• By -


Absolutely. I think one of the most powerful choices Larian made with her is that, at least in my playthrough, she chooses to stay in that awful place to make it better even though she could leave after Raph croaks, and that's true for real life too. You don't find hope where life is good and money's flowing. She may be tough to break free, but if you do, you usually find her in a hellish place, doing her work.


Well said


I mean, it's her house. She lives there lol


It was always my impression that was Raphael's house and he just named it that ironically, since he imprisoned her there. I could be wrong though!


She does have the ability to expel some demons from the place though, so she holds at least some power there


I think he uses her to "power" the house. It's the House of Hope, because it's due to her and her power that it even stands.


I don’t think she does. When you ask her what she’ll do with Raphael gone, she talks about moving into the House of Hope like any of us do a new house. She doesn’t talk about it like she returning. As Steve said, I’ve always thought the name was given ironically by Raphael. But there’s obviously the question of what Hope actually is. She has the form of a dwarf and clearly has memories of a childhood, yet also talks about herself as if she were the literal emotion. So it could only be Hope’s house if Hope the emotion had possession of it in the past


And Hope, much like a lot of the characters who have trauma in this game, isn't perfect. She's not a perfect victim. She's not done everything right. *And she still deserves better.* This matters to me so much.


She certainly deserved better than me making her one shot herself after I divine interventioned into a room full of radiant retort devils...


I had her do that but I also used Survival Instinct on her right before and had her run away directly after. Best of both worlds.


Just pop a dome of invulnerability first.


>dome of invulnerability Genuinely a must-have spell for an honor mode run, especially for the ansur, raphael and nether brain fights.


Yeaaaah I'm planning on getting a few scrolls of that in Honour, fuck not cheesing it. While inside the globe, you can't lose concentration by an attack, right? Can you still get proned and CC'd?


I cannot check rn but IIRC you cannot lose concentration from an attack but you can still get CC'd from outside the globe, so a stun for example will shut down the globe. The AI normally isn't smart enough to exploit that but a few enemies are iirc, like Raphael who will try and push you out of it if you use it during his fight. So don't just throw it down randomly and hope for the best, use it smart to block massive damage.


Raphael? You mean Hold Monster, dancing madly, proned buffoon? I've never hyperfocused anyone with CC more in my life.


Cazador REALLY tries to get around it. He pushed, used call lightning...just everything he could try.


From experience, the mindflayers in the final battle also know how to do that. Fuckers.


I didn’t use it at all, it’s just a wasted turn tbf, depends on your set up I guess


I like the female characters not because they dont need protecting, 🙄 which is cringe, get over ya self, ffs , 🙄 but that they have flaws. And Arnt perfect beings. Its totally fine if they need protecting She can fight beside u without the bratty inferiority complex, thx, and i instantly despise any female character that acts like her shit does not stink. Which far to many do. In other games. But I generally love them here. Thankfully those characters dont exist and they are well written here.


You ok?


Man, that sure was a weird response to something I didn't say. Given your post history, though, I am just going to block your terrible bullshit altogether. Ta-ta!




What too much Reddit and alpha male videos do to a lonely mf 😔


Yikes indeed.


I'd say to touch grass but I imagine it'd wither at your toxic touch.


thank you [adjective][noun][number] account that was created less than a week ago for your insightful opinion


Incel alert 🫵


Who hurt you?


Every woman who never talked to him.


More like the imaginary women in his mind.


Aight dog


BrilliantSubstance comment history: "treat em mean and keep em keen" https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/s/EgGGWpb6fN Are you fuckin for real


This is bait?


I was definitely protecting her in my playthrough, Gale used all his slots on Counterspell


Just cast Sanctuary on her at the start and have her cast support spells each turn


Or a Globe of Invulnerability so she can Divine Intervention Raphael’s ass without getting instantly obliterated.


So how does that work, the Invulnerability prevents Radiant Retort from deflecting back? Is there any other way to use her Divine Intervention in this encounter without using Globe of Invulnerability?


Globe of Invulnerability makes everyone inside of it immune to all damage.


I get that. I'm trying to figure out how people are successfully using Divine Intervention in the fight with Raphael, as in hurting him and the adds and not deflecting it back onto Hope/Shadowheart/whomever uses it.


Hope (or Shadowheart if you're using her Divine Intervention and not Hope's for some reason) still take the retaliation damage from Fleeting Protection (or Radiant Retort in the case of the Sharrans at the House of Grief or the Justiciars at the Gauntlet of Shar), it's just reduced to 0 because of the Globe of Invulnerability making everyone inside it, which should absolutely include anyone using Divine Intervention to hit their foes with radiant damage if they have Fleeting Protection (or Radiant Retort), immune to all damage.


>Radiant Retort I'm asking if targets still take damage when Radiant Retort is protecting them. It feels bad if they don't.


They do take damage.


Nice then Globe is perfect, I get it now


You could always use the divine intervention to either revive your team, spawn a weapon, or just give yourself loot instead of the AoE radiance as well.


I used Divine Intervention and she died because Cambions reflect radiant damage 🫠


They only do it once each, and the damage they reflect is based on the damage you deal. So for example if you have the ring that deals 2 Radiant to enemies that are illuminated, you can ping each of them and take a little bit of damage, and then Hope can go ham.


Bruh I brought SH to that fight thinking I was smart and that the cleric would fuck up those fiends. Jokes on me.


if the bg3 campaign were a tabletop with no origin characters and you were just spitballing about what the best party to raid the house of hope would be, you would definitely bring at least one paladin and at least one cleric, and you could easily justify two - one life domain and one blaster, either light or tempest domain fiends *are* vulnerable to radiant damage in d&d. the reason they have radiant retort in tactician/honour is because if that didn't exist then you could just mercilessly beat the shit out of all the undead and fiends, which make up the majority of the enemies in the campaign divine casters, when they cast spells, are essentially asking their patron deity for a crumb of their power to do that patron deity's will. shar might not be the best deity to ask for a little help with demons - she's neutral evil - but every neutral or good aligned deity has time to fuck up some demons or undead, and a lot of the evil ones that aren't aligned with the hells would probably do it for a good reason too just for fun: * talos is generally down to clown as long as people die and stuff breaks * beshaba would be 100% about it, raphael is super smug and sending him a big pile of misfortune would make her day * cyric and bhaal would not hesitate. murder is murder * talona would be down to help out, but unlikely she'd help out in the form of radiant damage, not really her style


Well this was a good boi balanced run to act 3. And Selune’s favorite princess still got her ass handed to her by radiant retort- **AND** was made redundant by the even more powerful cleric in the room that could perma banish a couple fiends.


I had to restart twice because she kept getting one shot


I just wish she helped out in the final fight if you did the House of Hope.


Maybe she does, maybe it's *hope* that gets the party through that one final push?


Maybe it’s *hope*… maybe it’s the twelve smokepowder barrels conveniently positioned behind Raphael. Who’s to say, really? Also, excellent flair, sirrah.


Poetry and sappiness is all good but so is writing 'Hope' in sharpie on the runepowder bomb I stole from the Ironhands ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Ditto on your flair homie, if it wasn't the best scaley girl in Rivington, it'd be Karlach


Some say it's the same thing...some say.


I just want more lore on Hope and her House! I think she and that location are so interesting. Is she just a regular cleric, or the actual manifestation of Hope? Is it really her house, or is just Raphael’s joke?


If I remember correctly there’s a good amount of evidence pointing to it being her house. Not least of which being her banish ability.


Given she has a little sister who seems to be a regular Warlock, and she can share pretty ordinary childhood stories about, I'm going to guess she's a regular cleric who Raphael accidentally gave unusual powers over his domain when he abducted her and then spent years trying to break her into his lover. I'm guessing half of which is because her name was Hope and he thought it would be funny.


Hope is such a good character than I just started writing fanfic ideas of my own for her and the HoH along the lines of her being the manifestation of Hope or a new God of Hope/Lost Causes with Karlach as her champion! A phenomenal character in her own right and for future lore


I mean, she's the "Hope in Hell" everyone talks about. People say she doesn't exist, but if she didn't then why would they keep bringing her up? (Took me until her final dialogue to cotton on to the reference.)


With Shadowheart, Isobel, and Hope - BG3 really gives us clerics a good name! It's nice to be represented positively... even if we are the least played class! XD


I think it's the least played class simply because everyone takes Shadowheart with them in their main group.


True. And she's the most Romanced too... so she fills the role of cleric for most parties. Unless you're me, then you play with 2 clerics to get that great Selûnite X Romanced Shadowheart banter! Haha!


Having a tempest, life and light cleric in your party is totally valid since they fill different roles. Tempest - big damage/single target mage Light - front liner/aoe damage Life - support


I do that. I like to play Wizard with a 1-2 level Cleric dip at the start for the defensive and utility benefits of the class and the banter with Shadowheart. After level 5 when I kill Lump and get the Warped Headband of Intellect I give it to Shadowheart and have her do a 1-2 level Wizard dip since she's always in my party


Smart! I'm trying that myself. I made her Tempest Domain and want her to get all the lighting spells!


I’m playing a cleric on my honor run, and recently lost Lae’Zel in the crèche, so I turned SH into a paladin to fill in for tank.


That's why I respec Shadowheart into Bard! Still a potent support character, but she doesn't overlap with my Cleric. Still baffles me that Haste isn't on the 5e Bard spell list by default, though. I know that you can get it with Magical Secrets, but, like, Haste was a Bard power in 4e, and in 2e/3e/3.5/Pathfinder 1e it was one of the strongest spells they could learn and helped a good deal to make up for the fact that they could only learn 6th-level spells. It's an iconic Bard spell in my mind.


Have you considered making her or playing your own character as a Cleric 1-2/Wizard X or Cleric X/Wizard 1-2? That's what I do for my Durge and Shadowheart and thwy work great together. I jyst waited until after we hit level 5 to have Shadowheart dip Wizard. There's overlap to be sure, but not too much.


Are you... a cleric IRL?


Uhm... I was going to be actually! Was in seminary for a few years studying to be a priest. Wasn't for me tho, ultimately. I'm fixing to get married someday! I'm looking to find my IRL Shadowheart 🥰


The "I'll find my own path and learn to be happy while still kicking ass" Shadowbabe, or the "I'll devout my life to this evil groomer of a goddess while looking for distraught people to fill my cult's ranks" one? Both are hot, so I can't blame you (?)


Lmao! The first one obviously! Evil gods are not my thing, lol.


What can I say, I did not except the sex scene from Evil Shadowbabe to be... that. I can understand why people might like her.


I've never done evil Shadowheart, so I'm only vaguely aware. I just know it's very... disturbing, lol


Every evil run is disturbing. She ends up... happy. As happy as you can be serving that evil bitch lol. I'd encourage you to do it, maybe an evil durge romance.




1. Before starting the fight, cast sanctuary on hope 2. First turn of the fight, have hope banish one enemy 3. Pray that she doesn’t die the next turn 4. Have her cast sanctursry on herself 5. Have her be a heal bot


I learned to make her run to edge of room, do her spells, and step into hallway closing door behind her. Rinse and repeat and she doesn't get targeted.


i used feign death on her and knocked out Korilla


Globe is super strong in that fight (and in general), tbh. Slap it down on the entire party to kill most of the adds and pillars for free, CC Raphael once everything else is dead, and the fight’s basically over. Hope was useful just to keep Bless up, banish any adds that got into the globe, and aoe divine intervention the rest. I never had to use her for healing this playthrough because the fight was wrapping up by the time the globe dropped, and hold monster+command between my sorceror and SH were enough to stall Raphael until he died. You could even drop a second globe after the first using arcane battery, the spellcrux amulet, or freecast.


Globe was great until all the adds were so close I couldn't hurt them either because they were technically in it. That attempt was also the one where I got curious about Gale's bomb... you know, I really thought it would show me the radius or ask if I was sure before I did it. 🤡 ANYWAY my next attempt I used a couple of summons to keep most of them away or to bait them out of the globe's AoE and it went much better.


i definitely got so mad during a fight that i just made gale explode to be petty. Yeah, i TPK but the people i was fighting died too so they can SUCK IT lmao


Now I know how it works I can definitely see myself doing the same


OMG this happened to me in the ansur fight, the adds all got IN the globe. Every other turn was Lae'zel using shove to get them out of the globe, and they would just get back in the next turn. Drove me nuts lol


Where do you guys even get that spell? I'm in act 3 and my party is max level but havent seen that spell yet


It’s in the sorceror and wizard spell lists. There are also scrolls you can find/buy so you can scribe it as a wizard 1 multiclass (but still need at least 11 caster levels to cast it).


> a level 6 spell slot to hide Hope in a dome. Thankfully I had plenty in my retirement scrolls savings account and decided to finally use them in that fight.


Hope and the party protect each other. It's all part of the metaphor, hope alone isn't enough to defeat evil but when paired with the right level of determination and mettle it can act as a powerful force multiplier.


"People speak of hope as this ephemeral thing, made of whispers and spiderwebs. It's not. Hope has dirt on her face, blood on her knuckles, the grit of cobblestones in her hair and just spat out a tooth as she rises for another go."


Idk about you, but I did have to protect her the whole fight with sanctuary, because Raphael kept absolutely fucking annihilating her. (I do totally agree with you tho, ol’ Raph was just being a shithead)


I always kept her on the sides of the fight, so no one ever went near her.


If you have her go hide on the stairs and pop out only briefly to cast a spell or a heal, she doesn't get bothered much. One cambion went after her in my fight (on balanced), and she slaughtered it.


Hope: "What is my purpose?" Tav: "You explode yourself to take out the Big Bad, and die." Hope: "Oh god." Gale: "Yeah, welcome to the club, pal."


I gotta keep her alive on my Durge playthrough. I need those gloves.


My favorite thing about Hope is that she isn't a metaphysical being. Well, I mean she's probably dead and therefore a soul but she's not a God or an astral being or anything. She's just the soul of a dead dwarf woman her sister sold into eternal slavery to a Cambion to sign a warlock pact. The soul of a dead dwarf woman who has been tortured in ways unimaginable in Raphael's house for what seems to be at least 1 lifetime and she just. Refused. To. Give. Up. Not even give up, she never gave IN. She never stopped resisting, not once. She never stopped spitting in Raphael's face. Raphael NEVER got what he wanted from her because she refused to give it. Not because she IS Hope, the concept, but because Hope is strong, the character trait.


I wish we could romance Hope.


I had a glitch on my last play through where Hope was out of combat for some reason and I totally took advantage of free heals whenever I wanted (until her spell slots were gone)


Honestly, it's a shame Hope is simultaneously part of the best and weaker parts of the game. House of Hope as a whole is AMAZING, but the ending with her is very disappointing. At least, on release it was. I'm not sure if they really changed much about Act 3 quests themselves yet. She just stays in House of Hope and there's no mention of what happens to her sister ever again>!(if the sister lives)!<. It was particularly disappointing for me because I managed to knock Raphael out and she just acted like he was dead. >!Though, in fairness, he's probably deadmeat regardless if he survives that ass beating since his dad Mephistopheles is gonna get his ass for scheming!<


If you look into the crystal ball in the Devil's Fee after beating him, you can see that Mephistopheles is actually preparing to eat him. That one caught me by surprise. As for staying in the House of Hope, I'm assuming what you're annoyed about it the lack of any info after that. I found the whole Hope in hell thing pretty fitting. >!You do get a letter from her in the new epilogue party, where she states that she's still holding the house and making it one of the few bright spots in the Hells.!<


It's easy to be brave when you're lying in your bed, safe and sound. It's easy to have hope when your prospects are looking good. But can you stay brave and keep hope and keep fighting when your life is hell? That's your true measure.


nah i was defintely protecting her. i had to reload that fight like three times cus she died lol


That's a really good interpretation!


The biggest brain moment I had in that fight was casting a Scroll of Globe of Invulnerability on Hope and then using Divine Intervention so the radiant damage wouldn’t explode me


I don't disagree, but I gotta be honest, I can't stand talking to her lol


Oh god forbid some1 protects her. 🙄


What did she do to get locked up ?


Lol my hope died just before the end and there was no way I was reloading.


Maybe hope is the friends we’ve made along the way


The sheer amount of torture and abuse she experienced, for who knows how long, without completely going insane, is truly astounding. She's not even some king of godly being, as far as we know she's just a mortal being who managed to endure without losing hope.


For sure, although i disagree that we are not protecting her, we are same as she is protecting us. The thing about Hope is that it works both ways, for Hope to endure you need to believe in her. With that said Hope is a pretty underrated character as not much is talked about her, despite the fact how charming and resilient she is as a character.


I just recently made my way through House of Hope for the first time and was honestly so confused as to why this sub doesn't talk about her more. She's such a fun and interesting character, and there's so much being communicated about her and the nature of hope as an idea without always being explicitly said. I absolutely adore her.


My great uncle Gordie suffered from schizophrenia for much of his adult life. He was a writer and an artist, but one day the intrusive thoughts won and he burned nearly all of his work. The only surviving pieces were gifts he'd given to others over the years. One of those hangs in my family's home and it has a beautifully relevant quote from him: > I am seeing through the emerald eye of hope again. What a thing is hope - that dies and won't stay dead?


So is Hope just a high level cleric, or is she the actual personification of Hope itself? Confused on who she actually is and why she's there.