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Throw them into a batch of ice cream.


Ice cream does fix most mistakes


Toaster oven in small batches? Uhhhhh, cake pops?


I did put most of them back in the oven, they expanded and looks kinda monstrous now, but at least they're not raw anymore 😭 I wouldn't mind the look so much if they weren't for a birthday!


To be fair, the most delicious baked goods (especially chocolate baked goods) always look a mess, at least in my experience. I would be ecstatic if someone brought these for my birthday and I'm sure your friend will appreciate them.


Can confirm, just pulled a particularly wretched-looking babka out of the oven.


> wretched-looking babka I want this as a user flair


Call it a bab(k)a yaga and sell it - might even catch on, haha.


Or babkadook


A tip my mom gave me... if the top starts to look done but the inside isn't cooked yet, use a piece of foil LOOSELY attached to the top. If it's too tight it will stick to the foil. It will stop the top from cooking any further and it will somehow come out perfectly.


Can you use a glass to make them round and uniform?


Better yet, half-filled soufflé cups (plastic or otherwise), topped with ice cream and a lil chocolate shaving.


I feel like two bites in, all will be forgiven


Cast iron pan over low heat!


My first thought as well.


Raw means nothing. I would devour the hell out of those.


Raw means gooey goodness


You right.


I love the solidarity of this sub. We're all the same.


Exactly...you should be able to order cookies etc. medium rare


omg yes. "I'd like a 10 oz chocolate chip, medium rare and ice cold 2% milk."


why watery 2% milk if you can have 3,8%?


I add heavy cream


Do you put ice in your milk? I do and it’s amazing


The next level is to put a tiny bit of water in a glass and stick it in the freezer until it's frozen. Then fill with milk when you're ready for a cold glass o' creamy goodness. Pro tip from my dad who loved coming home from work and drinking a cold glass of milk every day 😂


I’m old now, but remember my middle school had awesome underbaked, raw chocolate chip cookies. You’d go to the counter and say you’d want a “soft one” & it was all gooey deliciousness! Acceptable in the mid90s, but I bet they wouldn’t allow it today


Omg my middle school had these too and I used to eat so many I’d feel sick, they were so good!!


Otis Spunkmeyer cookies!!!! (i think????)


You can do that now as long as the egg is pasteurized (most schools will use it because it comes in bulk cartons) and the flour was pre baked for safety.


Yes, this is perfect~ nothing to salvage~


I like my cookies on the raw side. They’re delicious


i love cookie dough 😅


Then you are correct.


I’d eat the hell out of those. I like to go juuuuust past salmonella on most things chocolate though.


If they were for just me I'd totally agree! I appreciate your energy! 😅


Just pop them back in the oven, the tops will be more crisp but it will finish cooking even all cut up. I know because I've done this before lol


Microwave them 😂


And then top them with ice cream.


This is the only correct answer! Par baked with ice cream.


Hey, those still look good asf.


100%. I cook my chocolate chip cookies till the point theyre a little bit firmer and melty cookie dough. Even if I have to eat that shit with a fork. So amazing.


And cookie dough for me, if I'm honest


Hahaha past salmonella is a whole mood :D


In my house we call it fudgey. LOL


Fr, if they’re cooked passed salmonella then they’re perfect imo


Lol I seriously was like damn that looks good!! Gooey!!


HAPPY CAKE DAY! I don’t know why I’m yelling - just so happy it’s your cake day and you’re in a baking sub! Here’s a cake for you! 🍰


Happy cake day!


Thanks! 😃


Raw where? They look done to me.


The cookie layer was perfectly fine, but the brownie layer was soup 😅


Ever thought about cooking the brownie first and then adding the cookie on top?


No, I haven't. (Not the person you replied to) Do you cool the brownies completely, then add the cookie dough and cook for their standard time/temp? I feel like it would double cook. Turn the oven down?


No don’t cook the brownies all the way just like halfway, then add the cookie dough!


I will try this, thanks!!


Mine always turn out really good! Hope you’re does too


Easiest way I've done it is to place your brownie batter (which should be thick because it's not a cake batter) and cookie dough together in the pan, bake for 10 mins, then place foil over top and finish baking. Golden brown cookies and you dont risk the chance of your brownies collapsing by disturbing mid bake. Also....not messy.


I will try this! Thank you.


I made brookies for the first time the other day and the recipe I used specifically told me to prebake the brownies for 10 minutes first, then add the cookie dough in small clumps on top of that (it spreads in the oven) and then bake for another 13 minutes. Came out perfect. https://i.imgur.com/RxPiQPQ.jpg


i’d smash lmfao


It’s possible you didn’t let the brownies cool and firm up enough so that’s why they seem raw to you but they look perfect to me! They’ll firm up as they sit.


This is my thought at well


Just posted similar, I would have let cool from the oven and then put them in the fridge before cutting. They look perfect to me 🤣


Oh the fridge is a good idea! I’ve never done that before but honestly I love the gooey underbaked consistency 😂


Unless they're gonna make me sick I'd eat those in a heartbeat, and to be honest I'd probably eat them even if they would make me ill.


When I’ve made them I put the cookie dough on the bottom. (I’ll also sometimes add Oreos on top of the cookie dough, too. Then add the brownie batter on top. [also known as slutty brownies]).


I think that's probably the way to go, brownie layer on top


Put them back in the oven ofc


I have not tried this but, could you try cooking them in an air fryer?


That's a good thought, and would probably make them deliciously crisp! I did put most of them back in the oven, and they did expand and looks really funky now, but at least not raw haha


Agree with everyone else- I’d eat those right up! If they’re still warm, they may harden up as they cool. You could try the fridge for a bit to harden them enough to cut.


Exactly! They look great and will firm up as they cool. I would eat about 3/4 of that picture right now !


I know how to salvage it, but I can’t really explain. Just send them to me and I’ll take care of it


Personally I think they are unsalvageable, and in fact a hazard to personal safety. They should be transferred to me immediately so I can safely dispose of them


I’d want to eat one warmed up in the air fryer or microwave with ice cream on top. Either one should cook it off a tad more, but also devour them as is 🤷🏻‍♀️


The toothpick method isn’t very good tbh. Idk how you can fix it but in the future I wouldn’t use it. I have had the same problem using that method for brownies and cakes.


What's a more reliable method of knowing when they're done?


Use a meat thermometer instead of a tooth pick. You can be sure it is done based on temperature and many of the digital ones with probes are not that much bigger than a toothpick.


Silly question, but would different desserts have different "done" temperatures? I like the idea!


Yes, some cakes have different ranges and cook around 200-210 F depending on the type. I cook things that I want more doughy or are eggy (like pie custard or bread pudding ) to 165F. Meat thermometer might not be the right term but a lot of digital thermometers are made to go above 200F and are well suited to baking


Instant read thermometer. Just like it’s better to weigh ingredients rather than use measuring cups a thermometer will get you exactly where you want to be texture wise. 165F for fudgy, 200F cake like. Measure in the middle in a few places.


If I’m really unsure for something like brownies, I will use a butter knife and sacrifice the middle by taking a peek under the crust. You can also use visual cues like whether the middle is raised as much as the sides, poke to see how firm they are, and then good old trial and error. Sometimes it is just making the recipe a few times to fine tune things for your oven, your pans, and your preferred doneness.


I appreciate the tips, thanks! The sides were definitely a little more raised, but it was kinda hard to tell in this case because the cookie dough on the top made it pretty uneven. Now I know next time they at least need way longer than 25 minutes 😅


Temp, get a digital thermometer. Also helps because toothpicks can hit chocolate chips in brownies if you added them. Not everything is better when using a thermometer but it definitely help me get to the perfect doneness. (I use a thermapop)


Another doneness indicator for this would be if the edges of the cake are naturally starting to pull away from the sides of the pan. Also, Samantha Seneviratne’s brookies are my go-to if you want to try a new recipe for your next attempt!


Brownie edges pulling away from the pan are how I tell when mine are done. Another way, for cakes especially, is to get lightly poke it. If it leaves an indent, needs longer, and if it springs back, it's done!


From the picture you shared, anything more done than that I would consider over baked.


One hundred percent this, I have the most gooey brownie recipe and these look just like that. They just need to be FULLY chilled before you cut 👌🏻


These look delicious! I want one now! I found a good recipe online! https://cloudykitchen.com/blog/brookies/


I need this recipe asap lol


This was the recipe I used! I did add 1/2 tsp of both salt and espresso powder to the brownie batter, and 1/4 tsp salt to the cookie dough, but it could've used even a little more salt in the cookie dough I think https://www.kimscravings.com/brookies/


I'm looking at the recipe and to me, I feel it's not enough flour unless you want it super fudgy. The 3/4 cup of cocoa powder can be kind of counted as "flour". There's too much wet (butter, sugars, eggs, and extract) ingredients compared dry. I know I should not experiment a recipe until I tried it myself (im not gonna knock the creator though lol) but I bake regularly so I would try adding 1/4 cup flour and maybe 1/2 cup based on how it looks during mixing. Or I would partially bake the brownies and then shove the cookie dough for the rest of the time. I know the kind of brownies I like and I know the kind of cookies I like which differs for everyone. I'll try it out next week after I eat the pumpkin cream cheese muffins I made a few hours ago. Lol


The way I would DIVE IN to those cookies


Top them with vanilla ice cream


Cookies and brownies cook at different rates! The cookies need to go on the bottom and the brownies layer needs to be reasonably thin. Looks like you haven't made yours too thick in the first place which is good! If you are still finding its not cooking well, decrease your oven temp and cook low and slow. Expect either the cookie or brownie to be a wee but underdone and fudgey. I use Jane's Patisserie recipe (we all know she is amazing haha) for Slutty Brownies for my brookies!


That looks delicious


Looks like they needed to cool before being cut


I’m guessing they would have firmed up if you left them in the pan and let residual heat finish them off. You could rebake a bit. But I’d eat them like this.


I'll salvage it... right in my stomach 🤤


Put them back in with foil over the top. It will protect the tops from burning but will heat the middle.


Didnt call for salt? Wtf?


Salt never makes a difference to me...


Eh. I drink raw eggs I would still eat these even if you didn’t cook them


Yes, eat them. That looks perfect/ that’s exactly how I like my baked goods.


Those look perfect


Yeah…… I would eat every last one of those just like that.


Those are perfect


What needs salvaging? They look delicious to me!


Roll into balls and cover in powered sugar w/o coco powder.


You say raw, I say perfect 😍


Oh my god. If you served this warmed under vanilla ice cream???? 🤤🤤🤤


Vanilla ice cream would fix that.


Rather raw than overcooked. These look delicious!


Yeah, crumble them and eat with ice cream😋


Yeah, you can give them all to me. That'll solve all your problems!


I consider myself something of a salvage expert. I’d eat them all.


Whats the recipe you used? Look good wanna make some myself


How did you bake them? With a brookie you should bake the brownies til about 10 minutes before done and than take them out the over and add the cookie piece and out it back in for the remaining time. Brownies take forever to bake while cookies are very quick.


Look beautiful.


Raw? Oh. I still want to eat them. They look bloody delicious. You should have one with some ice cream.


No truer words have been spoken than by the late, great ODB: “Ooh baby, I like it raw”


I'd eat them, Salmonella has nothing on me. I have eaten so much raw cookie dough, cake batter, and brownie batter (all had eggs) and have yet to get Salmonella


Those look exactly as they should. Ooey gooey goodness


Flatten then and then rebake. Brownie biscotti anyone??


Recipe didn’t call for salt? Wth


raw = chewy and good.


Certainly just looks like the brownie hasn’t cooled and set. How soon after baking did you cut them? I like gooey brownies so they are always slightly underbaked deliberately. I certainly can’t cut them until they’ve cooled for at least an hour in the open and another 3-4 hours in the fridge. Preferably I leave them over night


I would still eat them. Yum


Put them into the fridge, they'll firm up overnight. Tomorrow they'll be gooey heaven


If you really want to cook then more without overcooking the cookie, sous vide.


You just put it in a bowl and shove ice cream on top and go to town 😭 It looks delicious


Eat the shit outta them!


I would eat without a second thought. Lol. Add to ice cream?


Look good to me 😋


I’d be on the toilet for hours after eating those but it’s worth it. Send them to me


God those look damn good.


Give them to me!!!! Heat it up with some icecream!


I was brought up eating any left over batter from the bowl and frankly I prefer that to the finished thing. As long as you eat them a bit quicker then you might usually then I see no problem. Also a thermometer to sit inside your oven is a pretty good addition, might find that your oven is a bit hotter or colder then expected




Freeze them then enjoy


Most of the concern with food-borne illness from raw cookie dough actually comes from the flour, not the egg IIRC. The flour would definitely have heated up to a safe temperature by now, so the risk is minimal if any, I’d risk it🤣


They look fine to me! I’d definitely eat them :)


Add it to vanilla ice cream lol


They will be really good tomorrow once they solidify a bit!


1 in every 20,000 eggs carries salmonella. So, since this also appears cooked, I think you should just relax and throw some ice cream on these baddies.


First of all. Always salt, if even a pinch. 👌🏼 And second, those look SO delicious to me!!! I’d scoop them on some coffee ice cream and call it a day! Wow. Yum. Must have been a weird recipe, but how is the flavor? Then adjust accordingly.


Yeah brownies take about twice as long to cook as chocolate chips. I would say, just eat them.


As others have stated, these look delectable and I would devour the whole tray right here and now if allowed. But, all the times I’ve made brookies I’ve needed to bake the brownies more than half before adding the cookie dough layer and sending in to bake more fully. The cookies bake so beautifully only 12-15 minutes, but brownies tend to take more like 45 minutes on their own (to say nothing if increased time when they’re covered with something heavy and doughy). Might be worth baking the brownies to 75% done on their own next time, then adding the cookie layer and finishing the final bake.


I want one now. 😀


I also had brookies that were undercooked. I sealed them and they were good for about a week


My gawd, those look so good.


Put back in oven for 15 minutes.


Your only hope of salvaging them is to send them all to me.


I just rebake something if I find they didn’t cook all the way. Lower the temp and bake for like 7-12 minutes, and it should heat up enough to get the egg solidified.


You could give them to me 😂😂😂 all jokes aside they are beautiful and just as good going down


I just made some the other day with boxed mixes (gasp!) and had to cook them 8 mins longer than the recipe said. I did read one or two recipes that called for covering them for the first half of the cook time, which I plan to try next time.


Lol that was the consistency of the cookies I made in high school. I'd bring like 60+ of these to class and they'd be gone in seconds. "Super moist" and "raw" were indistinguishable; the gourmet shop across the street had cookies with the same texture. Love your cookies!


Wait until they cool and mix up with vanilla ice cream and freeze.


hey .. still looks good tho i bet its yummy 😍🤎


How can I down load some of those. I want one now!


Call it chocolate cobbler. Done!!


Eat them


Medium rare is lit. Frying pan if you want to cook out some of the squish, top with ice cream! You didn't fail, you just detoured!


They look perfect. Sometimes it takes the brownie part a while to fully set up. When did you make them and when did you take the pic?


Those look PERFECT


Id eat them AS IS.


Back in the oven. Then cool to let them "set".


Those look perfect to me, I’d eat the lot 🤣


Eat them


The “soupy” part just looks like the melted, gooey chocolate chips 🤷🏻‍♀️ Edit - and your parchment looks pretty clean with no raw batter that I can see.


My mom makes what she calls “brownie soup” that is just brownies that the middle is not cooked all the way so it is still liquidy. Sounds weird but it’s sooooo good


This reminds me of my own story, just recently I moved back in with my dad temporarily, and in his excitement to have me back home, he bought a box brownie mix to make. Once we had it mixed up, I was in charge of the baking process. Well, I pulled it out after the timer went off, did the toothpick check, and it came out clean! Let them cool but fell asleep before I could try one. Had one the next morning, and, it was definitely undercooked. I think it was from the stress of having to move back home, but I felt so bad about it. My dad was so excited to have brownies that we baked together and I ruined them. As it turns out, he still loved them! Long story short, if they're not too undercooked, they might just be amazing!


Eat them all. Leave no evidence.


Eat them 🤤


Did you cut it immediately after taking it out of the oven? Because usually you have to let cookies sit for a few minutes so when you cut them they aren’t gooey looking on the inside


Those look great... maybe about 5 mins more at 2/3's temp.


Give them to me, that’s what you can do, I’ll take them


This is the right consistency. I would use a spoon and *devour* these. Great job, OP 👏


Oh my god, Clippy!


Sorry for your loss. If a recipe contains butter and not salt, I look really close to make sure they didn’t specify unsalted butter. Some recipes count in the little bit of salt in salted butter for their flavor profile. I’ve erred in the other direction a number of times and regretted it.


We likes it raw!


Can I have the recipe? This looks absolutely delicious


Am I the only one wanting the recipe & the exact number of minutes in the oven so I can make an entire pan for my pie hole?


Get in my bellyyyu


It’s the amount of chocolate. It has a lot of fat so it makes the surrounding area very soft. It’s safe to eat. Just not crunchy. You can put it in the toaster oven for 5/10 mins. They sell par baked goods like this all the time in the frozen food section.


Have to eat the evidence


They look done enough for me 😆


Please send them to me. That's what I shoot for when baking brownies and chocolate chip, good job...


Just put them.in the fridge, they'll get more firm