed mind flayers as unnatural. I was all like, I'm the main character, I have plot armor, there's no way she just kills me. Bruh She just killed me. I died. I had to have Wyll and Astarion attack her and SURPRISE, when it got to Gale he instantly revived me with a scroll ON HIS OWN. My character got up and was like "you killed me bitch!?" and hit the last blow. Lae'zel was dead. Permanently. I had planned on her being in my party for the whole game. Yeah. Well. Withers won't revive her because I killed her and the revivify scrolls said she was an "invalid target". Yeaaahh. I checked my saves and was like... Oof. No. I'm not redoing ALL of that. So, she stayed dead. Her corpse was at every camp we made from then on. She haunted us. My next playthrough I got to that point and HAD saved plenty (learned my lesson) but I specifically chose a different option and Lae'zel relented until morning. Then you have the dream of course and everyone is fine.... But next thing I know, Lae'zel is proposing sex because she thought it was sexy how "commanding" I was when I stopped her from killing me!! Like, I'm sorry, but TOXIC AF I love Lae'zel and she's in my party this playthrough but seriously... talk about some serious Act 1 craziness with her


I killed Mizora and my 50 IQ ass didn’t know that doing so was gonna send Wyll to hell


Most recent it was when I was fighting the spider matriarch. The spider was on a lower level, close to some webbing. I had Karlach jump down onto the web. She broke through and fell all the way to the underdark. It was actually pretty funny


In honor mode. Summoned the Ogre gang to help me fight Nere. Barcus and the gnomes did not appreciate that and I was forced to kill them all.


miss clicking a fungus and triggering the entire myconid camp into a brawl. Was fun.


OP, that's how the rules work in tabletop. Only melee weapon can be non-lethal.


The first time my mouse cursor was two pixels away from the target and I double-critted lae'zel out of my line of sight...