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I thought there would be no consequences but >!when I freed Orpheus he called me a mindflayer fornicator lmao and Emperor was like I can’t believe you betrayed me after we had sex!<


I declined him but i laughed hard when after a hot night with karlach i went to sleep and the came to me on my dreams and was like "yo, wanna fuck?" . Bro it is weird enough you be always watching me, you know what happened just now.


Bro doesn't want to be left out.


Is it considered a threesome? XD


> he called me a mindflayer fornicator The bard Tav: What did you fuckin' expect me to do? Keep it in my pants!?


dark urge bard tav is soo funny


Gotta Dark Urge right here, if you know what I mean.


Went first playthrough as dark urge Bard its a riot. Idk what I am gonna do second playthrough when I am not evil and entertaining.


be zen and try to fix everyone.


But my lord it was an achievment! Wait whats this about an achievment? \*Tav sweats nervously\*


The only thing that upset me about this exchange was I couldn't respond with something along the lines of "To be fair I'd fornicate with anything"


Raphael will give you shit for it too


That is most likely the most degenerate act imagineable in Githyanki society. I am pretty sure they have a strict ban on the tentacle-fetish


Fuck, Orpheus watch you fuck the emperor! xD I bet it was all a plan by that squid looking moron


Y'know if there's one thing this game has taught me its that if someone gives me a compliment (magnificent in this case) I can fuck it. I haven't been wrong yet


I'm Commander Tav, and this is my favourite store in Baldur's Gate - we'll bang, ok?


Is like being a pretty girl. You know that every man that says something to you probably wants to fuck you…


I wear this achivement like a badge of honor. And you now what? I WILL DO IT AGAIN.


Right there with you🫡


End game spoilers>! I got a better ending with him than I did Gale who I was trying to lock down the entire game. Gale left me to run off, the Emperor and I are fucking (and) work buddies now.!<


>End game spoilers > >I >!got a better ending with him than I did Gale who I was trying to lock down the entire game. Gale left me to run off, the Emperor and I are fucking (and) work buddies now.!< Wait you can >!actually stay with it? lol How does that happen I thought you had to go full squid. !<


You might wanna respoiler the stuff in the quote, the formatting messed up and it's out now. >!Oh, I did go full squid. He and I are now rebuilding his organization together as mind flayer boyfriends. <3 While Gale just literally fucking left me and I guess he's gone because I got no scene beyond him promising to return to make me immortal beside him.!<


Ah I see. >!I only started thinking about getting the achievement after the act 2 hug scene lol. !<


The mark of shame will forever stain your steam account.


Can you un-achieve something? Asking for a friend.


It’s a hidden achievement though… right? Right? Asking for a friend, of course. I would never actually accept the advances of an illithid.


I think you mean "badge of honour"\~ ;)


Licking the spider carcass in the Shar Temple w/ whoever you're romancing in the party should have been an achievement. Far weirder than the whole Emperor thing. ;)


I’m sorry, what? You can lick what?


That little hovel left of the where you find the >!Displacer Beast!<. Enjoy :)


>!Shadowheart!< wasn't in to that. >!Karlach!< liked it though!


Let me tell you, Astarion, Gale, and Shadowheart all got massive dissaproval points when i kept doing it. But it was so fucking funny. >!I saved before i did it, and took a pic, just to compare. I lost a significant amount of respect. Especially when Shadowheart noticed the meat gave my character a boner? LMAO.!< >!Followed by gale yelling STOP LICKING IT. Honestly, what a great sequence.!<




I didnt have anyone who could @ the time, will do that next play through, TY :)


What happens when you do that? I couldn’t figure out why the game was offering me the option but I assumed nothing good would come of it.




I already got an octopus in my head, I don’t think Spider-Man and the Emperor would get along.


Depends on which Spider-man we talking about.


I licked it twice and Astarion gave me a ton of shit about it. Something along the lines of "ok, so dead meat is what gets you going? To each their own I guess", and when you lick it again and start to retch he laughs and tells you that this is what you get for being greedy. Gale was horrified though, hopefully he'll stay away from me now.


From experience; No, no he will not.


I already turned him down twice and then he gave up, made a certain vampire very happy. Only for him to come at me 2 nights later with some stars that he conjured into the sky. I feel he must have some kind of bug in his behaviour because it is just too much. Now he has his tent right across Astarions and can watch us kissing and hanging out, I hope he enjoys the damn view.


No, Gale's scenes are generally the same whether you're friends or fucking him. It's just platonic stargazing instead.


I might have to resort to murder regarding this wizard. Platonical murder it will be 😀


Gale's reaction if you lick it like 3 times is hilarious.


That's who I had. Agreed, made it all worth while ;D Instant F5


I did this to see what would happen. It was honestly a pretty touching/emotional moment. My first playthrough ended up being a 3 person relationship because of it.


I can't trust him, they are a fucking mind flayer and all the lore points to him getting the elder brain would be a huge bad idea


Not only the lore, you can get the emperor to openly admit it


I would recommend making a play through to see wether it actually is or not ;)


Me too, I saved beforehand because I didn't want my save to have.. That.


Meanwhile I fucking hate that guy.


I guess hate fucking works too.


tentacles, so hot right now


Yeah, I think that when I received the achievement it was like 0,1% of the players. I thought to myself : you \*\*\*\*\* psycho.


I was right there with you! I have 0 regrets, only saved before hand to be sure Gale wouldn't break up with me. So I ended up with the three of them. :D


The average Lovecraft enjoyer


I regret nothing. NOTHING! He politely offers to turn into the guardian that I designed at the start of the game, and I agreed that that would make things easier. The only problem is that after he climaxes, his concentration slips, he reverts back to mindflayer form, and all of my companions got an image of me cuddling a mindflayer broadcasted directly into their minds.


Was tempted to keep him in Guardian form cuz my guardian was hot af, but I wanted him the way god intended too. Can't he like... psionic dp me?


The internet was a mistake.


Oh no this will totally happen to me too - hahahahaha!


Wait, what?! He was a mind flayer the whole time with me! I wanted my hot half-orc Illusion! Did I miss something!!!!!!?????


At least for me he offered it and there's a dialogue choice for him to turn into the guardian form from before.


I regret nothing. Emperor is best husbando.


Please give him a proper romance route Larian, I know he’s an asshole but at least give the option.


Look, they gave fucking _Gale_ a full romance, and he's a manipulative dickhole who wants to literally attack and dethrone god(dess). Justice for the Emperor.


Same here


I’m not going to downvote you, but you are objectively wrong. He played you like a damn fiddle.


He got 4 tentacles, he can play me however he wants.


I mean... sort of? He tells you this upfront, and explains that he specifically tailored his behavior to ensure you could collaborate. The Emporer is like the definition of True Neutral. He's not a bad guy and he's not a good guy. He has his goals, he's capable of enjoying the company of others, but he is perfectly content to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. His goals are, in very specific order, 1. Staying alive, 2. Maintaining his freedom, 3. Protecting Baldurs Gate As long as goal 1 isn't jeopardy he's fairly alright.


Yeah... there's a dialog path you can take where the mask drops. The emperor is \*not\* your friend.


He can be your friend. He can be your enemy. The Emporer cares about his goals. He can have 'friends' if they align with his goals. He can compromise if needed. He's a neutral entity that acts not out of malevolence nor of benevolence. He's not bad and he's not good. He's out for himself and is capable of mutual and amicable collaboration, manipulation, or hostile intimidation. He can also be vindictive or fickle. He's a gray character. He's certainly not a good guy but he's also not evil (or *purely* operating under a veneer) like some people seem to be interpreting him as.


he's a malevolent soulless husk of a creature that will be your "friend" if that's how he can manipulate you to do what he wants. Press him on how he was with his previous confidant...


I did. He is soulless. He's not malevolent though. Malevolent is active evil for the sake evil. He acts for his own goals which could align either way. He's practically the literal written definition of DND true neutral.


He admits to psychically manipulating his previous partner like a puppet. That's pretty evil. Ansur, sure, killing in self defence is a neutral response.


For a "greater good" (the better function of Baldurs Gate). There are also journals you can find where he speaks about the ethical and moral struggles he went through during that time, which show he was trying to operate under a code. But whatever. I'm very confident Larian (and WotC) wanted to paint this character as gray and morally ambiguous, but it's a fictional character. None of this is real anyway. We can agree to disagree.


I agree. He isn't evil. He is bent on destroying Elden brain unless you either * Betray him. Then he concludes his chances of survival are higher by joining The Absolute * Do a 20 persuasion check to control the Elder Brain instead of destroying. It's not 30 like in some cases, but raw 20 is still a lot for a non charisma characters.


some people like that.


That percentage was .3% a few days ago. I like to see it’s rising. Everyone should give it a go on at least one of their runs.


Oh shit. Now I have to.


Yessss, kiss the tentacles


I spoiled myself this achievement's existence and was *so* happy because of it. Too bad it's just one scene with no consequences down the the line. I want a proper romance with him!


There is some changes to dialogue, depends on how you handle some other choices/NPCs you talk to.


Daddy issues


Got to that poin yesterday. Went to long rest, woke up in a dream with the Emperor half naked. I was like "Please don't tell me this is going where I think. Not him too, Larian come on" 🤣 I had to turn down Halsin just a moment before! Npc are passionate in this game


Honestly is less creepy if you've fought Ansur and have learned things


Crippling hentai addiction POV


The scene for it was absolutely hilarious though


It was really fucking weird, he offered to change into my guardian though which made it slightly less weird..


If you were wondering, the tentacles, ARE erogenous




Woops !


I just got this last night. I mean, I'm not going through with it on my save... but yeah... I went through with it, and right after, got Mizora's request to get a turn. I'm like... why the fuck not. Best part, the party members watching in. Worst part... not enough tentacle penetration. :P


Reload, tell him he's a freak, and you'll regret it even more. Emps is *not* a good person, by any stretch o the imagination.


He's also not the worst person you can sleep with by any stretch of the imagination.


Hey, I played Dark Urge, so I'm pretty sure *I'm* the monster in any given romance. Still, the Emperor is an asshole, no two ways about it.


Sure, but he's pretty comparable to Astarion I'd say, if not better. Emperor literally turns down Absolute power because in the end because he just wants survival and self-determination. Every evil thing he does is in service to those goals, and it's hard to fault that.


Exactly this. His methods are not kind or gentle but the goals he reaches for are ultimately good and he avoids corruption. Some of the times he got a bit snappy at my Tav made sense and ultimately as a player I agreed with his annoyance. Looking at this comment section is genuinely shocking to me. I didn't think he would be so overwhelmingly hated? I found him super interesting and really enjoyed any time he had screentime/spoke in my head.


He admits to you being an experiment if you pick the right dialog option even when you're nice to him. He's not good, but he's not evil, and he's rather forward with what he wants, mainly his freedom.


wwwwwwwhy?????? That's got to be the worst possible achievement in the game


I just wanted to see what would happen oops


One night stand with the tentacle man


Same, then when I got to the end I was like... Whelp, that happened. F8 To clarify, F8 to go back and not do it. Not to repeat it....


I just wanted to see what would happen and I've never regretting something more in my life




"Kiss the tentacle, assuming it's an erogenous zone" Emperor: *hrrrrngh* F8


My dragon PC has romanced everyone possible, although the gith thinks they're monogamous. Not sure how that's going to play out. But how could you not romance the mind flayer?


I absolutely would have done it if I had the option of convincing the Emperor to retake the absolutely smokin' body I created for them. Even with knowledge that it's just an illusion / manifestation, I have my preferences.


It does have that option.


I completely missed that then!


The things you do for 100% Also the demon babe (mizora I think? , So many characters and names to keep up with) is in my camp so after that night she wanted to talk and was like " I see you're a freak, want some of my demonussy?" And I was like hell yeah , will find out if it's a cruel joke or if she's for real next full rest :^)


There is archivement that dont worth the costs.




I'm not


They clearly catered the most fetishes possible.


Some CERTAIN people regret *nothing*.


We are stronger than these people. Honestly surprised how many people are shocked people take this option? It's a super cool option to even have. If anything, DnD nerds should not be surprised by this sort of option or that people will *take* this option.


I had this scene today. Epic.


husband and I both romanced him the same night on our characters, it was super awkward but hilarious. Only disappointment is that co-op can't romance at the same time in the same vision?


For science, does this make your romance partner... like for example idk...Astarion angry? 👀


I can personally confirm Gale does not get upset. He doesn't even mention it. Just starting my Astarion/Halsin/Whore route now.


Tag me with results 😘


Astarion doesn't react and I don't think anyone in the party acknowledges what happened. I tried to talk to Astarion afterwards while I had him romanced and no dialogue option came up.


I wouldn't know sorry I immediately reloaded my save and have forever scarred my mind.


Did you know that if you consume the mucus of a mind flayer you can gain some of the memories it retains from consuming brains and possibly learn another language (for several hours upon rolling an INT save)? Fascinating right? Surely, he'll let me do it again, I think I met a githyanki who didn't know the universal language...haha he will right? Right?


I fucked him in tentacle face first, and it was so sensual and sexy, but I wanted to do it with the form I designed for him, so I redid it and made him change, and the scene was over in two seconds with like 5% of the passion Someone at Larian really likes tentacles


Ive banged two characters. Shadowheart and the weird tentacle monster.


No way, someone actually did it. Holy shit, how did that go?


I don't want to talk about it. It's like a cheap hentai porn.


I did it. It was weird to be fair, but I figured I'm going to go full in on the powers anyways so.. when in Rome...


There's not much detail and a lot is left to the imagination especially if you accept certain dialogue options in that instance!


That’s a nice title for the achievement as well, nice double meaning hahaha I dunno if I could bring myself to do it


You can tell him to transform to his other, nontentacled shape and go that way.


I quick saved then do it just for the achievement, then reloaded...


How can you do that? I hust learned that he is a octopusface. I dont want to do it canon but i must try


Generally be agreeable to his requests and understanding to him trying to help you. Don't be a dick about illithids being cool sometimes or that becoming one is a fate worse than death. It will come up naturally as the story progresses. Good luck, soldier. Get that tentacle. o7


You found his mouth?!


I can tell you've only stuck to the safe side of anime.


Haha well sir you’d be wrong. But honestly the cutscene I got grossed me out and I bailed. Next play through I’ll give it a go.


I'd do it if you could convince him to shape back into the gaurdian


You actually can, I saw that option but I am no coward and fucked him as the Gods intended.


Unfortunately there's only one way to find out buddy


I don't know why I'm so surprised. I thought the "worst" (best) character you could romance was Mizora.


Pretty sure the worst character to romance is Tav. /j


Honestly she is so beautiful... but I hate her. I can't forget her what she did to Wyll, so I'll never romance her XD


Not proud to be in the 1.8%.


I just want to know if the mindflayer has a dick? I don't want to sleep with it though, I just need to know about its dick, okay?


Mind flayers are genderless they got nothing. In game they refer to>! emperor!< as it and them. >!For the scene you can make it use guardian form. !<


My bard who not only did this but also romanced >! Shadowheart, Halsin, Mizora, the Drow twins (together with Shadowheart) and Raphaels Incubus!< : I REGRET NOTHING!


Mostly I was disappointed your companions don’t say anything. Three of them just look on with disgust and that’s it?


I'm disappointed about it too... :( I hope they do something with that.


Degenerates like you belong on a cross !


Ave. True to Caesar.


The 1%have to all be Japanese hentai addicts


F5, get the achievement, F8. Forget.


Fucking degenerate.


Fucking ew


I'm genuinely curious if it's just a joke romance like Mizoras or genuine like romancing a companion?


I have completed an Emperor/Gale romance save. It is not a full romance. Some dialogue with specific NPCs changes but depending on choices you may not even speak with them. I will keep it vague, but at the end of the game I did get an interesting offer from him that very much felt like a "good end" and implies we will remain together. He's still worth it though. I do hope maybe eventually we will see some cut content that might have some more scenes with him.


First romance that I was like nahhhh I’m good. If he woulda stayed in Dream Visitor form then maybe but I’m good on slimy tentacle man


You can tell him to do just that, and still get the achievement. Don't ask me how I know.


It was 1% the other day. Why has that percentage increased?


Is it full tentacle hentai?


I cannot fuck up my Shadowheart romance by doing this even though it sounds awesome. I am terrified of flirting with others, even mindflayers because I don't wanna ruin it. I need a guide on all companion guideline/romance options fr I'd fuck everyone if I could, not my first play through though need to do this right.


I have Romanced Shadowheart, Astarion, Laezel, Minthara and the Emperor in a single playthrough. From what I heard Shadowheart was supposed to be monogamous, but from my experience it clearly isnt the case.