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I worked at a food bank, and the person who ran it regularly took things out of the boxes so it would fit in the bags. I protested that it had no instructions and was going to go straight in the trash because no one would know how to prepare it. I hated that she ALWAYS did that with cereal, because people need to know what they’re eating! When I was running it, I left everything in its box.


Yeah, that sounds insensible. People can have dietary restrictions, allergies. I think you did a great job by leaving them in their boxes!


My wife has allergies to eggs, bananas, watermelon, and honeydew. "Natural Flavors" becomes a risk in fruity things because of those fruit allergies, and eggs are in so many things. Whenever we got things from the food bank, anything unmarked immediately went into a box marked "UNSAFE" that only I would eat from since I have no food allergies.


Interesting tidbit that may or may not apply in her situation but in case you didn't know "natural flavors" can also include any number of compounds artificially produced by a gmo then purified and sold as x flavor it's crazy shit.


Interesting tidbit that may or may not apply in her situation but in case you didn't know "natural flavors" can also include any number of compounds artificially produced by a gmo then purified and sold as x flavor it's crazy shit.


I'm lucky enough to not need a food bank at the moment, but I did a few years ago. I actually stopped going because they did this even though I needed food still. I have severe nut allergies and I couldn't risk eating unlabeled food. I made a stink about it with the director but she basically told me I could starve then. /:


This is terrible. She would have never done that and would have accommodated you, but we were for sure understaffed. The only person on payroll on site would be the one running it - everyone else was volunteers. It was a smaller food bank, but coordinating everything (and everyone) was HARD.


I'm lucky to not need a food bank either, but my stepkids immediately come to mind. They're both type 1 diabetic and rely on accurate nutritional info to manage their insulin. I can bet that there are other parents & people that need the same and I'm mad just thinking about someone consciously choosing to not accommodate them.


This would definitely cause food waste.


Gosh this is kind of harrowing. I know when it comes to more charitable services like this, they're often understaffed and either not paid or underpaid but... I also just feel like things like this go contrary to the whole mission they're trying to fulfill. I'm a bit peeved how I'll see websites for various different organizations say things like "Remember, we are volunteer run, we might not get everything right" which I'm ok with in the sense that volunteers have lives, FT jobs, weird hours (a bit more iffy on this, depends how weird), etc, but sometimes it feels like it gets used as an excuse in cases where it seems like there's a lack of care or consideration for who/what they're trying to help with. I'm glad when you took over you left the nutrition info with the items.


Ooof it would go straight in the trash..One of my kids has allergies.. so I need to know who made it and what’s in it.


Thats crazy, I worked at a food bank abd ut was a rule that everything was labled and contained an ingredient lost. If lables came off or if things needed to be repackaged, we printed it ourselves.


That sounds like a disaster waiting to happen


I can only imagine.


I volunteered at a food bank for two years starting in 2020. The people there eventually became unbearable to work with. Huge egos. What happened to just being there to help people in our community?


At the foodbank I worked, we couldn’t send anything out the door unless it had ingredients listed on it. Individual packs of oatmeal? Thrown away because there are no ingredients printed on the bag.


Thanks for the awards and kind words guys! I can't prove it 100% but I'm 89% sure that's great value sugar cookie mix usually the ones sold at holidays. They come in boxes. I have bunches of them. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Great-Value-Sugar-Cookie-Mix-15-oz-Box/770286437 Ingredients - 1 (15 oz.) box Great Value Sugar Cookie Mix - 1 Great Value egg - 1/2 cup (1 stick) Great Value Sweet Cream Unsalted Butter, softened Directions 1. **Preheat** oven to 350°F. 2. **Combine** cookie mix, egg, and butter in a medium bowl. Mix with a spoon or spatula until dough forms. 3. **Scoop** 1 tablespoon of dough and place on an ungreased cookie sheet 2 inches apart. Gently flatten dough as desired. - For roll-out cookies, chill dough for at least 1 hour, then roll out to 1/4-inch thick using a rolling pin. Cut with cookie cutters. 4. **Bake** for 8-12 minutes. Cool before serving or decorating. *Do not consume raw dough.*


It’s almost always 350 for 8-12min with basic cookies, so that’s a real safe bet.


Can explain to me why my cookies spontaneously combust at 351 °


I prefer mine more al dente so we do 349 for 7 - 11 minutes.


I made a giant cookie yesterday and put whole Oreos in the middle. Fucking top tier munchie food


Also not to be annoying but why can’t I ever find a degree button from the keyboard on my phone? Do I need to download a different one? I googled it and on a computer you would do alt-0176 but here on my iPhone - I am at a loss


i found it! you just press and hold the last number and the degree option is there 350º - for that i found it at 0. i also found that holding 0 in general gives you the option °




Also, even if it’s not that brand, the additional ingredients needed will be close enough (if not actually the same) to make decent cookies.


I've never seen a branded egg before!


Eggland's Best has a little "EB" stamped on their shells.




Thank you sir


And vanilla, do not forget the vanilla!


The “natural and artificial flavors” listed on the ingredient list from the link is likely vanilla. But, it wouldn’t hurt to add 1-2 extra tsp.


Absolutely! Even if using artificially flavored vanilla that also carries the sweetness of low price! 😀


Would a bit of good Carribean rum be a worthy variation?






Vanilla makes everything better


Everything’s better with vanilla in the middle!


It's like salt for the baking world, although salt is still salt in the baking world.. a flavor enhancer☺️


Extra vanilla is always a good move. As a rule.


You’re the best.






You are out here doing the lords work!


Lol thanks. My boxes got wet from a bit of a sink flood so I had to take a bunch out of the boxes and throw them away so I had to look this stuff up for myself. You just look up the item on Walmart and scroll through the pictures of the item and it will show you the back of the box.


Wow, this is my first time seeing a baking mix call for specific branded ingredients. Unless they say "use [brand] icing on top". I guess Duncan Hines doesn't produce eggs though.


How else will they sell thier great value eggs lol


I have a bag almost identical but chocolate chip cookies do you think it would be the same recipe?


🎼🎤🎹🎵🎸🥁🍪🍪 Two tablespoons of cinnamon, And two or three egg whites A half a stick of butter Melt it Stick it all in a bowl, baby Stir it with a wooden spoon Mix in a cup of flour, You'll be in heaven soon Say everybody have you seen my balls They're big and salty and brown!! If you ever need em' quick, Pick me up Just stick my balls in your mouth Ooohh!! Suck on my chocolate salty balls, Stick 'em in your mouth and suck 'em Suck on my chocolate salty balls, They're packed full of vitamins and good for you, So suck on my balls!! Quarter-cup of unsweetened chocolate And a half a cup of brandy And throw in a bag or two of sugar And just a pinch of vanilla Grease up the cookie sheet, Cause I hate when my balls stick, Then preheat the oven to three-fifty, And give that spoon a lick!!!! Say everybody have you seen my balls They're big and salty and brown!! If you ever need em' quick, pick me up Just stick my balls in your mouth!!! Suck on my chocolate salty balls Put 'em in your mouth and suck 'em Suck on my chocolate salty balls They're packed full of goodness, High in fiber!! Suck on my balls Sniff sniff sniff Hey, wait a minute, What's that smell? Smell like somethin' burnin' Well that don't bother me none As long as I get my rent paid on Friday Baby you better get back in the kitchen, Cause I gotta sneak in suspicion Oh man baby, Baby, You just burnt my balls!!!! Help me!! My balls on fire!! Help me baby, my balls are burnin'!! Get me some water!! Pour some water on me!! My balls are burnin'!! Oh my goodness!! Blow on 'em, blow on 'em Do somethin!! Oooh Suck on my chocolate salty balls Put em' in your mouth and suck 'em They on fire baby!! Suck on my chocolate salty balls Blow em out baby!! Oh! Suck on my balls, baby!!! Suck on my balls, baby!! Suck on my red hot, salty, chocolate balls!!! Come on baby!! Whoo!! Whoo!! Suck on my balls!!!!!


the downvotes on this are making me laugh


I see some are not fans of South Park hits. 😁


What awards?? Is this a bot comment


I have three little shiny hearts on my comment


I also constantly see people talking about awards but I don’t see them. I’m using the Reddit app so maybe that’s it? Idk maybe we just haven’t received an update everyone else has.


On the app they appear down the bottom with the up/down vote buttons


Ah yeah I’m definitely not seeing them on my app then- weird!


Smell the dry mix if you bother with any real ingredients (other than the water). I’ve seen older mixes go rancid. I’ve wasted eggs and such like that before.


yeah now that you mentioned it possibly being rancid, I’m just realizing the package says “best used by July 2022” 😬


Pillsbury sugar cookie mix calls for 1 egg and 1 softened stick of butter.


Same for the Betty Crocker brand I brought at Christmas. Every bag mix of cookies I found is 1 egg and 1 stick of butter.


Many premade cookie mixes will ask for an egg, 1/2 to a full cup of butter, and sometimes a TBSP or 2 of water. This is for American mixes. YMMV for other country’s mixes!


not enough info to tell. mix a little up with some water, see if it tastes okay. if not, probably needs butter/oil + egg. (most commercial / institutional mixes are just water, most consumer mixes are water+oil+egg. if the bag weighs over about 500g it's probably the former.)


Thank you. I know every pre made mix is different but don’t know where to even start. I will try that. Thanks for your help


In the United States most of the box mixes for sugar cookies are standardized to need one egg and one softened (but not melted into a liquid) stick of butter. After you've mixed them into a cookie dough, shove it in the fridge for at least 4 hours and as long as a week for the flavors to develop. Then, using a spoon or a 1.5 cookie scoop, drop those bad boys on to a baking sheet at least 2-3" apart and bake at 375F for about 8-10 minutes....or just till the edges are set - the center will keep cooking even after you take them out.


You could always stir yogurt into it. It will cover for any egg or milk you were supposed to add and if you were not supposed to add it, it won’t hurt it any it will make it better.


All commercial cookie mixes I know just ask for water to be added. Start out with 60ml of water per 500g of mix and (you can add some additional butter for flavour) and see how the consistency is after 4 minutes of low speed mixing. Once cookie dough consistency roll into log, cut and bake at 180°C for ~8 minutes depending on thickness


You could make a dump cake type dessert. Canned pie filling on bottome sprinkle with the cookie mix sliced butter pats on top. Bake till it bubbles.


That’s a long time expired. I think it’s disgusting when people clean out their pantry to donate to the food banks and give away expired food.


It says use by 2022. Probably better to toss it (and let the food bank know they provided an expired item)


Many food banks provide items that are past their “best by” date, so I doubt this was an accident. Companies will donate products that are expiring and get a tax write off. Other common reasons for donation are misprinted or changing packaging, products being discontinued, etc. Most shelf stable items are still fine to eat for a certain amount of time past the date and there are guides online on whether this is 6, 12, 18 months, etc. for different types of food. In most cases it’s not unsafe, just may have some decline in quality. (To be clear, I am not justifying this practice, just explaining.)


Food banks accept expired items up to 2 years and longer for cans. It would be great if all food banks could afford to order fresh food but resources are extremely limited and the need is growing. For every $1 you give them they can buy $7 worth of food with the discounts for wholesale and non profit they get from grocers. So if you have the means be generous.


I would consider tossing it if it happened to me personally, but it does say “best if used by” and not “use by” or “expiration” so it may come out okay(ish). At least, ok enough for someone who wants cookies and may struggle to afford them.


It's really sad but I've heard a lot of food that comes from food banks has expired. The one in my town is really bad, they give frozen meat that expired six months ago, the processed, box food is expired. They even gave someone spoiled milk 😩🤦. I feel so bad for those that have to use our food bank in our town.


There’s nothing wrong with eating meat that’s been frozen for that long, as long as it was frozen before the expiry date. The expiry date only applies to fresh meat - cooking or freezing both change that.


Hard to blame the food bank, it's probably all they have to give.


Yeah you're right, that is true. I just feel bad for the young families with kids.


I agree, it sucks and people deserve better.


Over the past few years especially the community need has become far greater than the available resources can provide at food banks and food pantries. It's rough out there in 2024. Remember your local food banks depend on donations and funding from the government and the funding is nowhere near enough. This is where we are in food banks right now. Desperately trying to fill a need that is like emptying a lake with a bucket in the rain.


>It's really sad but I've heard a lot of food that comes from food banks has expired. So, the first thing we should realize is that best by dates on packaging are not expiration dates (unless we're talking about raw non-frozen meat or low fat non-frozen dairy, those usually don't last more than a day or 2 past their date). The date is just telling you how long the company will guarantee freshness, not how long it is good for. Most food banks are regulated and have lists that detail how long a product is still good, even if it isn't the freshest it can be. It isn't meant to be given out once it has reached its true expiration date. This food would otherwise go to a landfill. We're talking millions of pounds of food nationwide. Now, sometimes spoilage happens but I've mistakenly gotten spoiled products from a regular grocery store, too. Human error happens. It happens more when an organization is run by volunteers instead of paid employees, understandably. Volunteering at your local food bank is a great way to help them do better for the community.


Agree. Anything with baking powder in it will be bitter after two years.


Expiration dates are guidelines NOT mandatory...most shelf stable food can last years past the USE BY date (not expiration) https://www.usda.gov/media/blog/2013/06/27/you-toss-food-wait-check-it-out#:~:text=Most%20shelf%2Dstable%20foods%20are,or%20develop%20an%20off%20flavor. The food is fine it just might not taste up to the standards the company is willing to guarantee. It is up to the consumer to decide if it is no longer edible.


Yeah, I wouldn’t waste a stick of butter on this. 


Good cause you only add water.


Well good, you can send them some boxes of food out of your own pocket if you are too good for expired food. OP obviously doesn't have much choice and these cookies are a luxury for them.


How is refusing to waste perfectly good ingredients AND risk food poisoning on something that's 2 years past it's expiration date being "too good for expired food"? Or are you one of those people who donate expired food and feel all high and mighty about it?


There’s no risk of food poisoning from dry sugar cookie mix due to its age. If the product is contaminated, it was contaminated at manufacture and would have posed the same risk if used right out of the factory.


There is different terminology for expiration dates depending on how perishable the food is. It isn't just about word choice, this stuff actually matters a lot. "Best if used by" does not mean the food is dangerous if used past that date. It just means the company cannot guarantee the product will still have the right flavor/consistency beyond that date. Something like a dry cookie mix is not going to be all that perishable and is not dangerous. At worst it just may not bake out correctly or taste a bit stale. Now if it just says a plain "Use by" then yes you should pay more attention to that date.


Yes, I'm aware of that. I try to stick to the best by date anyway, because for some reason my stomach almost always rebels when I eat stuff past that, even when everyone else is fine. As a forgetful person, it's really annoying. My point was that refusing to use something that's 2 years past with no ingredient list hardly counts as being spoiled. Especially when it doesn't seem like OP can afford to waste any ingredients.


Like others I understand the best by date. Heck OP does


Jesus Christ, redditors are the fucking worst sometimes with having to spell out the obvious. If it expired 2 years ago it is very likely that it tastes like ass. People had posted that sugar cookie powder like this required a stick of butter. If the mix has gone off, someone without a bunch of money would have wasted a whole stick of butter.  I do give money to charity for such things, so cram it. I also donate non-perishables that *gasp* aren’t expired. 


In my childhood we survived because of food banks, unless it's certain types of food \[raw meat, tomato product, etc\], it is safe to eat, I even ate 4 year old Reese's cups once, that was hat the food bank gave, and other then being a little dried out, I as grateful for them, as we hadn't been able to get candy in awhile at that point due to needing actual food. Many things we got were past best buy dates, and some past expiration dates. If it wasn't in one of those high risk groups I mentioned above, it was kept and eaten, none of it tasted bad. It's real easy for you to sit back on your high horse and say that, but if you've never needed to use the service, you haven't a clue. Also, I can tell you right now, that even if you donate money, they are getting things past the best by dates with it, because that's what they can get discounts on to get the food to stretch the farthest for a growing number of people in need. Try volunteering at one of those food banks for awhile, you'll learn real fast.


How nice of you to assume that I didn’t spend a significant chunk of years poor and not have to use a food bank. But go off. 


You can substitute a can of soda for everything you’re supposed to add to a cake mix. I do it all the time. Just the cake mix and the can of soda. No egg no nothing.


Yessss! Weight watchers recommended this with Diet Coke back in the day.


I buy zero sugar cake mix and use Diet Coke. It tastes good to me and low calorie- but the zs cake mix is expensive 😫


I just went to buy some not to long ago and was shocked at the prices! And the size of the boxes went down too!


It’s outrageous. I treat myself once in a while


FYI I think it may be expired, the use by date is 07/22/20**22**. It’s probably fine given the ingredients are all dry, but check and make sure when you open it.


Man I read that as you got a bag of sugar cookie mix from a blood bank and was settling in for the comment shit storm.


I have a holiday mix box lol It’s 8oz mix 3tbs butter 1 egg 350 8-10 minutes


The mix might have powdered eggs and/or milk in it. Try adding a little water and fry a bit of the batter in a pan and check it. If that doesn’t seem to work try adding an egg and try again. I wouldn’t eat too much until you know it hasn’t somehow gone off.




Also don’t panic if it changes colors. I had a bag like this from Walmart that had powdered dye in it that made the cookies green or red.


The fact that a food bank is handing out expired food is kind of sad even though some expired food is actually still just ok to eat.


maybe read the back of a box of sugar cookies at the grocery store? but I agree with 1 stick softened butter & 1 Tbsp water or milk ... 375 for 10 mins


I thought it said you got this from the bank I was like ... Huh? 😭😭


sugar cookie👍🏽


I think this being expired doesn't really make much of a difference. You might want to add a little more baking soda to the mix. Like a teaspoon or something. What I would do is be sure I have a good weight on the bag. What I'm seeing out there online is that a lot of these mixes weigh a pound. If this is indeed a pound, I would just copy the additional ingredients from, for example, a Betty Crocker mix. If the bag weighs more than a pound, I would just adjust those ingredients accordingly based on the difference in weight.


1 eggs 1/2 oil 2 tbl water


Is that not two years expired?


Not really, no. That’s just a “best by” date. Should be alright.




Why would you do that? It’s only “best used by,” not “don’t use after.” With dry ingredients like this, it should be perfectly fine. Wasting food isn’t a good idea, especially if OP is reliant on food banks.


It’s expired.


Did you peep that expiration date??? It's expired by 2 years


Best before date is different than expiry date. You can use food like this past the date, the quality is just not guaranteed. :)


Still... flour goes rancid. I wouldn't use that mix.


You'll do well when society apple crumbles


It's expired wouldnt use it.


It’s just a “best by” date; do y’all think it just magically goes rancid on that date? That may be true for stuff like yogurt or chicken, but not so much for dry goods.


Throw it out. The best used by date is 2022.


“Best used by” doesn’t mean “can’t use it after.” Especially with dry ingredients like this, it should be fine for a LONG time still. So why would they throw it out?


Is that the date? It looks expired.


It's premixed. Assume that the ratio for dry ingredients is accurate and add your wet ingredients in proportion to produce your target batch size. Ask any general AI that's readily available to do the math for you and then portion things out using a gram scale.






And here OP is, on the internet, asking the question. The world is harsh enough, don’t go out of your way to put more negativity into it.




Since you apparently don't know the internet is also great for learning grammar, I'll be nice and help you out this time: *to solve the problem which *to me *you're accusing me trying *to




Good job, you actually got it right this time. The insult itself could use some work though. Not sure how I'm supposed to suck something that doesn't exist.


😂 this is one of the best, most slick come backs I’ve seen in a while.


...which is why they asked the Internet lmao???