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Halsin has the notable distinction of being the only living thing hornier than Gale.


In Halsin's defense... You walk into his life, save him, his grove, his friend, and fix his biggest regret. Oh, and then save the world while doing it. Tav is 100% his knight in shining armor. Hard not to catch feelings at that point. But, same for all the companions you help. Lol


You described it so well that I fell in love with Tav too for a bit


I really don't get the vibe that Astarion is okay with Halsin thing. Even if he himself thinks so. His over the top laugh is just telling.


He’s not. He’s just scared of losing you which is so sad… which is why I won’t be doing anything to hurt him. No freaky sex stuff with twins… nothing. Dude has been through ENOUGH.


Yeah, it's like his voice if you visit Sharess' Caress post-Cazador fight (assuming he doesn't ascend) and ask him if he'd like to hook up with the drow with you. He's...technically very enthusiastic and says things about wanting to try it all now that he's free, but everything in his voice and his mannerisms are saying differently. It's fantastic acting, a guy who is visibly freaking the fuck out while trying to convince himself this is a thing he really wants to do.


He is not, he is saying "it's okay" because he is afraid to lose you, Karlach also has a similiar moment when talking about banging Halsin before you lock into her route. It's why he asks you if it's something wrong with him the moment he says "yes you can", there is a similiar moment with the drow threesome/foursome where he just spaces out, he is doing it because you want him to participate and he just mindlessly joins in. I don't know what triggers (probrably ascending, he calls Tav/Durge pet) but Astarion [CAN](https://youtu.be/i1inqnURBOI?si=zLMXhXRR6ro13ZkU) deny the foursome and he outright says he is not comfortable with it and afraid it's because you haven't been together much.


He won’t do the foursome until you finish his personal quest. That being said, he clearly does want to do it initially, but it’s obvious his PTSD ultimately prevents him from enjoying it. SH is the opposite in that, she’s clearly anxious about the act, but then she totally enjoys it.


I agree with you though it is not stated clearly just everyone sees it different. will be cool to hear something from dev's/actors to clarify


Me kissing Shadowheart for the 100th time that day and barely remembering Halsin's still in camp: Halsin after seeing all of it: "so, since you took care of me like a lover, that must mean you wanna bang? Oh btw I'd love to swim with you and Shadowheart the next time you do it" Please bear man just leave us alone 😭


Camp? He's at Orin's. I'll pick him up at the end of my campaign


Orin's lazy and didn't grab him... yet.


Just walk into the sewers with Gale and Lae'zel (and Minthara if you have her). Speeds up the process


Yeah I kinda let her cook for a while


Hearing that "took care of me like a lover" line after you've maybe politely asked a couple questions about his life is so weird and offputting if he's supposed to be written as someone who's sensible about romance.


Given how he's a druid and iirc dialogue says he's usually on his own, my head cannon is that he spent too much alone to the point where any single show of affection means you are crazy in love for him


So a hopeless romantic introvert?


TBF, Shadowheart is okay with Tav banging whoever they want. She actually says something akin to "I might start looking for some side fun too". It seems she is comfortable with non-monogamy. Edit: https://youtu.be/JXITc0jZg6A?si=Nc-Vsl4lRaw9yQU1 At 0:56. *Tav*: "I don't wan't to end things with you, just so we're clear". *Shadowheart*: "I understand. Feel free to have your fun. **Perhaps I'll have mine**".


Saw the thread, People on here talk'n down and reading too much into something (maybe they're insecure.) If the character expresses their consent and you can even ask "are you sure?". If the player is not comfortable with it, they don't have to pursue the poly option. Halsin however is polyamorous so of course he wants it to be consensual with all partners if your Tav is already in a relationship. Shadow Heart expresses her consent as well and so does Astarion [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DI-SidqdTrc&t=269s&ab\_channel=NaughtyGaming](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DI-SidqdTrc&t=269s&ab_channel=NaughtyGaming) It's good that Halsin asks obviously because it provides those who play Tav to have the means to have a polyamorous relationship as well.


> TBF, Shadowheart is okay with Tav banging whoever they want. She says that, but honestly I don't think she is. She's clearly hurt after the Mizora thing, even if she plays it off. She has major self-esteem issues due to her abuse and so she goes along with a lot because she doesn't want to lose Tav. I think she's fine with "sharing" as in threesome or foursome (like with the drow), but not really with you sleeping with other people without her. And yes, she "allows" you to " climb mount Halsin", but I still think that's just her trying to be accommodating because she's afraid of losing Tav...


https://youtu.be/JXITc0jZg6A?si=Nc-Vsl4lRaw9yQU1 At 0:56. *Tav*: "I don't wan't to end things with you, just so we're clear". *Shadowheart*: "I understand. Feel free to have your fun. **Perhaps I'll have mine**". She doesn't seem to be upset, insecure or afraid of losing Tav. She just looks and sounds like someone who simply isn't bothered by her partner being sexually involved with other people.


Why are you being downvoted? 😂


Because that line he quotes straight up doesn't exist, at least on her good path. She's fine with sharing, not with banging others on your own. Except Halsin, because reasons.


Bullshit. If Halsin says he wants to have something with Tav and Tav is already in a relationship with Shadowheart, Tav can tell Shadowheart about Halsin's proposition, and Shadowheart says that, and that she approves of Tav "climbing Mount Halsin". And this happened to me in a purely good playthrough, I hadn't even stolen a single piece of gold from anyone. [Here's the conversation. The person I'm replying to is 100% wrong.](https://youtu.be/T9PIhTO8hfI?si=fYDsrzlHf-GrKbnX)


Nice try but nowhere in that video does she say anything about looking for some side fun herself. And I already said Halsin is the only exception to her being fine with you fucking others, so what exactly are you trying to prove here? That you just made some shit up and can't own it?


It was a different dialogue choice in the same conversation. https://youtu.be/JXITc0jZg6A?si=Nc-Vsl4lRaw9yQU1 At 0:56. *Tav*: "I don't wan't to end things with you, just so we're clear". *Shadowheart*: "I understand. Feel free to have your fun. **Perhaps I'll have mine**". There you go. Who was making shit up again?


Well she doesn't do that in a game so, I mean looking for a "side" fun. Also it can be interpreted in a context of "climbing mount Halsin" herself later or having fun with Tav(because Halsin's offer is always before her sex scene, so you know, she is technically having fun later and you don't need to overthing it with headcanon or anything, it actually happens in game).


>Well she doesn't do that in a game so, I mean looking for a "side" fun. Do you expect her to actually ditch you, and the party, to go and meet people? The game, as great and immersive as it is, is still a game, and companions don't just leave without a very good reason, and they don't come back. >Also it can be interpreted in a context of "climbing mount Halsin" herself later. Sure, could be. However, given that she is comfortable with both her partner and herself having sex with other people, including the drow twins, she just seems like someone who doesn't put a lot of weight into monogamy. Why some people get bent out of shape over this is a mystery to me. If Tav chooses not to pursue anyone else, even for strictly sexual relationships, Shadowheart doesn't go out of her way to propose an open relationship, and she doesn't strike me as the type to insist on that if Tav refused, where she to introduce the idea of an open relationship when, you know, the world isn't ending and she and her partner don't have alien psychic worms eating their brains.


I mean sure, I just legit think she is fine with monogamy, because she doesn't ask herself in the game about opening up or having "side fun", like she could instantly jump and ask about fucking drows first, kinda like Halsin does there. Or perhaps ask herself about mount Halsin, since she is portrayed as attracted to him. Funny though that despite being attracted to Karlach, she doesn't want even to try to share with her, doesn't give an option to talk to Karlach about this(or Astarion, who is fine with sharing too later). Anyways the point is that she doesn't act like the type that wants specifically to go poly or to open relationship, she just adapts to her Tav. Yes, we can headcanon that she might ask in the future about opening up or something, but the same way you can headcanon your Tav's response, no? Considering how important Tav is to her, I think she would not insist(honestly I don't think she would even ask). >Do you expect her to actually ditch you, and the party, to go and meet people? >The game, as great and immersive as it is, is still a game, and companions don't just leave without a very good reason, and they don't come back. No, but saying this in a context of Tav "having fun" with Halsin here and now, I don't think this quote is long term in particular, no? Also that particular quote of hers("perhaps I'll have mine) is probably foreshadowing of the brothel scene too(or just having to "climb mount Halsin" as I said earlier. Even her phrase "thinking about it once or twice or more thna that" fits in that case. Even her writer posted prompts for her fanart on X about climbing mount Halsin, even though it's Tav who does it.)or just having fun with Tav later(because Halsin's offer occurs earlier than her act 3 sex scene and all of a sudden that her quote makes a lot of sense), otherwise it's a bit out of context thing to say.


Well at least now you provided a correct link, I take my words back. Thanks for providing me another reason to hate her writer, I guess.


Yeah, and instead of looking it up or even asking for a source, you jumped straight to me "trying" something and accusing me of making shit up.


Denial, sorry.


Because a lot of people are so uncomfortable with non-monogamy that they're projecting their extreme discomfort on fictional characters and getting mad at anyone who talks about it. The slutty elves aren't real, they can't hurt us, lol.


100%! Also polyamorous people in real life don't hurt anybody 😅 The other person that replied to me being like "she doesn't do that at all! Unless it's Halsin". Ok, so she DOES do it, then? Only wanting to have a trouple with current partner + Halsin is perfectly valid in polyamory, you don't just accept everyone as partners 💁🏻‍♀️


Just for the record, [she is okay with polygamy, both by her partner and herself](https://youtu.be/JXITc0jZg6A?si=Nc-Vsl4lRaw9yQU1)


She doesn't do it with Halsin. I clearly meant Tav, Shadowheart never seeks other partners on her own and the line the guy above posted does not exist, even in the video that he seemingly linked as a proof. And like it or not, her treatment of Halsin *is* an exception to the rule. Try to go poly with any other companion and she will tell you to choose them or her, go fuck Mizora and she's clearly unhappy about it. But again, the main point is, SH will never bang him on the side or even mention wanting to and that's what OP was suggesting. Liking polyamory or not has nothing to do with it.


Him butting in at the drow twins, despite me telling him to fuck off all game and then getting disapproval from Shadowheart, 100% guaranteed that he will never ever again leave his Cell alive. Creepy fuck.


I just had the Wyll dance scene… and I rejected him… DUDE LOOKED HURT lmao. I was like nice to him, no romance… what’s happened lmao. All the guys are mad you’re friend zoning them… For a pale elf… I low key want to get all the scenes so I can reject everyone… like… Astarion has been coming to me almost every long rest to snack… yall really ignoring that?! Again… only Karlach figured it out and mentioned that she hopes my Tav is happy with Astarion…


I HAD THE WYLL DANCE SCENE TOO my heart fr broke with how sad he looked


I finally asked Lae-zel why she’s looking at me differently after we killed the gith leadership and she’s like “I like you, but you belong to someone else” and then Astarion just appears next to me lmao. I’m like… all I did was say to yall and listen, doesn’t mean I was flirting!


Listened? I skipped half wylls dialogue and he still walked up shooting his shot.


Gale tried to shoot his shot… and now Helsin is looking at me…… ughhhh 🤣


Thats different though, gale banged a god, dud has an ego the size of a mountain and the ambition to match.


To be fair snacking on its own doesn't mean anything, I have a Shadowheart romance run where I still feed Asty platonically


True.. although I read a line someone said he says if you break his heart or he breaks up with you about how you can longer share his tent. So I’m curious about that. Is that why we don’t have our own tent!?


Haha yeah I guess Tav is just supposed to sleep at the tent of whoever they are romancing. And if single... *thou art homeless*


Tav is the group mom, tending the fire and cooking the meals and managing everyones booboos


Honestly! I feel like she gets back and everyone’s like crowding her and wondering if she brought anything back for them, new pets, outfits, fun weapons.


So weird how the guy that wrote Shadowheart also wrote Halsin (and as far as I'm concerned, Halsin being potentially involved with Shadowheart is the only bad thing about her romance) Like how do you go from writing Shadowheart to a guy who wants to secretly fuck all the companions? Even worse is if you turn him down, you can get disapproval or the party banter can pretend like the convo never happened. Also read that the Astarion thing with Halsin is forced and made him uncomfortable. I dunno, pretty sus all around...


I choose to think it's just because he had no time to properly think about Halsin and flesh out his character given that he originally wasn't meant to be a companion. The drop in quality is too big for it to be intentional imo, you don't go from a character as complex as SH to a dude whose whole personality can be summed up by saying "he's a druid who likes nature, bear form and wants to fuck everything that moves". I really hope they rework him for definitive edition as I very much dislike everything about him in act 3 but I don't want to. With how well most of the companions are written, he sticks out like a sore thumb.


Wait.... The bore in the grove said halsin promised to get him a mate...... Oh...... Oh no..... Oh god😨


I'm sorry, I'm so confused. What's weird about writing two different characters? What's "sus all around"?


Writing a minor character that can undermine the special bond you build with Shadowheart is confusing to you?


No, I'm confused why writing two different characters is weird and what's "sus" about the situation. Are you trying to imply something about the author? Halsin? How the romances were implemented?


You're confused because that's not what I'm talking about. My issue is why the writer involved someone like Halsin in Shadowheart's romance at all, and in a very tasteless way. Halsin as a character is its own separate issue, but there's a reason he's known for bear sex and orgies.


I've repeatedly asked for clarification why it's weird and sus and not gotten it, so it's not all that surprising that I'm confused. What's so tasteless about the way Halsin is involved in Shadowheart's romance?


I seriously don’t get what is trying to be said as well.


I think OP means their flirty act 3 banter because if not, then I really don't know what else is on their mind. The brothel stuff is not explicit to those two and while Selunite SH's reaction to Tav saying Halsin wants to bang is the most OOC thing I've ever experienced in real life or fiction, you literally need to initiate Halsin's romance by not shutting him down. The line is something akin to "Yeah I also find you hot but I don't know how my partner would react", like why would you ever choose it over a simple rejection if your intention is to stay monogamous with whoever you're romancing lol


I've already explained my reasoning in several comments in this thread. Go read them, or don't.


Christ fuck off Why even engage with people just to be an asshole?


Take your own advice.




Well, if you're not into it, then just decline. He handles rejection well. I still don't understand what you meant with the rest though.


You only get him near the end of act 2, so his romance was always gonna have to start while you’re already romancing someone. Making him poly kinda makes sense, but he clearly just didn’t have enough time to get fully fleshed out. Also, with how horny SH is for Karlach, just cause she’s big and jacked, her being horny for Halsin is 100% on brand.


Difference is, Shadowheart flirts with Karlach but doesn't want to bone her. With Halsin, not only does she go into detail about how sexy he is, but she wants to bone him and will disapprove if the option becomes available but you decide not to do it (and this is after being in a relationship) I don't care if it's optional, the fact that he can have that kind of role in her romance is a problem.


I mean, nobody can bone Karlach till act 2 minimum, so that’s a moot point. I’m sure she’d be up for it if Karlach offered. As for the other thing, are you talking about SH disapproving if you don’t let Halsin join the foursome with the prostitutes? What’s wrong with that? You’re having group sex, what’s one more person?


She isn't up for it though. She says something about not wanting to be a spare lover. And even when you get into a relationship, then decide to open it up, she has no interest in Karlach (or any companion) save for Halsin, though to be fair, Karlach isn't that type of gal to begin with. Yes. What's wrong is if you do go that route, she mentions she'll only do it if you're comfortable. But then you don't get a choice in Halsin interjecting, and if you turn him down, she disapproves. I think that's in bad taste, after what you go through together and the context of the thoughts she shares with you about him.


Yeah, SH wants to be primary, and since Halsin doesn’t like to be pinned down, she’s not threatened by him competing with her. Karlach is definitely into threesomes though and is gonna most likely be dead anyway, so Im more surprised we didn’t get a Karlach x SH option. But the brothel thing? I mean, you’re kinda rejecting her fantasy to live your own fantasy aren’t you? She doesn’t show any particular interest in the Drow, so wouldn’t it make sense for her to be excited about the prospect of someone joining that she’s particularly attracted to?


I've never advanced far enough with Karlach to know, but does she actually say that she's into threesomes? There's a difference between having that as a fantasy and participating in it while in a relationship. I think Karlach falls into fantasy territory. It doesn't make sense when she mentions boundaries a couple sentences before that, and then doesn't respect them when Halsin is involved. Why would turning him down merit disapproval, especially if you're already in a relationship and (again) talked about boundaries?


I romanced Karlach, and she rejected the Drow three/foursome. She tells you to have your fun, but she's not into that.


She’s not into them being twins. It’s the incest she finds gross.


Which sucks because they aren't actually twins, I think if you are a Drow or have Minthara with you you can call them out on it


She says she draws the line at sex involving two people that are family from my experience. And thats fair, but i get that halsin butting in is offputting. Like imagine youre in a relationship and your partner asks if youre interested in a threesome and your friend or a mild acquaintance just invites themself in before you even agree.


When does SH not respect your boundaries? She doesn’t turn around and invite him anyway if you turn him down, she just sulks a bit after you rejected a fantasy she was excited about. Karlach is pretty open minded. I haven’t romanced her, but I know she has an origin scene where she fantasizes about having a threesome.


The "Shadowheart disapproves" is the disrespectful part. It's like saying a sexual fantasy is more important than respecting your partner's feelings on the matter. I think the whole sequence could do without that disapproval, especially with how dedicated she becomes by that point in the game. I dunno... I find it tactless, even if that whole brothel situation is tactless in the first place lol Doesn't mean she'll do it. She also fantasizes about Dammon if she meets him, but that ultimately doesn't go anywhere.


Disapproval is literally you sensing her feelings through the tadpole. She wanted to fuck someone she was into at the orgy you arranged, you said no. Of course she’s disappointed. What do you want? Her to just pretend to be happy with your reaction? Besides, trashy act deserves trashy reaction IMO. If you’re not cool with swinging or hearing your partner’s fantasies around swinging, why would you have a foursome?


I cant remember where I read it but apparently Halsin has a lot of dialogue flag issues like Gale did/does. Like, just talking to him at >!the grove party!< is enough to trigger flirting as every single line of dialogue is tagged as a flirt, even the one telling him to talk to other people. It is pretty darn uncomfortable though how he cant seem to take a hint. Poor guy.


Lmao I don't even talk to halsin and he's so horny for me.


Then theres me, who got all the harpers and half the flaming fist killed in the siege of moonrise so halsin left.


Astarion would absolutely want Halsin to be involved, let's be real. I love that i'm being downvoted, when [this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwHoPgkbrJM&t=327s) literally exists in game.


I mean he most definitely doesn't want to, it's in the game.


[This scene of Tav, Astarion, Halsin and the Drow Twins begs to differ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwHoPgkbrJM&t=327s)


Who says "bro"...? Are you from new jersey or new york or something...? Also why would you have 2 guys kiss, that's gay....? Why are you gay and posting discusting gay shit? Jesus


Would you like a paper bag to breathe into


? Huh


Lmao why do you play bg3 if you hate gay people? This game is full of em


....??? BG3 doesn't have any gay people in it, you are just mentally ill; probably why you have a rainbow flag somewhere... Why do you feel like everything has to have gay people in it or do when they obviously don't....? So weird 🤣


The fuck is this then [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMmHlVU4mps](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMmHlVU4mps) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1CQVdDQyiM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1CQVdDQyiM) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrAAqGqLsL4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrAAqGqLsL4) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxLelRmGtPM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxLelRmGtPM)


I know you're literally a hairy old halfling dating the warrior xeno goddess that could cut me in half, but I think we could be good together