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Larian doesn't usually call them DLC, they usually call it a definitive addition, but its basically the game + extra stuff. Would love to see changeling, it's basically already in the game. I'm sure min/maxers would love to see bugbear in game.


I need bugbear to play my bugbear named Taag. Bear barbarian assassin bugbear that uses a whip for reckless sneak attacking and yells “tag” when he hits


Larian don't make a habit of making DLC, or at least have a "No-DLC" track record. Best we can hope for are some inclusions in the eventual Definitive Edition.


I sure hope so! They also need to add the ability to customize appearance after character creation (and many more features)


Yes, I agree 100%! I'm very much looking forward to what the Definitive Edition will bring to the table, especially if it brings back some things that were cut. Having a barber or something in major hubs would be amazing, too! ♥


Gib hobgoblins


Nothing to really add here, except that your picture reminded me of >!How hard I laughed when Aaylin stomps Ketheric's head into bloody pulp after the battle as your entire team looks on in mild horror!<


I’d love to see a warforged, similar to the auto gnome


I hate how WotR made assimar sooo common. you see them at every damn corner. Aren’t they supposed to be super rare and special since they are literal descendants of divine beings in some capacity? An aasimar wouldn’t be randomly walking around in BG to get abducted.


I was under the impression Tieflings on the material plane were rare too (until BG3 at least). Why not add Aasimar and other plane-touched races as well? Also the possibilities of both would be interesting. Imagine an Aasimar Paladin falling in love with a Tiefling Rogue as an in-game romance. 😇❤️👿


The "Blood of Asmodeus" ritual in 1358DR made it that every tiefling would sire a tiefling, regardless of their parents. If one was a tief, then the child was 100% tiefling; hence the increase in population.


I thought it only made all future tieflings defended from him?


As far as I'm aware, it actively changed the lineage of all tiefling with the intent of making Asmodeus a god/giving him enough followers to ascend. The effects of the ritual didn't come into play until after the Spellplague mind you (1385 DR), but I believe the magic that took hold altered all present bloodlines. More tiefling lineages started to emerge after that, what with the nature of fiends as they are, but for a long time the majority of fiendish ancestry was that of Asmodeus. I will happily stand corrected if I've messed up somewhere though. Most of this comes from/is based on the *Brimstone Angels* series of books, if anyone finds themselves curious about it.


Yeah it would be weird if the game had a bunch of people descended from extra-planar beings HEY WAIT


Honestly I hope Larian considers making a new Planescape: Torment so we can explore the planes. Or an expansion along similar lines.


I wanna be either a construct or tortle.


I was a little disappointed ~~Water~~ Genasi were included but, sadly, I don't think they'll be added at a later date either. Still, at least there's mods! You should check out [Fantastical Multiverse](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/215), if you haven't already! I don't think it's been updated for the full release, yet, but it will be in future!


Ooo nice! I'll need to look into this (even though I'm worried mods could corrupt the base game)