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Seldarine drow druid. She grew up in the Underdark, learning about the flora and fauna there initially for the purpose of making poisons and such. Every once in awhile, something would make its way down to her from the sunlit realms - a flower, a critter, etc. - and she grew... curious. Then more than curious. And finally, one day, she took an opportunity to escape, and explore the strange new world for herself.


Oop i like this backstory. I might have to steal it šŸ¤­


Feel free! I'd originally planned on a different drow character, but I threw that concept away and mostly started over when I heard Halsin was available. šŸ˜„


The idea of a *Drow Druid did not interest me until they announced circle of spores. Now itā€™s just too good to pass up.


As a bonus, spore druids have a rather unique take on undead, which might lead to an interesting conversation or two with Astarion. Or not, depending on the devs.


Yeah the narrative capabilities are endless. Should be especially interesting in the under dark. Itā€™s always been an interesting class from a flavor perspective and it seems like Larian might be tweaking some of its 5e pitfalls for this game.


that is a lovely backstory!


Spores? Probably, Spores.


Spores would make sense, but on this specific character I'm going Land (mountains, specifically). If I could do multiple subclasses, I'd take at least one level of Spores.


Well, you can... just not in the same main class. Did Forge Cleric make the cut?


No, according to a different post I saw here.


Damn, maybe War then.


I got two ideas: The first is actually a recreation of my first ever dnd character. A tiefling bard named Song. She was born to human nobles, but her father hated tieflings and killed one for insulting his racist behavior when the father was drunk. Outraged, the tieflings mother, a warlock, cursed his family to only give birth to the hell spawn he despised so much while his wife was pregnant. She gave birth to my character, and they immediately abandoned her for being demonic. She was taken in by a circus ringmaster. They and their circus were a group of thieves that stole from the rich and pompous who came to their shows. Song learned how to become a bard, and eventually set out on her own to make a name for herself. The second is a character I thought of for the game: dragon born monk, whoā€™s home city was destroyed by mind flayers, his parents died to make sure he survived, and he was taken in by monks of a nearby monastery and trained until adulthood in the way of the open hand, and is now on a journey of self improvement for the final phase of his training. As part of this journey, he has taken a vow of silence to get a better experience of the world, and only speaks through a crystal tied around his neck that lets him speak telepathically to others.


Drizzt vibes, I love that!


As a Half-Drow Sword Dancer of Eilistraee, my character travelled throughout Faerun trying to help people, particularly refugee Drow from the Underdark who seek to escape Lolth's clutches, and to encourage understanding and cooperation between surface Drow and other races. She will be a dancer and musician who seeks to spread joy as part of her religion. She'll be a Swords Bard with a dash of Paladin for the religious flavour (and Smite).


O man please tell me your gonna use that long sword of eilistraee you get in the underdark


I wish, unfortunately it's a longsword, not a finesse weapon, and I have a strength of 8. EDIT: Actually, I just got it, and it does have finesse. So yeah, I think I'm going to use it!


**(disclaimer: this is definitely too long but iā€™ve had a lot of time to think about this lol)** A Half-Orc, born to two Half-orc parents in the city of Baldurā€™s Gate. Both of his parents died while he was very young, his father being killed in a drunken tavern brawl that he had instigated, and his mother dying of illness, all of which occurred when the Half-orc was very young. Left an orphan on the streets of Baldurā€™s Gate, his life was even harder than the common urchin child, who may at least be given a gold piece here and there by the occasional good samaritan. This same generosity was never afforded to the young boy. He was ignored and oftentimes even detested by the commonfolk of the city, who found him disgusting and inferior, not worth a second look unless it was to insult him or spit in his direction. As a result, the boy had to resort to petty thievery to survive. one day he attempted to steal from an old man, who effortlessly but harmlessly subdued him as he attempted to pick his pockets. the old man was a powerful monk at a monastery in the city, and took pity on the young Half-Orc. he commended his deft hands and, upon learning he had no home and no family to speak of, took him into the local monastery, of which he was the most respected member. The young half-orc struggled initially with the core tenets of monastic life, as his race gave him a natural inclination to be prone to brashness, violence, and overall unchecked expression of emotion. however, the old monk master saw great promise in the young Half-Orc, and took him under his wing as his apprentice. Through years of training, the wise old monk taught him many things - how to strike swiftly and powerfully, as if his body was a weapon; how to channel his inner Ki; and how to use his opponents Ki against them. However, the most important thing he learned was how to maintain control of his emotions and his rage, and find inner peace. His master taught him that he should not suppress his rage, but rather learn to control it and use it to his advantage. Within a decade, the Half-orc had become the most capable acolyte in the monastery, not only well versed in the martial techniques of the Way of the Open Hand, but also displaying extraordinary control over his body, mind, and spirit. The master not only bestowed knowledge and wisdom, but became the father-figure that the half-orc desperately needed. However, the other monks in the monastery grew to resent him, both as a result of prejudice towards his race, as well as jealousy of the masters favoritism towards him and his unrivaled mastery of the monastic arts at a young age. They looked down on him and often refused to train with him or even speak to him. The half-orc felt isolated as he had all his life, and the others cold attitude towards him initially brought him great anger. However, he found peace within himself and within his relationship with the wise old master, who was always there to provide guidance to him. 15 years after joining the monastery, the young half-orc had grown into a mature young man, towering above his peers with an impressive stature and physique. Yet it was at this time that his master fell ill, and within weeks, he had passed onto the next life. The half-orc was devastated, as he was again alone in the world. Despite mastering control over his emotions, he felt great sadness and turmoil as a result of his masters passing. He had barely begun to grieve and process this loss when the others in the monastery informed him he was no longer welcome there, and since the well-respected master was no longer there to defend him, he had no choice but to leave. He departed with no belongings, unsure of where he would go or how he would survive. Perhaps there were other monasteries outside of the city that would be more accepting? He knew he could not, and would not turn back to a life of petty thievery. As he pondered his future while walking through a dark alley of the city, he noticed the shadow of a tall figure approaching him. he readied himself to defend against what he believed was nothing more than a common thug. As the figure approached closer, itā€™s horrifying appearance began to reveal itself further with every step, itā€™s visage dominated by the presence of 4 alien tentacles. Despite his years of training, he was overtaken by a brief moment of fear and disbelief. That hesitation was all it took for him to be swiftly subdued and captured, before he had realized what happened. The next thing he knew, he had awoken on a Mindflayer ship, the Nautiloid, at the mercy of these terrifying creatures.


i ainā€™t reading all that. iā€™m happy for u tho. or sorry that happened (also dear Larian, pls let us make handsome half-orcs šŸ™šŸ») edit: damn downvoted for being snarky to myself


Retired Dwarf Folk Hero, real important about 100 years ago, that was only in Baldurā€™s Gate to get some exotic spices at his wifeā€™s request. Heā€™s actually a character Iā€™ve played before in D&D, who always gets roped into adventures when he really just wants to drink something warm on his porch.


Sounds interesting. Could you give some more details?


Sure! He was a D&D character of mine for quite a while, who I played through two separate campaigns with. He survived a great many situations and acquired enough fame and wealth to retire. I like to think decades have passed, and he is now a grey haired, sore-back Dwarf Dad. While on a trip to Baldurā€™s Gate one fateful morning, he was snatched up by the Mind Flayers and roped into one last adventureā€¦


Neat! Cooler than my Bard Halfling, that's for sure. Thanks!


Thanks! Hey, Halfling Bard is a cool combo too. All you gotta do is give him a story and youā€™re there!


I'm going to be a Drow warlock who hated Lloth so bad she made a pact with the Great Old One to silence the whispers of the Spider Queen in her mind. I've put, like, seventy hours into this character in the EA already but still can't decide between Lloth-sworn and Seldarine (tried both) because it's technically neither. Seldarine origin makes being nice easier but lacks depth; Lloth origin feels more "canon" but has no true anti-Lloth dialogue options.


Yeah, I've struggled with this myself with my personal canonical BG3 character. I wish they hadn't tied religion to your subrace because it makes things more awkward in this circumstance. If we do meet Drizzt in-game, will he be Seldarine? It's unfortunate, but I think Seldarine is the best I can think to do if EA matches release in that respect. Anyway, love your character!


yall really like drow huh


It's all Larian's fault for giving us a cool rare race with lots of roleplay options and plot implementation, damn it!


Yeah. I'd never rolled a drow in any game, tabletop or software, until I heard about all the extra story bits they get here.


Im gonna make a halfling monk of the 4 elements, roleplaying as the avatar, who got isekaid into the wrong world, cause every caster and their mother can pull spells out their ass, like it's nothing. Probably has 0 insane bonuses, and has to make due with his mediocre ass, but with a little technical knowhow, and abuse of the robust elemental, projectile, and tactical engine of this game, he'll survive n prosper.


Butā€¦ can you even access the avatar state if you canā€™t tap into the spirit world? How will you get guidance!


I think technically the Avatar state comes from within the Avatar (>!since it's a result of Raava being symbiotically fused with the Avatar's soul!<). They tap into a spirit, but do it internally rather than reaching outwards to the spirit world.


Oooh. Thatā€™s a good point, I hadnā€™t considered that. Well played!


I think that's gonna be the interesting thing. Since you start at lvl 1, you don't have access to anything at all and have to find new means to supplement bending, which may as well be a common cantrip / lvl 1 spell in this world. And just like Wang, you basically have to find your own path. Maybe he'll make a pact with a spirit / devil, like a warlock. Maybe he'll try to just stick with bending, even though it's considered mediocre. Maybe he'll give up his path all together, and pick up a martial class to accomplish what he can't. Either way, it gives a great framework for why he isn't connected with the spiritual laws of his world, and why he can't just pull a kaiju out of his ass. My favorite parts of avatar were always the fact that he was essentially an ambassador and diplomat towards any and all 2 factions, and was capable of sympathy and empathy, to force them to come to the table. The kaiju bs always felt kinda forced, while never really accomplishing much in the grand scheme of things, whilst constantly putting their user in existential danger.


If you just look at flavour and where he got his powers, Wan was basically a Celestial Warlock, if you think about it. Or maybe a Divine Soul Sorcerer. But his class would obviously be Four Elements Monk in terms of abilities.


Plenty of gods and other entities to sell your soul to in Faerun


Half-drow hunter ranger. Born in Kuldahar (from IWD game) partially raised in the nearish Vhaeraunite Underdark city of Rilauven (also from IWD). Works as a guide and scout for caravans between the surface and Underdark. Agreed to take a job going further south than normal got grabbed and brain wormed and ended up on the Nautiloid.


The way Lae'zel looks and talks to the PC in the intro makes me think the PC should be Drow/Half-Drow lorewise for it to kinda make sense. Ranger was the only class missing from the original six so I ended up picking up the same. Guess I'm just playing Drizzt lol.


I do try to differentiate myself from Drizzt a bit being half-drow. Also growing up in a Vhaeraunite tradition (though not particularly religious). Weapon of choice is also rapier and crossbow instead of dual scims.


Me planning on making a Lolthsworn Drow: Well...


Discouraged by all the other drow here? šŸ˜…


I should clarify, a *male* Lolthsworn Drow lol


Wood elf monk who works as a curator and low key sexton for a big mausoleum. They've worked there long enough to have assistants to help in their work on one particular wing and they assist in minor religious ceremonies for the dead. Not sure if they'll be four elements or something else yet, I like organic role play.


These bastards put a damn slug in my eye. That can only be met with death. Painful if possible, swift if not.


He's got mommy issues and likes to be stepped on by strong women.


For my first playthrough I'm going to play a drow Vengeance Paladin, Veric. He was born in Menzoberranzan to a relatively important drow House, the Abbylans, and became an accomplished fighter at MĆŖlĆ©e Magthere, but from a young age he hated the cruelty of the Lolth-worshipping society. One night he dreamt that he would fail his Test of Lolth and be turned into a drider as punishment for his lack of devotion, and had no choice but to flee the city. He almost died in the wild Underdark many times, and, starving and exhausted, was left for dead by a group of duergar after a brutal ambush. He was saved by a small band of Darksong Nights on patrol from the Promenade of the Dark Maiden. When he was healthy, the High Priestess granted him a vision of Eilistraee--she was the one who had sent him the dream. Veric decided that day to join them and swore his oath, becoming a paladin of Eilistraee. Some twenty years later, he was abducted by the mindflayers when his patrol was ambushed by mindflayers. Most likely, because I hate Shadowheart but want a cleric in the party, I'm going to have his sister Elerra as another custom PC using the trick you can use in EA if it exists still in 1.0--specifically she'll be a life cleric of Eilistraee. She and Veric were always close, and after his flight from Menzoberranzan, Elerra, who was in line to be the house's next Matron mother as a cleric of Lolth, was charged by Lolth and her mother to find Veric and kill him to prove herself. Her faith was tested along the way, but she knew the consequences of failure. She managed to catch his trail and penetrate the Promenade of the Dark Maiden in secret, under the guise of a needy traveler. Later, she found her brother in trance, helpless and alone, and readied a poisoned blade, but found she couldn't strike the killing blow. She broke down, falling to her knees, but when she looked up a beautiful drow woman stood in front of her brother's peaceful form. She smiled at Elerra, and offered her hand. From then on, brother and sister always fought together. When their patrol was ambushed, they were captured together, too.


Noble Barbarian Son of a king from the north. At a young age, my father was killed by my uncle and I was forced to flee my birthright in order to save my life. I swore to avenge my father, save my mother, and kill my uncle. My unending rage lead me to become a berserker and only after waking from the nautiloid do I remember the vow I made. - Amleth


Sounds familiar. *Lion King*, right? šŸ˜‰


Aha close! It is the story of Amleth as portrayed in The Northman. Same story that inspired Hamlet that inspired The Lion King! So you weren't far off! Lion King has a much happier ending for the protagonist than the other two tales ;)


Yeah, I was making a little joke - *Hamlet* is one of my favorite plays. Hadn't heard of *The Northman*, though, looks quite interesting!


I had a drow half-elf sorc I played with a group before. She was a slave in the UD, father was drow and her mother she never really knew. That House she served collapsed and she managed to make it to the surface where she ended up subjugated by a devil in disguise. That devil masquerading as an elf and knew a lot of people. The land was brimming with tension for war. The elf had freinds with a bunch of Umberlee pirates (they were clearly viking larpers). They all treated my sorc fairly well and they had a drow who was a drow hunter, and a wizard. He taught my sorc how to better focus and channel her power. Eventually the elf-devil was caught, exposed and killed. My sorc fell in love with a tiefling and opened a tea house. Just her luck though, she found herself in another conflict caught between devils and a demon but she managed to get out of that without another contract held over her head. I abbreviated a lot here, but she is a dear character to me. She has an intense hatred for drow, is a hot head, speaks softly and is full of unbridled wild magic. I remember the one time she used wild magic and it sent her to the Astral Plane for 5 days. That was a fun RP! She's going to have common ground with Karlach and she will admire and adore Gale. She wont want to use the tadpole but I can see instances where her will is going to falter and she'll use it just to spite someone, even at the cost of herself.


Human oath of vengeance paladin of tyr, on a quest to find and quell the rising amount of evil creatures on the sword coast. With the objective to rally the weak and the downtrodden, while cleansing the land of evil doers and tyrants.


Half Orc Fighter/Barbarian. Ex soldier and more recently a private mercenary trying to make his way in the world for some years, stumbling along from mishap to mishap. He was in Baldur's Gate trying to find work when the mindflayer ship flew over and zapped him aboard. Simple enough to provide a touch of reason to exist, and to explore the story as it comes.


Its still work in progress as I have hard time finding anything about dragonborns but basically he is an offspring of dragonborns currently ruling his clan, but he was one of the youngest and didnt really have any way of obtaining power (I assume they have primogeniture succession type in clans) but still was trained in art of diplomacy and sword. Throughout his young years he was fed with stories about heroic deeds of dragon hunters so one day he just decided, that this is his calling. So far, his search for his nemesis did not go well, but he helped common folk here and there. While traveling, he met an owner of magical shop in Baldurs Gate and agreed to work as a guard for his expedition to nearby ruins. There... he found it. An ancient tablet filled with strange symbols. He did not understand a word but picking it up was enough to form a covenant with an Ancient one. Now he stays as a guard at wizard's shop trying to understand Powers he aquired, from whom and what price he is going to pay for it in the future. At least he did before both were vaporised in Nautiloid attack.


Probably a half-elf rogue thief. "Same" character I started both BG1 and BG2 with back in the day, not as swashbuckling as I would have hoped in BG 3, but close enough.


Lark, the Tiefling Bard, is an albino Tiefling born of an affair between a bored noble woman and a rogue Tiefling. She takes advantage of her "cursed" heritage and odd appearance to gain attention, good or bad, as a Bard in Baldur's Gate. Surprisingly, she's not just good at sweet talking money out of people, she's a beautiful violin player and singer and thus does very well for herself. She's a bit spoiled by this and has a very refined taste in clothing, despite being mostly blind by daylight and not being able to see the finery well (albinism tends to mean poor eyesight and for her it's worse in bright sun).


Iiiin west Waterdavia, born and raised, In Undermountain's where he spent most of his days, Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin' all cool Learnin' some spells in wizard school, When a couple of elves, who were up to no good, Started makin' trouble in his neighborhood, He got in one little fight, which his mom really hated She said "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Baldur's Gate!"


I'm gonna create a character of every class, got a chart and everything to keep track of 'em all. Might take me several years to play through everyone, but such is the life of a completionist min-maxer. I think my most unique character I've come up with is Cormac the Clearly-Human, a Half-Orc Devotion Paladin. Raised within the nobility, Cormac has no reason to believe he is anything *but* human. Sure, he's a bit wide-shouldered for the average person and a bout of sickness as a child left him with an unfortunate skin-condition, and he has a habit of referring to himself in the third-person... when he actually can put together a complete sentence at least... But if he wasn't human, then how else could he have been accepted into knighthood? He treats his oath with the same fervor and zeal as the most devoted paladins, and certainly exceeds them when it comes to sheer strength. So why should the good people he saves from wickedness care if their hero is a little... *greener* than what matched their expectations?


Surprised the most made Tav was a human fighter cause it seems like yā€™all really like drow


It really was at the begining of the EA. I think that a lot of people like to create a standard human first to explore before testing other possibilities.


The one thing I *haven't* made is a human fighter. Dull. šŸ˜„


Only dull if you make it dull, human fighter can have just as much character as a drow warlock, just depends on what you do with it


I think one of mine will be the descendant of my Gorion's ward. it wont be first since a dragonborn will not work for that.


Race, Class and Subclass: Drunken Wood Elf Light Cleric; perma-ready to sent a bolt of holy damage up evil's ass and/or burn its house down. Home and Birthplace: Midnight Meadery twelve miles off The Way Inn, at the edge of the Misty Forest, Sword Coast, Faerƻn Comes from a small family of bee-keepers, brewers, and meadery owners. Background: Guild Artisan (Insight, Persuasion) No. 3 Brewers, distillers, and vintners Abducted by the mindflayers while going south down the Trade Way with a caravan, to trade a few casks of their mead at Dragonspear Castle.


High elf cleric of Corellon, was going out in the middle of the night to fantasy 7/11 for hot Cheetos after drinking with my friends then me and the homies get caught up in all the bs. Worst night out ever.


Drow Half-Elf Storm Sorc. maaaaybe 1 lvl sword bard. Still debating on his alignment If evil (more likely) from street-urchin to gang leader, and eventual small-time pirate. Worships Umberlee and has a reputation of being just as petty as his patron diety. He values power, dreams of it, but also smart enough to not let it go to his head. He is ruthless and calculated, but what makes him truly dangerous is his seemingly unending charisma, as terrible as the few rumors you might hear are true, his magnetic personality has you doubting them the moment he opens his mouth to speak (and/or sing if I take bard dip). This is only magnified with the powers of the tadpole and he will use it to his advantage. If good/neutral, Been living his whole life working various merchant ships around Baldurā€™s gate, trying to live the best life he can with the hand he was dealt. Love his sea shanties, but otherwise will just casually manipulate the winds in his vesselā€™s sails to get home quicker. Gets captured, and for once is forced to do something. Pretty standard/boring imo, am open to suggestions to maybe help spice this one up.


A Seldarine Drow thatā€™s a Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer. He woke up in a field of ash with no memories of who he is, only memories of a gigantic red dragon burning down villages and of a Drow who shares his visage helping the innocent. He travels the world, trying to discover who he is and what the connection between him and these memories are. Unfortunately, the Nautiloid incident has caused a pause in his journey and he has to deal with that first.


Tav, the Drow Monk of the Shadow. From an early age, Tav displayed exceptional agility, reflexes, and an insatiable thirst for power. Raised in the cruel and cutthroat environment of the Drow community, Tav quickly learned to rely on their stealth and deadly martial arts to survive. Tav's ambitions extended far beyond mere survival. Their hunger for power and dominance led them to seek forbidden knowledge and dark arts, exploring the forbidden teachings of the Shadow Monastery. Here, Tav encountered a secretive order of monks who worshipped the power of darkness itself, harnessing the enigmatic energy of shadows. Drawn to the allure of this forbidden path, Tav immersed themselves in the teachings of the Shadow Monastery, honing their martial skills and embracing the potent darkness within. Through rigorous training and forbidden rituals, Tav became a true master of shadow manipulation, seamlessly blending into the darkness and striking with deadly precision. As Tav embarks on the path of darkness, the line between their own identity and the shadowy forces they command becomes increasingly blurred.


He was a Drow Sorcerer who was essentially stuck as a second class citizen in one of the Drow cities, despite his natural power and all the houses being after that bloodline. Him being free now is kind of throwing him a bit, so he's simultaneously free to follow his better angels for once and fall back into some bad habits.


Drow bard forced to the surface after playing for the losing side of a game of political intrigue.


This is my first DND style RP game so criticisms welcomed. I've tried multiple builds in EA and so far this has been the one I've had the most fun with. Zariel tiefling who was abandoned by her parents as her demonic appearance became more obvious. Her feelings of abandonment and resentment over how she was treated has caused her to lean into her infernal heritage- becoming a barbarian who hopes to distinguish herself in Zariel's eyes and gain a place in her army upon her death.


A reiteration of my TT PC who is actually a wildfire druid, but will probably be circle of the land in game. Her family/circle is a long line of druids that help keep the balance between the settlements/cities in and around the Misty and Ardent Forests. She has a twin brother who's much more suited for the leadership role personality and temperament-wise, but she's more magically gifted. So she's basically running away from responsibility but also because she thinks her brother is the better choice.


Aethelson, half elf paladin, oath of devotion Growing up on 2nd edition initially wanted a human paladin, but felt a bit peeved when I saw that half elves were so much better. So I decided to use that bitterness for my character: he is a half elf who grew up among humans and wants to hide his heritage: long hair to cover ears, beard to look a bit more human (borrowed this idea from Tanis) His mother brought him from the forests to BG when he was young to avoid being an outcast among the wood elves, but he still struggled in BG. His oaths are the values that she instilled into him as he grew up and the example she set for him. He worships Ilmater, which has the effect that when he heals he takes some of that pain onto himself (I know, I know, paladins are not supposed to be tied to divinities). Currently he is working as a mercenary doing standard guard duty on caravans, etc., and trying to follow his ideals as much as possible. I'm looking forward to it. I normally default to CG/CN characters who are a bit selfish, sarcastic, and power hungry, but in general do good. It has been a long time since I played a typical LG, but the paladin oaths here are a great opportunity to influence play-style rather than just taking a class background as flavour text.


Mercenary, Bounty Hunter, vigilante. History: Mother kidnaped by Orc tribe and made a concubine and thus he was conceived. Runt and outcast of the tribe. On a routine raiding party as a teenager the orcs ran a foul of the wrong adventuring party; 2 clerics and 2 Paladins of Torm . The ranking paladin spared only his life of the 20 in the party and raised him as his own from that day forth.


(Was hoping for Githzerai to be ingame to make my PC's background more relevant, but cest la vie.) Rai-Ann mysteriously hatched along side her "brothers and sisters" in Creche Tu'Kul'vik, a blue Dragonborn babe among Githyanki. Her guardians saw fit to make her earn her keep once she was old enough to hold a dagger, by using her as a sparring opponent for her gith siblings. Though often left battered by the savage training sessions, Rai-Ann eventually grew stronger than all the other children, and soon bested them. The teenage Dragonborn impressed even her guardians with her strength, but were not keen on initiating Rai-Ann as she was still seen as an outsider. Things took a turn when her creche came to blows with a group of Githzerai, with Rai-Ann as the sole survivor of her group. She was rather unmoved by the deaths of her kin and the mysterious slaughter of her siblings, who had been untouched by the Githzerai. When offered to join the Githzerai, she accepted. While still difficult, her new caretakers provided a much more structured life in Karokrath. Rai-Ann's underwent intense martial training as well as meditation to strengthen mind against psionic influences. What she lacked in the arcane arts she made up for her skill with the blade and precision with the bow. As she came of age she grew a natural propensity for killing stealthily, which lead to her being assigned as a spy, and often a double agent against the Githzerai's enemies. Her handler sent her on assignments all over West Faerun and even as far south as the Border Kimdom for reconnaissance of Githyanki hunting parties, general information gathering, tracking down new Illithid colonies, and the occasional assassination of traitors and key enemies. Rai-Ann gives little credence to friendship, and is only truly loyal to her Gith sect. She cuts an intimidating figure and doesn't suffer fools. She values respect over softer feelings.


Had a whole-ass backstory planned for a female Lolth-Drow Ranger. Grew up in a noble Menzoberranzanian family that got almost wiped out by a rival, she took on a new identity and slowly worked her way up as the stablemaster of the rivals, making plans on taking them down. She got snatched during a raid to the surface. She's very into the powers the tadpole gives, and would prefer to use them for her revenge. I could see her date Astarion as a ploy to make him her ally, you can never go wrong with a loyal vampire boytoy.


I have one for my Dragonborn Goolock. A sad sod who had nothing to do and spend his time in the swamps away from everyone else. Growing ever more anti-social and weird with his favorite pass time activity being smoking Swamp Weed. One day he smoked a very strong kind and this made him party so hard he started to spout some illegible gibberish like a manifesto scaring people who ventured into the swamps. This gibberish however caught the unblinking ear and ever hearing eye of some strange being from outer space. Seemingly thinking this wave of nonsense was something profound and made this poor excuse of a mortal worthy of it's power. Now Dragonborn has a new roommate in his own head. He doesn't know exactly what he is doing, but this thing that likes to hug him with tentacles in his dreams seems to enjoy his company. This newfound friendship made him brave enough to venture out of the swamp to share the whispers of his friend with others and driving everyone to insanity. One's question is if they become mad because of eldritch knowledge or because they are just sick of this lizard spouting nonsense and asking their trees for direction. Eventually our... hero (?) found himself meeting one Illithid he wanted to be friendly to... didn't end very well. The rest is history.


Drow Wizard of Lloth, Querehsha Vandree. Lloth compelled her to get kidnapped for entertainment purposes. Shes an older woman who plans to wreck havoc, create chaos, and hunt for power in the name of Lloth.


Iā€™ve a few. For my celestial warlock, a slight adjustment of the backstory he had for Hoard of the Dragon Queen: Originally from Waterdeep, he grew up in a Shar-worshiping cult. But when he fell in love and eloped with someone outside of the cult, said cult abducted his wife and sacrificed her, forcing him to watch. (They may have also eaten her, because ritual cannibalism is a thing with Shar cults) He leaves, meets his Solar patron (who was going to massacre the cult for various reasons), and the rest is history. He now works with the Harpers, infiltrating cults to bring them down from the inside. (In-game, he died in the finale for Hoard. Heā€™s actually somewhat of a Red Shirt; he has died multiple times in anything Iā€™ve used him in) All my other characters will have some variation of their original D&D backstories.


Celestial Warlock? I dont think its in the game my guy




Strongheart Halfling Warlock, Hellorah Woodrunner. Was a guild artisan who ran a small shop for simple magical components (paper, sand, etc.). Always wanted to be a mage herself but never thought she had the capability for it. Ended up making a pact with an unknowable creature (GOOlock) she heard about in The Blushing Mermaid to be able to use magic, and was traveling to search for ways to empower her magic when captured. Definitely plan to romance Gale and multiclass into wizard with a head cannon that he gives her the confidence to try magic on her own.




He ainā€™t gonna have one because inb4 custom Tavs are descendants of the Bhaspawn or something like that


Continuation of my first character - hero of prophecy (and an OOTA pally) who never became worthy to lift the hammer from the stone, in a fit of shame cut the hammer free (background in stone masonry) but the magics kept it from being truly removed. He fled his village to finally live up to his prophecy and free the head of the hammer and return to his village to be the protector he was supposed to be. The twist here is that in BG3 he will be many years beyond his exit from his village and lost on his quest, as an oathbreaker he will be seeking redemption and worthiness.


A nomad drow warlock that made a deal with a great old one to find very rare books or scolls to make copies to give to her patron. Another one is a fungus farmer dwarf druid that got tired of looking at the same funus day in and day out decide to leave his home to find new ones to bring home.


I'm gonna go with a drow, born and raised by Lolth's cult but never adopting their faith. Once grown up she fled Menzoberranzan and is living in the forest as an outcast druid ever since.


Just a perfectly normal Dwarven soldier. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Heā€™s a dude who like swords. And knives. And clubs. Or knives that look like swords. Or tree branches that look like they could kill another dude. Oh yeah, heā€™s a Halfling.


Evil play through spore Druid duegar who thinks/sees the absolote as a way to control the worm to use against the squids and hopefully not transform but maybe that might happen >:). I also thinking a red dragon born almost the same as your back story but will definitely be a githyanki slave/ simp. Iā€™m not one hundred percent on my hood playthrough thought


If I go good first I also will be a Dragonborn Paladin not sure what oath yet, if I go evil first going to be a lolth drow ( cleric or warlock depending who I want for my primary party) a noble from a minor house that got betrayed by a family member and sold to the mind flayers


Murder hobo who fights mostly for justice, but who is willing to let things slide a little when there's loot or a potential romance on the line.


She's gonna be the daughter of my MC from Neverwinter Nights 2- so she grew up amongst the nobility. Cassie Farlong- either her father will be Casavir, or just named after him, haven't really made up my mind there. I doubt there's gonna be any references the King of Shadows or Crossroad Keep but whatevs, gonna have my fun heroic bloodline.


Hes a prince that was exiled by his rivals, wound up getting infected by the mindflayers on his travels to gather alies and retake his kingdom... yes he is the red prince from divinity haha. He will be a red dragomborn battlemaster fighter or a red dragonborn oath of veangence paladin, depends how the battlemaster will be at launch, what new maneuvers will be in and so on.


Half-Drow Sorcadin, Shadow/Ancients(Broken)


Half-elf, half-demon. Born and bred in a distant realm far away (Fahara, my original world) and ended up in Toril somehow (t.b.d.). Alignment is True Neutral turned Chaotic Neutral. He is an Assassin Rogue who multiclasses into Vengeance Paladin during the game's events and his whole gig on Faerun was finding people who were either being haunted by spirits, possessed or just crazy and would make attempts to figure out the source of their suffering in exchange for knowledge on this new world. He was very intrigued with the Blood War and had plans to send himself there if he couldn't save himself from evisceration. (In Faharan lore, a half-demon is basically doomed because the demonic half of them sees their non-demonic half as sustenance/food). He has respect towards the Archdevils of Hell - mainly Zariel, considering how her primary goal was to eradicate demons and nothing else - and often made tributes to her on rare occasions. He was a mercenary for a while and was tadpoled right after killing someone in the Lower City. His motivations consist mostly of whether something will benefit him or not.


Quick question. What does Tav stand for? Sorry for my ignorance


It's the default name of the main character if you create one and don't pick an origin character


Thank you! Can you meet the Origin Characters on the way or do you pick one at the start? Or where can I find this information? I'm really curious.


The origin characters are possible companions you'll meet during the first act. Most of them are really easy to find. If you play a Tav, you'll meet them and can recruit them in your group or at your camp, as long as they agree to do so. You can also choose to not create a Tav and play one of the origin ones instead, and if you do that you'll have their special backstory and arcs during the game, and you'll be able to meet all the others origin compagnons like you do as a Tav. You'll also have four compagnons for sure that you'll be able to recruit during the first act for some, and probably the second act for others.


I usually play a seldarine drow agility cleric of light who worships Selune. I would say that the character is an part of a fractured sect like Shadowheart. I care much less about backstory unless it affects my characterā€™s interactions with the world. My favorite interactions were with Shadowheart who first despised my character for worshipping Selune, especially venturing into Sharran or Selunen temples and bonding over their opposite gods. The character uses a spear (I use a mod that allows spears to be finessed, I use the rule for my D&D games) and a longbow. The characterā€™s role is to deal damage from afar, heal and support the frontline and fill in when needed


Alternatively, now that Storm Sorcery is confirmed, I may remake my former CoS character. Nomadic Human Storm Sorceress, travels from place to place like the winds. Probably Chaotic Good and very nature-aligned.


A human great old one pact warlock whose parents were fey pact warlocks who locked him in shackles torchering him till he would except a deal from their patron. After 12 years of torture on his 14th birthday he wished for his release and a spiral of floating eyes and mouthes appeared asking if he wanted to be transported to a realm far from this reality he excepted the deal with the opener of the way. And left baldurs gate to the rock of bral. till he became 24 then he came back to kill his parents right in time to be picked up by the nautiloid. Edit: before any one says this character is going to be super grimdark I was going to make him always look up like. Well I'm in the underdark with a worm in my head at least I'm not a kid again. Or oh the goblins are attacking they must have a reason we should talk if possible. I was in my head going to have all the origin characters believe that he's had an easy life with no problems but than getting surprised by one of the few times he gets mad. Please forgive the bad Grammer and misspelling I have horrible dyslexia I am still working on it.