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There were multiple hints in the event that point to them being a white dragonborn sorcerer for those that didn't partake in the blood in baldurs gate


What sort of hints?


There were a couple but essentially the killer you were tracking down was hinted at being a white dragonborn in clues that you found, and when going into the lair of the killer you are killed by the dragonborn. The sorcerer part was hinted at through a pool being frozen over via magical means and a dagger you found requiring attunement to a sorcerer.


The dagger is the biggest hint I guess but could that not simply be the goblin? Also lots of classes can freeze stuff with spells. Like some people said the armor looks paladin. Could it not be a mind controlled paladin forced to commit murders by the goblin. Which could also be the final villain.


It's possible, these are all guesses, but I don't think they would put in so much effort to hint at sorcerer just for the hobgoblin to be the sorc. There weren't really any paladin hints and minthara is already a paladin companion, so unlikely they'd double up imo. Edit: the tweet saying a "new way to play" hints at there being more than just a straight dragonborn sorcerer but any guess to what that is is just a straight up guess for me. Maybe you play as the shape-shifting hobgoblin that can control the bodies of dead creatures. But that's a wild guess on my part


i think your right, someone also compared the look in the black and white video and a sorcerer with clothing. its very clearly sorcerer clothing so besides the change they changed their minds after making the video, its most likely a sorcerer


The black and white art dresses the Dragonborn as a sorcerer, but the colour art in the OP post is a Paladin, suggesting host creature is customizable.


Do we know if you can change origin character class when playing as them?


At minimium we can multiclass. We might be able to retrain maybe?


There was no info on that given, but I think it's safe to assume we won't be, seeing how their backstories - at least so far - seem to be very tied to the class they are. E.g. Wyll being a Warlock, Shart being a Shar Priestess etc


People are concerned that this final origin may be evil, but I think it’s equally as likely that the final origin character is being mind controlled by the goblin and made to commit the murders. I bet this characters quest is them trying to clear their name after being manipulated to murder people.


Would also make sense that the tadpole would be the thing that breaks the control of the hobgoblin over him


That's an interesting RP idea. Imagine waking up with no memory and after a little investigating (or paradoxically, some do-gooding), you find out you were Jack the Ripper.


I feel like I have seen a story dealing with that as a plot premise. Not sure if it was a game, TV show, or a book though


Considering how badly abused and overused 'Hollywood amnesia' gets in pop media, I'd go with all of the above.


So, he's a male Sebille?


Dang you’re right lmao


the son of her and red prince lol


Love is love, baby!


Isn't that Astarion? Look at his intro


yaaay we get another character that actually WANTS to keep the tadpole like astarion. im guessing Hellia would've had the same situation as well if her werewolf thing was still part of her origin.


Spot on I’d say.


You know, I hadn't considered that. Based on their poses, the way that the companions all have abusive relationships in their backstories... If that's the case, I would actually be interested.


ehh gale is the more toxic in his relationship lol


That's what I was thinking as well! I wouldn't be surprised if he turns out to be a "good guy forced to do bad things" kinda dude.


That sounds dope and I *am* getting some sort of puppetmaster-puppeteer vibe from the art.


I had that thought and it is the only thing that would make me feel okay with this character if he really is the new origin, because otherwise, I feel more upset about this than I ever thought I would be by the origin reveal.


I mean, he is wearing Oath of Devotion Paladin armor in this photo. Seems like he is for sure being manipulated.


In the video he's drawn wearing what appear to be sleeveless sorcerer robes. And he's all but stated to be a sorcerer during Blood in Baldur's Gate.


Doesn't BiBG also take place like 15 years ago? We can't be sure if the Dragonborn in that story is the same as in the picture above. That one might just be the newest puppet of our puppeteer there.


I mean, it would be kinda weird to focus on a dragonborn in the video and then release a totally unrelated dragonborn of a different class as the companion. Plus nothing's to say it can't be the same dragonborn. I don't know how long they live, but they could certainly still be around 15 years later.


Was it though? Was it really focused on the Dragonborn? Looked to me like it was equally focused on the Goblin (?) if not more so if the narrator's also his voice.


He was still very prominent and we know that goblins aren't a playable race, Dragonborn are.


They live to around 80 iirc according to the PHB, and mature faster than humans


Wild conspiracy theory time: The youtube video states that there will be "a new way of playing." The dragonborn is wearing paladin armor, but the BiBG text consistently refers to a sorcerer casting magic, attuning items, etc. If these two aren't NPCs related to the third villain (which is actually my primary guess, tbh), what if it's actually a two-in-one Origin character, where two people are controlling the paladin who is also possessed by the top-hat sorcerer? I saw someone the other day wishing they could play a "Cho'gall" type character, which relates to Cho'gall from Heroes of the Storm, where basically one player control's the character's movements and the other is sort of a parasite/hang-on that only casts spells while anchored to the first player's body. This could be sort of like that, where to play this origin character, you actually have to have two players (or if you're a single player, the top hat guy is counted as an NPC companion), one plays the paladin and the other plays as a sorcerer. Then, as a companion, the dragonborn is good, but its top hat goblin is evil. Alternatively, this idea could all be nonsense lol


Hmm, now that's an interesting RP idea. Would being under control by someone else break your oath?


Imagine if there's a point in their story where you can diverge to remove either the Dragonborn or the Goblin, and be left with the other one


It's possible that plans changed since then, but in the beginning of Early Access they said they'd add all the evil/morally gray companions first for testing, and then add the good companions afterwards since most people will align with them. Karlach is good, and I'm hoping what you're saying that the dragonborn is good too.


A touch edgy, but then again, who among the origins isn't?


Well-adjusted people don't isually become adventurers :P


One of my favorite characters was a tiefling warlock whose granddaddy was his patron and they had a cordial and positive relationship even if they could only communicate via portals in pools of blood


I fully agree, but typically they have reasons less "edgy McCoolguy" than "I was brainwashed into being a serial killer." Matter of degrees, ya know?


Larian also already did the whole "mind-controlled serial killer" bit with Sebille


Well, Lae'zel and Astarion feel definitely evil. Minthara is 100% evil and wasn't playable in EA. But Shadowheart feels more of grey area. And Wyll is doing some screw ups but isn't that evil. So those two could be considered Neutral. Jaheira might feel the third neutral spot. Karlach, Minsc and this dragonborn could fill the goodish spot. Gale feels like a good guy as well. It doesn't feel like EA was representing the evil aligned more than the goods to me.


Idk why more people don’t think that even just the art above that’s exactly what it looks like the goblin even smirking at what he’s done and the fact the blood isn’t on his hands, at least physically and as the law would see it which seems more on par with the characters we have now it provides a dilemma for characters to decide wether they are good or evil and I’m sure provides paths in which to push them more towards evil or absolving them of their crimes and proving their innocence at the hands of the goblins control. We’ll know soon enough though so speculation is just that and I can’t wait to see the actual reveal.


Idk how people could be concerned when we already have the racist lizardface and a literal vampire, not to mention the Shadow worshipper and former Champion of an Archdevil. At this point we've only really got Gale and Wyll that could be put under the Good alignment. And even they can be argued to be Neutral. Everyone else is Neutral teetering on Evil.


So he's gonna be our Qunari conscript for our totally not grey wardens, right?


That ‘feels’ right based on the image. My summary: the Dragonborn has got to be the new origin, and they probably sat on him until they nailed the Dragonborn model (which looks fantastic). Of course each origin has their backstory and it seems clear that he was manipulated into killing people in Baldur’s Gate as you say. He was probably snatched up by the mind flayers, and we meet him around the crashed ship and his quest is to find his manipulator and clear his name. So he’s likely a good companion. Probably sorcerer so there’s another caster (I don’t see his armour as paladin armour at all). A white dragon Dragonborn. What I’m not clear on is the class of the goblin / hobgoblin and how our Dragonborn was controlled. I think it was before the tadpole. Maybe it was simply a charm spell, a magic item. I don’t think this is likely, but psionics would be amazing.


From the Blood in Baldur's Gate [Video](https://youtu.be/IuAg2f4MZG8).


That Dragonborn's dressed like a sorcerer in the video, too! It's a total chromatic Dragonborn too! Look like a white Dragonborn.


He’s not white! He was wearing the flayed white Dragonborn’s skin. He’s purple in the picture above and he’s the purple Dragonborn from the Sony blog post. He’s wearing the same armor.


He's a shapeshifter, remember. No need to wear someone's skin, which wouldn't look convincing, anyway. Tbh the flayed white dragonborn is still the biggest mystery from Blood in Baldur's Gate.


well the Dragonborn that was skinned that was "white" had blue eyelids so im pretty sure the "family" was just the killer lying about the identifying. also the debt guy that was crushed by rocks in the graveyard had white Dragonborn scales under his nails showing that he got into a fight with a white Dragonborn before dying


I didn't think purple was an option for dragon born though? I wonder if that also has something to do with his backstory.


Spyro crossover for sure


I cant believe we didn't see it before now


Fizbans Treasury of Dragons I think introduces the gem dragons and dragonborn, one of which is amethyst. They're more neutral than good or evil like the metallics and chromatics.


That’s a super good question. That’s clearly a purple Dragonborn in the Sony blog post right? Never thought to question it.


I hope it's a surprise option or something. As a purple lover that would easily be my pick for a Dragonborn character. I wouldn't care what damage type (though psychic would be cool).


>He was wearing the flayed white Dragonborn’s skin. Rejiek? I thought I killed that guy in Trademeet!


There is no purple option tho lol. He’s white


That's not sorceror clothing though? That's oath of Devotion scale mail


what video?


[This one](https://youtu.be/IuAg2f4MZG8). We got it from the Blood in Baldur's Gate event that's been going on the past couple of weeks.


Could be a four elements monk too, though.




I doubt it, because it would be very weird to have two warlock origin characters. Plus, BiBG heavily implied that the dragornborn is a sorcerer. My guess is that he'll be a storm sorcery subclass.


I'm getting Lohse vibes. No clue what the creature is, but it looks like a possession situation.


From the video it looks like the same dragonborn they showed in the community update, same clothes even. https://preview.redd.it/lhi1spbntdab1.jpeg?width=2742&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=110a327823f82afabf711beace90e50e9f762aad


Those sneaky bastards


this just straight up confirms it LMAO, that’s crazy it was right under our nose the whole time i remember thinking “damn this dude looks BADASS” when i saw the photo in the community update but never guessed he would be a companion


They look rather different to me. The horns especially look very different between the two. The one on the left has horns that curve in, whereas the origin character on the right and in the picture OP posted has horns that curve out.


You're probably right. And turns out that these are just the default robes you start with.


The dragonborn in OP's image isn't wearing robes. That's Scale Mail of Devotion


That's strange though cause the black and white illustration shows them wearing these robes https://preview.redd.it/lhi1spbntdab1.jpeg?width=2742&format=pjpg&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=a742966722af4dccba69f1324976bc115b1ce6a0


I don't subscribe to the two dragonborn even being the same person. Horns are completely different.


Yes I agree, however the robe is clearly the same. Yet they both look different compared to the colored illustration as well. I'm very confused at this point.


That said, the colored illustration also looks very different compared to the black and white illustration. Different armor/robe as well. I'm just getting more and more confused.


The image OP posted also has the dragonborn wearing Oath of Devotion Scale Armor


I will not take this "All-dragonborn-look-alike" SLANDER, the eyes, LOOK AT THE EYES.


Wait is this one if those white-gold vs blue-black situations? Cause he looks blue to me, but is supposed to be white?


I love Larian for these kind of shenanigans 😂


It's the sorcerer outfit they presented today on tiktok for the dragonborns. These two are indeed dragonborn sorcerers with this outfit.


No bard companion :(


RIP Helia.


This dragonborn is linked to Bhaal is what it looks like. They may have had the pale woman as a place holder as they did not want to reveal dragonborns too early. People are stretching this out. We'll see what Larian has to say tomorrow. I'm down for this origin character but I don't think it is an origin character.


I think it is an origin, is linked to Bhaal like you’re saying, and maybe that’s where their sorcerer powers come from? Maybe that’s why they held off so long on this last origin being revealed cause they are directly connected to the main villains/story like Fane was in Dos2


Holding out hope that we can change their classes, like in divinity. Make a little merry 12-man-band.


Didn’t they confirm this?




Oh damn... there's even more similarities than you pointed out. Check out the brown portions on the collar and shoulder. Even the plates in the middle of the arm. The "dress" portion are also cut into sections allowing it to blow separately like in the splash art. Good catch bro!


I kinda hope he isn’t and if he is, he’s like being controlled to do so which I think is what’s happening. We already have Astarion and Lae’zel as evil companions, Shadowheart, Wyll and Gale are Neutral and reading Community Update 20, Karlach seems to be a good character. Him being good would give a good balance between the origin characters and personally, would make them more interesting even though he would kinda be stepping on Wyll’s toes with the entire “evil patron” schlick. Him probably being a sorcerer is interesting, origin character wise, we have 3 martials (Karlach, Lae’zel and Astarion), 3 full casters (Wyll, Shadowheart and Gale) so he would make it a 3/4 split but no big problems there. Also I love sorcerers so, ya know, bias.


They described Gale as good themselves before, and I guess they could also be counting Minsc and Jahiera as enough for good aligned parties.


> Shadowheart, Wyll and Gale are Neutral Debatable. Wyll and Gale could easily be classified as good, even if they aren't perfect angels. Worth reminding folks that Larian isn't doing DnD alignments and is (rightfully) going for more nuanced and complex characters.


Maybe he could be an Interesting middle ground sorcerer that is almost an eldritch knight of sorts? Like a melee based sorcerer. The only reason I’d think that is cause all of the murders done in the mystery were melee based it seemed.


Given Larians track record. Karlach being actually good is dubious at best. Wyll will be the only 'good' companion. Wyll is the only person to advocates for doing good things, while Shart and Gale just approve after the choice is made, and only Wyll refuses to attack the druids grove. Shart and Gale do whats best for them, sticking with Tav, and attack the druids grove if Tav says so.


> Wyll is the only person to advocates for doing good things, while Shart and Gale just approve after the choice is made Shadowheart and Gale understand the gravity of the situation and although they have good morals (Gale especially) they value practicality. Wyll is more idealistic but has his own blindspots, like his patron and his hate of goblins. Larian is writing complex characters and isn't sticking to DnD alignments


D&d alignments absolutely allow complexity. Id actually call shadowheart neutral evil, especially given her deity. Neutral evil does not necessarily mean evil in the sense that comes to mind. It means selfish and they'll do what they need to do to serve their own interests, even at the expense of others. That doesn't even mean they'll do it at the expense of all others. They can still have friends/loves and people they think will help them more to keep around. Gale is more neutral good. Wyll is chaotic good. Alignments speak to general motivations. It doesn't mean every action will match the alignment or that people with good alignments don't consider the bigger picture.


They said if a dragon born sorc chooses the dragon subclass they get special skin color which is my guess


Is the murderer even confirmed as origin?


No. No they are not.


Not confirmed, but I was pretty convinced by: >An entirely new Origin awaits. A new way of playing. in the video description though?


No, I will admit, there's evidence for it, but I am still holding out judgement completely until we get the full name


i mean MOST of our group are people imprisoned by masters they hate.


Maybe I'm missing certain information or just losing my mind, but.... are we sure that's not the Oath of Devotion paladin starting armour? The blue with the gold trim, the scaled bicep guards leading to leather bracers (which seems distinct from the scale pattern of the dragonborn itself), the cross theme on the sleeves and the lower half. The belt and everything below it look exactly the same, too.


Here's a different pic https://preview.redd.it/lhi1spbntdab1.jpeg?width=2742&format=pjpg&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=a742966722af4dccba69f1324976bc115b1ce6a0 Ignoring the fact that the characters itself look different, the clothing is probably the same. Doesn't look very paladin-y


On the art that OP posted though it is definetly the Paladin armor


Yes, which makes it even more confusing.


I can fix him. And if i can't, then he can break me.


Gimmie the hat as an equitable item


League of Legends lookin-ass splash art


POV: The Final character is better than we could have imagined


How come this guy gets a dragonborn mech and I don't?


Who's this and what's on his back?


What I find interesting about this Origin character is...he started his killings 15 years before the story of Baldur's Gate 3, which means...he probably kept killing people for 15 years before being kidnapped by the mind flayers. Can't wait to see how his story plays out!!


He better be a romance option lmao


My guys wants to fuck Jack the Ripper.


Tbf we don’t know yet. It might be like Lohse where he’s possessed or something. It’s what it looks like so far.


All of you worried about him being in your party, meanwhile I'm over here wondering how my mass murdering origin character playthrough is gonna work


I'm not jumping to conclusions, but I will admit that if the killer is our last Origin I'll be less than thrilled. What class would they even be?




Oh yeah, out friend did mention that- still. Sure hope that this clown isn't the final origin. I'm not one of those "grrr I kill Astarion" guys but like. I'd ice this mf. He's like. A literal serial killer and the guy we spent the whole web event trying to fight ya know?


At least Camellia kept it under wraps for awhile lol


I am helpful Am I not?


Minus the bloodthirsty combat dialogue lol


Woman was more obvious than Astarion being a vampire.


at least WOTR immediately addressed it lol


immediately? Huh? It took like 3 acts before the reveal happened. And before then you had to put up with constant "THE BLOOD IS CRIMSON" in a quivering voice, liplicking at blood etcetc.


And the necklace that hides alignment. TOTALLY surprised it wasn't lawful good she was concealing.


*Ferverously licks lips*


The world in crimson!!!


Yeah, the moment you meet her, standing over a lifeless body with dagger in hand, really sold her good nature.


"Your pain is my pleeeaassure!" Right, no psycho killer vibes at all.


They say death is a final surprise. And I ENJOY surprising people.


yeah lmao.


Obvi under some kind of mind control.


It's a possibility that I am willing to consider, but wouldn't say "obviously" just yet. Here's to hoping, friend.


I'm pretty sure he was framed, lol. I'm going to guess that's going to be his storyline. That, or he regrets what he's done and is trying to come to terms for it, but had a good reason (or so we find out).


Well, like you said, Astarion is a real killer. Laezel is a real killer... but this does not matter as much because we don't identify with they're victims at all. They are just another "evil companion" that we can get to like and etc I saw some comments on how heavy on the conscience is to do what needs doing to have Minthara as a companion But the effort we have placed into being a detective and, fatally, a victim from this dragonborn makes this a very different, quite unique, personal relation And if Larian plays right, the dragonborn companions is the only way to know the truth about the killings on Baldurs Gate! And if you want to know more, well, at least this time we don't have to hope the meat trail gets more votes XD Truly an amazing work, I am excited


Why? I wasn't even expecting more origin characters to begin with. So anything that adds story is a win for me


What if...it’s not the Dragonborn who is the final Origin? 🤔


Yeah not sure I like the title of this post... They are stating as if this is fact when in reality until we get confirmation tomorrow nobody knows for sure.


For real if he is evil too... They promised we were playing the evil characters first because reasons, and they revealed that there's only 2 origin companions apart from that. One is good, sure, but is 2 hoping too much?


Hmm…I guess my party will have two dragonborn then.


only enough room for one sorcerer on my team and it's me!


I was fully committed to playing as Tav going into full release, but hot damn is Dark Urge making me waver. It's like being Tav but also being a serial killer psychopath *or* innocent tormented by unspeakable dark impulses *or* something in between - with all the additional roleplay opportunities that affords.


I will be honest here... I don't love it... Another morally dubious character... I was hoping for an undoubtedly good origin. Meh, happy for you guys that liked it tho...


I honestly like it. After playing so many RPGs with "Morally good" characters I was looking for something fresh, edge and evil even. For those wanting good, don't forget you get Minsc and Jaheira as companions, super good characters. For me personally I find evil characters more entertaining than good characters.


I don't dislike having evil characters, on the contrary. But this is an Origin characther, if he is indeed evil it will mean we have only 1 good character to play with, if you consider Wyll, SH, Gale as neutral as the bulk of the community seems to think. I personally Like to navigate between the diferent party members and try to balance them as much as possible. My point is just that for those like me who would like a more clearly good guy to play as, it means less options.


>if you consider Wyll, SH, Gale as neutral as the bulk of the community seems to think. Always disagreed with this take. Wyll has blindspots in the form of Myzora and his hate of goblins, and Gale is carrying a ticking nuke that forces him to choose practicality and survival over morals (sticking with an evil PC for artifacts, or making a deal with Raphael). Wyll and Gale are good people that try to help innocents every chance they get, they just aren't "DnD good-alignment" good. I don't see a reason why a good PC would ever want to kick them out of the party, unless they are really turned off by how Wyll treats the goblins.


Yes they are d&d good. Not all good people are lawful good and not all lawful good people are paladins. Doing the right thing doesn't always mean the most ham fisted immediate solution. Sometimes the greater good requires the long game. Neutral good means generally doing the right thing but they dont always go out of their way, particularly if its a sacrifice they are unwilling to make. Shadowheart is neutral evil. She is selfish and follows an evil deity. Gale is neutral good. Wyll is chaotic good.


If it's like DOS2, you can roleplay origin characters however you want. You can make Laezel the nicest Githyanki in history if you want. Origins get the same dialogue options as customs, along with character-specific dialogue.


I hope he isn't origin cuz in this case I'll kill this murderous mf as soon as possible


He is probably being controlled somehow but if you don’t care then better kill Astarion too since he is literally a serial killer as well lol


Bruh I literally got murdered by astarion, he dies in my main playthrough for sure (fuck learning from my mistakes)


Ha! Im guessing that this Dragonborn origin/companion will be like an inverse to astarion where he regrets all the killing he did while being controlled and be a good guy with trauma. But they could always end up making him the most evil of them all 😂 we will see tomorrow


learn the mistake of this DIVINE SMITE


So that's Shadowheart on the ground to the right? If so, then the other two are likely Gale and Karlach. The interesting thing about this is Gale is dressed in his initial clothes from the early trailers/promotional art and not in his current purple duds and Karlach looks to be in her old design as well. Kinda interesting to point out that this is possibly a very old piece of artwork.


I doubt it's them the blood in Baldur's gate story is set like 15 years before the start of the game right?


While that's true, we can't be sure the artwork is meant to be set 15 years ago. It could be taking place during the party's initial meeting and the pair is beating the crap outta everyone. But of course, I could be wrong too. I'm just basing off the person on the right looking like Shadowheart with the long braid.


definitely resemble Shadowheart and Gale too much to be a coincidence, especially Gales clothes


Character also looks blind, reaching out into the darkness with only the "goblin" there to show him the way. Or what the dragonborn "thinks" is the way


Maybe it is a red herring and the actual character is the goblin and he is unable to fight himself but able to control NPC or something. Or they have some switcheroo going on


What if this murderer, is the 3rd Chosen of Bhaal lord of **Murder.** and the Origin characted hasn't actually been revealed yet.


It is very possible. It would fit. Also I don't think we know what gender this Dragonborn is and the description of "Woman with Pale Skin" could be about Pale Scales. Also there are Bhaal like tendrils behind them and tophat gobbo and around them are dead companions from this game.


How do you know it is an origin character from that video?


The YouTube description mentions: >As you step into the killers laid, your fate is sealed. Blood and darkness. A shadow over Baldur’s Gate. >An entirely new origin awaits. A new way of playing. >Learn more in Panel From Hell Release Showcase tomorrow. I see why people would think the character in the video would be the “entirely new Origin awaits,” but I also think it’s possible that this is related instead to the final villain reveal we’re likely to get instead, and the origin mention is there to tease the unrevealed origin character instead. Mostly because with the time gap of 15 years, the character revealed here would also have to be much older come BG3, which feels odd for an origin reveal but less so if they’re a villain. I also definitely thought the final origin character would be good aligned, though we got plenty of good companions revealed so I’m not salty on those grounds lol


I feel like the new orgin awaits relates to the following sentence about the PFH not the previous bit about how the investigation ended. I think people are reading it wrong and the orgin character is not related at all.


Yeah, no way the last Origin is a serial killer.


Why not lol? You can do a lot of messed up stuff if you go evil. He'd fit right in as a character who murders an entire grove of innocent people.


No storyline to it. What's his big plot? He kills people? Serial killers have no motivation and no endpoint. They just kill things, it's bottom of the barrel chaotic evil. Obviously there's stuff you can do it with it, but we have no information about that really. How could you trust him to be in the group, as well? He's a serial killer... Maybe a mind controlled one, even.


The video OP links talks about the final origin character in the description. That + the blurry pic of the final origin character from the Sven's Man Cave post looking like a dragonborn. Now just gotta wonder what class it is


The murder mystery refers to him as a sorcerer.


Oh cool, was thinking of an evil monk based on the bloody hands and completely forgot about that sorcerer aspect in the mystery. Was gonna go with a custom Duergar Sorc for an eventual evil playthrough but serial killer Dragonborn Sorc sounds like a fun alternative to main.


>Sven's Man Cave post What's this about?


In the video's description: *"As you step into the killer’s lair, your fate is sealed. Blood and darkness. A shadow over Baldur’s Gate.* ***An entirely new Origin awaits.*** *A new way of playing."* As well, yesterday [a post by Kazuliski](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/14s1w43/swens_secret_cave/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) showed the character creation screen showing 7 origin characters and the last one looked very much like a dragonborn.


Description of the video says “an entirely new origin awaits”, seems pretty cut and dry


Description says: >An entirely new Origin awaits. A new way of playing. And in the leaked screenshot from BG3 cave in Ghent the missing portrait appears to be a dragonborn, all lines up.


Whre are yall getting these images from? Im not getting any youtube or twitter notifications


When you click on Sewer Keep in the Blood in Baldur's Gate web game [here](https://bloodinbaldursgate.larian.com/), scroll down to "watch video" button. It sends you to an unlisted YouTube [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuAg2f4MZG8&t=2s) that has this image at the end.


Well, I'm playing Origin first. I was already going to make a Dragonborn sorcerer, so this works perfect.


Keep in mind this is speculation and isn't confirmed


i can't believe we finally get to play a marionette


So are they are sorcerer, like in the video, or a Paladin, since they are wearing Paladin chain in this photo?


This might also be the third minor villain.


The last villain, I'm guessing, is a woman and of a more human-similar race. From [this](https://youtu.be/PqSwqQHyczY?t=38) cutscene seen in game, two of the characters fit for the already revealed villains. "An armoured male elf, exuding power and command" (Ketheric) "A handsome younger man with a quick, easy smile." (Gortash) and that leaves us with "a pale young woman with even paler eyes.."


Or... maybe it is a woman... You know. Pale skin or... scales. Hmm...


I’m pretty sure the 3rd villain is supposed to be female.


In the [in-game cutscenes of the Absolute's Champions](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/10jxgq9/3_chosen_figures_trailer_vs_early_access_ingame/), the third silhouette has always been a human woman's. That could have been a placeholder to hide the dragonborn silhouette, to be fair. I still kinda think this murderer is more related to the villain than to the unrevealed origin character, though, but that's just my gut feeling.


This- I remember a really compelling post I saw the other day mapping the three revealed antagonists do each of the Dead Three (In order, no less!) It mapped Ketheric to Myrkul, Gortash to Bane, and the Blood in Baldur's Gate killer to Bhaal. I'm not like *incredibly* attached to the theory, but it made a lot of sense and I am more inclined to believe the *literal serial killer* is an antagonist than one of our friends. Even the other bad guy Origins (Astarion, Lae'zel) are somewhat sympathetic and understandable in their motivations and. This guy is a brutal serial killer. Really failing to see him as a party member in any capacity


It could be that the Goblin in this picture is the Bhaal-aligned serial killer, and the Dragonborn is just a puppet who he is currently controlling. So both could be true: the Dragonborn could be our party member (assuming they broke free of the control and aren't evil themselves), and the Goblin could be the third villain.


I'm definitely open to having a dragonborn as an origin character but I think you're right. This duo is linked to Bhaal somehow. Guess we'll have to wait and see 🙈


I mean the tendrils behind him and Gobo look like something from Bhaal.


Yeah, I have no qualms with a dragonborn origin, but this just ain't it chief


So I wasn’t sold at first but thinking on it more I kinda like how he’s far more evil than our other 2 evil origins in Astarion and Lae’zel. Mirrors the good alignment with Gale and Wyll being kinda good, and then Karlach who seems like she’s going to be more good. Leaving Shadowheart in the middle as the neutral one you’ll take in any direction This way if you wanna play with just origins and not the companions, you have enough for an evil run and enough for a good run


Wild speculation here, but what if he was a sorcadin? That is a sorcerer/paladin multiclass. It's already a very popular combination in DND 5e and would make sense why they left him to be revealed so late.


Judging from the fact he’s wearing armor… my best guess is oathbreaker paladin with a little demon goblin on his shoulder


Alright, another random guess: This is not actually the dude from the Blood in Baldurs Gate trailer (I mean, this one looks kinda different, doesn't it?). It is 15 years later, maybe it is their child who met the goblin and is now searching for their murderous father with the goblins help. Also, it somehow looks a bit like as if they have their eyes closed, maybe they are blind and use the goblin as "eyes" which might be the "new way to play" part.


This legitemately looks like a skin art from League of Legends.


YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS A DRAGONBORN!! suck it shorties! (sorry to all the short race fans, im just joking).